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package com.twitter.finagle.server
import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore
import com.twitter.finagle.filter.{MaskCancelFilter, RequestSemaphoreFilter}
import com.twitter.finagle.service.TimeoutFilter
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{StatsReceiver, ServerStatsReceiver}
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing._
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.finagle.util.{DefaultMonitor, DefaultTimer, DefaultLogger, ReporterFactory, LoadedReporterFactory}
import com.twitter.finagle.{param, Stack, Stackable}
import com.twitter.finagle.{Server, Service, ServiceFactory, ListeningServer}
import com.twitter.util.{Closable, Duration, Future, Monitor, Timer}
* The default Server implementation. It is given a Listener (eg.
* [[com.twitter.finagle.netty3.Netty3Listener]]) and a function,
* serveTransport, that binds a transport and a service. It will then
* dispatch requests onto a standard service stack parameterized as
* described below.
* @param listener The Listener from which to accept new typed
* Transports.
* @param serveTransport The function used to bind an accepted
* Transport with a Service. Requests read from the transport are
* dispatched onto the Service, with replies written back.
* @param requestTimeout The maximum amount of time the server is
* allowed to handle a request. If the timeout expires, the server
* will cancel the future and terminate the client connection.
* @param maxConcurrentRequests The maximum number of concurrent
* requests the server is willing to handle.
* @param cancelOnHangup Enabled by default. If disabled,
* exceptions on the transport do not propagate to the transport.
* @param prepare Prepare the given `ServiceFactory` before use.
case class DefaultServer[Req, Rep, In, Out](
name: String,
listener: Listener[In, Out],
serviceTransport: (Transport[In, Out], Service[Req, Rep]) => Closable,
requestTimeout: Duration = Duration.Top,
maxConcurrentRequests: Int = Int.MaxValue,
cancelOnHangup: Boolean = true,
prepare: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] => ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] =
(sf: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]) => sf,
timer: Timer = DefaultTimer.twitter,
monitor: Monitor = DefaultMonitor,
logger: java.util.logging.Logger = DefaultLogger,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = ServerStatsReceiver,
tracer: Tracer = DefaultTracer,
reporter: ReporterFactory = LoadedReporterFactory,
newTraceInitializer: Stackable[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] = TraceInitializerFilter.serverModule[Req, Rep]
) extends Server[Req, Rep] {
val stack = StackServer.newStack[Req, Rep]
.replace(StackServer.Role.preparer, prepare)
.replace(TraceInitializerFilter.role, newTraceInitializer)
private type _In = In
private type _Out = Out
private case class Server(
stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] = stack,
params: Stack.Params = Stack.Params.empty
) extends StdStackServer[Req, Rep, Server] {
protected def copy1(
stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] = this.stack,
params: Stack.Params = this.params
) = copy(stack, params)
protected type In = _In
protected type Out = _Out
protected def newListener() = listener
protected def newDispatcher(transport: Transport[In, Out], service: Service[Req, Rep]) =
serviceTransport(transport, service)
val underlying: StackServer[Req, Rep] = Server()
private[this] val sem =
if (maxConcurrentRequests == Int.MaxValue) None
else Some(new AsyncSemaphore(maxConcurrentRequests, 0))
val configured = underlying
def serve(addr: SocketAddress, factory: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]): ListeningServer =
configured.serve(addr, factory)