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package com.twitter.finagle.http
import com.twitter.finagle.http.headers.Rfc7230HeaderValidation.{
import com.twitter.finagle.http.headers._
import com.twitter.logging.Logger
import com.twitter.util.TwitterDateFormat
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.{Date, Locale, TimeZone}
import scala.collection.mutable
* Mutable message headers map.
* Header names are case-insensitive. For example, `get("accept")` is the same as
* get("Accept").
* The map is a multi-map. Use [[getAll]] to get all values for a key. Use [[add]]
* to append a key-value.
abstract class HeaderMap extends HeaderMapVersionSpecific with mutable.Map[String, String] {
* Retrieves all values for a given header name.
def getAll(key: String): Seq[String]
* Retrieves the given header value or `null` if it doesn't exit.
def getOrNull(key: String): String = get(key).orNull
* Retrieves the given header value wrapped with `Option`.
def get(key: String): Option[String]
* Adds a header but don't replace existing header(s).
def add(k: String, v: String): HeaderMap
* Adds a header without replacing existing headers without validating the
* key and value.
def addUnsafe(k: String, v: String): HeaderMap
* Adds a header without replacing existing headers, as in [[add(String, String)]],
* but with standard formatting for dates in HTTP headers.
def add(k: String, date: Date): HeaderMap =
add(k, HeaderMap.format(date))
* Set a header. If an entry already exists, it is replaced.
def set(k: String, v: String): this.type
* Set or replace a header without validating the key and value.
def setUnsafe(k: String, v: String): this.type
* Set or replace a header, as in [[set(String, String)]],
* but with standard formatting for dates in HTTP headers.
def set(k: String, date: Date): HeaderMap =
set(k, HeaderMap.format(date))
* Set or replace a header, as in [[+=((String, String))]],
* but with standard formatting for dates in HTTP headers.
@deprecated("Use `.set(String, Date)` instead", "2017-02-01")
def +=(kv: (String, Date)): HeaderMap =
+=((kv._1, HeaderMap.format(kv._2)))
override def empty: HeaderMap = DefaultHeaderMap()
private[finagle] def nameValueIterator: Iterator[HeaderMap.NameValue] = { case (n, v) => new HeaderMap.NameValueImpl(n, v) }
object HeaderMap {
private[this] val logger = Logger.get(classOf[HeaderMap])
* Empty, read-only [[HeaderMap]].
val Empty: HeaderMap = new EmptyHeaderMap
/** Create a new HeaderMap from header list.
* @note the headers are added to the new `HeaderMap` via `add` operations.
def apply(headers: (String, String)*): HeaderMap =
DefaultHeaderMap(headers: _*)
/** Create a new, empty HeaderMap. */
def newHeaderMap: HeaderMap = apply()
def hashChar(c: Char): Int =
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c + 32
else c
private[this] val formatter = new ThreadLocal[SimpleDateFormat] {
override protected def initialValue(): SimpleDateFormat = {
val f = TwitterDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.ENGLISH)
private def format(date: Date): String =
if (date == null) null
else formatter.get().format(date)
// Exposed for testing
private[http] val ObsFoldRegex = "\r?\n[\t ]+".r
private[http] def validateName(name: String): Unit =
Rfc7230HeaderValidation.validateName(name) match {
case ValidationSuccess => () // nop
case ValidationFailure(ex) => throw ex
private[http] def foldReplacingValidateValue(name: String, value: String): String =
Rfc7230HeaderValidation.validateValue(name, value) match {
case ValidationSuccess =>
case ValidationFailure(ex) =>
throw ex
case ObsFoldDetected =>
logger.debug("`obs-fold` sequence replaced.")
// Per, an obs-fold is equivalent
// to a SP char and suggests that such header values should be 'fixed' before
// interpreting or forwarding the message.
private[finagle] trait NameValue {
def name: String
def value: String
private final class NameValueImpl(val name: String, val value: String) extends NameValue