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package com.twitter.finagle
import com.twitter.finagle.server.ServerRegistry
import com.twitter.finagle.util.InetSocketAddressUtil
import com.twitter.util._
import{InetSocketAddress, SocketAddress}
* Trait ListeningServer represents a bound and listening
* server. Closing a server instance unbinds the port and
* relinquishes resources that are associated with the server.
trait ListeningServer
extends Closable
with Awaitable[Unit]
with Group[SocketAddress]
* The address to which this server is bound.
def boundAddress: SocketAddress
protected[finagle] lazy val set = Var.value(Set(boundAddress))
protected def closeServer(deadline: Time): Future[Unit]
private[this] var isClosed = false
private[this] var announcements = List.empty[Future[Announcement]]
* Announce the given address and return a future to the announcement
def announce(addr: String): Future[Announcement] = synchronized {
val public = InetSocketAddressUtil.toPublic(boundAddress).asInstanceOf[InetSocketAddress]
if (isClosed)
Future.exception(new Exception("Cannot announce on a closed server"))
else {
val ann = Announcer.announce(public, addr)
announcements ::= ann
final def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = synchronized {
isClosed = true
val collected = Future.collect(announcements)
collected flatMap { list =>
Closable.all(list:_*).close(deadline) before closeServer(deadline)
* An empty ListeningServer that can be used as a placeholder. For
* example:
* {{{
* @volatile var server = NullServer
* def main() { server = Http.serve(...) }
* def exit() { server.close() }
* }}}
object NullServer extends ListeningServer with CloseAwaitably {
def closeServer(deadline: Time) = closeAwaitably { Future.Done }
val boundAddress = new InetSocketAddress(0)
* Servers implement RPC servers with `Req`-typed requests and
* `Rep`-typed responses. Servers dispatch requests to a
* [[com.twitter.finagle.Service]] or
* [[com.twitter.finagle.ServiceFactory]] provided through `serve`.
* Servers are implemented by the various protocol packages in finagle,
* for example [[com.twitter.finagle.Http]]:
* {{{
* object Http extends Server[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] ...
* val server = Http.serve(":*", new Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] {
* def apply(req: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = ...
* })
* }}}
* Will bind to an ephemeral port (":*") and dispatch request to
* `server.boundAddress` to the provided
* [[com.twitter.finagle.Service]] instance.
* The `serve` method has two variants: one for instances of
* `Service`, and another for `ServiceFactory`. The `ServiceFactory`
* variants are used for protocols in which connection state is
* significant: a new `Service` is requested from the
* `ServiceFactory` for each new connection, and requests on that
* connection are dispatched to the supplied service. The service is
* also closed when the client disconnects or the connection is
* otherwise terminated.
* @define addr
* Serve `service` at `addr`
* @define serveAndAnnounce
* Serve `service` at `addr` and announce with `name`. Announcements will be removed
* when the service is closed. Omitting the `addr` will bind to an ephemeral port.
trait Server[Req, Rep] {
/** $addr */
def serve(addr: SocketAddress, service: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer
/** $addr */
def serve(addr: SocketAddress, service: Service[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer =
serve(addr, ServiceFactory.const(service))
/** $addr */
def serve(addr: String, service: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer =
serve(ServerRegistry.register(addr), service)
/** $addr */
def serve(addr: String, service: Service[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer =
serve(addr, ServiceFactory.const(service))
/** $serveAndAnnounce */
def serveAndAnnounce(name: String, addr: String, service: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer = {
val server = serve(addr, service)
/** $serveAndAnnounce */
def serveAndAnnounce(name: String, addr: String, service: Service[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer =
serveAndAnnounce(name, addr, ServiceFactory.const(service))
/** $serveAndAnnounce */
def serveAndAnnounce(name: String, service: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer =
serveAndAnnounce(name, ":*", service)
/** $serveAndAnnounce */
def serveAndAnnounce(name: String, service: Service[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer =
serveAndAnnounce(name, ServiceFactory.const(service))