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com.twitter.finagle.http.Codec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.twitter.finagle.http

import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.finagle.dispatch.GenSerialClientDispatcher
import com.twitter.finagle.filter.PayloadSizeFilter
import com.twitter.finagle.http.codec._
import com.twitter.finagle.http.filter.{ClientContextFilter, DtabFilter, HttpNackFilter, ServerContextFilter}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.netty.{Netty3ClientStreamTransport, Netty3ServerStreamTransport}
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{NullStatsReceiver, StatsReceiver, ServerStatsReceiver}
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing._
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.util.{NonFatal, Closable, StorageUnit, Try}
import{Channel, ChannelEvent, ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPipelineFactory, Channels, UpstreamMessageEvent}
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http._

private[finagle] case class BadHttpRequest(
  httpVersion: HttpVersion, method: HttpMethod, uri: String, exception: Throwable)
    extends DefaultHttpRequest(httpVersion, method, uri)

object BadHttpRequest {
  def apply(exception: Throwable): BadHttpRequest =
    new BadHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0, HttpMethod.GET, "/bad-http-request", exception)

private[finagle] sealed trait BadReq
private[finagle] trait ContentTooLong extends BadReq
private[finagle] trait UriTooLong extends BadReq
private[finagle] trait HeaderFieldsTooLarge extends BadReq

private[http] case class BadRequest(httpRequest: HttpRequest, exception: Throwable)
  extends Request with BadReq {
  lazy val remoteSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(0)

private[finagle] object BadRequest {

  def apply(msg: BadHttpRequest): BadRequest =
    new BadRequest(msg, msg.exception)

  def apply(exn: Throwable): BadRequest = {
    val msg = new BadHttpRequest(


  def contentTooLong(msg: BadHttpRequest): BadRequest with ContentTooLong =
    new BadRequest(msg, msg.exception) with ContentTooLong

  def contentTooLong(exn: Throwable): BadRequest with ContentTooLong = {
    val msg = new BadHttpRequest(

  def uriTooLong(msg: BadHttpRequest): BadRequest with UriTooLong =
    new BadRequest(msg, msg.exception) with UriTooLong

  def uriTooLong(exn: Throwable): BadRequest with UriTooLong = {
    val msg = new BadHttpRequest(

  def headerTooLong(msg: BadHttpRequest): BadRequest with HeaderFieldsTooLarge  =
    new BadRequest(msg, msg.exception) with HeaderFieldsTooLarge

  def headerTooLong(exn: Throwable): BadRequest with HeaderFieldsTooLarge = {
    val msg = new BadHttpRequest(

 * a HttpChunkAggregator which recovers decode failures into 4xx http responses
private[http] class SafeServerHttpChunkAggregator(maxContentSizeBytes: Int) extends HttpChunkAggregator(maxContentSizeBytes) {

  override def handleUpstream(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, e: ChannelEvent): Unit = {
    try {
      super.handleUpstream(ctx, e)
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(ex) =>
        val channel = ctx.getChannel()
        ctx.sendUpstream(new UpstreamMessageEvent(
          channel, BadHttpRequest(ex), channel.getRemoteAddress()))

/** Convert exceptions to BadHttpRequests */
class SafeHttpServerCodec(
    maxInitialLineLength: Int,
    maxHeaderSize: Int,
    maxChunkSize: Int)
  extends HttpServerCodec(maxInitialLineLength, maxHeaderSize, maxChunkSize)
  override def handleUpstream(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, e: ChannelEvent) {
    // this only catches Codec exceptions -- when a handler calls sendUpStream(), it
    // rescues exceptions from the upstream handlers and calls notifyHandlerException(),
    // which doesn't throw exceptions.
    try {
     super.handleUpstream(ctx, e)
    } catch {
      case ex: Exception =>
        val channel = ctx.getChannel()
        ctx.sendUpstream(new UpstreamMessageEvent(
          channel, BadHttpRequest(ex), channel.getRemoteAddress()))

 * @param _compressionLevel The compression level to use. If passed the default value (-1) then use
 * [[com.twitter.finagle.http.codec.TextualContentCompressor TextualContentCompressor]] which will
 * compress text-like content-types with the default compression level (6). Otherwise, use
 * [[org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpContentCompressor HttpContentCompressor]] for all
 * content-types with specified compression level.
 * @param _maxRequestSize The maximum size of the inbound request an HTTP server constructed with
 * this codec can receive (default is 5 megabytes). Should be less than 2 gigabytes (up to
 * `Int.MaxValue` bytes). Use streaming/chunked requests to handle larger messages.
 * @param _maxResponseSize The maximum size of the inbound response an HTTP client constructed with
 * this codec can receive (default is 5 megabytes). Should be less than 2 gigabytes (up to
 * `Int.MaxValue` bytes). Use streaming/chunked requests to handle larger messages.
 * @param _streaming Streaming allows applications to work with HTTP messages
 * that have large (or infinite) content bodies. When this flag is set to
 * `true`, the message content is available through a [[]],
 * which gives the application a handle to the byte stream. If `false`, the
 * entire message content is buffered into a [[]].
case class Http(
    _compressionLevel: Int = -1,
    _maxRequestSize: StorageUnit = 5.megabytes,
    _maxResponseSize: StorageUnit = 5.megabytes,
    _decompressionEnabled: Boolean = true,
    _channelBufferUsageTracker: Option[ChannelBufferUsageTracker] = None,
    _annotateCipherHeader: Option[String] = None,
    _enableTracing: Boolean = false,
    _maxInitialLineLength: StorageUnit = 4096.bytes,
    _maxHeaderSize: StorageUnit = 8192.bytes,
    _streaming: Boolean = false,
    _statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver
) extends CodecFactory[Request, Response] {

  def this(
    _compressionLevel: Int,
    _maxRequestSize: StorageUnit,
    _maxResponseSize: StorageUnit,
    _decompressionEnabled: Boolean,
    _channelBufferUsageTracker: Option[ChannelBufferUsageTracker],
    _annotateCipherHeader: Option[String],
    _enableTracing: Boolean,
    _maxInitialLineLength: StorageUnit,
    _maxHeaderSize: StorageUnit,
    _streaming: Boolean
  ) =

  require(_maxRequestSize < 2.gigabytes,
    s"maxRequestSize should be less than 2 Gb, but was ${_maxRequestSize}")

  require(_maxResponseSize < 2.gigabytes,
    s"maxResponseSize should be less than 2 Gb, but was ${_maxResponseSize}")

  def compressionLevel(level: Int) = copy(_compressionLevel = level)
  def maxRequestSize(bufferSize: StorageUnit) = copy(_maxRequestSize = bufferSize)
  def maxResponseSize(bufferSize: StorageUnit) = copy(_maxResponseSize = bufferSize)
  def decompressionEnabled(yesno: Boolean) = copy(_decompressionEnabled = yesno)
  @deprecated("Use maxRequestSize to enforce buffer footprint limits", "2016-05-10")
  def channelBufferUsageTracker(usageTracker: ChannelBufferUsageTracker) =
    copy(_channelBufferUsageTracker = Some(usageTracker))
  def annotateCipherHeader(headerName: String) = copy(_annotateCipherHeader = Option(headerName))
  def enableTracing(enable: Boolean) = copy(_enableTracing = enable)
  def maxInitialLineLength(length: StorageUnit) = copy(_maxInitialLineLength = length)
  def maxHeaderSize(size: StorageUnit) = copy(_maxHeaderSize = size)
  def streaming(enable: Boolean) = copy(_streaming = enable)

  def client = { config =>
    new Codec[Request, Response] {
      def pipelineFactory = new ChannelPipelineFactory {
        def getPipeline() = {
          val pipeline = Channels.pipeline()
          val maxInitialLineLengthInBytes = _maxInitialLineLength.inBytes.toInt
          val maxHeaderSizeInBytes = _maxHeaderSize.inBytes.toInt
          val maxChunkSize = 8192
            "httpCodec", new HttpClientCodec(
              maxInitialLineLengthInBytes, maxHeaderSizeInBytes, maxChunkSize))

          if (!_streaming)
              new HttpChunkAggregator(_maxResponseSize.inBytes.toInt))

          if (_decompressionEnabled)
            pipeline.addLast("httpDecompressor", new HttpContentDecompressor)


      override def prepareServiceFactory(
        underlying: ServiceFactory[Request, Response]
      ): ServiceFactory[Request, Response] = DelayedReleaseService(_))

      override def prepareConnFactory(
        underlying: ServiceFactory[Request, Response],
        params: Stack.Params
      ): ServiceFactory[Request, Response] =
        // Note: This is a horrible hack to ensure that close() calls from
        // ExpiringService do not propagate until all chunks have been read
        // Waiting on CSL-915 for a proper fix. { u =>
          val filters =
            new ClientContextFilter[Request, Response]
              .andThen(new DtabFilter.Injector)
              .andThenIf(!_streaming ->
                new PayloadSizeFilter[Request, Response](
                  params[param.Stats].statsReceiver, _.content.length, _.content.length

          filters.andThen(new DelayedReleaseService(u))

      override def newClientTransport(ch: Channel, statsReceiver: StatsReceiver): Transport[Any,Any] =
        super.newClientTransport(ch, statsReceiver)

      override def newClientDispatcher(transport: Transport[Any, Any], params: Stack.Params) =
        new HttpClientDispatcher(
          new HttpTransport(new Netty3ClientStreamTransport(transport)),

      override def newTraceInitializer =
        if (_enableTracing) new HttpClientTraceInitializer[Request, Response]
        else TraceInitializerFilter.empty[Request, Response]

      override def protocolLibraryName: String = Http.this.protocolLibraryName

  def server = { config =>
    new Codec[Request, Response] {
      def pipelineFactory = new ChannelPipelineFactory {
        def getPipeline() = {
          val pipeline = Channels.pipeline()
          if (_channelBufferUsageTracker.isDefined) {
              "channelBufferManager", new ChannelBufferManager(_channelBufferUsageTracker.get))

          val maxRequestSizeInBytes = _maxRequestSize.inBytes.toInt
          val maxInitialLineLengthInBytes = _maxInitialLineLength.inBytes.toInt
          val maxHeaderSizeInBytes = _maxHeaderSize.inBytes.toInt
          pipeline.addLast("httpCodec", new SafeHttpServerCodec(maxInitialLineLengthInBytes, maxHeaderSizeInBytes, maxRequestSizeInBytes))

          if (_compressionLevel > 0) {
            pipeline.addLast("httpCompressor", new HttpContentCompressor(_compressionLevel))
          } else if (_compressionLevel == -1) {
            pipeline.addLast("httpCompressor", new TextualContentCompressor)

          if (_decompressionEnabled)
            pipeline.addLast("httpDecompressor", new HttpContentDecompressor)

          // The payload size handler should come before the RespondToExpectContinue handler so that we don't
          // send a 100 CONTINUE for oversize requests we have no intention of handling.
          pipeline.addLast("payloadSizeHandler", new PayloadSizeHandler(maxRequestSizeInBytes))

          // Response to ``Expect: Continue'' requests.
          pipeline.addLast("respondToExpectContinue", new RespondToExpectContinue)
          if (!_streaming)
              new SafeServerHttpChunkAggregator(maxRequestSizeInBytes))

          _annotateCipherHeader foreach { headerName: String =>
            pipeline.addLast("annotateCipher", new AnnotateCipher(headerName))


      override def newServerDispatcher(
        transport: Transport[Any, Any],
        service: Service[Request, Response]
      ): Closable = new HttpServerDispatcher(
        new HttpTransport(new Netty3ServerStreamTransport(transport)),

      override def prepareConnFactory(
        underlying: ServiceFactory[Request, Response],
        params: Stack.Params
      ): ServiceFactory[Request, Response] = {
        val param.Stats(stats) = params[param.Stats]
        new HttpNackFilter(stats)
          .andThen(new DtabFilter.Extractor)
          .andThen(new ServerContextFilter[Request, Response])
          .andThenIf(!_streaming -> new PayloadSizeFilter[Request, Response](
            stats, _.content.length, _.content.length)

      override def newTraceInitializer =
        if (_enableTracing) new HttpServerTraceInitializer[Request, Response]
        else TraceInitializerFilter.empty[Request, Response]

  override val protocolLibraryName: String = "http"

object Http {
  def get() = new Http()

object HttpTracing {

   * HTTP headers used for tracing.
   * See [[headers()]] for Java compatibility.
  object Header {
    val TraceId = "X-B3-TraceId"
    val SpanId = "X-B3-SpanId"
    val ParentSpanId = "X-B3-ParentSpanId"
    val Sampled = "X-B3-Sampled"
    val Flags = "X-B3-Flags"

    val All = Seq(TraceId, SpanId, ParentSpanId, Sampled, Flags)
    val Required = Seq(TraceId, SpanId)

  /** Java compatibility API for [[Header]]. */
  def headers(): Header.type = Header

   * Remove any parameters from url.
  private[http] def stripParameters(uri: String): String = {
    uri.indexOf('?') match {
      case -1 => uri
      case n  => uri.substring(0, n)

private object TraceInfo {
  import HttpTracing._

  def letTraceIdFromRequestHeaders[R](request: Request)(f: => R): R = {
    val id = if (Header.Required.forall { request.headers.contains(_) }) {
      val spanId = SpanId.fromString(request.headers.get(Header.SpanId))

      spanId map { sid =>
        val traceId = SpanId.fromString(request.headers.get(Header.TraceId))
        val parentSpanId = SpanId.fromString(request.headers.get(Header.ParentSpanId))

        val sampled = Option(request.headers.get(Header.Sampled)) flatMap { sampled =>

        val flags = getFlags(request)
        TraceId(traceId, parentSpanId, sid, sampled, flags)
    } else if (request.headers.contains(Header.Flags)) {
      // even if there are no id headers we want to get the debug flag
      // this is to allow developers to just set the debug flag to ensure their
      // trace is collected
      Some(Trace.nextId.copy(flags = getFlags(request)))
    } else {

    // remove so the header is not visible to users
    Header.All foreach { request.headers.remove(_) }

    id match {
      case Some(id) =>
        Trace.letId(id) {
      case None =>

  def setClientRequestHeaders(request: Request): Unit = {
    Header.All.foreach { request.headers.remove(_) }

    val traceId =
    request.headers.add(Header.TraceId, traceId.traceId.toString)
    request.headers.add(Header.SpanId, traceId.spanId.toString)
    // no parent id set means this is the root span
    traceId._parentId.foreach { id =>
      request.headers.add(Header.ParentSpanId, id.toString)
    // three states of sampled, yes, no or none (let the server decide)
    traceId.sampled.foreach { sampled =>
      request.headers.add(Header.Sampled, sampled.toString)
    request.headers.add(Header.Flags, traceId.flags.toLong)

  def traceRpc(request: Request): Unit = {
    if (Trace.isActivelyTracing) {
      Trace.recordBinary("http.uri", stripParameters(request.getUri))

   * Safely extract the flags from the header, if they exist. Otherwise return empty flag.
  def getFlags(request: Request): Flags = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case _: Throwable => Flags()

private[finagle] class HttpServerTraceInitializer[Req <: Request, Rep]
  extends Stack.Module1[param.Tracer, ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] {
  val role = TraceInitializerFilter.role
  val description = "Initialize the tracing system with trace info from the incoming request"

  def make(_tracer: param.Tracer, next: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]) = {
    val param.Tracer(tracer) = _tracer
    val traceInitializer =[Req, Rep, Req, Rep] { (req, svc) =>
      Trace.letTracer(tracer) {
        TraceInfo.letTraceIdFromRequestHeaders(req) { svc(req) }
    traceInitializer andThen next

private[finagle] class HttpClientTraceInitializer[Req <: Request, Rep]
  extends Stack.Module1[param.Tracer, ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] {
  val role = TraceInitializerFilter.role
  val description = "Sets the next TraceId and attaches trace information to the outgoing request"
  def make(_tracer: param.Tracer, next: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]) = {
    val param.Tracer(tracer) = _tracer
    val traceInitializer =[Req, Rep, Req, Rep] { (req, svc) =>
      Trace.letTracerAndNextId(tracer) {
    traceInitializer andThen next

 * Pass along headers with the required tracing information.
private[finagle] class HttpClientTracingFilter[Req <: Request, Res](serviceName: String)
  extends SimpleFilter[Req, Res]

  def apply(request: Req, service: Service[Req, Res]) = {

 * Adds tracing annotations for each http request we receive.
 * Including uri, when request was sent and when it was received.
private[finagle] class HttpServerTracingFilter[Req <: Request, Res](serviceName: String)
  extends SimpleFilter[Req, Res]
  def apply(request: Req, service: Service[Req, Res]) =
    TraceInfo.letTraceIdFromRequestHeaders(request) {

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