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package com.twitter.finagle.http2.param
import com.twitter.conversions.StorageUnitOps._
import com.twitter.finagle.Stack
import com.twitter.util.StorageUnit
import io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2MultiplexHandler
* A class eligible for configuring whether to use the http/2 "prior knowledge"
* protocol or not.
* Note that both client and server must be configured for prior knowledge.
case class PriorKnowledge(enabled: Boolean) {
def mk(): (PriorKnowledge, Stack.Param[PriorKnowledge]) =
(this, PriorKnowledge.param)
object PriorKnowledge {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(PriorKnowledge(false))
* A class for configuring overrides to the default headerTableSize setting.
case class HeaderTableSize(headerTableSize: Option[StorageUnit]) {
def mk(): (HeaderTableSize, Stack.Param[HeaderTableSize]) =
(this, HeaderTableSize.param)
object HeaderTableSize {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(HeaderTableSize(None))
* A class for configuring overrides to the default pushEnabled setting.
* Marked as private because finagle doesn't support it yet. Right now
* the default of, "Do not use push promises" is the only supported mode.
private[http2] case class PushEnabled(pushEnabled: Option[Boolean]) {
def mk(): (PushEnabled, Stack.Param[PushEnabled]) =
(this, PushEnabled.param)
private[http2] object PushEnabled {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(PushEnabled(Some(false)))
* A class for configuring overrides to the default maxConcurrentStreams setting.
case class MaxConcurrentStreams(maxConcurrentStreams: Option[Long]) {
def mk(): (MaxConcurrentStreams, Stack.Param[MaxConcurrentStreams]) =
(this, MaxConcurrentStreams.param)
object MaxConcurrentStreams {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(MaxConcurrentStreams(None))
* A class for configuring overrides to the default initialWindowSize setting.
case class InitialWindowSize(initialWindowSize: Option[StorageUnit]) {
def mk(): (InitialWindowSize, Stack.Param[InitialWindowSize]) =
(this, InitialWindowSize.param)
object InitialWindowSize {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(InitialWindowSize(None))
* A class for configuring overrides to the default maxFrameSize setting.
case class MaxFrameSize(maxFrameSize: Option[StorageUnit]) {
def mk(): (MaxFrameSize, Stack.Param[MaxFrameSize]) =
(this, MaxFrameSize.param)
object MaxFrameSize {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(MaxFrameSize(None))
* A class for configuring overrides to the default maxHeaderListSize setting.
case class MaxHeaderListSize(maxHeaderListSize: StorageUnit) {
def mk(): (MaxHeaderListSize, Stack.Param[MaxHeaderListSize]) =
(this, MaxHeaderListSize.param)
object MaxHeaderListSize {
// TODO: revert to 8.kilobytes after we resolve
// Netty is double counting header names right now.
implicit val param = Stack.Param(MaxHeaderListSize(16.kilobytes))
* A class for configuring the http/2 encoder to ignore MaxHeaderListSize.
* This is useful when creating clients for testing the behavior of a server.
case class EncoderIgnoreMaxHeaderListSize(ignoreMaxHeaderListSize: Boolean) {
def mk(): (EncoderIgnoreMaxHeaderListSize, Stack.Param[EncoderIgnoreMaxHeaderListSize]) =
(this, EncoderIgnoreMaxHeaderListSize.param)
object EncoderIgnoreMaxHeaderListSize {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(EncoderIgnoreMaxHeaderListSize(false))
* A class for configuring the http/2 encoder to mark a header entry as
* sensitive or not.
* Entries marked as sensitive will never be cached, and will be encoded as
* literals, either with a static huffman encoding or in cleartext.
case class HeaderSensitivity(sensitivityDetector: (CharSequence, CharSequence) => Boolean) {
def mk(): (HeaderSensitivity, Stack.Param[HeaderSensitivity]) =
(this, HeaderSensitivity.param)
object HeaderSensitivity {
val NeverSensitive: (CharSequence, CharSequence) => Boolean =
new Function2[CharSequence, CharSequence, Boolean] {
def apply(name: CharSequence, value: CharSequence): Boolean = false
override def toString(): String = "NEVER_SENSITIVE"
val AlwaysSensitive: (CharSequence, CharSequence) => Boolean =
new Function2[CharSequence, CharSequence, Boolean] {
def apply(name: CharSequence, value: CharSequence): Boolean = true
override def toString(): String = "ALWAYS_SENSITIVE"
implicit val param = Stack.Param(HeaderSensitivity(NeverSensitive))
* Whether or not HTTP/2 frame logging is enabled.
* Defaults to disabled.
* @see `Enabled` and `Disabled` on companion class for getting instances.
final case class FrameLogging private (enabled: Boolean) {
def mk(): (FrameLogging, Stack.Param[FrameLogging]) =
(this, FrameLogging.param)
object FrameLogging {
* Frame logging is disabled.
val Disabled: FrameLogging = FrameLogging(false)
* Frame logging is enabled.
* @see [[FrameLoggerNamePrefix]] for further configuration.
val Enabled: FrameLogging = FrameLogging(true)
implicit val param: Stack.Param[FrameLogging] = Stack.Param(Disabled)
* The logger name to be used for the root HTTP/2 frame logger. This allows each frame type
* to be turned on and off by changing the level of prefix., or turning everything
* on by changing the level of prefix. The HTTP/2 frame logger logs at the level TRACE, so you
* must set logger to that level to see the frame logs. The prefix if not set defaults to
* io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2MultiplexHandler
* @param loggerNamePrefix The name of the logger to be used as the root logger name for
* netty HTTP/2 frame logging.
case class FrameLoggerNamePrefix(loggerNamePrefix: String) {
def mk(): (FrameLoggerNamePrefix, Stack.Param[FrameLoggerNamePrefix]) =
(this, FrameLoggerNamePrefix.param)
object FrameLoggerNamePrefix {
private[this] val DefaultFrameLoggerPrefix: String = classOf[Http2MultiplexHandler].getName()
implicit val param = Stack.Param(FrameLoggerNamePrefix(DefaultFrameLoggerPrefix))