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package com.twitter.finagle.addr
import com.twitter.concurrent.{Offer, Broker}
import com.twitter.finagle.builder.Cluster
import com.twitter.finagle.Addr
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{StatsReceiver, NullStatsReceiver}
import com.twitter.finagle.util.DefaultTimer
import com.twitter.util.{Future, Time, Timer, Duration, Var}
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
private[finagle] object StabilizingAddr {
private[finagle/*(testing*/] object State extends Enumeration {
type Health = Value
// explicitly define intuitive ids as they
// are exported for stats.
val Healthy = Value(1)
val Unknown = Value(0)
val Unhealthy = Value(-1)
private def qcontains[T](q: Queue[(T, _)], elem: T): Boolean =
q exists { case (e, _) => e == elem }
* A StabilizingAddr conservatively removes elements from a bound
* Addr depending on the source health (exposed through `pulse`).
* More specifically, removes are delayed until the source is in a
* healthy state for at least `grace` period.
* @param addr An offer for underlying address updates.
* @param pulse An offer for communicating group health.
* Invariant: The offer should communicate Health in FIFO order
* with respect to time.
* @param grace The duration that must elapse before an element
* is removed from the group.
def apply(
addr: Offer[Addr],
pulse: Offer[State.Health],
grace: Duration,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver,
timer: Timer = DefaultTimer.twitter
): Offer[Addr] = new Offer[Addr] {
import State._
implicit val injectTimer = timer
@volatile var nq = 0
@volatile var healthStat =
val health = statsReceiver.addGauge("health") { healthStat }
val limbo = statsReceiver.addGauge("limbo") { nq }
val stabilized = new Broker[Addr]
* Exclusively maintains the elements in current
* based on adds, removes, and health transitions.
* Removes are delayed for grace period and each health
* transition resets the grace period.
def loop(
remq: Queue[(SocketAddress, Time)],
h: Health,
active: Set[SocketAddress],
needPush: Boolean,
srcAddr: Addr): Future[Unit] = {
nq = remq.size
pulse map { newh =>
healthStat =
// If our health transitions into healthy, reset removal
// times foreach elem in remq.
newh match {
case newh if h == newh =>
loop(remq, newh, active, needPush, srcAddr)
case Healthy =>
// Transitioned to healthy: push back
val newTime = + grace
val newq = remq map { case (elem, _) => (elem, newTime) }
loop(newq, Healthy, active, needPush, srcAddr)
case newh =>
loop(remq, newh, active, needPush, srcAddr)
addr map {
case [email protected](newSet, _) =>
// Update our pending queue so that newly added
// entries aren't later removed.
var q = remq filter { case (e, _) => !(newSet contains e) }
// Add newly removed elements to the remove queue.
val until = + grace
for (el <- active &~ newSet if !qcontains(q, el))
q = q enqueue (el, until)
loop(q, h, active ++ newSet, true, addr)
case addr =>
// A nonbound address will enqueue all active members
// for removal, so that if we become bound again, we can
// continue on merrily.
val until = + grace
val q = remq enqueue (active map(el => (el, until)))
loop(q, h, active, true, addr)
if (h != Healthy || remq.isEmpty) Offer.never
else {
// Note: remq is ordered by 'until' time.
val ((elem, until), nextq) = remq.dequeue
Offer.timeout(until - map { _ =>
loop(nextq, h, active - elem, true, srcAddr)
if (!needPush) Offer.never else {
// We always bind if active is nonempty. Otherwise we
// pass through the current active address.
val attrs = srcAddr match {
case Addr.Bound(_, attrs) => attrs
case _ => Addr.Metadata.empty
val addr =
if (active.nonEmpty) Addr.Bound(active, attrs)
else srcAddr
stabilized.send(addr) map { _ =>
loop(remq, h, active, false, srcAddr)
loop(Queue.empty, Healthy, Set.empty, false, Addr.Pending)
// Defer to the underlying Offer.
def prepare() = stabilized.recv.prepare()