com.twitter.finagle.Resolver.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.finagle.util._
import com.twitter.util.{Return, Throw, Try, Var, FuturePool}
import{PrivilegedAction, Security}
import java.util.WeakHashMap
import java.util.logging.{Level, Logger}
* A resolver binds a name, represented by a string, to a
* variable address. Resolvers have an associated scheme
* which is used for lookup so that names may be resolved
* in a global context.
* These are loaded by Finagle through the
* [[com.twitter.finagle.util.LoadService service loading mechanism]]. Thus, in
* order to implement a new resolver, a class implementing `Resolver` with a
* 0-arg constructor must be registered in a file named
* `META-INF/services/com.twitter.finagle.Resolver` included in the classpath; see
* Oracle's
* [[ ServiceLoader]]
* documentation for further details.
trait Resolver {
val scheme: String
def bind(arg: String): Var[Addr]
@deprecated("Use Resolver.bind", "6.7.x")
final def resolve(name: String): Try[Group[SocketAddress]] =
bind(name) match {
case Var.Sampled(Addr.Failed(e)) => Throw(e)
case va => Return(Group.fromVarAddr(va))
* An abstract class version of Resolver for java compatibility.
abstract class AbstractResolver extends Resolver
* Resolver for inet scheme. This Resolver resolves DNS after each TTL timeout.
* The TTL is gotten from "networkaddress.cache.ttl", a Java Security Property.
* If "networkaddress.cache.ttl" is not set or set to a non-positive value, DNS
* cache refresh will be turned off.
object InetResolver extends Resolver {
val scheme = "inet"
private val log = Logger.getLogger(getClass.getName)
private val ttlOption = {
val t = Try(Option(
new PrivilegedAction[String] {
override def run(): String = Security.getProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl")
)) map { s => s.toInt })
t match {
case Return(Some(value)) =>
if (value <= 0) {
"networkaddress.cache.ttl is set as non-positive value, DNS cache refresh turned off")
} else {
val duration = value.seconds
log.log(Level.CONFIG, "networkaddress.cache.ttl found to be %s".format(duration) +
" will refresh DNS every %s.".format(duration))
case Return(None) =>
log.log(Level.INFO, "networkaddress.cache.ttl is not set, DNS cache refresh turned off")
case Throw(exc: NumberFormatException) =>
"networkaddress.cache.ttl is set as non-number, DNS cache refresh turned off", exc)
case Throw(exc) =>
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected Exception is thrown when getting " +
"networkaddress.cache.ttl, DNS cache refresh turned off", exc)
private val timer = DefaultTimer.twitter
private val futurePool = FuturePool.unboundedPool
* Binds to the specified hostnames, and refreshes the DNS information periodically.
def bind(hosts: String): Var[Addr] = {
import InetSocketAddressUtil._
val hostPorts = parseHostPorts(hosts)
val init = Addr.Bound(resolveHostPorts(hostPorts))
ttlOption match {
case Some(ttl) =>
Var.async(init) { u =>
implicit val intPri = new Prioritized[Int] { def apply(i: Int) = i }
val updater = Updater { _: Int =>
val addr = resolveHostPorts(hostPorts)
u() = Addr.Bound(addr)
timer.schedule(ttl.fromNow, ttl) {
futurePool {
} onFailure { ex =>
log.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to resolve hosts ", ex)
case None =>
object NegResolver extends Resolver {
val scheme = "neg"
def bind(arg: String) = Var.value(Addr.Neg)
object NilResolver extends Resolver {
val scheme = "nil"
def bind(arg: String) = Var.value(Addr.Bound())
object FailResolver extends Resolver {
val scheme = "fail"
def bind(arg: String) = Var.value(Addr.Failed(new Exception(arg)))
class ResolverNotFoundException(scheme: String)
extends Exception(
"Resolver not found for scheme \"%s\". Please add the jar containing this resolver to your classpath".format(scheme))
class ResolverAddressInvalid(addr: String)
extends Exception("Resolver address \"%s\" is not valid".format(addr))
class MultipleResolversPerSchemeException(resolvers: Map[String, Seq[Resolver]])
extends NoStacktrace
override def getMessage = {
val msgs = resolvers map { case (scheme, rs) =>
"%s=(%s)".format(scheme,", "))
} mkString(" ")
"Multiple resolvers defined: %s".format(msgs)
object Resolver {
private[this] lazy val resolvers = {
val rs = LoadService[Resolver]()
val log = Logger.getLogger(getClass.getName)
val resolvers = Seq(InetResolver, NegResolver, NilResolver, FailResolver) ++ rs
val dups = resolvers groupBy(_.scheme) filter { case (_, rs) => rs.size > 1 }
if (dups.size > 0) throw new MultipleResolversPerSchemeException(dups)
for (r <- resolvers)"Resolver[%s] = %s(%s)".format(r.scheme, r.getClass.getName, r))
def get[T <: Resolver](clazz: Class[T]): Option[T] =
resolvers find { _.getClass isAssignableFrom clazz } map { _.asInstanceOf[T] }
private[this] sealed trait Token
private[this] case class El(e: String) extends Token
private[this] object Eq extends Token
private[this] object Bang extends Token
private[this] def delex(ts: Seq[Token]) =
ts map {
case El(e) => e
case Bang => "!"
case Eq => "="
} mkString ""
private[this] def lex(s: String) = {
s.foldLeft(List[Token]()) {
case (ts, '=') => Eq :: ts
case (ts, '!') => Bang :: ts
case (El(s) :: ts, c) => El(s+c) :: ts
case (ts, c) => El(""+c) :: ts
* Resolve a group from an address, a string. Resolve uses
* `Resolver`s to do this. These are loaded via the Java
* [[ ServiceLoader]]
* mechanism. The default resolver is "inet", resolving DNS
* name/port pairs.
* Target names have a simple grammar: The name of the resolver
* precedes the name of the address to be resolved, separated by
* an exclamation mark ("bang"). For example: inet!
* resolves the name "" using the "inet" resolver. If no
* resolver name is present, the inet resolver is used.
* Names resolved by this mechanism are also a
* [[com.twitter.finagle.LabelledGroup]]. By default, this name is
* simply the `addr` string, but it can be overriden by prefixing
* a name separated by an equals sign from the rest of the addr.
* For example, the addr "www=inet!" resolves
* "" with the inet resolver, but the returned group's
* [[com.twitter.finagle.LabelledGroup]] name is "www".
@deprecated("Use Resolver.eval", "6.7.x")
def resolve(addr: String): Try[Group[SocketAddress]] =
Try { eval(addr) } flatMap {
case Name.Path(_) =>
Throw(new IllegalArgumentException("Resolver.resolve does not support logical names"))
case [email protected](_) =>
* Parse and evaluate the argument into a Name. Eval parses
* a simple grammar: a scheme is followed by a bang, followed
* by an argument:
* name := scheme ! arg
* The scheme is looked up from registered Resolvers, and the
* argument is passed in.
* When `name` begins with the character '/' it is intepreted to be
* a logical name whose interpetation is subject to a
* [[com.twitter.finagle.Dtab Dtab]].
* Eval throws exceptions upon failure to parse the name, or
* on failure to scheme lookup. Since names are late bound,
* binding failures are deferred.
def eval(name: String): Name =
if (name startsWith "/") Name(name)
else {
val (resolver, arg) = lex(name) match {
case (Eq :: _) | (Bang :: _) =>
throw new ResolverAddressInvalid(name)
case El(scheme) :: Bang :: name =>
resolvers.find(_.scheme == scheme) match {
case Some(resolver) => (resolver, delex(name))
case None => throw new ResolverNotFoundException(scheme)
case ts => (InetResolver, delex(ts))
Name.Bound(resolver.bind(arg), name)
* Parse and evaluate the argument into a (Name, label: String) tuple.
* Arguments are parsed with the same grammar as in `eval`. If a label is not
* provided (i.e. no "label="), then the empty string is returned.
private[finagle] def evalLabeled(addr: String): (Name, String) = {
val (label, rest) = lex(addr) match {
case El(n) :: Eq :: rest => (n, rest)
case rest => ("", rest)
(eval(delex(rest)), label)
private object ServerRegistry {
private val addrNames = new WeakHashMap[SocketAddress, String]
// This is a terrible hack until we have a better
// way of labelling addresses.
def register(addr: String): SocketAddress =
addr.split("=", 2) match {
case Array(addr) =>
val Seq(ia) = InetSocketAddressUtil.parseHosts(addr)
case Array(name, addr) =>
val Seq(ia) = InetSocketAddressUtil.parseHosts(addr)
addrNames.put(ia, name)
def nameOf(addr: SocketAddress): Option[String] =
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