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com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.operators.JoinOperator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.operators;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.LinkedList ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import com.twitter.heron.api.Pair ;
import com.twitter.heron.api.bolt.OutputCollector ;
import com.twitter.heron.api.topology.TopologyContext ;
import com.twitter.heron.api.tuple.Tuple ;
import com.twitter.heron.api.tuple.Values ;
import com.twitter.heron.api.windowing.TupleWindow ;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.JoinType ;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.KeyValue ;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.KeyedWindow ;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableBiFunction ;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableFunction ;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Window ;
public class JoinOperator extends StreamletWindowOperator {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4875450390444745407 L;
private static final String LEFT_COMPONENT_NAME = "_streamlet_joinbolt_left_component_name_" ;
private static final String RIGHT_COMPONENT_NAME = "_streamlet_joinbolt_right_component_name_" ;
private JoinType joinType;
private String leftComponent;
private String rightComponent;
private SerializableFunction leftKeyExtractor;
private SerializableFunction rightKeyExtractor;
private SerializableBiFunction joinFn;
private OutputCollector collector;
public JoinOperator (JoinType joinType, String leftComponent, String rightComponent,
SerializableFunction leftKeyExtractor,
SerializableFunction rightKeyExtractor,
SerializableBiFunction joinFn) {
this .joinType = joinType;
this .leftComponent = leftComponent;
this .rightComponent = rightComponent;
this .leftKeyExtractor = leftKeyExtractor;
this .rightKeyExtractor = rightKeyExtractor;
this .joinFn = joinFn;
@SuppressWarnings ("rawtypes" )
public void prepare(Map map, TopologyContext topologyContext, OutputCollector outputCollector) {
collector = outputCollector;
public Map getComponentConfiguration() {
Map cfg = super .getComponentConfiguration();
cfg.put(LEFT_COMPONENT_NAME , leftComponent);
cfg.put(RIGHT_COMPONENT_NAME , rightComponent);
return cfg;
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked" )
public void execute(TupleWindow inputWindow) {
Map , List >> joinMap = new HashMap <>();
for (Tuple tuple : inputWindow.get()) {
if (tuple.getSourceComponent().equals(leftComponent)) {
V1 tup = (V1 ) tuple.getValue(0 );
if (tup != null ) {
addMapLeft(joinMap, tup);
} else {
V2 tup = (V2 ) tuple.getValue(0 );
if (tup != null ) {
addMapRight(joinMap, tup);
evaluateJoinMap(joinMap, inputWindow);
private void evaluateJoinMap(Map , List >> joinMap, TupleWindow tupleWindow) {
for (K key : joinMap.keySet()) {
Pair , List > val = joinMap.get(key);
switch (joinType) {
case INNER :
if (!val .getFirst().isEmpty() && !val .getSecond().isEmpty()) {
innerJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
break ;
if (!val .getFirst().isEmpty() && !val .getSecond().isEmpty()) {
innerJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
} else if (!val .getFirst().isEmpty()) {
outerLeftJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
break ;
if (!val .getFirst().isEmpty() && !val .getSecond().isEmpty()) {
innerJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
} else if (!val .getSecond().isEmpty()) {
outerRightJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
break ;
case OUTER :
if (!val .getFirst().isEmpty() && !val .getSecond().isEmpty()) {
innerJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
} else if (!val .getSecond().isEmpty()) {
outerRightJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
} else if (!val .getFirst().isEmpty()) {
outerLeftJoinAndEmit(key, tupleWindow, val );
break ;
default :
throw new RuntimeException ("Unknown join type: " +;
private void addMapLeft(Map , List >> joinMap, V1 tup) {
K key = leftKeyExtractor.apply(tup);
if (!joinMap.containsKey(key)) {
joinMap.put(key, Pair .of(new LinkedList <>(), new LinkedList <>()));
private void addMapRight(Map , List >> joinMap, V2 tup) {
K key = rightKeyExtractor.apply(tup);
if (!joinMap.containsKey(key)) {
joinMap.put(key, Pair .of(new LinkedList <>(), new LinkedList <>()));
private KeyedWindow getKeyedWindow(K key, TupleWindow tupleWindow) {
long startWindow;
long endWindow;
if (tupleWindow.getStartTimestamp() == null ) {
startWindow = 0 ;
} else {
startWindow = tupleWindow.getStartTimestamp();
if (tupleWindow.getEndTimestamp() == null ) {
endWindow = 0 ;
} else {
endWindow = tupleWindow.getEndTimestamp();
Window window = new Window (startWindow, endWindow, tupleWindow.get().size());
return new KeyedWindow <>(key, window);
private void innerJoinAndEmit(K key, TupleWindow tupleWindow, Pair , List > val ) {
KeyedWindow keyedWindow = getKeyedWindow(key, tupleWindow);
for (V1 val1 : val .getFirst()) {
for (V2 val2 : val .getSecond()) {
collector.emit(new Values (new KeyValue <>(keyedWindow,
joinFn.apply(val1, val2))));
private void outerLeftJoinAndEmit(K key, TupleWindow tupleWindow, Pair , List > val ) {
KeyedWindow keyedWindow = getKeyedWindow(key, tupleWindow);
for (V1 val1 : val .getFirst()) {
collector.emit(new Values (new KeyValue <>(keyedWindow,
joinFn.apply(val1, null ))));
private void outerRightJoinAndEmit(K key, TupleWindow tupleWindow, Pair , List > val ) {
KeyedWindow keyedWindow = getKeyedWindow(key, tupleWindow);
for (V2 val2 : val .getSecond()) {
collector.emit(new Values (new KeyValue <>(keyedWindow,
joinFn.apply(null , val2))));