com.twitter.finagle.service.RetryPolicy.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle.service
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.finagle.{ChannelClosedException, Failure, TimeoutException, WriteException}
import com.twitter.util.{
TimeoutException => UtilTimeoutException, Duration, JavaSingleton, Throw, Try}
import java.util.{concurrent => juc}
import java.{util => ju}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* A function defining retry behavior for a given value type `A`.
abstract class RetryPolicy[-A] extends (A => Option[(Duration, RetryPolicy[A])]) {
* Creates a new `RetryPolicy` based on the current `RetryPolicy` in which values of `A`
* are first checked against a predicate function, and only if the predicate returns true
* will the value be passed on to the current `RetryPolicy`.
* The predicate function need not be a pure function, but can change its behavior over
* time. For example, the predicate function's decision can be based upon backpressure
* signals supplied by things like failure rates or latency, which allows `RetryPolicy`s
* to dynamically reduce the number of retries in response to backpressure.
* The predicate function is only called on the first failure in a chain. Any additional
* chained RetryPolicies returned by the current policy will then see additional failures
* unfiltered. Contrast this will `filterEach`, which applies the filter to each `RetryPolicy`
* in the chain.
def filter[B <: A](pred: B => Boolean): RetryPolicy[B] =
RetryPolicy { e =>
if (!pred(e)) None else this(e)
* Similar to `filter`, but the predicate is applied to each `RetryPolicy` in the chain
* returned by the current RetryPolicy. For example, if the current `RetryPolicy` returns
* `Some((D, P'))` for value `E` (of type `A`), and the given predicate returns true for `E`,
* then the value returned from the filtering `RetryPolicy` will be `Some((D, P''))` where
* `P''` is equal to `P'.filterEach(pred)`.
* One example where this is useful is to dynamically and fractionally allow retries based
* upon backpressure signals. If, for example, the predicate function returned true or false
* based upon a probability distribution computed from a backpressure signal, it could return
* true 50% of the time, giving you a 50% chance of performing a single retry, a 25% chance of
* performing 2 retries, 12.5% chance of performing 3 retries, etc. This might be more
* desirable than just using `filter` where you end up with a 50% chance of no retries and
* 50% chance of the full number of retries.
def filterEach[B <: A](pred: B => Boolean): RetryPolicy[B] =
RetryPolicy { e =>
if (!pred(e))
else {
this(e) map {
case (backoff, p2) => (backoff, p2.filterEach(pred))
* Applies a dynamically chosen retry limit to an existing `RetryPolicy` that may allow for
* more retries. When the returned `RetryPolicy` is first invoked, it will call the `maxRetries`
* by-name parameter to get the current maximum retries allowed. Regardless of the number
* of retries that the underlying policy would allow, it is capped to be no greater than the
* number returned by `maxRetries` on the first failure in the chain.
* Using a dynamically choosen retry limit allows for the retry count to be tuned at runtime
* based upon backpressure signals such as failure rate or request latency.
def limit(maxRetries: => Int): RetryPolicy[A] =
RetryPolicy[A] { e =>
val triesRemaining = maxRetries
if (triesRemaining <= 0)
else {
this(e) map {
case (backoff, p2) => (backoff, p2.limit(triesRemaining - 1))
* A retry policy abstract class. This is convenient to use for Java programmers. Simply implement
* the two abstract methods `shouldRetry` and `backoffAt` and you're good to go!
abstract class SimpleRetryPolicy[A](i: Int) extends RetryPolicy[A]
with (A => Option[(Duration, RetryPolicy[A])])
def this() = this(0)
final def apply(e: A) = {
if (shouldRetry(e)) {
backoffAt(i) match {
case Duration.Top =>
case howlong =>
Some((howlong, new SimpleRetryPolicy[A](i + 1) {
def shouldRetry(a: A) = SimpleRetryPolicy.this.shouldRetry(a)
def backoffAt(retry: Int) = SimpleRetryPolicy.this.backoffAt(retry)
} else {
override def andThen[B](that: Function1[Option[(Duration, RetryPolicy[A])], B]): A => B = that.compose(this)
override def compose[B](that: Function1[B, A]): B => Option[(Duration, RetryPolicy[A])] = that.andThen(this)
* Given a value, decide whether it is retryable. Typically the value is an exception.
def shouldRetry(a: A): Boolean
* Given a number of retries, return how long to wait till the next retry. Note that this is
* zero-indexed. To implement a finite number of retries, implement a method like:
* `if (i > 3) return never`
def backoffAt(retry: Int): Duration
* A convenience method to access Duration.forever from Java. This is a sentinel value that
* signals no-further-retries.
final val never = Duration.Top
object RetryPolicy extends JavaSingleton {
object RetryableWriteException {
def unapply(thr: Throwable): Option[Throwable] = thr match {
// We don't retry interruptions by default since they
// indicate that the request was discarded.
case Failure.InterruptedBy(_) => None
case WriteException(exc) => Some(exc)
case _ => None
val WriteExceptionsOnly: PartialFunction[Try[Nothing], Boolean] = {
case Throw(RetryableWriteException(_)) => true
val TimeoutAndWriteExceptionsOnly: PartialFunction[Try[Nothing], Boolean] = WriteExceptionsOnly orElse {
case Throw(_: TimeoutException) => true
case Throw(_: UtilTimeoutException) => true
val ChannelClosedExceptionsOnly: PartialFunction[Try[Nothing], Boolean] = {
case Throw(_: ChannelClosedException) => true
* Lifts a function of type A => Option[(Duration, RetryPolicy[A])] in the `RetryPolicy` type.
def apply[A](f: A => Option[(Duration, RetryPolicy[A])]): RetryPolicy[A] =
new RetryPolicy[A] {
def apply(e: A) = f(e)
* Retry a specific number of times. A `PartialFunction` argument determines
* which request types are retryable.
def tries[A](
numTries: Int,
shouldRetry: PartialFunction[A, Boolean]
): RetryPolicy[A] = {
backoff[A](Backoff.const(0.second) take (numTries - 1))(shouldRetry)
* Retry a specific number of times on WriteExceptions.
def tries(numTries: Int): RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]] = tries(numTries, WriteExceptionsOnly)
* Retry based on a series of backoffs defined by a `Stream[Duration]`. The
* stream is consulted to determine the duration after which a request is to
* be retried. A `PartialFunction` argument determines which request types
* are retryable.
def backoff[A](
backoffs: Stream[Duration]
)(shouldRetry: PartialFunction[A, Boolean]): RetryPolicy[A] = {
RetryPolicy { e =>
if (shouldRetry.isDefinedAt(e) && shouldRetry(e)) {
backoffs match {
case howlong #:: rest =>
Some((howlong, backoff(rest)(shouldRetry)))
case _ =>
} else {
* A constructor usable from Java (`backoffs` from `Backoff.toJava`).
def backoffJava[A](
backoffs: juc.Callable[ju.Iterator[Duration]],
shouldRetry: PartialFunction[A, Boolean]
): RetryPolicy[A] = {
* Combines multiple `RetryPolicy`s into a single combined `RetryPolicy`, with interleaved
* backoffs. For a given value of `A`, each policy in `policies` is tried in order. If all
* policies return `None`, then the combined `RetryPolicy` returns `None`. If policy `P` returns
* `Some((D, P'))`, then the combined `RetryPolicy` returns `Some((D, P''))`, where `P''` is a
* new combined `RetryPolicy` with the same sub-policies, with the exception of `P` replaced by
* `P'`.
* The ordering of policies matters: earlier policies get a chance to handle the failure
* before later policies; a catch-all policy, if any, should be last.
* As an example, let's say you combine two `RetryPolicy`s, `R1` and `R2`, where `R1` handles
* only exception `E1` with a backoff of `(10.milliseconds, 20.milliseconds, 30.milliseconds)`,
* while `R2` handles only exception `E2` with a backoff of `(15.milliseconds, 25.milliseconds)`.
* If a sequence of exceptions, `(E2, E1, E1, E2)`, is fed in order to the combined retry policy,
* the backoffs seen will be `(15.milliseconds, 10.milliseconds, 20.milliseconds,
* 25.milliseconds)`.
* The maximum number of retries the combined policy could allow under the worst case scenario
* of exceptions is equal to the sum of the individual maximum retries of each subpolicy. To
* put a cap on the combined maximum number of retries, you can call `limit` on the combined
* policy with a smaller cap.
def combine[A](policies: RetryPolicy[A]*): RetryPolicy[A] =
RetryPolicy[A] { e =>
// stores the first matched backoff
var backoffOpt: Option[Duration] = None
val policies2 =
policies map { p =>
if (backoffOpt.nonEmpty)
else {
p(e) match {
case None => p
case Some((backoff, p2)) =>
backoffOpt = Some(backoff)
backoffOpt match {
case None => None
case Some(backoff) => Some((backoff, combine(policies2: _*)))
* Implements various backoff strategies. Strategies are defined by a
* `Stream[Duration]` and intended for use with
* [[com.twitter.service.RetryingFilter#backoff]] to determine the duration
* after which a request is to be retried
object Backoff {
private[this] def durations(next: Duration, f: Duration => Duration): Stream[Duration] =
next #:: durations(f(next), f)
def apply(next: Duration)(f: Duration => Duration) = durations(next, f)
def exponential(start: Duration, multiplier: Int) =
Backoff(start) { prev => prev * multiplier }
def linear(start: Duration, offset: Duration) =
Backoff(start) { prev => prev + offset }
/* Alias because `const' is a reserved word in Java */
def constant(start: Duration) = const(start)
def const(start: Duration) =
* Convert a {{Stream[Duration]}} into a Java-friendly representation.
def toJava(backoffs: Stream[Duration]): ju.concurrent.Callable[ju.Iterator[Duration]] = {
new ju.concurrent.Callable[ju.Iterator[Duration]] {
def call() = backoffs.toIterator
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