com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.mahout.VectorWritableConverter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.mahout;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.RandomAccessSparseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.SequentialAccessSparseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector.Element;
import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable;
import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema;
import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema.FieldSchema;
import com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.SequenceFileLoader;
import com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.util.AbstractWritableConverter;
import com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.util.PigCounterHelper;
import com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.util.PigUtil;
* Supports conversion between Pig {@link Tuple} and Mahout {@link VectorWritable}. See
* {@link #VectorWritableConverter(String[])} for recognized options.
* The Pig Tuple schema used to represent vector data is determined by the specified options. For
* instance, if options {@code -dense} and {@code -cardinality 2} are specified, the following
* schema is assumed:
* (double, double)
* If option {@code -sparse} is specified without option {@code -cardinality}, the following schema
* is assumed:
* (cardinality: int, entries: {t: (index: int, value: double)})
* If options {@code -sparse} and {@code -cardinality} are both specified, the following schema is
* assumed:
* (entries: {entry: (index: int, value: double)})
* Otherwise, no schema is assumed, and organization of vector Tuple data is inspected at runtime.
* Example usage:
* %declare SEQFILE_LOADER 'com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.SequenceFileLoader';
* %declare SEQFILE_STORAGE '';
* %declare INT_CONVERTER 'com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.util.IntWritableConverter';
* %declare VECTOR_CONVERTER 'com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.mahout.VectorWritableConverter';
* -- store DenseVector
* pair = LOAD '$data' AS (key: int, val: (v1: double, v2: double));
* );
* -- store DenseVector with floats
* pair = LOAD '$data' AS (key: int, val: (v1: float, v2: float));
* '-c $INT_CONVERTER', '-c $VECTOR_CONVERTER -- -floatPrecision'
* );
* -- store RandomAccessSparseVector data
* pair = LOAD '$data' AS (key: int, val: (cardinality: int, entries: {entry: (index: int, value: double)}));
* );
* -- store SequentialAccessSparseVector data with the -sequential flag
* pair = LOAD '$data' AS (key: int, val: (cardinality: int, entries: {entry: (index: int, value: double)}));
* '-c $INT_CONVERTER', '-c $VECTOR_CONVERTER -- -sequential'
* );
* -- load DenseVector data, specifying schema manually
* pair = LOAD '$data' USING $SEQFILE_LOADER (
* ) AS (key: int, val: (f1: double, f2: double, f3: double));
* -- load DenseVector data with known cardinality; Schema defined by SequenceFileLoader
* pair = LOAD '$data' USING $SEQFILE_LOADER (
* '-c $INT_CONVERTER', '-c $VECTOR_CONVERTER -- -dense -cardinality 2'
* );
* -- load *SparseVector data; Schema defined by SequenceFileLoader
* pair = LOAD '$data' USING $SEQFILE_LOADER (
* '-c $INT_CONVERTER', '-c $VECTOR_CONVERTER -- -sparse'
* );
* -- load *SparseVector data with known cardinality; Schema defined by SequenceFileLoader
* pair = LOAD '$data' USING $SEQFILE_LOADER (
* '-c $INT_CONVERTER', '-c $VECTOR_CONVERTER -- -sparse -cardinality 2'
* );
* Note that conversion of vector data is also supported in cases where it may be desirable to
* process data in sparse Pig vector format, but input Mahout vector data is actually dense:
* pair = LOAD '$dense_vectors' USING $SEQFILE_LOADER (
* '-c $INT_CONVERTER', '-c $VECTOR_CONVERTER -- -sparse'
* );
* @author Andy Schlaikjer
public class VectorWritableConverter extends AbstractWritableConverter {
* Hadoop job counters used by {@link VectorWritableConverter}.
* @author Andy Schlaikjer
public static enum Counter {
* The number of input sparse vector entry indices found to be out-of-bounds during Tuple to
* Vector conversion.
private static final String CARDINALITY_PARAM = "cardinality";
private static final String DENSE_PARAM = "dense";
private static final String SPARSE_PARAM = "sparse";
private static final String SEQUENTIAL_PARAM = "sequential";
private static final String FLOAT_PRECISION_PARAM = "floatPrecision";
private final TupleFactory tupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();
private final BagFactory bagFactory = BagFactory.getInstance();
private final PigCounterHelper counterHelper = new PigCounterHelper();
private final boolean dense;
private final boolean sparse;
private final Integer cardinality;
private final boolean sequential;
private final boolean floatPrecision;
* Default options used.
* @throws ParseException
public VectorWritableConverter() throws ParseException {
this(new String[] {});
* The following options are recognized:
* - {@code -cardinality n}
* - Vectors are expected to have cardinality {@code n}.
* - {@code -dense}
* - Vectors are expected to be dense. This option and options {@code -sparse},
* {@code -sequential} are mutually exclusive.
* - {@code -sparse}
* - Vectors are expected to be sparse. This option and option {@code -dense} are mutually
* exclusive.
* - {@code -sequential}
* - Sparse vector data should be stored using {@link SequentialAccessSparseVector}. This option
* and option {@code -dense} are mutually exclusive.
* - {@code -floatPrecision}
* - Vector data should be loaded/stored using float precision.
* @param args options passed in from {@link SequenceFileLoader}.
* @throws ParseException
public VectorWritableConverter(String[] args) throws ParseException {
super(new VectorWritable());
CommandLine cmdline = parseArguments(args);
cardinality =
cmdline.hasOption(CARDINALITY_PARAM) ? new Integer(
cmdline.getOptionValue(CARDINALITY_PARAM)) : null;
dense = cmdline.hasOption(DENSE_PARAM);
sequential = cmdline.hasOption(SEQUENTIAL_PARAM);
Preconditions.checkState(!(dense && sequential),
"Options '-dense' and '-sequential' are mutually exclusive");
sparse = cmdline.hasOption(SPARSE_PARAM) || sequential;
Preconditions.checkState(!(dense && sparse),
"Options '-dense' and '-sparse' are mutually exclusive");
floatPrecision = cmdline.hasOption(FLOAT_PRECISION_PARAM);
private CommandLine parseArguments(String[] args) throws ParseException {
return new GnuParser().parse(getOptions(), args);
* @return Options to parse from {@code String[] args} on construction.
protected Options getOptions() {
Options options = new Options();
.withDescription("Expected cardinality of vector data.").create());
"If specified along with cardinality, reported LOAD schema will be dense.")
.withDescription("If specified, reported LOAD schema will be sparse.").create());
"If specified, Pig vector data will be converted to"
+ " SequentialAccessSparseVector data on STORE."
+ " Otherwise, RandomAccessSparseVector is used.").create());
.withDescription("If specified, float precision will be used when writing output data.")
return options;
public ResourceFieldSchema getLoadSchema() throws IOException {
Byte valueType = floatPrecision ? DataType.FLOAT : DataType.DOUBLE;
if (sparse) {
FieldSchema entriesFieldSchema;
if (PigUtil.Pig9orNewer) {
Schema tupleSchema = new Schema(Lists.newArrayList(new FieldSchema("index",
DataType.INTEGER), new FieldSchema("value", valueType)));
Schema bagSchema = new Schema(Lists.newArrayList(new FieldSchema("t", tupleSchema,
entriesFieldSchema = new FieldSchema("entries", bagSchema, DataType.BAG);
} else {
entriesFieldSchema =
new FieldSchema("entries", new Schema(Lists.newArrayList(new FieldSchema("index",
DataType.INTEGER), new FieldSchema("value", valueType))), DataType.BAG);
if (cardinality != null) {
return new ResourceFieldSchema(new FieldSchema(null, new Schema(
return new ResourceFieldSchema(new FieldSchema(null, new Schema(Lists.newArrayList(
new FieldSchema("cardinality", DataType.INTEGER), entriesFieldSchema))));
if (dense && cardinality != null) {
return new ResourceFieldSchema(new FieldSchema(null, new Schema(Collections.nCopies(
cardinality, new FieldSchema(null, valueType)))));
return new ResourceFieldSchema(new FieldSchema(null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
public Object bytesToObject(DataByteArray dataByteArray) throws IOException {
return bytesToTuple(dataByteArray.get(), null);
protected Tuple toTuple(VectorWritable writable, ResourceFieldSchema schema) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(writable, "VectorWritable is null");
Vector v = writable.get();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(v, "Vector is null");
// check cardinality
int size = v.size();
if (cardinality != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(cardinality == size,
"Expecting cardinality %s but found cardinality %s", cardinality, size);
// create Tuple
Tuple out = null;
if (v.isDense()) {
// dense vector found
if (sparse) {
// client requested sparse tuple rep
out = toSparseVectorTuple(v);
} else {
out = toDenseVectorTuple(v);
} else {
// sparse vector found
if (dense) {
// client requested dense tuple rep
out = toDenseVectorTuple(v);
} else {
out = toSparseVectorTuple(v);
return out;
protected Tuple toDenseVectorTuple(Vector v) {
List values = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(v.size());
for (Element e : v) {
values.add(floatPrecision ? (float) e.get() : e.get());
return tupleFactory.newTupleNoCopy(values);
protected Tuple toSparseVectorTuple(Vector v) {
DataBag bag = bagFactory.newDefaultBag();
Iterator itr = v.iterateNonZero();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Element e =;
bag.add(tupleFactory.newTupleNoCopy(Lists. newArrayList(e.index(),
floatPrecision ? (float) e.get() : e.get())));
return cardinality != null ? tupleFactory.newTupleNoCopy(ImmutableList.of(bag)) : tupleFactory
public void checkStoreSchema(ResourceFieldSchema schema) throws IOException {
assertFieldTypeEquals(DataType.TUPLE, schema.getType(), "tuple");
ResourceSchema vectorSchema = schema.getSchema();
assertNotNull(vectorSchema, "ResourceSchema for tuple is null");
ResourceFieldSchema[] vectorFieldSchemas = vectorSchema.getFields();
assertNotNull(vectorFieldSchemas, "Tuple field schemas are null");
if (vectorFieldSchemas.length == 1 && vectorFieldSchemas[0].getType() == DataType.BAG) {
// has to be sparse format
Preconditions.checkNotNull(cardinality, "Cardinality undefined");
} else if (vectorFieldSchemas.length == 2 && vectorFieldSchemas[1].getType() == DataType.BAG) {
// has to be sparse format
Preconditions.checkState(cardinality == null, "Cardinality already defined");
// check tuple[0] == cardinality:int
assertFieldTypeEquals(DataType.INTEGER, vectorFieldSchemas[0].getType(), "tuple[0]");
} else {
// has to be dense format
for (int i = 0; i < vectorFieldSchemas.length; ++i) {
assertFieldTypeIsNumeric(vectorFieldSchemas[i].getType(), "tuple[" + i + "]");
private void checkSparseVectorEntriesSchema(ResourceSchema entriesSchema) throws IOException {
// check entries.length == 1
assertNotNull(entriesSchema, "ResourceSchema of entries is null");
ResourceFieldSchema[] entriesFieldSchemas = entriesSchema.getFields();
assertNotNull(entriesFieldSchemas, "Tuple field schemas are null");
assertTupleLength(1, entriesFieldSchemas.length, "entries");
// check entries[0] == entry:tuple
assertFieldTypeEquals(DataType.TUPLE, entriesFieldSchemas[0].getType(), "entries[0]");
// check entries[0].length == 2
ResourceSchema entriesTupleSchema = entriesFieldSchemas[0].getSchema();
assertNotNull(entriesTupleSchema, "ResourceSchema of entries[0] is null");
ResourceFieldSchema[] entriesTupleFieldSchemas = entriesTupleSchema.getFields();
assertNotNull(entriesTupleFieldSchemas, "Tuple field schemas are null");
assertTupleLength(2, entriesTupleFieldSchemas.length, "entries[0]");
// check entries[0][0] == index:int
assertFieldTypeEquals(DataType.INTEGER, entriesTupleFieldSchemas[0].getType(), "entries[0][0]");
// check entries[0][1] == value:double
assertFieldTypeIsNumeric(entriesTupleFieldSchemas[1].getType(), "entries[0][1]");
protected VectorWritable toWritable(Tuple value) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "Tuple is null");
Vector v = null;
if (isSparseVectorData(value)) {
v = convertSparseVectorDataToVector(value);
} else {
v = convertDenseVectorDataToVector(value);
return writable;
private static boolean isSparseVectorData(Tuple value) throws IOException {
assertNotNull(value, "Tuple is null");
if ((1 == value.size() && DataType.BAG == value.getType(0))
|| (2 == value.size() && DataType.INTEGER == value.getType(0) && DataType.BAG == value
return true;
return false;
private Vector convertSparseVectorDataToVector(Tuple value) throws IOException {
Vector v;
// determine output vector size and fetch bag containing entries from input
int size = 0;
DataBag entries = null;
if (value.size() == 2) {
// cardinality defined by input
size = (Integer) value.get(0);
if (cardinality != null) {
// cardinality defined by VectorWritableConverter instance
size = cardinality;
entries = (DataBag) value.get(1);
} else {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(cardinality, "Cardinality is undefined");
size = cardinality;
entries = (DataBag) value.get(0);
// create vector, allowing conversion of sparse input vector data to dense output vector
if (dense) {
// TODO(Andy Schlaikjer): Test for OOM before it happens
v = new DenseVector(size);
} else {
// more efficient to build sparse vector with this impl
v = new RandomAccessSparseVector(size);
// populate vector
for (Tuple entry : entries) {
int i = (Integer) entry.get(0);
// check index bounds
if (i < 0 || i >= size) {
counterHelper.incrCounter(Counter.INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, 1);
double n = ((Number) entry.get(1)).doubleValue();
v.setQuick(i, n);
// convert to (sparse) sequential vector if requested
if (sequential) {
v = new SequentialAccessSparseVector(v);
return v;
private static void validateSparseVectorEntryData(Tuple value) throws IOException {
assertNotNull(value, "Tuple is null");
assertTupleLength(2, value.size(), "tuple");
assertFieldTypeEquals(DataType.INTEGER, value.getType(0), "tuple[0]");
assertFieldTypeIsNumeric(value.getType(1), "tuple[1]");
private static void validateDenseVectorData(Tuple value) throws IOException {
assertNotNull(value, "Tuple is null");
for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
assertFieldTypeIsNumeric(value.getType(i), "tuple[" + i + "]");
private Vector convertDenseVectorDataToVector(Tuple value) throws IOException {
Vector v;
// determine output vector size
int size = value.size();
int minSize = size;
if (cardinality != null && cardinality != size) {
// cardinality specified on construction overrides instance cardinality
size = cardinality;
if (minSize > size) {
minSize = size;
// allow conversion of dense vector data to sparse vector
if (sparse) {
// this ctor used to pre-alloc space for entries
v = new RandomAccessSparseVector(size, size);
for (int i = 0; i < minSize; ++i) {
v.setQuick(i, ((Number) value.get(i)).doubleValue());
} else {
double[] values = new double[size];
for (int i = 0; i < minSize; ++i) {
values[i] = ((Number) value.get(i)).doubleValue();
// this ctor uses values directly, no copying performed
v = new DenseVector(values, true);
return v;
private static void assertNotNull(Object value, String msg, Object... values) throws IOException {
if (value == null) {
throw new IOException(String.format(msg, values));
private static void assertFieldTypeEquals(byte expected, byte observed, String fieldName)
throws IOException {
if (expected != observed) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Expected %s of type '%s' but found type '%s'",
fieldName, DataType.findTypeName(expected), DataType.findTypeName(observed)));
private static void assertFieldTypeIsNumeric(byte observed, String fieldName) throws IOException {
switch (observed) {
case DataType.INTEGER:
case DataType.LONG:
case DataType.FLOAT:
case DataType.DOUBLE:
throw new IOException(String.format("Expected %s of numeric type but found type '%s'",
fieldName, DataType.findTypeName(observed)));
private static void assertTupleLength(int expected, int observed, String fieldName)
throws IOException {
if (expected != observed) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Expected %s of length %s but found length %s",
fieldName, expected, observed));
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