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package com.twitter.finagle.dispatch
import com.twitter.finagle.context.Contexts
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.finagle.{Service, NoStacktrace, CancelledRequestException}
import com.twitter.util._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
object GenSerialServerDispatcher {
private val Eof = Future.exception(new Exception("EOF") with NoStacktrace)
// We don't use Future.never here, because object equality is important here
private val Idle = new NoFuture
private val Closed = new NoFuture
* A generic version of
* [[com.twitter.finagle.dispatch.SerialServerDispatcher SerialServerDispatcher]],
* allowing the implementor to furnish custom dispatchers & handlers.
abstract class GenSerialServerDispatcher[Req, Rep, In, Out](trans: Transport[In, Out])
extends Closable {
import GenSerialServerDispatcher._
private[this] val state = new AtomicReference[Future[_]](Idle)
private[this] val cancelled = new CancelledRequestException
* Dispatches a request. The first argument is the request. The second
* argument `eos` (end-of-stream promise) must be fulfilled when the request
* is complete.
* For non-streaming requests, `eos.setDone()` should be called immediately,
* since the entire request is present. For streaming requests,
* `eos.setDone()` must be called at the end of stream (in HTTP, this is on
* receipt of last chunk). Refer to the implementation in
* [[com.twitter.finagle.http.codec.HttpServerDispatcher]].
protected def dispatch(req: Out, eos: Promise[Unit]): Future[Rep]
protected def handle(rep: Rep): Future[Unit]
private[this] def loop(): Future[Unit] = {
state.set(Idle) flatMap { req =>
val p = new Promise[Rep]
if (state.compareAndSet(Idle, p)) {
val eos = new Promise[Unit]
val save =
try trans.peerCertificate match {
case None => p.become(dispatch(req, eos))
case Some(cert) => Contexts.local.let(Transport.peerCertCtx, cert) {
p.become(dispatch(req, eos))
} finally Local.restore(save)
p map { res => (res, eos) }
} else Eof
} flatMap { case (rep, eos) =>
Future.join(handle(rep), eos).unit
} respond {
case Return(()) if state.get ne Closed =>
case _ =>
// Clear all locals to start the loop; we want a clean slate.
private[this] val looping = Local.letClear { loop() }
trans.onClose ensure {
/** Exposed for testing */
protected[dispatch] def isClosing: Boolean = state.get() eq Closed
// Note: this is racy, but that's inherent in draining (without
// protocol support). Presumably, half-closing TCP connection is
// also possible.
def close(deadline: Time) = {
if (state.getAndSet(Closed) eq Idle)
* Dispatch requests from transport one at a time, queueing
* concurrent requests.
* Transport errors are considered fatal; the service will be
* released after any error.
class SerialServerDispatcher[Req, Rep](
trans: Transport[Rep, Req],
service: Service[Req, Rep])
extends GenSerialServerDispatcher[Req, Rep, Rep, Req](trans) {
trans.onClose ensure {
protected def dispatch(req: Req, eos: Promise[Unit]) =
service(req) ensure eos.setDone()
protected def handle(rep: Rep) = trans.write(rep)