com.twitter.algebird.SketchMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.twitter.algebird
* A Sketch Map is a generalized version of the Count-Min Sketch that is an
* approximation of Map[K, V] that stores reference to top heavy hitters. The
* Sketch Map can approximate the sums of any summable value that has a monoid.
* Responsible for creating instances of SketchMap.
class SketchMapMonoid[K, V](width: Int, depth: Int, seed: Int, heavyHittersCount: Int)
(implicit serialization: K => Array[Byte], valueOrdering: Ordering[V], monoid: Monoid[V])
extends Monoid[SketchMap[K, V]] {
* Hashes an arbitrary key type to one that the Sketch Map can use.
private case class SketchMapHash(hasher: CMSHash, seed: Int) extends Function1[K, Int] {
def apply(obj: K): Int = {
val (first, second) = MurmurHash128(seed)(serialization(obj))
hasher(first ^ second)
val hashes: Seq[K => Int] = {
val r = new scala.util.Random(seed)
val numHashes = depth
val numCounters = width
(0 to (numHashes - 1)).map { _ =>
SketchMapHash(CMSHash(r.nextInt, 0, numCounters), seed)
* All Sketch Maps created with this monoid will have the same parameter configuration.
val params: SketchMapParams[K] = SketchMapParams[K](hashes, width, depth, heavyHittersCount)
* A zero Sketch Map is one with zero elements.
val zero: SketchMap[K, V] = SketchMap[K, V](params, AdaptiveMatrix.fill(params.depth, params.width)(, Nil,
* We assume the Sketch Map on the left and right use the same hash functions.
def plus(left: SketchMap[K, V], right: SketchMap[K, V]): SketchMap[K, V] = left ++ right
* Create a Sketch Map sketch out of a single key/value pair.
def create(pair: (K, V)): SketchMap[K, V] = zero + pair
* Create a Sketch Map sketch from a sequence of pairs.
def create(data: Seq[(K, V)]): SketchMap[K, V] = {
data.foldLeft(zero) { case (acc, (key, value)) =>
plus(acc, create(key, value))
* Convenience class for holding constant parameters of a Sketch Map.
case class SketchMapParams[K](hashes: Seq[K => Int], width: Int, depth: Int, heavyHittersCount: Int) {
assert(0 < width, "width must be greater than 0")
assert(0 < depth, "depth must be greater than 0")
assert(0 <= heavyHittersCount , "heavyHittersCount must be greater than 0")
def eps = SketchMap.eps(width)
def delta =
* Data structure representing an approximation of Map[K, V], where V has an
* implicit ordering and monoid. This is a more generic version of
* CountMinSketch.
* Values are stored in valuesTable, a 2D vector containing aggregated sums of
* values inserted to the Sketch Map.
* The data structure stores top non-zero values, called Heavy Hitters. The
* values are sorted by an implicit reverse ordering for the value, and the
* number of heavy hitters stored is based on the heavyHittersCount set in
* params.
* Use SketchMapMonoid to create instances of this class.
object SketchMap {
* Functions to translate between (eps, delta) and (depth, width). The translation is:
* depth = ceil(ln 1/delta)
* width = ceil(e / eps)
def eps(width: Int): Double = scala.math.exp(1.0) / width
def delta(depth: Int): Double = 1.0 / scala.math.exp(depth)
def depth(delta: Double): Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.log(1.0 / delta)).toInt
def width(eps: Double): Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.exp(1) / eps).toInt
* Generates a monoid used to create SketchMap instances. Requires a
* serialization from K to Array[Byte] for hashing, an ordering for V, and a
* monoid for V.
def monoid[K, V](eps: Double, delta: Double, seed: Int, heavyHittersCount: Int)
(implicit serialization: K => Array[Byte], valueOrdering: Ordering[V], monoid: Monoid[V]): SketchMapMonoid[K, V] = {
new SketchMapMonoid(width(eps), depth(delta), seed, heavyHittersCount)(serialization, valueOrdering, monoid)
case class SketchMap[K, V](
val params: SketchMapParams[K],
val valuesTable: AdaptiveMatrix[V],
val heavyHitterKeys: List[K],
val totalValue: V
)(implicit ordering: Ordering[V], monoid: Monoid[V]) extends {
* All of the Heavy Hitter frequencies calculated all at once.
private val heavyHittersMapping: Map[K, V] = calculateHeavyHittersMapping(heavyHitterKeys, valuesTable)
* Ordering used to sort keys by its value. We use the reverse implicit
* ordering on V because we want the hold the "largest" values.
private implicit val keyValueOrdering: Ordering[K] =[K, V] { heavyHittersMapping(_) } reverse
* These are not 100% accurate because of rounding.
def eps: Double = params.eps
def delta: Double =
* Returns a sorted list of heavy hitter key/value tuples.
def heavyHitters: List[(K, V)] = { item => (item, heavyHittersMapping(item)) }
* Calculates the frequencies for every heavy hitter.
private def calculateHeavyHittersMapping(keys: Iterable[K], table: AdaptiveMatrix[V]): Map[K, V] = { { item: K => (item, frequency(item, table)) } toMap
* Calculates the frequency for a key given a values table.
private def frequency(key: K, table: AdaptiveMatrix[V]): V = {
val estimates = { case (row, i) =>
* Calculates the approximate frequency for any key.
def frequency(key: K): V = {
// If the key is a heavy hitter, then use the precalculated heavy hitters mapping.
// Otherwise, calculate it normally.
heavyHittersMapping.get(key).getOrElse(frequency(key, valuesTable))
* Returns a new Sketch Map with a key value pair added.
def +(pair: (K, V)): SketchMap[K, V] = {
val (key, value) = pair
val newHeavyHitters = key :: heavyHitterKeys
val newValuesTable = (0 to (params.depth - 1)).foldLeft(valuesTable) { case (table, row) =>
val pos = (row, params.hashes(row)(key))
val currValue: V = table.getValue(pos)
table.updated(pos,, value))
SketchMap(params, newValuesTable, updatedHeavyHitters(newHeavyHitters, newValuesTable),, value))
* Returns a new Sketch Map summed with another Sketch Map. These should have
* the same parameters, and be generated from the same monoid.
def ++(other: SketchMap[K, V]): SketchMap[K, V] = {
val newValuesTable =, other.valuesTable)
val newHeavyHitters = (heavyHitterKeys ++ other.heavyHitterKeys).distinct
SketchMap(params, newValuesTable, updatedHeavyHitters(newHeavyHitters, newValuesTable),, other.totalValue))
* Returns a new set of sorted and concatenated heavy hitters given an
* arbitrary list of keys.
private def updatedHeavyHitters(hitters: Seq[K], table: AdaptiveMatrix[V]): List[K] = {
val mapping = calculateHeavyHittersMapping(hitters, table)
val specificOrdering =[K, V] { mapping(_) } reverse
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