com.twitter.algebird.Monoid.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.twitter.algebird
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.math.Equiv
import java.lang.{Integer => JInt, Short => JShort, Long => JLong, Float => JFloat, Double => JDouble, Boolean => JBool}
import java.util.{List => JList, Map => JMap}
* Monoid (take a deep breath, and relax about the weird name):
* This is a semigroup that has an additive identity (called zero), such that a+0=a, 0+a=a, for every a
@implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot find Monoid type class for ${T}")
trait Monoid[@specialized(Int,Long,Float,Double) T] extends Semigroup[T] {
def zero : T //additive identity
def assertNotZero(v : T) {
if(!isNonZero(v)) {
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("argument should not be zero")
override def isNonZero(v : T) = (v != zero)
def nonZeroOption(v : T): Option[T] = {
if (isNonZero(v)) {
else {
// Override this if there is a more efficient means to implement this
def sum(vs: TraversableOnce[T]): T = Monoid.sum(vs)(this)
* Some(5) + Some(3) == Some(8)
* Some(5) + None == Some(5)
class OptionMonoid[T](implicit semi : Semigroup[T]) extends Monoid[Option[T]] {
def zero = None
def plus(left : Option[T], right : Option[T]) : Option[T] = {
if(left.isEmpty) {
else if(right.isEmpty) {
else {
Some(, right.get))
class EitherMonoid[L,R](implicit semigroupl : Semigroup[L], monoidr : Monoid[R]) extends EitherSemigroup[L, R]()(semigroupl, monoidr) with Monoid[Either[L,R]] {
override lazy val zero = Right(
object StringMonoid extends Monoid[String] {
override val zero = ""
override def plus(left : String, right : String) = left + right
/** List concatenation monoid.
* plus means concatenation, zero is empty list
class ListMonoid[T] extends Monoid[List[T]] {
override def zero = List[T]()
override def plus(left : List[T], right : List[T]) = left ++ right
// equivalent to ListMonoid
class SeqMonoid[T] extends Monoid[Seq[T]] {
override def zero = Seq[T]()
override def plus(left : Seq[T], right : Seq[T]) = left ++ right
/** Set union monoid.
* plus means union, zero is empty set
class SetMonoid[T] extends Monoid[Set[T]] {
override def zero = Set[T]()
override def plus(left : Set[T], right : Set[T]) = left ++ right
/** Function1 monoid.
* plus means function composition, zero is the identity function
class Function1Monoid[T] extends Monoid[Function1[T,T]] {
override def zero = {
(t : T) => t
// (f1 + f2)(x) = f2(f1(x)) so that:
// listOfFn.foldLeft(x) { (v, fn) => fn(v) } = (Monoid.sum(listOfFn))(x)
override def plus(f1 : Function1[T,T], f2 : Function1[T,T]) = {
(t : T) => f2(f1(t))
object Monoid extends GeneratedMonoidImplicits with ProductMonoids {
// This pattern is really useful for typeclasses
def zero[T](implicit mon : Monoid[T]) =
// strictly speaking, same as Semigroup, but most interesting examples
// are monoids, and code already depends on this:
def plus[T](l: T, r: T)(implicit monoid: Monoid[T]): T =,r)
def assertNotZero[T](v: T)(implicit monoid: Monoid[T]) = monoid.assertNotZero(v)
def isNonZero[T](v: T)(implicit monoid: Monoid[T]) = monoid.isNonZero(v)
def nonZeroOption[T](v: T)(implicit monoid: Monoid[T]) = monoid.nonZeroOption(v)
// Left sum: (((a + b) + c) + d)
def sum[T](iter : TraversableOnce[T])(implicit monoid: Monoid[T]): T = {
def from[T](z: => T)(associativeFn: (T,T) => T): Monoid[T] = new Monoid[T] {
lazy val zero = z
def plus(l:T, r:T) = associativeFn(l,r)
/** Return an Equiv[T] that uses isNonZero to return equality for all zeros
* useful for Maps/Vectors that have many equivalent in memory representations of zero
def zeroEquiv[T:Equiv:Monoid]: Equiv[T] = Equiv.fromFunction { (a: T, b: T) =>
(!isNonZero(a) && !isNonZero(b)) || Equiv[T].equiv(a,b)
/** Same as v + v + v .. + v (i times in total)
* requires i >= 0, wish we had NonnegativeBigInt as a class
def intTimes[T](i: BigInt, v: T)(implicit mon: Monoid[T]): T = {
require(i >= 0, "Cannot do negative products with a Monoid, try Group.intTimes")
if (i == 0) {
else {
Semigroup.intTimes(i, v)(mon)
implicit val nullMonoid : Monoid[Null] = NullGroup
implicit val unitMonoid : Monoid[Unit] = UnitGroup
implicit val boolMonoid : Monoid[Boolean] = BooleanField
implicit val jboolMonoid : Monoid[JBool] = JBoolField
implicit val intMonoid : Monoid[Int] = IntRing
implicit val jintMonoid : Monoid[JInt] = JIntRing
implicit val shortMonoid : Monoid[Short] = ShortRing
implicit val jshortMonoid : Monoid[JShort] = JShortRing
implicit val bigIntMonoid : Monoid[BigInt] = BigIntRing
implicit val longMonoid : Monoid[Long] = LongRing
implicit val jlongMonoid : Monoid[JLong] = JLongRing
implicit val floatMonoid : Monoid[Float] = FloatField
implicit val jfloatMonoid : Monoid[JFloat] = JFloatField
implicit val doubleMonoid : Monoid[Double] = DoubleField
implicit val jdoubleMonoid : Monoid[JDouble] = JDoubleField
implicit val stringMonoid : Monoid[String] = StringMonoid
implicit def optionMonoid[T : Semigroup] = new OptionMonoid[T]
implicit def listMonoid[T] : Monoid[List[T]] = new ListMonoid[T]
implicit def seqMonoid[T] : Monoid[Seq[T]] = new SeqMonoid[T]
implicit def indexedSeqMonoid[T:Monoid]: Monoid[IndexedSeq[T]] = new IndexedSeqMonoid[T]
implicit def jlistMonoid[T] : Monoid[JList[T]] = new JListMonoid[T]
implicit def setMonoid[T] : Monoid[Set[T]] = new SetMonoid[T]
implicit def mapMonoid[K,V: Semigroup] = new MapMonoid[K,V]
implicit def jmapMonoid[K,V : Semigroup] = new JMapMonoid[K,V]
implicit def eitherMonoid[L : Semigroup, R : Monoid] = new EitherMonoid[L, R]
implicit def function1Monoid[T] = new Function1Monoid[T]
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