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com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle.builder

import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.finagle.client.{DefaultPool, StackClient, Transporter}
import com.twitter.finagle.factory.TimeoutFactory
import com.twitter.finagle.filter.ExceptionSourceFilter
import com.twitter.finagle.loadbalancer.{LoadBalancerFactory, WeightedLoadBalancerFactory}
import com.twitter.finagle.netty3.Netty3Transporter
import com.twitter.finagle.service._
import com.twitter.finagle.ssl.{Engine, Ssl}
import com.twitter.finagle.stack.nilStack
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{
  NullStatsReceiver, ClientStatsReceiver, StatsReceiver, RollupStatsReceiver}
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing.NullTracer
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.finagle.util._
import com.twitter.util.TimeConversions._
import com.twitter.util.{Duration, Future, NullMonitor, Time, Var, Try}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.logging.Level
import{Channel, ChannelFactory}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound

 * Factory for [[com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder]] instances
object ClientBuilder {
  type Complete[Req, Rep] =
    ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, ClientConfig.Yes, ClientConfig.Yes, ClientConfig.Yes]
  type NoCluster[Req, Rep] =
    ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Nothing, ClientConfig.Yes, ClientConfig.Yes]
  type NoCodec =
    ClientBuilder[_, _, ClientConfig.Yes, Nothing, ClientConfig.Yes]

  def apply() = new ClientBuilder()

   * Used for Java access.
  def get() = apply()

   * Provides a typesafe `build` for Java.
  def safeBuild[Req, Rep](builder: Complete[Req, Rep]): Service[Req, Rep] =

   * Provides a typesafe `buildFactory` for Java.
  def safeBuildFactory[Req, Rep](builder: Complete[Req, Rep]): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] =

object ClientConfig {
  sealed abstract trait Yes
  type FullySpecified[Req, Rep] = ClientConfig[Req, Rep, Yes, Yes, Yes]
  val DefaultName = "client"

  def nilClient[Req, Rep] = new Client[Req, Rep] {
    def newClient(dest: Name, label: String): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] =
      ServiceFactory(() => Future.value([Req, Rep](_ => Future.exception(
        new Exception("unimplemented")))))

  // params specific to ClientBuilder
  case class DestName(name: Name)
  implicit object DestName extends Stack.Param[DestName] {
    val default = DestName(Name.empty)

  case class GlobalTimeout(timeout: Duration)
  implicit object GlobalTimeout extends Stack.Param[GlobalTimeout] {
    val default = GlobalTimeout(Duration.Top)

  case class Retries(policy: RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]])
  implicit object Retries extends Stack.Param[Retries] {
    private[this] val none = new RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]] {
      def apply(t: Try[Nothing]) = None
    val default = Retries(none)

  case class Daemonize(onOrOff: Boolean)
  implicit object Daemonize extends Stack.Param[Daemonize] {
    val default = Daemonize(true)

  case class FailureAccrualFac(fac: com.twitter.util.Timer => ServiceFactoryWrapper)
  implicit object FailureAccrualFac extends Stack.Param[FailureAccrualFac] {
    val default = FailureAccrualFac(Function.const(ServiceFactoryWrapper.identity)_)

  case class FailFast(onOrOff: Boolean)
  implicit object FailFast extends Stack.Param[FailFast] {
    val default = FailFast(true)

  case class MonitorFactory(mFactory: String => com.twitter.util.Monitor)
  implicit object MonitorFactory extends Stack.Param[MonitorFactory] {
    val default = MonitorFactory(_ => NullMonitor)

  // historical defaults for ClientBuilder
  val DefaultParams = Stack.Params.empty +
    param.Stats(NullStatsReceiver) +
    param.Label(DefaultName) +
    DefaultPool.Param(low = 1, high = Int.MaxValue,
    bufferSize = 0, idleTime = 5.seconds, maxWaiters = Int.MaxValue) +
    param.Tracer(NullTracer) +
    param.Monitor(NullMonitor) +
    param.Reporter(NullReporterFactory) +

@implicitNotFound("Builder is not fully configured: Cluster: ${HasCluster}, Codec: ${HasCodec}, HostConnectionLimit: ${HasHostConnectionLimit}")
private[builder] trait ClientConfigEvidence[HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]

private[builder] object ClientConfigEvidence {
  implicit object FullyConfigured extends ClientConfigEvidence[ClientConfig.Yes, ClientConfig.Yes, ClientConfig.Yes]

 * TODO: do we really need to specify HasCodec? -- it's implied in a
 * way by the proper Req, Rep.
 * Note: these are documented in ClientBuilder, as that is where they
 * are accessed by the end-user.
private[builder] final class ClientConfig[Req, Rep, HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]

 * Provides a class for building clients.  The main class to use is
 * [[com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder]], as so


 * A builder of Finagle [[com.twitter.finagle.Client Clients]].
 * {{{
 * val client = ClientBuilder()
 *   .codec(Http)
 *   .hosts("localhost:10000,localhost:10001,localhost:10003")
 *   .hostConnectionLimit(1)
 *   .tcpConnectTimeout(1.second)        // max time to spend establishing a TCP connection.
 *   .retries(2)                         // (1) per-request retries
 *   .reportTo(new OstrichStatsReceiver) // export host-level load data to ostrich
 *   .logger(Logger.getLogger("http"))
 *   .build()
 * }}}
 * The `ClientBuilder` requires the definition of `cluster`, `codec`,
 * and `hostConnectionLimit`. In Scala, these are statically type
 * checked, and in Java the lack of any of the above causes a runtime
 * error.
 * The `build` method uses an implicit argument to statically
 * typecheck the builder (to ensure completeness, see above). The Java
 * compiler cannot provide such implicit, so we provide a separate
 * function in Java to accomplish this. Thus, the Java code for the
 * above is
 * {{{
 * Service service =
 *  ClientBuilder.safeBuild(
 *    ClientBuilder.get()
 *      .codec(new Http())
 *      .hosts("localhost:10000,localhost:10001,localhost:10003")
 *      .hostConnectionLimit(1)
 *      .tcpConnectTimeout(1.second)
 *      .retries(2)
 *      .reportTo(new OstrichStatsReceiver())
 *      .logger(Logger.getLogger("http")))
 * }}}
 * Alternatively, using the `unsafeBuild` method on `ClientBuilder`
 * verifies the builder dynamically, resulting in a runtime error
 * instead of a compiler error.
 * =Defaults=
 * The following defaults are applied to clients constructed via ClientBuilder,
 * unless overridden with the corresponding method. These defaults were chosen
 * carefully so as to work well for most use cases.
 * Commonly-configured options:
 * - `connectTimeout`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `tcpConnectTimeout`: 1 second
 * - `requestTimeout`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `timeout`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `hostConnectionLimit`: Int.MaxValue
 * - `hostConnectionCoresize`: 0
 * - `hostConnectionIdleTime`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `hostConnectionMaxWaiters`: Int.MaxValue
 * - `failFast`: true
 * - `failureAccrualParams`, `failureAccrual`, `failureAccrualFactory`:
 *   `numFailures` = 5, `markDeadFor` = 5 seconds
 * Advanced options:
 * *Before changing any of these, make sure that you know exactly how they will
 * affect your application -- these options are typically only changed by expert
 * users.*
 * - `keepAlive`: Unspecified, in which case the Java default of `false` is used
 *   (
 * - `readerIdleTimeout`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `writerIdleTimeout`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `hostConnectionMaxIdleTime`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `hostConnectionMaxLifeTime`: [[com.twitter.util.Duration]].Top
 * - `sendBufferSize`, `recvBufferSize`: OS-defined default value
 * Please see the Finagle user guide for information on a newer set of
 * client-construction APIs introduced in Finagle v6:
class ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] private[finagle](
  params: Stack.Params,
  mk: Stack.Params => Client[Req, Rep]
) {
  import ClientConfig._
  import com.twitter.finagle.param._

  // Convenient aliases.
  type FullySpecifiedConfig = FullySpecified[Req, Rep]
  type ThisConfig           = ClientConfig[Req, Rep, HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]
  type This                 = ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]

  private[builder] def this() = this(ClientConfig.DefaultParams, Function.const(ClientConfig.nilClient)_)

  override def toString() = "ClientBuilder(%s)".format(params)

  protected def copy[Req1, Rep1, HasCluster1, HasCodec1, HasHostConnectionLimit1](
    ps: Stack.Params,
    newClient: Stack.Params => Client[Req1, Rep1]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req1, Rep1, HasCluster1, HasCodec1, HasHostConnectionLimit1] =
    new ClientBuilder(ps, newClient)

  protected def configured[P: Stack.Param, HasCluster1, HasCodec1, HasHostConnectionLimit1](
    param: P
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, HasCluster1, HasCodec1, HasHostConnectionLimit1] =
    copy(params + param, mk)

   * Specify the set of hosts to connect this client to.  Requests
   * will be load balanced across these.  This is a shorthand form for
   * specifying a cluster.
   * One of the {{hosts}} variations or direct specification of the
   * cluster (via {{cluster}}) is required.
   * @param hostNamePortcombinations comma-separated "host:port"
   * string.
  def hosts(
    hostnamePortCombinations: String
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] = {
    val addresses = InetSocketAddressUtil.parseHosts(hostnamePortCombinations)

   * A variant of {{hosts}} that takes a sequence of
   * [[]] instead.
  def hosts(
    addrs: Seq[SocketAddress]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] =

   * A convenience method for specifying a one-host
   * [[]] client.
  def hosts(
    address: SocketAddress
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] =

   * The logical destination of requests dispatched through this
   * client, as evaluated by a resolver. If the name evaluates a
   * label, this replaces the builder's current name.
  def dest(
    addr: String
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] = {
    Resolver.evalLabeled(addr) match {
      case (n, "") => dest(n)
      case (n, l) =>
        val Label(label) = params[Label]
        val cb =
          if (label.isEmpty || l != addr)


   * The logical destination of requests dispatched through this
   * client.
  def dest(
    name: Name
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] =

   * Specify a cluster directly.  A
   * [[com.twitter.finagle.builder.Cluster]] defines a dynamic
   * mechanism for specifying a set of endpoints to which this client
   * remains connected.
  def cluster(
    cluster: Cluster[SocketAddress]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] =

  def group(
    group: Group[SocketAddress]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit] =

  def loadBalancer(lbf: LoadBalancerFactory): This =

   * Specify a load balancer.  The load balancer implements
   * a strategy for choosing one from a set of hosts to service a request
  def loadBalancer(loadBalancer: WeightedLoadBalancerFactory): This =

   * Specify the codec. The codec implements the network protocol
   * used by the client, and consequently determines the {{Req}} and {{Rep}}
   * type variables. One of the codec variations is required.
  def codec[Req1, Rep1](
    codec: Codec[Req1, Rep1]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req1, Rep1, HasCluster, Yes, HasHostConnectionLimit] =

   * A variation of {{codec}} that supports codec factories.  This is
   * used by codecs that need dynamic construction, but should be
   * transparent to the user.
  def codec[Req1, Rep1](
    codecFactory: CodecFactory[Req1, Rep1]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req1, Rep1, HasCluster, Yes, HasHostConnectionLimit] =

   * A variation of codec for codecs that support only client-codecs.
  def codec[Req1, Rep1](
    codecFactory: CodecFactory[Req1, Rep1]#Client
  ): ClientBuilder[Req1, Rep1, HasCluster, Yes, HasHostConnectionLimit] =
    _stack({ prms =>
      val Label(name) = prms[Label]
      val Timer(timer) = params[Timer]
      val codec = codecFactory(ClientCodecConfig(name))

      val prepConn = new Stack.Simple[ServiceFactory[Req1, Rep1]] {
        val role = StackClient.Role.prepConn
        val description = "Connection preparation phase as defined by a Codec"
        def make(next: ServiceFactory[Req1, Rep1])(implicit params: Params) = {
          val Stats(stats) = params[Stats]
          val underlying = codec.prepareConnFactory(next)
          new ServiceFactoryProxy(underlying) {
            val stat = stats.stat("codec_connection_preparation_latency_ms")
            override def apply(conn: ClientConnection) = {
              val begin =
              super.apply(conn) ensure {
                stat.add(( - begin).inMilliseconds)

      val clientStack = {
        val stack = StackClient.newStack[Req1, Rep1]
          .replace(StackClient.Role.prepConn, prepConn)
          .replace(StackClient.Role.prepFactory, (next: ServiceFactory[Req1, Rep1]) =>

        // transform stack wrt. failure accrual
        val newStack =
          if (prms.contains[FailureAccrualFac]) {
            val FailureAccrualFac(fac) = prms[FailureAccrualFac]
            stack.replace(FailureAccrualFactory.role, (next: ServiceFactory[Req1, Rep1]) =>
              fac(timer) andThen next)
          } else {

        // disable failFast if the codec requests it or it is
        // disabled via the ClientBuilder paramater.
        val FailFast(failFast) = prms[FailFast]
        if (!codec.failFastOk || !failFast) newStack.remove(FailFastFactory.role)
        else newStack

      new StackClient[Req1, Rep1](clientStack, prms) {
        protected type In = Any
        protected type Out = Any

        protected val newTransporter: Stack.Params => Transporter[Any, Any] = { ps =>
          val Stats(stats) = ps[Stats]
          val newTransport = (ch: Channel) => codec.newClientTransport(ch, stats)
          Netty3Transporter[Any, Any](codec.pipelineFactory,
            ps + Netty3Transporter.TransportFactory(newTransport))

        protected val newDispatcher: Stack.Params => Dispatcher =
          Function.const(trans => codec.newClientDispatcher(trans))

  /** Used internally by `codec` to require hostConnectionLimit */
  private[this] def _stack[Req1, Rep1](
    mk: Stack.Params => Client[Req1, Rep1]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req1, Rep1, HasCluster, Yes, HasHostConnectionLimit] =
    copy(params, mk)

   * Overrides the stack and [[com.twitter.finagle.Client]] that will be used
   * by this builder. The `mk` function is passed the state of configuration
   * when `build` is called. There is no guarantee that all the builder parameters
   * may be used by the client created by `mk`, it is up to the discretion of
   * the client and protocol implementation. For example, most of connection pool
   * parameters (hostConnectionLimit, etc) don't apply to [[com.twitter.finagle.ThriftMux]].
   * For this reason, the builder assumes that hostConnectionLimit is irrelevant
   * when using `stack`.
  def stack[Req1, Rep1](
    mk: Stack.Params => Client[Req1, Rep1]
  ): ClientBuilder[Req1, Rep1, HasCluster, Yes, Yes] =
    copy(params, mk)

  @deprecated("Use tcpConnectTimeout instead", "5.0.1")
  def connectionTimeout(duration: Duration): This = tcpConnectTimeout(duration)

   * Specify the TCP connection timeout.
  def tcpConnectTimeout(duration: Duration): This =

   * The request timeout is the time given to a *single* request (if
   * there are retries, they each get a fresh request timeout).  The
   * timeout is applied only after a connection has been acquired.
   * That is: it is applied to the interval between the dispatch of
   * the request and the receipt of the response.
  def requestTimeout(duration: Duration): This =

   * The connect timeout is the timeout applied to the acquisition of
   * a Service.  This includes both queueing time (eg.  because we
   * cannot create more connections due to {{hostConnectionLimit}} and
   * there are more than {{hostConnectionLimit}} requests outstanding)
   * as well as physical connection time.  Futures returned from
   * {{factory()}} will always be satisfied within this timeout.
  def connectTimeout(duration: Duration): This =

   * Total request timeout.  This timeout is applied from the issuance
   * of a request (through {{service(request)}}) until the
   * satisfaction of that reply future.  No request will take longer
   * than this.
   * Applicable only to service-builds ({{build()}})
  def timeout(duration: Duration): This =

   * Apply TCP keepAlive ({{SO_KEEPALIVE}} socket option).
  def keepAlive(value: Boolean): This =
    configured(params[Transport.Liveness].copy(keepAlive = Some(value)))

   * The maximum time a connection may have received no data.
  def readerIdleTimeout(duration: Duration): This =
    configured(params[Transport.Liveness].copy(readTimeout = duration))

   * The maximum time a connection may not have sent any data.
  def writerIdleTimeout(duration: Duration): This =
    configured(params[Transport.Liveness].copy(writeTimeout = duration))

   * Report stats to the given {{StatsReceiver}}.  This will report
   * verbose global statistics and counters, that in turn may be
   * exported to monitoring applications.
   * NB: per hosts statistics will *NOT* be exported to this receiver
   *     @see reportHostStats(receiver: StatsReceiver)
  def reportTo(receiver: StatsReceiver): This =

   * Report per host stats to the given {{StatsReceiver}}.
   * The statsReceiver will be scoped per client, like this:
   * client/connect_latency_ms_max/
  def reportHostStats(receiver: StatsReceiver): This =

   * Give a meaningful name to the client. Required.
  def name(value: String): This =

   * The maximum number of connections that are allowed per host.
   * Required.  Finagle guarantees to never have more active
   * connections than this limit.
  def hostConnectionLimit(value: Int): ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, HasCluster, HasCodec, Yes] =
    configured(params[DefaultPool.Param].copy(high = value))

   * The core size of the connection pool: the pool is not shrinked below this limit.
  def hostConnectionCoresize(value: Int): This =
    configured(params[DefaultPool.Param].copy(low = value))

   * The amount of time a connection is allowed to linger (when it
   * otherwise would have been closed by the pool) before being
   * closed.
  def hostConnectionIdleTime(timeout: Duration): This =
    configured(params[DefaultPool.Param].copy(idleTime = timeout))

   * The maximum queue size for the connection pool.
  def hostConnectionMaxWaiters(nWaiters: Int): This =
    configured(params[DefaultPool.Param].copy(maxWaiters = nWaiters))

   * The maximum time a connection is allowed to linger unused.
  def hostConnectionMaxIdleTime(timeout: Duration): This =
    configured(params[ExpiringService.Param].copy(idleTime = timeout))

   * The maximum time a connection is allowed to exist, regardless of occupancy.
  def hostConnectionMaxLifeTime(timeout: Duration): This =
    configured(params[ExpiringService.Param].copy(lifeTime = timeout))

   * Experimental option to buffer `size` connections from the pool.
   * The buffer is fast and lock-free, reducing contention for
   * services with very high requests rates. The buffer size should
   * be sized roughly to the expected concurrency. Buffers sized by
   * power-of-twos may be faster due to the use of modular
   * arithmetic.
   * '''Note:''' This will be integrated into the mainline pool, at
   * which time the experimental option will go away.
  def expHostConnectionBufferSize(size: Int): This =
    configured(params[DefaultPool.Param].copy(bufferSize = size))

   * The number of retries applied. Only applicable to service-builds ({{build()}})
  def retries(value: Int): This =

  def retryPolicy(value: RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]]): This =

   * Sets the TCP send buffer size.
  def sendBufferSize(value: Int): This =
    configured(params[Transport.BufferSizes].copy(send = Some(value)))

   * Sets the TCP recv buffer size.
  def recvBufferSize(value: Int): This =
    configured(params[Transport.BufferSizes].copy(recv = Some(value)))

   * Use the given channel factory instead of the default. Note that
   * when using a non-default ChannelFactory, finagle can't
   * meaningfully reference count factory usage, and so the caller is
   * responsible for calling ``releaseExternalResources()''.
  def channelFactory(cf: ChannelFactory): This =

   * Encrypt the connection with SSL.  Hostname verification will be
   * provided against the given hostname.
  def tls(hostname: String): This = {
    configured(Transport.TLSEngine(Some({ () => Ssl.client() })))

   * Encrypt the connection with SSL.  The Engine to use can be passed into the client.
   * This allows the user to use client certificates
   * No SSL Hostname Validation is performed
  def tls(sslContext: SSLContext): This =
    configured(Transport.TLSEngine(Some({ () => Ssl.client(sslContext) })))

   * Encrypt the connection with SSL.  The Engine to use can be passed into the client.
   * This allows the user to use client certificates
   * SSL Hostname Validation is performed, on the passed in hostname
  def tls(sslContext: SSLContext, hostname: Option[String]): This = {
    configured((Transport.TLSEngine(Some({ () => Ssl.client(sslContext) }))))

   * Do not perform TLS validation. Probably dangerous.
  def tlsWithoutValidation(): This =
    configured(Transport.TLSEngine(Some({ () => Ssl.clientWithoutCertificateValidation() })))

   * Make connections via the given HTTP proxy.
   * If this is defined concurrently with socksProxy, the order in which they are applied is undefined.
  def httpProxy(httpProxy: SocketAddress): This =

   * Make connections via the given SOCKS proxy.
   * If this is defined concurrently with httpProxy, the order in which they are applied is undefined.
  def socksProxy(socksProxy: SocketAddress): This =
    configured(params[Transporter.SocksProxy].copy(sa = Some(socksProxy)))

   * For the socks proxy use this username for authentication.
   * socksPassword and socksProxy must be set as well
  def socksUsernameAndPassword(credentials: (String,String)): This =
    configured(params[Transporter.SocksProxy].copy(credentials = Some(credentials)))

   * Specifies a tracer that receives trace events.
   * See [[com.twitter.finagle.tracing]] for details.
  @deprecated("Use tracer() instead", "7.0.0")
  def tracerFactory(factory: com.twitter.finagle.tracing.Tracer.Factory): This =

  // API compatibility method
  @deprecated("Use tracer() instead", "7.0.0")
  def tracerFactory(t: com.twitter.finagle.tracing.Tracer): This =

   * Specifies a tracer that receives trace events.
   * See [[com.twitter.finagle.tracing]] for details.
  def tracer(t: com.twitter.finagle.tracing.Tracer): This =

  def monitor(mFactory: String => com.twitter.util.Monitor): This =

   * Log very detailed debug information to the given logger.
  def logger(logger: java.util.logging.Logger): This =

   * Use the given paramters for failure accrual.  The first parameter
   * is the number of *successive* failures that are required to mark
   * a host failed.  The second paramter specifies how long the host
   * is dead for, once marked.
  def failureAccrualParams(pair: (Int, Duration)): This = {
    val (numFailures, markDeadFor) = pair
    failureAccrualFactory(FailureAccrualFactory.wrapper(numFailures, markDeadFor)(_))

  def failureAccrual(failureAccrual: ServiceFactoryWrapper): This =
    failureAccrualFactory { _ => failureAccrual }

  def failureAccrualFactory(factory: com.twitter.util.Timer => ServiceFactoryWrapper): This =

    "No longer experimental: Use failFast()." +
    "The new default value is true, so replace .expFailFast(true) with nothing at all",
  def expFailFast(onOrOff: Boolean): This =

   * Marks a host dead on connection failure. The host remains dead
   * until we succesfully connect. Intermediate connection attempts
   * *are* respected, but host availability is turned off during the
   * reconnection period.
  def failFast(onOrOff: Boolean): This =

   * When true, the client is daemonized. As with java threads, a
   * process can exit only when all remaining clients are daemonized.
   * False by default.
  def daemon(daemonize: Boolean): This =

  /*** BUILD ***/

  // still used by finagle-memcached.
  private[finagle] lazy val statsReceiver = {
    val Stats(sr) = params[Stats]
    val Label(label) = params[Label]

   * Construct a ServiceFactory. This is useful for stateful protocols
   * (e.g., those that support transactions or authentication).
  def buildFactory()(
      ClientConfigEvidence[HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]
  ): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] = {
    val Label(label) = params[Label]
    val Daemonize(daemon) = params[Daemonize]
    val Logger(logger) = params[Logger]
    val DestName(dest) = params[DestName]
    val MonitorFactory(mFactory) = params[MonitorFactory]

    val clientParams = params +

    val factory = mk(clientParams).newClient(dest, label)

    if (!daemon) ExitGuard.guard()
    new ServiceFactoryProxy[Req, Rep](factory) {
      private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false)
      override def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = {
        if (!closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
          logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Close on ServiceFactory called multiple times!",
            new Exception/*stack trace please*/)
          return Future.exception(new IllegalStateException)

        super.close(deadline) ensure {
          if (!daemon) ExitGuard.unguard()

  @deprecated("Used for ABI compat", "5.0.1")
  def buildFactory(
      ThisConfig =:= FullySpecifiedConfig
  ): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] = buildFactory()(
    new ClientConfigEvidence[HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]{})

   * Construct a Service.
  def build()(
      ClientConfigEvidence[HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]
  ): Service[Req, Rep] = {
    val service: Service[Req, Rep] = new FactoryToService[Req, Rep](buildFactory())

    val Label(label) = params[Label]
    val Timer(timer) = params[Timer]

    val exceptionSourceFilter = new ExceptionSourceFilter[Req, Rep](label)
    // We keep the retrying filter after the load balancer so we can
    // retry across different hosts rather than the same one repeatedly.
    val filter = exceptionSourceFilter andThen globalTimeoutFilter(timer) andThen retryFilter(timer)
    val composed = filter andThen service

    new ServiceProxy[Req, Rep](composed) {
      private[this] val released = new AtomicBoolean(false)
      override def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = {
        if (!released.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
          val Logger(logger) = params[Logger]
          logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, "Release on Service called multiple times!",
            new Exception/*stack trace please*/)
          return Future.exception(new IllegalStateException)

  @deprecated("Used for ABI compat", "5.0.1")
  def build(
      ThisConfig =:= FullySpecifiedConfig
  ): Service[Req, Rep] = build()(
    new ClientConfigEvidence[HasCluster, HasCodec, HasHostConnectionLimit]{})

  private[this] def validated = {
    if (!params.contains[DestName])
      throw new IncompleteSpecification("No destination was specified")

    this.asInstanceOf[ClientBuilder[Req, Rep, Yes, Yes, Yes]]

   * Construct a Service, with runtime checks for builder
   * completeness.
  def unsafeBuild(): Service[Req, Rep] =

   * Construct a ServiceFactory, with runtime checks for builder
   * completeness.
  def unsafeBuildFactory(): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] =

  private def retryFilter(timer: com.twitter.util.Timer) =
    params[Retries] match {
      case Retries(policy) if params.contains[Retries] =>
        val Label(label) = params[Label]
        val stats = new StatsFilter[Req, Rep](new RollupStatsReceiver(statsReceiver.scope("tries")))
        val retries = new RetryingFilter[Req, Rep](policy, timer, statsReceiver)
        stats andThen retries
      case _ => identityFilter

  private def globalTimeoutFilter(timer: com.twitter.util.Timer) = {
    val GlobalTimeout(timeout) = params[GlobalTimeout]
    if (timeout < Duration.Top) {
      val exception = new GlobalRequestTimeoutException(timeout)
      new TimeoutFilter[Req, Rep](timeout, exception, timer)
    } else {

  private val identityFilter = Filter.identity[Req, Rep]

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