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package com.twitter.finagle.http
import com.twitter.finagle.http.collection.RecordSchema
import com.twitter.finagle.http.util.FailingWriter
import{Buf, Pipe, Reader, Writer}
import{InetAddress, InetSocketAddress}
import java.util.{AbstractMap, List => JList, Map => JMap, Set => JSet}
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Rich HttpRequest.
* Use RequestProxy to create an even richer subclass.
abstract class Request private extends Message {
* Arbitrary user-defined context associated with this request object.
* [[com.twitter.finagle.http.collection.RecordSchema.Record RecordSchema.Record]] is
* used here, rather than [[com.twitter.finagle.context.Context Context]] or similar
* out-of-band mechanisms, to make the connection between the request and its
* associated context explicit.
def ctx: Request.Schema.Record
final def isRequest: Boolean = true
* Returns a [[ParamMap]] instance, which contains both parameters provided
* as part of the request URI and parameters provided as part of the request
* body.
* @note Request body parameters are considered if the following criteria are true:
* 1. The request is not a TRACE request.
* 2. The request media type is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
* 3. The content length is greater than 0.
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.http.{MediaType, Method, Request}
* val request = Request(Method.Post, "/search?a=yes")
* request.mediaType = MediaType.WwwForm
* request.contentString = "a=no&b=yes&c=no"
* request.params
* // Result
* // com.twitter.finagle.http.ParamMap = ?c=no&a=no&b=yes&a=yes
* }}}
* To get just query parameters from the URI, use [[Uri]].
def params: ParamMap = _params
private[this] lazy val _params: ParamMap = new RequestParamMap(this)
* Returns the HTTP method of this request.
def method: Method
* Sets the HTTP method of this request to the given `method`.
* * @see [[method(Method)]] for Java users.
def method_=(method: Method): Unit
* Sets the HTTP method of this request to the given `method`.
* @see [[method_=(Method)]] for Scala users.
final def method(method: Method): this.type = {
this.method = method
* Returns the URI of this request.
def uri: String
* Set the URI of this request.
* @see [[uri_=(String)]] for Scala users.
final def uri(value: String): this.type = {
uri = value
* Set the URI of this request to the given `uri`.
* @see [[uri(String)]] for Java users.
def uri_=(uri: String): Unit
/** Path from URI. */
def path: String = {
val u = uri
u.indexOf('?') match {
case -1 => u
case n => u.substring(0, n)
/** File extension. Empty string if none. */
def fileExtension: String = {
val p = path
val leaf = p.lastIndexOf('/') match {
case -1 => p
case n => p.substring(n + 1)
leaf.lastIndexOf('.') match {
case -1 => ""
case n => leaf.substring(n + 1).toLowerCase
* The InetSocketAddress of the client or a place-holder
* ephemeral address for requests that have yet to be dispatched.
def remoteSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress
/** Remote host - a dotted quad */
def remoteHost: String =
/** Remote InetAddress */
def remoteAddress: InetAddress =
/** Remote port */
def remotePort: Int =
// The get*Param methods below are for Java compatibility. Note Scala default
// arguments aren't compatible with Java, so we need two versions of each.
* Get parameter value. Returns value or null.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getParam(name: String): String =
getParam(name, null)
* Get parameter value. Returns value or default.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getParam(name: String, default: String): String =
params.getOrElse(name, default)
* Get Short param. Returns value or 0.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getShortParam(name: String): Short =
params.getShortOrElse(name, 0)
* Get Short param. Returns value or default.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getShortParam(name: String, default: Short): Short =
params.getShortOrElse(name, default)
* Get Int param. Returns value or 0.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getIntParam(name: String): Int =
params.getIntOrElse(name, 0)
* Get Int param. Returns value or default.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getIntParam(name: String, default: Int): Int =
params.getIntOrElse(name, default)
* Get Long param. Returns value or 0.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getLongParam(name: String): Long =
params.getLongOrElse(name, 0L)
* Get Long param. Returns value or default.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getLongParam(name: String, default: Long): Long =
params.getLongOrElse(name, default)
* Get Boolean param. Returns value or false.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getBooleanParam(name: String): Boolean =
params.getBooleanOrElse(name, false)
* Get Boolean param. Returns value or default.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getBooleanParam(name: String, default: Boolean): Boolean =
params.getBooleanOrElse(name, default)
* Get all values of parameter. Returns list of values.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getParams(name: String): JList[String] =
* Get all parameters.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getParams(): JList[JMap.Entry[String, String]] = {
case (k, v) =>
// cast to appease asJava
new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry(k, v).asInstanceOf[JMap.Entry[String, String]]
* Check if parameter exists.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def containsParam(name: String): Boolean =
* Get parameters names.
* @see [[params]] for details of which parameters are considered.
def getParamNames(): JSet[String] =
/** Response associated with request. */
@deprecated("Use the Response constructor functions", "2016-12-29")
lazy val response: Response = Response(this)
/** Get response associated with request. */
@deprecated("Use the Response constructor functions", "2016-12-29")
def getResponse(): Response = response
override def toString: String =
s"""Request("$method $uri", from $remoteSocketAddress)"""
object Request {
* [[com.twitter.finagle.http.collection.RecordSchema RecordSchema]] declaration, used
* to generate [[com.twitter.finagle.http.collection.RecordSchema.Record Record]] instances
* for Request.ctx.
val Schema: RecordSchema = new RecordSchema
* Create an HTTP/1.1 GET Request from query string parameters.
* @param params a list of key-value pairs representing the query string.
def apply(params: Tuple2[String, String]*): Request =
apply("/", params: _*)
* Create an HTTP/1.1 GET Request from URI and query string parameters.
* @param params a list of key-value pairs representing the query string.
def apply(uri: String, params: Tuple2[String, String]*): Request =
apply(Method.Get, queryString(uri, params: _*))
* Create an HTTP/1.1 GET request from URI string.
def apply(uri: String): Request =
apply(Method.Get, uri)
* Create an HTTP/1.1 request from method and URI string.
def apply(method: Method, uri: String): Request =
apply(Version.Http11, method, uri)
* Create an HTTP/1.1 request from version, method, and URI string.
def apply(version: Version, method: Method, uri: String): Request = {
// Since this is a user made `Request` we use a Pipe so they
// can keep a handle to the writer half and the client implementation can use
// the reader half.
val rw = new Pipe[Chunk]
val req = new Request.Impl(rw, rw, new InetSocketAddress(0))
req.version = version
req.method = method
req.uri = uri
* Create an HTTP/1.1 request from Version, Method, URI, and Reader.
* A [[]] is a stream of bytes serialized to HTTP chunks.
* `Reader`s are useful for representing streaming data in the body of the
* request (e.g. a large file, or long lived computation that produces results
* incrementally).
* {{{
* val data = Reader.fromStream("data.txt"))
* val post = Request(Http11, Post, "/upload", data)
* client(post) onSuccess {
* case r if r.status == Ok => println("Success!")
* case _ => println("Something went wrong...")
* }
* }}}
def apply(version: Version, method: Method, uri: String, reader: Reader[Buf]): Request = {
val req = new Request.Impl(,
new InetSocketAddress(0)
req.version = version
req.method = method
req.uri = uri
/** Create a query string from URI and parameters. */
def queryString(uri: String, params: Tuple2[String, String]*): String = {
uri + QueryParamEncoder.encode(params)
* Create a query string from parameters. The results begins with "?" only if
* params is non-empty.
def queryString(params: Tuple2[String, String]*): String =
queryString("", params: _*)
/** Create a query string from URI and parameters. */
def queryString(uri: String, params: Map[String, String]): String =
queryString(uri, params.toSeq: _*)
* Create a query string from parameters. The results begins with "?" only if
* params is non-empty.
def queryString(params: Map[String, String]): String =
queryString("", params.toSeq: _*)
* Proxy for Request. This can be used to create a richer request class
* that wraps Request without exposing the underlying netty http type.
abstract class Proxy extends Request {
* Underlying `Request`
def request: Request
def ctx: Schema.Record = request.ctx
def remoteSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress = request.remoteSocketAddress
def chunkReader: Reader[Chunk] = request.chunkReader
def chunkWriter: Writer[Chunk] = request.chunkWriter
override lazy val cookies: CookieMap = request.cookies
def headerMap: HeaderMap = request.headerMap
def trailers: HeaderMap = request.trailers
override def params: ParamMap = request.params
override lazy val response: Response = request.response
def uri: String = request.uri
// These should never need to be overridden
final def method: Method = request.method
final def method_=(method: Method): Unit = request.method_=(method)
final def uri_=(uri: String): Unit = request.uri_=(uri)
final override def content: Buf = request.content
final override def content_=(content: Buf): Unit = request.content_=(content)
final override def version: Version = request.version
final override def version_=(version: Version): Unit = request.version_=(version)
final override def isChunked: Boolean = request.isChunked
final override def setChunked(chunked: Boolean): Unit = request.setChunked(chunked)
* An inbound request (a request received by a server) that could include trailers.
private[finagle] final class Inbound(
val chunkReader: Reader[Chunk],
val remoteSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress,
val trailers: HeaderMap)
extends Request {
def chunkWriter: Writer[Chunk] = FailingWriter
@volatile private var _method: Method = Method.Get
@volatile private var _uri: String = ""
val headerMap: HeaderMap = HeaderMap()
// Lazily created which allows those not using this functionality to not pay for it.
@volatile private[this] var _ctx: Request.Schema.Record = _
def ctx: Request.Schema.Record = {
if (_ctx == null) synchronized {
if (_ctx == null) _ctx = Request.Schema.newRecord()
def method: Method = _method
def method_=(method: Method): Unit = {
_method = method
def uri: String = _uri
def uri_=(uri: String): Unit = {
_uri = uri
* An outbound request (a request sent by a client).
private[finagle] final class Impl(
val chunkReader: Reader[Chunk],
val chunkWriter: Writer[Chunk],
val remoteSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress)
extends Request {
def this(chunkReader: Reader[Chunk], remoteSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress) =
this(chunkReader, FailingWriter, remoteSocketAddress)
@volatile private var _method: Method = Method.Get
@volatile private var _uri: String = ""
val headerMap: HeaderMap = HeaderMap()
// Lazily created which allows those not using this functionality to not pay for it.
@volatile private[this] var _ctx: Request.Schema.Record = _
def ctx: Request.Schema.Record = {
if (_ctx == null) synchronized {
if (_ctx == null) _ctx = Request.Schema.newRecord()
def trailers: HeaderMap = HeaderMap.Empty
def method: Method = _method
def method_=(method: Method): Unit = {
_method = method
def uri: String = _uri
def uri_=(uri: String): Unit = {
_uri = uri