com.twitter.finagle.NameTree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle
import com.twitter.util.{Activity, Var}
import com.twitter.finagle.util.Showable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{RegexParsers, JavaTokenParsers}
import{InetSocketAddress, SocketAddress}
import scala.collection.breakOut
* Name trees represent a composite T-typed name whose interpretation
* is subject to evaluation rules. Typically, a [[com.twitter.finagle.Namer Namer]]
* is used to provide evaluation context for these trees.
* - [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree.Union]] nodes represent the union of several
* trees; a destination is reached by load-balancing over the sub-trees.
* - [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree.Alt Alt]] nodes represent a fail-over relationship
* between several trees; the first successful tree is picked as the destination. When
* the tree-list is empty, Alt-nodes evaluate to Empty.
* - A [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree.Leaf Leaf]] represents a T-typed leaf node;
* - A [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree.Neg Neg]] represents a negative location; no
* destination exists here.
* - Finally, [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree.Empty Empty]] trees represent an empty
* location: it exists but is uninhabited at this time.
sealed trait NameTree[+T] {
* Use `f` to map a T-typed NameTree to a U-typed one.
def map[U](f: T => U): NameTree[U] =
* A parsable representation of the name tree; a
* [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]] is recovered
* from this string by
* [[]].
def show(implicit showable: Showable[T]): String =
* A simplified version of this NameTree -- the returned
* name tree is equivalent vis-à-vis evaluation. The returned
* name also represents a fixpoint; in other words:
* {{{
* tree.simplified == tree.simplified.simplified
* }}}
def simplified: NameTree[T] = NameTree.simplify(this)
* Evaluate this NameTree with the default evaluation strategy. A
* tree is evaluated recursively, Alt nodes are evaluated by
* selecting its first nonnegative child.
def eval[U>:T]: Option[Set[U]] = NameTree.eval[U](this) match {
case NameTree.Fail => None
case NameTree.Neg => None
case NameTree.Leaf(value) => Some(value)
case _ => scala.sys.error("bug")
* The NameTree object comprises
* [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]] types as well
* as binding and evaluation routines.
object NameTree {
* A [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]] representing
* fallback; it is evaluated by picking the first nonnegative
* (evaluated) subtree.
case class Alt[+T](trees: NameTree[T]*) extends NameTree[T] {
override def toString = "Alt(%s)".format(trees mkString ",")
object Alt {
private[finagle] def fromSeq[T](trees: Seq[NameTree[T]]): Alt[T] = Alt(trees:_*)
* A [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]] representing a union
* of trees. It is evaluated by returning the union of atoms of its
* (recursively evaluated) children. When all children are negative,
* the Union itself evaluates negative.
case class Union[+T](trees: NameTree[T]*) extends NameTree[T] {
override def toString = "Union(%s)".format(trees mkString ",")
object Union {
private[finagle] def fromSeq[T](trees: Seq[NameTree[T]]): Union[T] = Union(trees:_*)
case class Leaf[+T](value: T) extends NameTree[T]
* A failing [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]].
object Fail extends NameTree[Nothing] {
override def toString = "Fail"
* A negative [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]].
object Neg extends NameTree[Nothing] {
override def toString = "Neg"
* An empty [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]].
object Empty extends NameTree[Nothing] {
override def toString = "Empty"
* Rewrite the paths in a tree for values defined by the given
* partial function.
def map[T, U](f: T => U)(tree: NameTree[T]): NameTree[U] =
tree match {
case Union(trees@_*) =>
val trees1 = trees map map(f)
case Alt(trees@_*) =>
val trees1 = trees map map(f)
case Leaf(t) => Leaf(f(t))
case Fail => Fail
case Neg => Neg
case Empty => Empty
* Simplify the given [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]],
* yielding a new [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]] which
* is evaluation-equivalent.
def simplify[T](tree: NameTree[T]): NameTree[T] = tree match {
case Alt() | Union() => Neg
case Alt(tree) => simplify(tree)
case Alt(trees@_*) =>
@tailrec def loop(trees: List[NameTree[T]], accum: List[NameTree[T]]): List[NameTree[T]] =
trees match {
case Nil => accum
case head :: tail =>
simplify(head) match {
case Fail => accum :+ Fail
case Neg => loop(tail, accum)
case head => loop(tail, accum :+ head)
loop(trees.toList, Nil) match {
case Nil => Neg
case List(head) => head
case trees => Alt(trees:_*)
case Union(tree) => simplify(tree)
case Union(trees@_*) =>
@tailrec def loop(trees: List[NameTree[T]], accum: List[NameTree[T]]): List[NameTree[T]] =
trees match {
case Nil => accum
case head :: tail =>
simplify(head) match {
case Fail => List(Fail)
case Neg => loop(tail, accum)
case Empty => loop(tail, accum)
case head => loop(tail, accum :+ head)
loop(trees.toList, Nil) match {
case Nil => Neg
case List(head) => head
case trees => Union(trees:_*)
case other => other
* A string parseable by [[]].
def show[T: Showable](tree: NameTree[T]): String = show1(0)(tree)
private def show1[T: Showable](level: Int)(name: NameTree[T]): String = name match {
/* case Weighted(weight, name) => "%.02f*(%s)".format(weight, show(name, level+1)) */
case Union(tree) =>
case Alt(tree) =>
case Union(trees@_*) =>
val trees1 = trees map show1(level+1)
trees1 mkString " & "
case Alt(trees@_*) if level == 0 =>
val trees1 = trees map show1(level+1)
trees1 mkString " | "
case Alt(trees@_*) =>
val trees1 = trees map show1(level+1)
"("+(trees1 mkString " | ")+")"
case Leaf(l) =>
case Fail => "!"
case Neg => "~"
case Empty => "$"
// return value is restricted to Fail | Neg | Leaf
private def eval[T](tree: NameTree[T]): NameTree[Set[T]] = tree match {
case Union() | Alt() => Neg
case Alt(tree) => eval(tree)
case Union(tree) => eval(tree)
case Fail => Fail
case Neg => Neg
case Empty => Leaf(Set.empty)
case Leaf(t) => Leaf(Set(t))
case Union(trees@_*) =>
@tailrec def loop(trees: List[NameTree[T]], accum: List[Set[T]]): NameTree[Set[T]] =
trees match {
case Nil =>
accum match {
case Nil => Neg
case _ => Leaf(accum.flatten.toSet)
case head :: tail =>
eval(head) match {
case Fail => Fail
case Neg => loop(tail, accum)
case Leaf(value) => loop(tail, accum :+ value)
case _ => scala.sys.error("bug")
loop(trees.toList, Nil)
case Alt(trees@_*) =>
@tailrec def loop(trees: List[NameTree[T]]): NameTree[Set[T]] =
trees match {
case Nil => Neg
case head :: tail =>
eval(head) match {
case Fail => Fail
case Neg => loop(tail)
case head@Leaf(_) => head
case _ => scala.sys.error("bug")
implicit def equiv[T]: Equiv[NameTree[T]] = new Equiv[NameTree[T]] {
def equiv(t1: NameTree[T], t2: NameTree[T]): Boolean =
simplify(t1) == simplify(t2)
* Parse a [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]] from a string
* with concrete syntax
* {{{
* tree ::= name
* weight '*' tree
* tree '&' tree
* tree '|' tree
* '(' tree ')'
* name ::= path | '!' | '~' | '$'
* weight ::= -?([0-9]++(\.[0-9]+*)?|[0-9]+*\.[0-9]++)([eE][+-]?[0-9]++)?[fFdD]?
* }}}
* For example:
* {{{
* /foo & /bar | /baz | $
* }}}
* parses in to the [[com.twitter.finagle.NameTree NameTree]]
* {{{
* Alt(Union(Leaf(Path(foo)),Leaf(Path(bar))),Leaf(Path(baz)),Empty)
* }}}
* The production ``path`` is documented at [[com.twitter.finagle.Path$]].
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the string does not
* represent a valid name tree.
def read(s: String): NameTree[Path] = NameTreeParser(s)
private trait NameTreeParsers extends RegexParsers with JavaTokenParsers {
import NameTree._
// The type of leaves.
type T
// Note that since these are predictive parsers, we have to
// refactor the grammar so that it does not contain any left
// recursion; this accounts for the ugliness here.
lazy val tree: Parser[NameTree[T]] =
rep1sep(tree1, "|") ^^ {
case tree :: Nil => tree
case trees => Alt(trees:_*)
lazy val tree1: Parser[NameTree[T]] =
rep1sep(node, "&") ^^ {
case tree :: Nil => tree
case trees => Union(trees:_*)
lazy val node: Parser[NameTree[T]] = (
"(" ~> tree <~ ")"
| simple
lazy val simple: Parser[NameTree[T]] = (
leaf ^^ { case l => Leaf(l) }
| address
lazy val address: Parser[NameTree[T]] = (
"!" ^^^ Fail
| "~" ^^^ Neg
| "$" ^^^ Empty
def leaf: Parser[T]
lazy val weight: Parser[Double] =
floatingPointNumber ^^ (_.toDouble)
private trait NameTreePathParsers extends NameTreeParsers {
import NameTree._
type T = Path
val showableChar = new Parser[Char] {
def apply(in: Input) = {
val source = in.source
val offset = in.offset
val start = handleWhiteSpace(source, offset)
if (start < source.length) {
val chr = source.charAt(start)
if (Path.isShowable(chr))
Success(chr, in.drop(start-offset+1))
Failure("Did not find a showable char", in.drop(start-offset))
} else {
Failure("Empty source", in.drop(start-offset))
val hexChar: Parser[Char] = """[0-9a-fA-F]""".r ^^ { s => s.head }
val escapedByte: Parser[Byte] =
"\\x" ~> hexChar ~ hexChar ^^ {
case fst ~ snd =>
((Character.digit(fst, 16) << 4) | Character.digit(snd, 16)).toByte
val byte: Parser[Byte] = escapedByte | showableChar ^^ (_.toByte)
val label: Parser[Buf] =
rep1(byte) ^^ {
case bytes => Buf.ByteArray(bytes:_*)
val path: Parser[Path] = (
rep1("/" ~> label) ^^ { labels => Path(labels:_*) }
| "/" ^^^ Path.empty
val leaf = path
private object NameTreeParser extends NameTreePathParsers {
import NameTree._
def apply(str: String): NameTree[Path] = synchronized {
parseAll(tree, str) match {
case Success(n, _) => n
case err: NoSuccess => throw new IllegalArgumentException(err.msg)
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