org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
* Use of this file is governed by the BSD-3-Clause license that
* can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package org.antlr.v4.runtime;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNDeserializationOptions;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNDeserializer;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNSimulator;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ParseInfo;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ParserATNSimulator;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ProfilingATNSimulator;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleTransition;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntegerStack;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntervalSet;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Nullable;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNodeImpl;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeWalker;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNodeImpl;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePattern;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePatternMatcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
/** This is all the parsing support code essentially; most of it is error recovery stuff. */
public abstract class Parser extends Recognizer {
public class TraceListener implements ParseTreeListener {
public void enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) {
System.out.println("enter " + getRuleNames()[ctx.getRuleIndex()] +
", LT(1)=" + _input.LT(1).getText());
public void exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) {
System.out.println("exit "+getRuleNames()[ctx.getRuleIndex()]+
", LT(1)="+_input.LT(1).getText());
public void visitErrorNode(ErrorNode node) {
public void visitTerminal(TerminalNode node) {
ParserRuleContext parent = (ParserRuleContext)node.getParent().getRuleContext();
Token token = node.getSymbol();
System.out.println("consume "+token+" rule "+
public static class TrimToSizeListener implements ParseTreeListener {
public static final TrimToSizeListener INSTANCE = new TrimToSizeListener();
public void visitTerminal(TerminalNode node) {
public void visitErrorNode(ErrorNode node) {
public void enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) {
public void exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) {
if (ctx.children instanceof ArrayList) {
* This field maps from the serialized ATN string to the deserialized {@link ATN} with
* bypass alternatives.
* @see ATNDeserializationOptions#isGenerateRuleBypassTransitions()
private static final Map bypassAltsAtnCache =
new WeakHashMap();
* The error handling strategy for the parser. The default value is a new
* instance of {@link DefaultErrorStrategy}.
* @see #getErrorHandler
* @see #setErrorHandler
protected ANTLRErrorStrategy _errHandler = new DefaultErrorStrategy();
* The input stream.
* @see #getInputStream
* @see #setInputStream
protected TokenStream _input;
protected final IntegerStack _precedenceStack;
_precedenceStack = new IntegerStack();
* The {@link ParserRuleContext} object for the currently executing rule.
* This is always non-null during the parsing process.
protected ParserRuleContext _ctx;
* Specifies whether or not the parser should construct a parse tree during
* the parsing process. The default value is {@code true}.
* @see #getBuildParseTree
* @see #setBuildParseTree
protected boolean _buildParseTrees = true;
* When {@link #setTrace}{@code (true)} is called, a reference to the
* {@link TraceListener} is stored here so it can be easily removed in a
* later call to {@link #setTrace}{@code (false)}. The listener itself is
* implemented as a parser listener so this field is not directly used by
* other parser methods.
private TraceListener _tracer;
* The list of {@link ParseTreeListener} listeners registered to receive
* events during the parse.
* @see #addParseListener
protected List _parseListeners;
* The number of syntax errors reported during parsing. This value is
* incremented each time {@link #notifyErrorListeners} is called.
protected int _syntaxErrors;
/** Indicates parser has match()ed EOF token. See {@link #exitRule()}. */
protected boolean matchedEOF;
public Parser(TokenStream input) {
/** reset the parser's state */
public void reset() {
if ( getInputStream()!=null ) getInputStream().seek(0);
_ctx = null;
_syntaxErrors = 0;
matchedEOF = false;
ATNSimulator interpreter = getInterpreter();
if (interpreter != null) {
* Match current input symbol against {@code ttype}. If the symbol type
* matches, {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#reportMatch} and {@link #consume} are
* called to complete the match process.
* If the symbol type does not match,
* {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#recoverInline} is called on the current error
* strategy to attempt recovery. If {@link #getBuildParseTree} is
* {@code true} and the token index of the symbol returned by
* {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#recoverInline} is -1, the symbol is added to
* the parse tree by calling {@link #createErrorNode(ParserRuleContext, Token)} then
* {@link ParserRuleContext#addErrorNode(ErrorNode)}.
* @param ttype the token type to match
* @return the matched symbol
* @throws RecognitionException if the current input symbol did not match
* {@code ttype} and the error strategy could not recover from the
* mismatched symbol
public Token match(int ttype) throws RecognitionException {
Token t = getCurrentToken();
if ( t.getType()==ttype ) {
if ( ttype==Token.EOF ) {
matchedEOF = true;
else {
t = _errHandler.recoverInline(this);
if ( _buildParseTrees && t.getTokenIndex()==-1 ) {
// we must have conjured up a new token during single token insertion
// if it's not the current symbol
return t;
* Match current input symbol as a wildcard. If the symbol type matches
* (i.e. has a value greater than 0), {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#reportMatch}
* and {@link #consume} are called to complete the match process.
* If the symbol type does not match,
* {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#recoverInline} is called on the current error
* strategy to attempt recovery. If {@link #getBuildParseTree} is
* {@code true} and the token index of the symbol returned by
* {@link ANTLRErrorStrategy#recoverInline} is -1, the symbol is added to
* the parse tree by calling {@link Parser#createErrorNode(ParserRuleContext, Token)}. then
* {@link ParserRuleContext#addErrorNode(ErrorNode)}
* @return the matched symbol
* @throws RecognitionException if the current input symbol did not match
* a wildcard and the error strategy could not recover from the mismatched
* symbol
public Token matchWildcard() throws RecognitionException {
Token t = getCurrentToken();
if (t.getType() > 0) {
else {
t = _errHandler.recoverInline(this);
if (_buildParseTrees && t.getTokenIndex() == -1) {
// we must have conjured up a new token during single token insertion
// if it's not the current symbol
return t;
* Track the {@link ParserRuleContext} objects during the parse and hook
* them up using the {@link ParserRuleContext#children} list so that it
* forms a parse tree. The {@link ParserRuleContext} returned from the start
* rule represents the root of the parse tree.
* Note that if we are not building parse trees, rule contexts only point
* upwards. When a rule exits, it returns the context but that gets garbage
* collected if nobody holds a reference. It points upwards but nobody
* points at it.
* When we build parse trees, we are adding all of these contexts to
* {@link ParserRuleContext#children} list. Contexts are then not candidates
* for garbage collection.
public void setBuildParseTree(boolean buildParseTrees) {
this._buildParseTrees = buildParseTrees;
* Gets whether or not a complete parse tree will be constructed while
* parsing. This property is {@code true} for a newly constructed parser.
* @return {@code true} if a complete parse tree will be constructed while
* parsing, otherwise {@code false}
public boolean getBuildParseTree() {
return _buildParseTrees;
* Trim the internal lists of the parse tree during parsing to conserve memory.
* This property is set to {@code false} by default for a newly constructed parser.
* @param trimParseTrees {@code true} to trim the capacity of the {@link ParserRuleContext#children}
* list to its size after a rule is parsed.
public void setTrimParseTree(boolean trimParseTrees) {
if (trimParseTrees) {
if (getTrimParseTree()) {
else {
* @return {@code true} if the {@link ParserRuleContext#children} list is trimmed
* using the default {@link Parser.TrimToSizeListener} during the parse process.
public boolean getTrimParseTree() {
return getParseListeners().contains(TrimToSizeListener.INSTANCE);
public List getParseListeners() {
List listeners = _parseListeners;
if (listeners == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return listeners;
* Registers {@code listener} to receive events during the parsing process.
* To support output-preserving grammar transformations (including but not
* limited to left-recursion removal, automated left-factoring, and
* optimized code generation), calls to listener methods during the parse
* may differ substantially from calls made by
* {@link ParseTreeWalker#DEFAULT} used after the parse is complete. In
* particular, rule entry and exit events may occur in a different order
* during the parse than after the parser. In addition, calls to certain
* rule entry methods may be omitted.
* With the following specific exceptions, calls to listener events are
* deterministic, i.e. for identical input the calls to listener
* methods will be the same.
* - Alterations to the grammar used to generate code may change the
* behavior of the listener calls.
* - Alterations to the command line options passed to ANTLR 4 when
* generating the parser may change the behavior of the listener calls.
* - Changing the version of the ANTLR Tool used to generate the parser
* may change the behavior of the listener calls.
* @param listener the listener to add
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code} listener is {@code null}
public void addParseListener(@NotNull ParseTreeListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("listener");
if (_parseListeners == null) {
_parseListeners = new ArrayList();
* Remove {@code listener} from the list of parse listeners.
* If {@code listener} is {@code null} or has not been added as a parse
* listener, this method does nothing.
* @see #addParseListener
* @param listener the listener to remove
public void removeParseListener(ParseTreeListener listener) {
if (_parseListeners != null) {
if (_parseListeners.remove(listener)) {
if (_parseListeners.isEmpty()) {
_parseListeners = null;
* Remove all parse listeners.
* @see #addParseListener
public void removeParseListeners() {
_parseListeners = null;
* Notify any parse listeners of an enter rule event.
* @see #addParseListener
protected void triggerEnterRuleEvent() {
for (ParseTreeListener listener : _parseListeners) {
* Notify any parse listeners of an exit rule event.
* @see #addParseListener
protected void triggerExitRuleEvent() {
// reverse order walk of listeners
for (int i = _parseListeners.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
ParseTreeListener listener = _parseListeners.get(i);
* Gets the number of syntax errors reported during parsing. This value is
* incremented each time {@link #notifyErrorListeners} is called.
* @see #notifyErrorListeners
public int getNumberOfSyntaxErrors() {
return _syntaxErrors;
public TokenFactory getTokenFactory() {
return _input.getTokenSource().getTokenFactory();
* The ATN with bypass alternatives is expensive to create so we create it
* lazily.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the current parser does not
* implement the {@link #getSerializedATN()} method.
public ATN getATNWithBypassAlts() {
String serializedAtn = getSerializedATN();
if (serializedAtn == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The current parser does not support an ATN with bypass alternatives.");
synchronized (bypassAltsAtnCache) {
ATN result = bypassAltsAtnCache.get(serializedAtn);
if (result == null) {
ATNDeserializationOptions deserializationOptions = new ATNDeserializationOptions();
result = new ATNDeserializer(deserializationOptions).deserialize(serializedAtn.toCharArray());
bypassAltsAtnCache.put(serializedAtn, result);
return result;
* The preferred method of getting a tree pattern. For example, here's a
* sample use:
* ParseTree t = parser.expr();
* ParseTreePattern p = parser.compileParseTreePattern("<ID>+0", MyParser.RULE_expr);
* ParseTreeMatch m = p.match(t);
* String id = m.get("ID");
public ParseTreePattern compileParseTreePattern(String pattern, int patternRuleIndex) {
if ( getInputStream()!=null ) {
TokenSource tokenSource = getInputStream().getTokenSource();
if ( tokenSource instanceof Lexer ) {
Lexer lexer = (Lexer)tokenSource;
return compileParseTreePattern(pattern, patternRuleIndex, lexer);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Parser can't discover a lexer to use");
* The same as {@link #compileParseTreePattern(String, int)} but specify a
* {@link Lexer} rather than trying to deduce it from this parser.
public ParseTreePattern compileParseTreePattern(String pattern, int patternRuleIndex,
Lexer lexer)
ParseTreePatternMatcher m = new ParseTreePatternMatcher(lexer, this);
return m.compile(pattern, patternRuleIndex);
public ANTLRErrorStrategy getErrorHandler() {
return _errHandler;
public void setErrorHandler(@NotNull ANTLRErrorStrategy handler) {
this._errHandler = handler;
public TokenStream getInputStream() {
return _input;
/** Set the token stream and reset the parser. */
public void setInputStream(TokenStream input) {
this._input = null;
this._input = input;
/** Match needs to return the current input symbol, which gets put
* into the label for the associated token ref; e.g., x=ID.
public Token getCurrentToken() {
return _input.LT(1);
public final void notifyErrorListeners(@NotNull String msg) {
notifyErrorListeners(getCurrentToken(), msg, null);
public void notifyErrorListeners(@NotNull Token offendingToken, @NotNull String msg,
@Nullable RecognitionException e)
int line = -1;
int charPositionInLine = -1;
if (offendingToken != null) {
line = offendingToken.getLine();
charPositionInLine = offendingToken.getCharPositionInLine();
ANTLRErrorListener super Token> listener = getErrorListenerDispatch();
listener.syntaxError(this, offendingToken, line, charPositionInLine, msg, e);
* Consume and return the {@linkplain #getCurrentToken current symbol}.
* E.g., given the following input with {@code A} being the current
* lookahead symbol, this function moves the cursor to {@code B} and returns
* {@code A}.
* A B
* ^
* If the parser is not in error recovery mode, the consumed symbol is added
* to the parse tree using {@link ParserRuleContext#addChild(TerminalNode)}, and
* {@link ParseTreeListener#visitTerminal} is called on any parse listeners.
* If the parser is in error recovery mode, the consumed symbol is
* added to the parse tree using {@link #createErrorNode(ParserRuleContext, Token)} then
* {@link ParserRuleContext#addErrorNode(ErrorNode)} and
* {@link ParseTreeListener#visitErrorNode} is called on any parse
* listeners.
public Token consume() {
Token o = getCurrentToken();
if (o.getType() != EOF) {
boolean hasListener = _parseListeners != null && !_parseListeners.isEmpty();
if (_buildParseTrees || hasListener) {
if ( _errHandler.inErrorRecoveryMode(this) ) {
ErrorNode node = _ctx.addErrorNode(createErrorNode(_ctx,o));
if (_parseListeners != null) {
for (ParseTreeListener listener : _parseListeners) {
else {
TerminalNode node = createTerminalNode(_ctx, o);
if (_parseListeners != null) {
for (ParseTreeListener listener : _parseListeners) {
return o;
/** How to create a token leaf node associated with a parent.
* Typically, the terminal node to create is not a function of the parent.
* @since 4.7
public TerminalNode createTerminalNode(ParserRuleContext parent, Token t) {
TerminalNodeImpl node = new TerminalNodeImpl(t);
return node;
/** How to create an error node, given a token, associated with a parent.
* Typically, the error node to create is not a function of the parent.
* @since 4.7
public ErrorNode createErrorNode(ParserRuleContext parent, Token t) {
ErrorNodeImpl node = new ErrorNodeImpl(t);
return node;
protected void addContextToParseTree() {
ParserRuleContext parent = (ParserRuleContext)_ctx.parent;
// add current context to parent if we have a parent
if ( parent!=null ) {
* Always called by generated parsers upon entry to a rule. Access field
* {@link #_ctx} get the current context.
public void enterRule(@NotNull ParserRuleContext localctx, int state, int ruleIndex) {
_ctx = localctx;
_ctx.start = _input.LT(1);
if (_buildParseTrees) addContextToParseTree();
if ( _parseListeners != null) triggerEnterRuleEvent();
public void enterLeftFactoredRule(ParserRuleContext localctx, int state, int ruleIndex) {
if (_buildParseTrees) {
ParserRuleContext factoredContext = (ParserRuleContext)_ctx.getChild(_ctx.getChildCount() - 1);
factoredContext.parent = localctx;
_ctx = localctx;
_ctx.start = _input.LT(1);
if (_buildParseTrees) {
if (_parseListeners != null) {
public void exitRule() {
if ( matchedEOF ) {
// if we have matched EOF, it cannot consume past EOF so we use LT(1) here
_ctx.stop = _input.LT(1); // LT(1) will be end of file
else {
_ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); // stop node is what we just matched
// trigger event on _ctx, before it reverts to parent
if ( _parseListeners != null) triggerExitRuleEvent();
_ctx = (ParserRuleContext)_ctx.parent;
public void enterOuterAlt(ParserRuleContext localctx, int altNum) {
// if we have new localctx, make sure we replace existing ctx
// that is previous child of parse tree
if ( _buildParseTrees && _ctx != localctx ) {
ParserRuleContext parent = (ParserRuleContext)_ctx.parent;
if ( parent!=null ) {
_ctx = localctx;
* Get the precedence level for the top-most precedence rule.
* @return The precedence level for the top-most precedence rule, or -1 if
* the parser context is not nested within a precedence rule.
public final int getPrecedence() {
if (_precedenceStack.isEmpty()) {
return -1;
return _precedenceStack.peek();
* @deprecated Use
* {@link #enterRecursionRule(ParserRuleContext, int, int, int)} instead.
public void enterRecursionRule(ParserRuleContext localctx, int ruleIndex) {
enterRecursionRule(localctx, getATN().ruleToStartState[ruleIndex].stateNumber, ruleIndex, 0);
public void enterRecursionRule(ParserRuleContext localctx, int state, int ruleIndex, int precedence) {
_ctx = localctx;
_ctx.start = _input.LT(1);
if (_parseListeners != null) {
triggerEnterRuleEvent(); // simulates rule entry for left-recursive rules
/** Like {@link #enterRule} but for recursive rules.
* Make the current context the child of the incoming localctx.
public void pushNewRecursionContext(ParserRuleContext localctx, int state, int ruleIndex) {
ParserRuleContext previous = _ctx;
previous.parent = localctx;
previous.invokingState = state;
previous.stop = _input.LT(-1);
_ctx = localctx;
_ctx.start = previous.start;
if (_buildParseTrees) {
if ( _parseListeners != null ) {
triggerEnterRuleEvent(); // simulates rule entry for left-recursive rules
public void unrollRecursionContexts(ParserRuleContext _parentctx) {
_ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1);
ParserRuleContext retctx = _ctx; // save current ctx (return value)
// unroll so _ctx is as it was before call to recursive method
if ( _parseListeners != null ) {
while ( _ctx != _parentctx ) {
_ctx = (ParserRuleContext)_ctx.parent;
else {
_ctx = _parentctx;
// hook into tree
retctx.parent = _parentctx;
if (_buildParseTrees && _parentctx != null) {
// add return ctx into invoking rule's tree
public ParserRuleContext getInvokingContext(int ruleIndex) {
ParserRuleContext p = _ctx;
while ( p!=null ) {
if ( p.getRuleIndex() == ruleIndex ) return p;
p = (ParserRuleContext)p.parent;
return null;
public ParserRuleContext getContext() {
return _ctx;
public void setContext(ParserRuleContext ctx) {
_ctx = ctx;
public boolean precpred(@Nullable RuleContext localctx, int precedence) {
return precedence >= _precedenceStack.peek();
public ParserErrorListener getErrorListenerDispatch() {
return new ProxyParserErrorListener(getErrorListeners());
public boolean inContext(String context) {
// TODO: useful in parser?
return false;
* Checks whether or not {@code symbol} can follow the current state in the
* ATN. The behavior of this method is equivalent to the following, but is
* implemented such that the complete context-sensitive follow set does not
* need to be explicitly constructed.
* return getExpectedTokens().contains(symbol);
* @param symbol the symbol type to check
* @return {@code true} if {@code symbol} can follow the current state in
* the ATN, otherwise {@code false}.
public boolean isExpectedToken(int symbol) {
// return getInterpreter().atn.nextTokens(_ctx);
ATN atn = getInterpreter().atn;
ParserRuleContext ctx = _ctx;
ATNState s = atn.states.get(getState());
IntervalSet following = atn.nextTokens(s);
if (following.contains(symbol)) {
return true;
// System.out.println("following "+s+"="+following);
if ( !following.contains(Token.EPSILON) ) return false;
while ( ctx!=null && ctx.invokingState>=0 && following.contains(Token.EPSILON) ) {
ATNState invokingState = atn.states.get(ctx.invokingState);
RuleTransition rt = (RuleTransition)invokingState.transition(0);
following = atn.nextTokens(rt.followState);
if (following.contains(symbol)) {
return true;
ctx = (ParserRuleContext)ctx.parent;
if ( following.contains(Token.EPSILON) && symbol == Token.EOF ) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isMatchedEOF() {
return matchedEOF;
* Computes the set of input symbols which could follow the current parser
* state and context, as given by {@link #getState} and {@link #getContext},
* respectively.
* @see ATN#getExpectedTokens(int, RuleContext)
public IntervalSet getExpectedTokens() {
return getATN().getExpectedTokens(getState(), getContext());
public IntervalSet getExpectedTokensWithinCurrentRule() {
ATN atn = getInterpreter().atn;
ATNState s = atn.states.get(getState());
return atn.nextTokens(s);
/** Get a rule's index (i.e., {@code RULE_ruleName} field) or -1 if not found. */
public int getRuleIndex(String ruleName) {
Integer ruleIndex = getRuleIndexMap().get(ruleName);
if ( ruleIndex!=null ) return ruleIndex;
return -1;
public ParserRuleContext getRuleContext() { return _ctx; }
/** Return List<String> of the rule names in your parser instance
* leading up to a call to the current rule. You could override if
* you want more details such as the file/line info of where
* in the ATN a rule is invoked.
* This is very useful for error messages.
public List getRuleInvocationStack() {
return getRuleInvocationStack(_ctx);
public List getRuleInvocationStack(RuleContext p) {
String[] ruleNames = getRuleNames();
List stack = new ArrayList();
while ( p!=null ) {
// compute what follows who invoked us
int ruleIndex = p.getRuleIndex();
if ( ruleIndex<0 ) stack.add("n/a");
else stack.add(ruleNames[ruleIndex]);
p = p.parent;
return stack;
/** For debugging and other purposes. */
public List getDFAStrings() {
List s = new ArrayList();
for (int d = 0; d < _interp.atn.decisionToDFA.length; d++) {
DFA dfa = _interp.atn.decisionToDFA[d];
s.add( dfa.toString(getVocabulary(), getRuleNames()) );
return s;
/** For debugging and other purposes. */
public void dumpDFA() {
boolean seenOne = false;
for (int d = 0; d < _interp.atn.decisionToDFA.length; d++) {
DFA dfa = _interp.atn.decisionToDFA[d];
if ( !dfa.isEmpty() ) {
if ( seenOne ) System.out.println();
System.out.println("Decision " + dfa.decision + ":");
System.out.print(dfa.toString(getVocabulary(), getRuleNames()));
seenOne = true;
public String getSourceName() {
return _input.getSourceName();
public ParseInfo getParseInfo() {
ParserATNSimulator interp = getInterpreter();
if (interp instanceof ProfilingATNSimulator) {
return new ParseInfo((ProfilingATNSimulator)interp);
return null;
* @since 4.3
public void setProfile(boolean profile) {
ParserATNSimulator interp = getInterpreter();
if ( profile ) {
if (!(interp instanceof ProfilingATNSimulator)) {
setInterpreter(new ProfilingATNSimulator(this));
else if (interp instanceof ProfilingATNSimulator) {
setInterpreter(new ParserATNSimulator(this, getATN()));
/** During a parse is sometimes useful to listen in on the rule entry and exit
* events as well as token matches. This is for quick and dirty debugging.
public void setTrace(boolean trace) {
if ( !trace ) {
_tracer = null;
else {
if ( _tracer!=null ) removeParseListener(_tracer);
else _tracer = new TraceListener();
* Gets whether a {@link TraceListener} is registered as a parse listener
* for the parser.
* @see #setTrace(boolean)
public boolean isTrace() {
return _tracer != null;