com.twitter.algebird.AdaptiveVector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.twitter.algebird
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Some functions to create or convert AdaptiveVectors
object AdaptiveVector {
* When density >= this value * size, we switch to dense vectors
val THRESHOLD = 0.25
def fill[V](size: Int)(sparse: V): AdaptiveVector[V] = SparseVector(Map.empty[Int, V], sparse, size)
def fromVector[V](v: Vector[V], sparseVal: V): AdaptiveVector[V] = {
if (v.size == 0) {
} else {
val denseCount = v.count { _ != sparseVal }
val sz = v.size
if (denseCount < sz * THRESHOLD)
SparseVector(toMap(v, sparseVal), sparseVal, sz)
DenseVector(v, sparseVal, denseCount)
def fromMap[V](m: Map[Int, V], sparseVal: V, sizeOfDense: Int): AdaptiveVector[V] = {
if (m.size == 0) {
} else {
val maxIdx = m.keys.max
require(maxIdx < sizeOfDense, "Max key (" + maxIdx + ") exceeds valid for size (" + sizeOfDense + ")")
val denseCount = m.count { _._2 != sparseVal }
if (denseCount < sizeOfDense * THRESHOLD)
SparseVector(m, sparseVal, sizeOfDense)
DenseVector(toVector(m, sparseVal, sizeOfDense), sparseVal, denseCount)
def toMap[V](v: AdaptiveVector[V]): Map[Int, V] =
v match {
case DenseVector(is, sv, _) => toMap(is, sv)
case SparseVector(m, _, _) => m
def toMap[V](iseq: IndexedSeq[V], sparse: V): Map[Int, V] =
iseq.view.zipWithIndex.filter { _._1 != sparse }.map { _.swap }.toMap
def toVector[V](m: Map[Int, V], sparse: V, size: Int): Vector[V] = {
// Mutable local variable to optimize performance
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
val buf = Buffer.fill[V](size)(sparse)
m.foreach { case (idx, v) => buf(idx) = v }
Vector(buf: _*)
def toVector[V](v: AdaptiveVector[V]): Vector[V] =
v match {
case DenseVector(is, sv, _) => is
case SparseVector(m, v, sz) => toVector(m, v, sz)
private def withSparse[V](v: AdaptiveVector[V], sv: V): AdaptiveVector[V] =
if (v.sparseValue == sv) v
else fromVector(toVector(v), sv)
private class AVSemigroup[V: Semigroup] extends Semigroup[AdaptiveVector[V]] {
private def valueIsNonZero(v: V): Boolean = implicitly[Semigroup[V]] match {
case m: Monoid[_] => m.isNonZero(v)
case _ => true
def plus(left: AdaptiveVector[V], right: AdaptiveVector[V]) = {
if (left.sparseValue != right.sparseValue) {
if (left.denseCount > right.denseCount) plus(withSparse(left, right.sparseValue), right)
else plus(left, withSparse(right, left.sparseValue))
} else {
// they have the same sparse value
val maxSize = Ordering[Int].max(left.size, right.size)
(left, right) match {
case (DenseVector(lv, ls, ld), DenseVector(rv, rs, rd)) =>
val vec =[IndexedSeq[V]](lv, rv) match {
case v: Vector[_] => v.asInstanceOf[Vector[V]]
case notV => Vector(notV: _*)
fromVector(vec, ls)
case _ if valueIsNonZero(left.sparseValue) =>
fromVector(Vector( IndexedSeq[V],
toVector(right): IndexedSeq[V]): _*),
case _ => // sparse is zero:
fromMap(, toMap(right)),
private class AVMonoid[V: Monoid] extends AVSemigroup[V] with Monoid[AdaptiveVector[V]] {
val zero = AdaptiveVector.fill[V](0)([V])
override def isNonZero(v: AdaptiveVector[V]) = !isZero(v)
def isZero(v: AdaptiveVector[V]) = (v.size == 0) || {
val sparseAreZero = if (Monoid.isNonZero(v.sparseValue)) (v.denseCount == v.size) else true
sparseAreZero &&
v.denseIterator.forall { idxv => !Monoid.isNonZero(idxv._2) }
private class AVGroup[V: Group] extends AVMonoid[V] with Group[AdaptiveVector[V]] {
override def negate(v: AdaptiveVector[V]) =
fromVector(toVector(v).map(Group.negate(_)), Group.negate(v.sparseValue))
implicit def semigroup[V: Semigroup]: Semigroup[AdaptiveVector[V]] = new AVSemigroup[V]
implicit def monoid[V: Monoid]: Monoid[AdaptiveVector[V]] = new AVMonoid[V]
implicit def group[V: Group]: Group[AdaptiveVector[V]] = new AVGroup[V]
* Equality when considering only the dense values (so size doesn't matter)
def denseEquiv[V: Equiv]: Equiv[AdaptiveVector[V]] = Equiv.fromFunction[AdaptiveVector[V]] { (l, r) =>
val (lit, rit) = (l.denseIterator, r.denseIterator)
def iteq: Boolean =
(lit.hasNext, rit.hasNext) match {
case (true, true) =>
val (lnext, rnext) = (,
if (lnext._1 == rnext._1 && Equiv[V].equiv(lnext._2, rnext._2))
case (false, false) => true
case _ => false
Equiv[V].equiv(l.sparseValue, r.sparseValue) && iteq
implicit def equiv[V: Equiv]: Equiv[AdaptiveVector[V]] =
Equiv.fromFunction[AdaptiveVector[V]] { (l, r) =>
(l.size == r.size) && (denseEquiv[V].equiv(l, r) ||
toVector(l) { case (lv, rv) => Equiv[V].equiv(lv, rv) })
* An IndexedSeq that automatically switches representation between dense and sparse depending on sparsity
* Should be an efficient representation for all sizes, and it should not be necessary to special case
* immutable algebras based on the sparsity of the vectors.
sealed trait AdaptiveVector[V] extends IndexedSeq[V] {
def length = size
def sparseValue: V
/** How many items are not sparse */
def denseCount: Int
def size: Int
def apply(idx: Int): V
def updated(idx: Int, v: V): AdaptiveVector[V]
/** Grow by adding count sparse values to the end */
def extend(count: Int): AdaptiveVector[V]
/** Iterator of indices and values of all non-sparse values */
def denseIterator: Iterator[(Int, V)]
* Note that IndexedSeq provides hashCode and equals that
* work correctly based on length and apply.
case class DenseVector[V](iseq: Vector[V], override val sparseValue: V, override val denseCount: Int)
extends AdaptiveVector[V] {
override def size = iseq.size
def apply(idx: Int) = iseq(idx)
def updated(idx: Int, v: V): AdaptiveVector[V] = {
val oldIsSparse = if (iseq(idx) == sparseValue) 1 else 0
val newIsSparse = if (v == sparseValue) 1 else 0
val newCount = denseCount - newIsSparse + oldIsSparse
if (denseCount < size * AdaptiveVector.THRESHOLD) {
// Go sparse
SparseVector(AdaptiveVector.toMap(iseq, sparseValue), sparseValue, size)
} else {
DenseVector(iseq.updated(idx, v), sparseValue, newCount)
def extend(cnt: Int) = {
val newSize = size + cnt
if (denseCount < newSize * AdaptiveVector.THRESHOLD) {
// Go sparse
SparseVector(AdaptiveVector.toMap(iseq, sparseValue), sparseValue, newSize)
} else {
// Stay dense
DenseVector(iseq ++ Vector.fill(cnt)(sparseValue), sparseValue, denseCount)
def denseIterator =
iseq.view.zipWithIndex.filter { _._1 != sparseValue }.map { _.swap }.iterator
case class SparseVector[V](map: Map[Int, V], override val sparseValue: V, override val size: Int) extends AdaptiveVector[V] {
def denseCount: Int = map.size
def apply(idx: Int) = {
require(idx >= 0 && idx < size, "Index out of range")
map.getOrElse(idx, sparseValue)
def updated(idx: Int, v: V): AdaptiveVector[V] = {
if (v == sparseValue) {
SparseVector(map - idx, sparseValue, size)
} else {
val newM = map + (idx -> v)
if (newM.size >= size * AdaptiveVector.THRESHOLD) {
// Go dense:
DenseVector(AdaptiveVector.toVector(newM, sparseValue, size), sparseValue, newM.size)
} else {
SparseVector(newM, sparseValue, size)
def extend(cnt: Int) = SparseVector(map, sparseValue, size + cnt)
private lazy val sortedList = map.toList.sortBy { _._1 }
def denseIterator = sortedList.iterator
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