com.twitter.bijection.json.JsonInjection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.twitter.bijection.json
import com.twitter.bijection.{Bijection, Injection, InversionFailure}
import com.twitter.bijection.Inversion.{attempt, attemptWhen}
import org.codehaus.jackson.{JsonNode, JsonFactory}
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.JsonNodeFactory
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
* @author
* Oscar Boykin
* @author
* Sam Ritchie
* Bijection for converting between Scala basic collections and types and JSON objects.
trait JsonNodeInjection[T] extends Injection[T, JsonNode]
abstract class AbstractJsonNodeInjection[T] extends JsonNodeInjection[T]
trait LowPriorityJson {
def viaInjection[A, B](implicit
inj: Injection[A, B],
json: JsonNodeInjection[B]
): JsonNodeInjection[A] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[A] {
def apply(a: A) = json(inj(a))
def invert(j: JsonNode) = json.invert(j).flatMap { inj.invert(_) }
def viaBijection[A, B](implicit
bij: Bijection[A, B],
json: JsonNodeInjection[B]
): JsonNodeInjection[A] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[A] {
def apply(a: A) = json(bij(a))
def invert(j: JsonNode) = json.invert(j).map { bij.invert(_) }
// To get the tuple conversions, low priority because List[T] <: Product
implicit def tuple[T <: Product](implicit
inj: Injection[T, List[JsonNode]],
ltoJ: Injection[List[JsonNode], JsonNode]
): JsonNodeInjection[T] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[T] {
def apply(t: T) = ltoJ.apply(inj(t))
def invert(j: JsonNode) = ltoJ.invert(j).flatMap { l => inj.invert(l) }
* You need to import all the methods of this object to get general Injection[T,JsonNode] to work
object JsonNodeInjection extends CollectionJson with LowPriorityJson with {
def toJsonNode[T](t: T)(implicit json: JsonNodeInjection[T]): JsonNode =
def fromJsonNode[T](node: JsonNode)(implicit json: JsonNodeInjection[T]): Try[T] =
implicit val identity = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[JsonNode] {
def apply(n: JsonNode) = n
override def invert(n: JsonNode) = Success(n)
implicit val booleanJson = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Boolean] {
def apply(b: Boolean) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.booleanNode(b)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) = attemptWhen(n)(_.isBoolean)(_.asBoolean)
implicit val shortJson = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Short] {
def apply(i: Short) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.numberNode(i)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) = attemptWhen(n)(_.isInt)(_.asInt.toShort)
implicit val intJson = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Int] {
def apply(i: Int) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.numberNode(i)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) =
if (n.isInt) Success(n.asInt) else InversionFailure.failedAttempt(n)
implicit val longJson = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Long] {
def apply(i: Long) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.numberNode(i)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) =
if (n.isLong || n.isInt) Success(n.asLong) else InversionFailure.failedAttempt(n)
implicit val floatJson = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Float] {
def apply(i: Float) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.numberNode(i)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) = attempt(n)(_.asDouble.toFloat)
implicit val doubleJson = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Double] {
def apply(i: Double) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.numberNode(i)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) =
if (n.isDouble) Success(n.asDouble) else InversionFailure.failedAttempt(n)
implicit val stringJson = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[String] {
def apply(s: String) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.textNode(s)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) =
if (n.isTextual) Success(n.asText) else InversionFailure.failedAttempt(n)
implicit val byteArray = new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Array[Byte]] {
def apply(b: Array[Byte]) = JsonNodeFactory.instance.binaryNode(b)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) = attempt(n)(_.getBinaryValue)
implicit def either[L: JsonNodeInjection, R: JsonNodeInjection] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Either[L, R]] {
def apply(e: Either[L, R]) =
e match {
case Left(l) => toJsonNode(l)
case Right(r) => toJsonNode(r)
override def invert(n: JsonNode) =
fromJsonNode[R](n).map { Right(_) }.recoverWith { case NonFatal(_) =>
fromJsonNode[L](n).map { Left(_) }.recoverWith(InversionFailure.partialFailure(n))
implicit def listJson[T: JsonNodeInjection]: JsonNodeInjection[List[T]] =
collectionJson[T, List[T]]
implicit def vectorJson[T: JsonNodeInjection]: JsonNodeInjection[Vector[T]] =
collectionJson[T, Vector[T]]
implicit def indexedSeqJson[T: JsonNodeInjection]: JsonNodeInjection[IndexedSeq[T]] =
collectionJson[T, IndexedSeq[T]]
implicit def seqJson[T: JsonNodeInjection]: JsonNodeInjection[Seq[T]] =
collectionJson[T, Seq[T]]
implicit def setJson[T: JsonNodeInjection]: JsonNodeInjection[Set[T]] =
collectionJson[T, Set[T]]
implicit def mapJson[V: JsonNodeInjection]: JsonNodeInjection[Map[String, V]] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[Map[String, V]] {
def apply(m: Map[String, V]) = {
val obj = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode
m.foreach { case (k, v) =>
obj.put(k, toJsonNode(v))
override def invert(n: JsonNode): Try[Map[String, V]] = {
val builder = Map.newBuilder[String, V]
var cnt = 0
n.getFields.asScala.foreach { kv =>
val value = fromJsonNode[V](kv.getValue)
if (value.isSuccess) {
cnt += 1
builder += (kv.getKey -> value.get)
} else {
return InversionFailure.failedAttempt(n)
val res = builder.result
if (res.size == cnt) Success(res) else InversionFailure.failedAttempt(n)
// Here is where the actual work is being done
implicit val unparsed: JsonNodeInjection[UnparsedJson] =
new AbstractJsonNodeInjection[UnparsedJson] {
val factory = new JsonFactory
val mapper = new ObjectMapper
def apply(upjson: UnparsedJson) = {
override def invert(n: JsonNode) = {
val writer = new
val gen = factory.createJsonGenerator(writer)
mapper.writeTree(gen, n)
object JsonInjection {
def toString[T](implicit json: JsonNodeInjection[T]): Injection[T, String] =
UnparsedJson.injection[T] andThen (UnparsedJson.unwrap)
def fromString[T](s: String)(implicit json: JsonNodeInjection[T]): Try[T] =
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