org.apache.storm.Config Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.storm;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer;
import org.apache.storm.serialization.IKryoDecorator;
import org.apache.storm.serialization.IKryoFactory;
* Topology configs are specified as a plain old map. This class provides a
* convenient way to create a topology config map by providing setter methods for
* all the configs that can be set. It also makes it easier to do things like add
* serializations.
This class also provides constants for all the configurations possible on a Storm
* cluster and Storm topology. Default values for these configs can be found in
* defaults.yaml.
Note that you may put other configurations in any of the configs. Storm
* will ignore anything it doesn't recognize, but your topologies are free to make
* use of them by reading them in the prepare method of Bolts or the open method of
* Spouts. .
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public class Config extends HashMap {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4781760255471579334L;
* True if Storm should timeout messages or not. Defaults to true. This is meant to be used
* in unit tests to prevent tuples from being accidentally timed out during the test.
* Same functionality in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUTS = "topology.enable.message.timeouts";
* Whether or not the master should optimize topologies by running multiple
* tasks in a single thread where appropriate.
* This has no impact in Heron
public static final String TOPOLOGY_OPTIMIZE = "topology.optimize";
* How many instances to create for a spout/bolt. A task runs on a thread with zero or more
* other tasks for the same spout/bolt. The number of tasks for a spout/bolt is always
* the same throughout the lifetime of a topology, but the number of executors (threads) for
* a spout/bolt can change over time. This allows a topology to scale to more or less resources
* without redeploying the topology or violating the constraints of Storm (such as a fields grouping
* guaranteeing that the same value goes to the same task).
* This has no impact on Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_TASKS = "topology.tasks";
* A list of serialization registrations for Kryo ( ),
* the underlying serialization framework for Storm. A serialization can either
* be the name of a class (in which case Kryo will automatically create a serializer for the class
* that saves all the object's fields), or an implementation of com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer.
* See Kryo's documentation for more information about writing custom serializers.
* Same in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER = "topology.kryo.register";
* A list of classes that customize storm's kryo instance during start-up.
* Each listed class name must implement IKryoDecorator. During start-up the
* listed class is instantiated with 0 arguments, then its 'decorate' method
* is called with storm's kryo instance as the only argument.
* Same in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS = "topology.kryo.decorators";
* Class that specifies how to create a Kryo instance for serialization. Storm will then apply
* topology.kryo.register and topology.kryo.decorators on top of this. The default implementation
* implements and turns references off.
* Same in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_KRYO_FACTORY = "topology.kryo.factory";
* Whether or not Storm should skip the loading of kryo registrations for which it
* does not know the class or have the serializer implementation. Otherwise, the task will
* fail to load and will throw an error at runtime. The use case of this is if you want to
* declare your serializations on the storm.yaml files on the cluster rather than every single
* time you submit a topology. Different applications may use different serializations and so
* a single application may not have the code for the other serializers used by other apps.
* By setting this config to true, Storm will ignore that it doesn't have those other serializations
* rather than throw an error.
* Same in Heron.
* The maximum amount of time a component gives a source of state to synchronize before it requests
* synchronization again.
* This is not implemented in Heron.
* Whether or not to use Java serialization in a topology.
* This has the same meaning in Heron.
* Topology-specific options for the worker child process. This is used in addition to WORKER_CHILDOPTS.
* Not yet implemented in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_WORKER_CHILDOPTS = "topology.worker.childopts";
* This config is available for TransactionalSpouts, and contains the id ( a String) for
* the transactional topology. This id is used to store the state of the transactional
* topology in Zookeeper.
* This is not implemented in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_TRANSACTIONAL_ID = "";
* How often a tick tuple from the "__system" component and "__tick" stream should be sent
* to tasks. Meant to be used as a component-specific configuration.
* Same meaning in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_TICK_TUPLE_FREQ_SECS = "topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs";
* The interval in seconds to use for determining whether to throttle error reported to Zookeeper. For example,
* an interval of 10 seconds with set to 5 will only allow 5 errors to be
* reported to Zookeeper per task for every 10 second interval of time.
* This is not supported in Heron.
* This is not supported in Heron
* When set to true, Storm will log every message that's emitted.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_DEBUG = "topology.debug";
* This currently gets translated to TOPOLOGY_STMGRS. Please see the
* documentation for TOPOLOGY_STMGRS.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_WORKERS = "topology.workers";
* How many executors to spawn for ackers.
If this is set to 0, then Storm will immediately ack tuples as soon
* as they come off the spout, effectively disabling reliability.
* In Heron any values of > 0 means to enable acking.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS = "topology.acker.executors";
* The maximum amount of time given to the topology to fully process a message
* emitted by a spout. If the message is not acked within this time frame, Storm
* will fail the message on the spout. Some spouts implementations will then replay
* the message at a later time.
* This has the same meaning in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS = "topology.message.timeout.secs";
* A list of classes implementing IMetricsConsumer (See storm.yaml.example for exact config format).
* Each listed class will be routed all the metrics data generated by the storm metrics API.
* Each listed class maps 1:1 to a system bolt named __metrics_ClassName#N, and it's parallelism is configurable.
* This is not supported by Heron.
* The maximum parallelism allowed for a component in this topology. This configuration is
* typically used in testing to limit the number of threads spawned in simulator.
* This does not have any impact in Heron
public static final String TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM = "topology.max.task.parallelism";
* The maximum number of tuples that can be pending on a spout task at any given time.
* This config applies to individual tasks, not to spouts or topologies as a whole.
* A pending tuple is one that has been emitted from a spout but has not been acked or failed yet.
* Note that this config parameter has no effect for unreliable spouts that don't tag
* their tuples with a message id.
* This has same meaning in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING = "topology.max.spout.pending";
* A class that implements a strategy for what to do when a spout needs to wait. Waiting is
* triggered in one of two conditions:
* 1. nextTuple emits no tuples
* 2. The spout has hit maxSpoutPending and can't emit any more tuples
* This is not yet implemented in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_SPOUT_WAIT_STRATEGY = "topology.spout.wait.strategy";
* The amount of milliseconds the SleepEmptyEmitStrategy should sleep for.
* This is not yet implemented in Heron
* The percentage of tuples to sample to produce stats for a task.
* This is not implemented in Heron.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE = "topology.stats.sample.rate";
* A list of task hooks that are automatically added to every spout and bolt in the topology. An example
* of when you'd do this is to add a hook that integrates with your internal
* monitoring system. These hooks are instantiated using the zero-arg constructor.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_AUTO_TASK_HOOKS = "";
* Name of the topology. This config is automatically set by Storm when the topology is submitted.
* Same in Heron
public static final String TOPOLOGY_NAME = "";
* Name of the team which owns this topology.
* Same in Heron
public static final String TOPOLOGY_TEAM_NAME = "";
* Email of the team which owns this topology.
* Same in Heron
public static final String TOPOLOGY_TEAM_EMAIL = "";
* Cap ticket (if filed) for the topology. If the topology is in prod this has to be set or it
* cannot be deployed.
* Same in Heron
public static final String TOPOLOGY_CAP_TICKET = "topology.cap.ticket";
* Project name of the topology, to help us with tagging which topologies are part of which project. For example, if topology A and
* Topology B are part of the same project, we will like to aggregate them as part of the same project. This is required by Cap team.
* Same in Heron
public static final String TOPOLOGY_PROJECT_NAME = "";
* A list of hosts of ZooKeeper servers used to manage the cluster.
public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS = "storm.zookeeper.servers";
* The port Storm will use to connect to each of the ZooKeeper servers.
public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT = "storm.zookeeper.port";
* The root directory in ZooKeeper for metadata about TransactionalSpouts.
public static final String TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT = "transactional.zookeeper.root";
* The session timeout for clients to ZooKeeper.
public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT = "storm.zookeeper.session.timeout";
* The connection timeout for clients to ZooKeeper.
* The number of times to retry a Zookeeper operation.
public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_TIMES = "storm.zookeeper.retry.times";
* The interval between retries of a Zookeeper operation.
public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL = "storm.zookeeper.retry.interval";
* The list of zookeeper servers in which to keep the transactional state. If null (which is default),
* will use storm.zookeeper.servers
public static final String TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS = "transactional.zookeeper.servers";
* The port to use to connect to the transactional zookeeper servers. If null (which is default),
* will use storm.zookeeper.port
public static final String TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_PORT = "transactional.zookeeper.port";
* Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the window length as a count of number of tuples
* in the window.
= "topology.bolts.window.length.count";
* Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the window length in time duration.
= "";
* Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the sliding interval as a count of number of tuples.
= "topology.bolts.window.sliding.interval.count";
* Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the sliding interval in time duration.
= "";
* Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the name of the stream on which late tuples are
* going to be emitted. This configuration should only be used from the BaseWindowedBolt.withLateTupleStream builder
* method, and not as global parameter, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is going to be thrown.
public static final String TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_LATE_TUPLE_STREAM
= "";
* Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the maximum time lag of the tuple timestamp
* in milliseconds. It means that the tuple timestamps cannot be out of order by more than this amount.
* This config will be effective only if {@link org.apache.storm.windowing.TimestampExtractor} is specified.
= "";
* Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the time interval for generating
* watermark events. Watermark event tracks the progress of time when tuple timestamp is used.
* This config is effective only if {@link org.apache.storm.windowing.TimestampExtractor} is specified.
= "";
* Topology-specific environment variables for the worker child process.
* This is added to the existing environment (that of the supervisor)
public static final String TOPOLOGY_ENVIRONMENT = "topology.environment";
* ---- DO NOT USE -----
* This variable is used to rewrite the TOPOLOGY_AUTO_TASK_HOOKS variable.
* As such this is a strictly internal config variable that is not exposed the user
public static void setDebug(Map conf, boolean isOn) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG, isOn);
public static void setTeamName(Map conf, String teamName) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_TEAM_NAME, teamName);
public static void setTeamEmail(Map conf, String teamEmail) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_TEAM_EMAIL, teamEmail);
public static void setTopologyCapTicket(Map conf, String ticket) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_CAP_TICKET, ticket);
public static void setTopologyProjectName(Map conf, String project) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PROJECT_NAME, project);
public static void setNumWorkers(Map conf, int workers) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, workers);
public static void setNumAckers(Map conf, int numExecutors) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS, numExecutors);
public static void setMessageTimeoutSecs(Map conf, int secs) {
public static void registerSerialization(Map conf, Class klass) {
public static void registerSerialization(
Map conf, Class klass, Class extends Serializer> serializerClass) {
Map register = new HashMap<>();
register.put(klass.getName(), serializerClass.getName());
public static void registerDecorator(
Map conf,
Class extends IKryoDecorator> klass) {
public static void setKryoFactory(Map conf, Class extends IKryoFactory> klass) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_FACTORY, klass.getName());
public static void setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(Map conf, boolean skip) {
public static void setMaxTaskParallelism(Map conf, int max) {
public static void setMaxSpoutPending(Map conf, int max) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING, max);
public static void setStatsSampleRate(Map conf, double rate) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE, rate);
public static void setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(Map conf, boolean fallback) {
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // List can contain strings or maps
private static List getRegisteredSerializations(Map conf) {
List ret;
if (!conf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER)) {
ret = new ArrayList();
} else {
ret = new ArrayList((List) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER));
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER, ret);
return ret;
private static List getRegisteredDecorators(Map conf) {
List ret;
if (!conf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS)) {
ret = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
ret = new ArrayList<>((List) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS));
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS, ret);
return ret;
public static void setEnvironment(Map conf, Map env) {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ENVIRONMENT, env);
public void setDebug(boolean isOn) {
setDebug(this, isOn);
public void setTeamName(String teamName) {
setTeamName(this, teamName);
public void setTeamEmail(String teamEmail) {
setTeamEmail(this, teamEmail);
public void setTopologyCapTicket(String ticket) {
setTopologyCapTicket(this, ticket);
public void setTopologyProjectName(String project) {
setTopologyProjectName(this, project);
* Set topology optimization
* @param isOn
* @deprecated we don't have optimization
public void setOptimize(boolean isOn) {
put(Config.TOPOLOGY_OPTIMIZE, isOn);
public void setNumWorkers(int workers) {
setNumWorkers(this, workers);
public void setNumAckers(int numExecutors) {
setNumAckers(this, numExecutors);
public void setMessageTimeoutSecs(int secs) {
setMessageTimeoutSecs(this, secs);
public void registerSerialization(Class klass) {
registerSerialization(this, klass);
public void registerSerialization(Class klass, Class extends Serializer> serializerClass) {
registerSerialization(this, klass, serializerClass);
public void registerMetricsConsumer(Class klass, Object argument, long parallelismHint) {
HashMap m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("class", klass.getCanonicalName());
m.put("parallelism.hint", parallelismHint);
m.put("argument", argument);
if (l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<>();
public void registerMetricsConsumer(Class klass, long parallelismHint) {
registerMetricsConsumer(klass, null, parallelismHint);
public void registerMetricsConsumer(Class klass) {
registerMetricsConsumer(klass, null, 1L);
public void registerDecorator(Class extends IKryoDecorator> klass) {
registerDecorator(this, klass);
public void setKryoFactory(Class extends IKryoFactory> klass) {
setKryoFactory(this, klass);
public void setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(boolean skip) {
setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(this, skip);
public void setMaxTaskParallelism(int max) {
setMaxTaskParallelism(this, max);
public void setMaxSpoutPending(int max) {
setMaxSpoutPending(this, max);
public void setStatsSampleRate(double rate) {
setStatsSampleRate(this, rate);
public void setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(boolean fallback) {
setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(this, fallback);