com.twitter.algebird.MinHasher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.algebird
import java.nio._
* MinHasher as a Monoid operates on this class to avoid the too generic Array[Byte].
* The bytes are assumed to be never modified. The only reason we did not use IndexedSeq[Byte] instead of Array[Byte] is
* because a ByteBuffer is used internally in MinHasher and it can wrap Array[Byte].
case class MinHashSignature(bytes: Array[Byte])
object MinHasher {
/** Numerically solve the inverse of estimatedThreshold, given numBands*numRows */
def pickBands(threshold: Double, hashes: Int) = {
val target = hashes * -1 * math.log(threshold)
var bands = 1
while (bands * math.log(bands) < target)
bands += 1
def pickHashesAndBands(threshold: Double, maxHashes: Int) = {
val bands = pickBands(threshold, maxHashes)
val hashes = (maxHashes / bands) * bands
(hashes, bands)
* Instances of MinHasher can create, combine, and compare fixed-sized signatures of
* arbitrarily sized sets.
* A signature is represented by a byte array of approx maxBytes size.
* You can initialize a signature with a single element, usually a Long or String.
* You can combine any two set's signatures to produce the signature of their union.
* You can compare any two set's signatures to estimate their Jaccard similarity.
* You can use a set's signature to estimate the number of distinct values in the set.
* You can also use a combination of the above to estimate the size of the intersection of
* two sets from their signatures.
* The more bytes in the signature, the more accurate all of the above will be.
* You can also use these signatures to quickly find similar sets without doing
* n^2 comparisons. Each signature is assigned to several buckets; sets whose signatures
* end up in the same bucket are likely to be similar. The targetThreshold controls
* the desired level of similarity - the higher the threshold, the more efficiently
* you can find all the similar sets.
* This abstract superclass is generic with regards to the size of the hash used.
* Depending on the number of unique values in the domain of the sets, you may want
* a MinHasher16, a MinHasher32, or a new custom subclass.
* This implementation is modeled after Chapter 3 of Ullman and Rajaraman's Mining of Massive Datasets:
abstract class MinHasher[H](val numHashes: Int, val numBands: Int)(implicit n: Numeric[H]) extends Monoid[MinHashSignature] {
/** The number of bytes used for each hash in the signature */
def hashSize: Int
/** For explanation of the "bands" and "rows" see Ullman and Rajaraman */
val numBytes = numHashes * hashSize
val numRows = numHashes / numBands
/** This seed could be anything */
private val seed = 123456789
* We always use a 128 bit hash function, so the number of hash functions is different
* (and usually smaller) than the number of hashes in the signature.
private val hashFunctions = {
val r = new scala.util.Random(seed)
val numHashFunctions = math.ceil(numBytes / 16.0).toInt
(1 to numHashFunctions).map{ i => MurmurHash128(r.nextLong) }
/** Signature for empty set, needed to be a proper Monoid */
val zero: MinHashSignature = MinHashSignature(buildArray{ maxHash })
/** Set union */
def plus(left: MinHashSignature, right: MinHashSignature): MinHashSignature = MinHashSignature(
buildArray(left.bytes, right.bytes){ (l, r) => n.min(l, r) })
/** Esimate Jaccard similarity (size of union / size of intersection) */
def similarity(left: MinHashSignature, right: MinHashSignature): Double =
buildArray(left.bytes, right.bytes){ (l, r) => if (l == r) else }
.map{ _.toDouble }.sum / numHashes
/** Bucket keys to use for quickly finding other similar items via locality sensitive hashing */
def buckets(sig: MinHashSignature): List[Long] =
sig.bytes.grouped(numRows * hashSize)
.filter{ _.size == numRows * hashSize }
.map{ hashFunctions.head(_)._1 }
/** Create a signature for a single Long value */
def init(value: Long): MinHashSignature = init{ _(value) }
/** Create a signature for a single String value */
def init(value: String): MinHashSignature = init{ _(value) }
/** Create a signature for an arbitrary value */
def init(fn: MurmurHash128 => (Long, Long)): MinHashSignature = {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](numBytes)
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(hashFunctions.size * 16)
val longBuffer = buffer.asLongBuffer
hashFunctions.foreach{ h =>
val (long1, long2) = fn(h)
/** Useful for understanding the effects of numBands and numRows */
val estimatedThreshold = math.pow(1.0 / numBands, 1.0 / numRows)
/** Useful for understanding the effects of numBands and numRows */
def probabilityOfInclusion(sim: Double) = 1.0 - math.pow(1.0 - math.pow(sim, numRows), numBands)
/** Maximum value the hash can take on (not 2*hashSize because of signed types) */
def maxHash: H
/** Initialize a byte array by generating hash values */
protected def buildArray(fn: => H): Array[Byte]
/** Decode two signatures into hash values, combine them somehow, and produce a new array */
protected def buildArray(left: Array[Byte], right: Array[Byte])(fn: (H, H) => H): Array[Byte]
class MinHasher32(numHashes: Int, numBands: Int) extends MinHasher[Int](numHashes, numBands) {
private def this(x: (Int, Int)) = this(x._1, x._2)
def this(targetThreshold: Double, maxBytes: Int) = this(MinHasher.pickHashesAndBands(targetThreshold, maxBytes / 4))
override def hashSize = 4
override def maxHash = Int.MaxValue
override protected def buildArray(fn: => Int): Array[Byte] = {
val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(numBytes)
val writeBuffer = byteBuffer.asIntBuffer{ i => writeBuffer.put(fn) }
override protected def buildArray(left: Array[Byte], right: Array[Byte])(fn: (Int, Int) => Int): Array[Byte] = {
val leftBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(left).asIntBuffer
val rightBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(right).asIntBuffer
buildArray{ fn(leftBuffer.get, rightBuffer.get) }
/** Seems to work, but experimental and not generic yet */
def approxCount(sig: Array[Byte]) = {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(sig).asIntBuffer
val mean ={ i => buffer.get.toLong }.sum / numHashes
(2L << 31) / (mean.toLong + (2L << 30))
class MinHasher16(numHashes: Int, numBands: Int) extends MinHasher[Char](numHashes, numBands) {
private def this(x: (Int, Int)) = this(x._1, x._2)
def this(targetThreshold: Double, maxBytes: Int) = this(MinHasher.pickHashesAndBands(targetThreshold, maxBytes / 2))
override def hashSize = 2
override def maxHash = Char.MaxValue
override protected def buildArray(fn: => Char): Array[Byte] = {
val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(numBytes)
val writeBuffer = byteBuffer.asCharBuffer{ i => writeBuffer.put(fn) }
override protected def buildArray(left: Array[Byte], right: Array[Byte])(fn: (Char, Char) => Char): Array[Byte] = {
val leftBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(left).asCharBuffer
val rightBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(right).asCharBuffer
buildArray{ fn(leftBuffer.get, rightBuffer.get) }
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