com.twitter.finagle.Addr.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.finagle
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import java.util.{List => JList, Collection => JCollection, Map => JMap}
import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable
* An address identifies the location of an object--it is a bound
* name. An object may be replicated, and thus bound to multiple
* physical locations; it may be delegated to an unbound name.
* (Similar to a symbolic link in Unix.)
sealed trait Addr
* Note: There is a Java-friendly API for this object: [[com.twitter.finagle.Addrs]].
object Addr {
/** Address metadata */
type Metadata = Map[String, Any]
object Metadata {
def apply(pairs: (String, Any)*): Metadata = Map(pairs:_*)
val empty: Metadata = Map.empty
* A bound name. The object is replicated at each of the given
* socket addresses.
* Bound addresses include an arbitrary Map of metadata that
* Namers or Resolvers may set to provide additional configuration
* (e.g. geographical information) to client stacks.
* Note: This currently protects the underlying addresses
* from access since we want to add partially resolved addresses
* in the future. At this point, the API will be fixed.
case class Bound(
addrs: immutable.Set[SocketAddress],
metadata: Metadata
) extends Addr
* The address is failed: binding failed with
* the given cause.
case class Failed(cause: Throwable) extends Addr
* The binding action is still pending.
object Pending extends Addr {
override def toString = "Pending"
* A negative address: the name could not be bound.
object Neg extends Addr {
override def toString = "Neg"
object Bound {
def apply(addrs: SocketAddress*): Addr = Bound(Set(addrs:_*), Metadata.empty)
def apply(addrs: Set[SocketAddress]): Addr = Bound(addrs, Metadata.empty)
object Failed {
def apply(why: String): Addr = Failed(new Exception(why))
* A Java adaptation of the [[com.twitter.finagle.Addr]] companion object.
object Addrs {
* @see com.twitter.finagle.Addr.Bound
def newBoundAddr(addrs: SocketAddress*): Addr = Addr.Bound(addrs: _*)
* @see com.twitter.finagle.Addr.Bound
def newBoundAddr(addrs: JCollection[SocketAddress]): Addr =
Addr.Bound(addrs.asScala.toSet, Addr.Metadata.empty)
* @see com.twitter.finagle.Addr.Bound
def newBoundAddr(addrs: JCollection[SocketAddress], metadata: JMap[String, Any]): Addr =
Addr.Bound(addrs.asScala.toSet, metadata.asScala.toMap)
* @see com.twitter.finagle.Addr.Failed
def newFailedAddr(cause: Throwable): Addr = Addr.Failed(cause)
* @see com.twitter.finagle.Addr.Failed
def newFailedAddr(why: String): Addr = Addr.Failed(why)
* @see com.twitter.finagle.Addr.Pending
val pendingAddr: Addr = Addr.Pending
* @see com.twitter.finagle.Addr.Neg
val negAddr: Addr = Addr.Neg