com.twitter.finagle.http.Status.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle.http
* Represents an HTTP status code.
* The set of commonly known HTTP status codes have an associated reason phrase
* (see `reasons`). We don't provide a way to set the reason phrase because:
* - it simplifies construction (users only supply the code)
* - it avoids the need to validate user-defined reason phrases
* - it omits the possibility of statuses with duplicate reason phrases
* The only downside is that we lose the ability to create custom statuses with
* "vanity" reason phrases, but this should be tolerable.
* For Java-friendly enums, see [[com.twitter.finagle.http.Statuses]].
case class Status(code: Int) {
def reason: String =
Status.reasons.get(this) match {
case Some(reason) => reason
case _ if code < 100 => "Unknown Status"
case _ if code < 200 => "Informational"
case _ if code < 300 => "Successful"
case _ if code < 400 => "Redirection"
case _ if code < 500 => "Client Error"
case _ if code < 600 => "Server Error"
case _ => "Unknown Status"
object Status {
* Matches when the status code isn't in range of any of the categories: {{Informational}},
* {{Successful}}, {{Redirection}}, {{ClientError}}, {{ServerError}}.
object Unknown {
def unapply(status: Status): Option[Status] =
Some(status).filter(s => s.code < 100 || s.code >= 600)
/** Matches when the status code is between 100 and 200. */
object Informational {
def unapply(status: Status): Option[Status] =
inRange(100, 200, status)
/** Matches when the status code is between 200 and 300. */
object Successful {
def unapply(status: Status): Option[Status] =
inRange(200, 300, status)
/** Matches when the status code is between 300 and 400. */
object Redirection {
def unapply(status: Status): Option[Status] =
inRange(300, 400, status)
/** Matches when the status code is between 400 and 500. */
object ClientError {
def unapply(status: Status): Option[Status] =
inRange(400, 500, status)
/** Matches when the status code is between 500 and 600. */
object ServerError {
def unapply(status: Status): Option[Status] =
inRange(500, 600, status)
private[finagle] def inRange(lower: Int, upper: Int, status: Status): Option[Status] =
Some(status).filter(s => s.code >= lower && s.code < upper)
val Continue = Status(100)
val SwitchingProtocols = Status(101)
val Processing = Status(102)
val Ok = Status(200)
val Created = Status(201)
val Accepted = Status(202)
val NonAuthoritativeInformation = Status(203)
val NoContent = Status(204)
val ResetContent = Status(205)
val PartialContent = Status(206)
val MultiStatus = Status(207)
val MultipleChoices = Status(300)
val MovedPermanently = Status(301)
val Found = Status(302)
val SeeOther = Status(303)
val NotModified = Status(304)
val UseProxy = Status(305)
val TemporaryRedirect = Status(307)
val BadRequest = Status(400)
val Unauthorized = Status(401)
val PaymentRequired = Status(402)
val Forbidden = Status(403)
val NotFound = Status(404)
val MethodNotAllowed = Status(405)
val NotAcceptable = Status(406)
val ProxyAuthenticationRequired = Status(407)
val RequestTimeout = Status(408)
val Conflict = Status(409)
val Gone = Status(410)
val LengthRequired = Status(411)
val PreconditionFailed = Status(412)
val RequestEntityTooLarge = Status(413)
val RequestURITooLong = Status(414)
val UnsupportedMediaType = Status(415)
val RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = Status(416)
val ExpectationFailed = Status(417)
val EnhanceYourCalm = Status(420)
val UnprocessableEntity = Status(422)
val Locked = Status(423)
val FailedDependency = Status(424)
val UnorderedCollection = Status(425)
val UpgradeRequired = Status(426)
val PreconditionRequired = Status(428)
val TooManyRequests = Status(429)
val RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = Status(431)
val ClientClosedRequest = Status(499)
val InternalServerError = Status(500)
val NotImplemented = Status(501)
val BadGateway = Status(502)
val ServiceUnavailable = Status(503)
val GatewayTimeout = Status(504)
val HttpVersionNotSupported = Status(505)
val VariantAlsoNegotiates = Status(506)
val InsufficientStorage = Status(507)
val NotExtended = Status(510)
val NetworkAuthenticationRequired = Status(511)
def fromCode(code: Int): Status =
statuses.getOrElse(code, Status(code))
private val statuses: Map[Int, Status] = Map(
100 -> Continue,
101 -> SwitchingProtocols,
102 -> Processing,
200 -> Ok,
201 -> Created,
202 -> Accepted,
203 -> NonAuthoritativeInformation,
204 -> NoContent,
205 -> ResetContent,
206 -> PartialContent,
207 -> MultiStatus,
300 -> MultipleChoices,
301 -> MovedPermanently,
302 -> Found,
303 -> SeeOther,
304 -> NotModified,
305 -> UseProxy,
307 -> TemporaryRedirect,
400 -> BadRequest,
401 -> Unauthorized,
402 -> PaymentRequired,
403 -> Forbidden,
404 -> NotFound,
405 -> MethodNotAllowed,
406 -> NotAcceptable,
407 -> ProxyAuthenticationRequired,
408 -> RequestTimeout,
409 -> Conflict,
410 -> Gone,
411 -> LengthRequired,
412 -> PreconditionFailed,
413 -> RequestEntityTooLarge,
414 -> RequestURITooLong,
415 -> UnsupportedMediaType,
416 -> RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,
417 -> ExpectationFailed,
420 -> EnhanceYourCalm,
422 -> UnprocessableEntity,
423 -> Locked,
424 -> FailedDependency,
425 -> UnorderedCollection,
426 -> UpgradeRequired,
428 -> PreconditionRequired,
429 -> TooManyRequests,
431 -> RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge,
499 -> ClientClosedRequest,
500 -> InternalServerError,
501 -> NotImplemented,
502 -> BadGateway,
503 -> ServiceUnavailable,
504 -> GatewayTimeout,
505 -> HttpVersionNotSupported,
506 -> VariantAlsoNegotiates,
507 -> InsufficientStorage,
510 -> NotExtended,
511 -> NetworkAuthenticationRequired
// See note in Status.
private val reasons: Map[Status, String] = Map(
Continue -> "Continue",
SwitchingProtocols -> "Switching Protocols",
Processing -> "Processing",
Ok -> "OK",
Created -> "Created",
Accepted -> "Accepted",
NonAuthoritativeInformation -> "Non-Authoritative Information",
NoContent -> "No Content",
ResetContent -> "Reset Content",
PartialContent -> "Partial Content",
MultiStatus -> "Multi-Status",
MultipleChoices -> "Multiple Choices",
MovedPermanently -> "Moved Permanently",
Found -> "Found",
SeeOther -> "See Other",
NotModified -> "Not Modified",
UseProxy -> "Use Proxy",
TemporaryRedirect -> "Temporary Redirect",
BadRequest -> "Bad Request",
Unauthorized -> "Unauthorized",
PaymentRequired -> "Payment Required",
Forbidden -> "Forbidden",
NotFound -> "Not Found",
MethodNotAllowed -> "Method Not Allowed",
NotAcceptable -> "Not Acceptable",
ProxyAuthenticationRequired -> "Proxy Authentication Required",
RequestTimeout -> "Request Timeout",
Conflict -> "Conflict",
Gone -> "Gone",
LengthRequired -> "Length Required",
PreconditionFailed -> "Precondition Failed",
RequestEntityTooLarge -> "Request Entity Too Large",
RequestURITooLong -> "Request-URI Too Long",
UnsupportedMediaType -> "Unsupported Media Type",
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable -> "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
ExpectationFailed -> "Expectation Failed",
EnhanceYourCalm -> "Enhance Your Calm",
UnprocessableEntity -> "Unprocessable Entity",
Locked -> "Locked",
FailedDependency -> "Failed Dependency",
UnorderedCollection -> "Unordered Collection",
UpgradeRequired -> "Upgrade Required",
PreconditionRequired -> "Precondition Required",
TooManyRequests -> "Too Many Requests",
RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge -> "Request Header Fields Too Large",
ClientClosedRequest -> "Client Closed Request",
InternalServerError -> "Internal Server Error",
NotImplemented -> "Not Implemented",
BadGateway -> "Bad Gateway",
ServiceUnavailable -> "Service Unavailable",
GatewayTimeout -> "Gateway Timeout",
HttpVersionNotSupported -> "HTTP Version Not Supported",
VariantAlsoNegotiates -> "Variant Also Negotiates",
InsufficientStorage -> "Insufficient Storage",
NotExtended -> "Not Extended",
NetworkAuthenticationRequired -> "Network Authentication Required"
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