com.twitter.finagle.Memcached.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.finagle
import com.twitter.concurrent.Broker
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.finagle
import com.twitter.finagle.cacheresolver.{CacheNode, CacheNodeGroup}
import com.twitter.finagle.client.{ClientRegistry, DefaultPool, StackClient, StdStackClient, Transporter}
import com.twitter.finagle.dispatch.{GenSerialClientDispatcher, SerialServerDispatcher, PipeliningDispatcher}
import com.twitter.finagle.loadbalancer.{Balancers, ConcurrentLoadBalancerFactory, LoadBalancerFactory}
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached._
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.exp.LocalMemcached
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text.{MemcachedClientPipelineFactory, MemcachedServerPipelineFactory}
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.{Command, Response, RetrievalCommand, Values}
import com.twitter.finagle.netty3.{Netty3Listener, Netty3Transporter}
import com.twitter.finagle.param.{Monitor => _, ResponseClassifier => _, ExceptionStatsHandler => _, Tracer => _, _}
import com.twitter.finagle.pool.SingletonPool
import com.twitter.finagle.server.{Listener, StackServer, StdStackServer}
import com.twitter.finagle.service._
import com.twitter.finagle.service.exp.FailureAccrualPolicy
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{StatsReceiver, ExceptionStatsHandler}
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing._
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.hashing
import com.twitter.util.{Closable, Duration, Future, Monitor}
import com.twitter.util.registry.GlobalRegistry
import scala.collection.mutable
* Defines a [[Tracer]] that understands the finagle-memcached request type.
* This is installed as the `ClientTracingFilter` in the default stack.
private[finagle] object MemcachedTraceInitializer {
object Module extends Stack.Module1[param.Tracer, ServiceFactory[Command, Response]] {
val role = TraceInitializerFilter.role
val description = "Initialize traces for the client and record hits/misses"
def make(_tracer: param.Tracer, next: ServiceFactory[Command, Response]) = {
val param.Tracer(tracer) = _tracer
val filter = new Filter(tracer)
filter andThen next
class Filter(tracer: Tracer) extends SimpleFilter[Command, Response] {
def apply(command: Command, service: Service[Command, Response]): Future[Response] =
Trace.letTracerAndNextId(tracer) {
val response = service(command)
command match {
case command: RetrievalCommand if Trace.isActivelyTracing =>
response onSuccess {
case Values(vals) =>
val cmd = command.asInstanceOf[RetrievalCommand]
val misses = mutable.Set.empty[String]
cmd.keys foreach { case Buf.Utf8(key) => misses += key }
vals foreach { value =>
val Buf.Utf8(key) = value.key
Trace.recordBinary(key, "Hit")
misses foreach { Trace.recordBinary(_, "Miss") }
case _ =>
case _ =>
* Factory methods to build a finagle-memcached client.
* @define partitioned
* Constructs a memcached.Client that dispatches requests over `dest`. When
* `dest` resolves to multiple hosts, the hosts are hashed across a ring with
* key affinity. The key hashing algorithm can be configured via the `withKeyHasher`
* method on `Memcached.client`. Failing hosts can be ejected from the
* hash ring if `withEjectFailedHost` is set to true. Note, the current
* implementation only supports bound [[com.twitter.finagle.Name Names]].
* @define label
* Argument `label` is used to assign a label to this client.
* The label is used to scope stats, etc.
trait MemcachedRichClient { self: finagle.Client[Command, Response] =>
/** $partitioned $label */
def newRichClient(dest: Name, label: String): memcached.Client =
newTwemcacheClient(dest, label)
/** $partitioned */
def newRichClient(dest: String): memcached.Client = {
val (n, l) = Resolver.evalLabeled(dest)
newTwemcacheClient(n, l)
/** $partitioned $label */
def newTwemcacheClient(dest: Name, label: String): TwemcacheClient
/** $partitioned */
def newTwemcacheClient(dest: String): TwemcacheClient = {
val (n, l) = Resolver.evalLabeled(dest)
newTwemcacheClient(n, l)
* Stack based Memcached client.
* For example, a default client can be built through:
* @example {{{
* val client = Memcached.newRichClient(dest)
* }}}
* If you want to provide more finely tuned configurations:
* @example {{{
* val client =
* Memcached.client
* .withEjectFailedHost(true)
* .withTransport.connectTimeout(100.milliseconds))
* .withRequestTimeout(10.seconds)
* .withSession.acquisitionTimeout(20.seconds)
* .newRichClient(dest, "memcached_client")
* }}}
object Memcached extends finagle.Client[Command, Response]
with finagle.Server[Command, Response] {
* Memcached specific stack params.
object param {
case class EjectFailedHost(v: Boolean) {
def mk(): (EjectFailedHost, Stack.Param[EjectFailedHost]) =
(this, EjectFailedHost.param)
object EjectFailedHost {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(EjectFailedHost(false))
case class KeyHasher(hasher: hashing.KeyHasher) {
def mk(): (KeyHasher, Stack.Param[KeyHasher]) =
(this, KeyHasher.param)
object KeyHasher {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(KeyHasher(hashing.KeyHasher.KETAMA))
case class NumReps(reps: Int) {
def mk(): (NumReps, Stack.Param[NumReps]) =
(this, NumReps.param)
object NumReps {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(NumReps(KetamaPartitionedClient.DefaultNumReps))
object Client {
private[Memcached] val ProtocolLibraryName = "memcached"
private[this] val defaultFailureAccrualPolicy = () => FailureAccrualPolicy.consecutiveFailures(
100, Backoff.const(1.second))
* Default stack parameters used for memcached client. We change the
* load balancer to `p2cPeakEwma` as we have experience improved tail
* latencies when coupled with the pipelining dispatcher.
val defaultParams: Stack.Params = StackClient.defaultParams +
FailureAccrualFactory.Param(defaultFailureAccrualPolicy) +
FailFastFactory.FailFast(false) +
LoadBalancerFactory.Param(Balancers.p2cPeakEwma()) +
* A default client stack which supports the pipelined memcached client.
* The `ConcurrentLoadBalancerFactory` load balances over a small set of
* duplicate endpoints to eliminate head of line blocking. Each endpoint
* has a single pipelined connection.
def newStack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Command, Response]] = StackClient.newStack
.replace(LoadBalancerFactory.role, ConcurrentLoadBalancerFactory.module[Command, Response])
.replace(DefaultPool.Role, SingletonPool.module[Command, Response])
.replace(ClientTracingFilter.role, MemcachedTraceInitializer.Module)
* The memcached client should be using fixed hosts that do not change
* IP addresses. Force usage of the FixedInetResolver to prevent spurious
* DNS lookups and polling.
def mkDestination(hostName: String, port: Int): String =
private[finagle] def registerClient(
label: String,
hasher: String,
isPipelining: Boolean
): Unit = {
Seq(ClientRegistry.registryName, Client.ProtocolLibraryName, label, "is_pipelining"),
Seq(ClientRegistry.registryName, Client.ProtocolLibraryName, label, "key_hasher"),
* A memcached client with support for pipelined requests, consistent hashing,
* and per-node load-balancing.
case class Client(
stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Command, Response]] = Client.newStack,
params: Stack.Params = Client.defaultParams)
extends StdStackClient[Command, Response, Client]
with WithConcurrentLoadBalancer[Client]
with MemcachedRichClient {
import Client.mkDestination
protected def copy1(
stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Command, Response]] = this.stack,
params: Stack.Params = this.params
): Client = copy(stack, params)
protected type In = Command
protected type Out = Response
protected def newTransporter(): Transporter[In, Out] =
Netty3Transporter(MemcachedClientPipelineFactory, params)
protected def newDispatcher(transport: Transport[In, Out]): Service[Command, Response] =
new PipeliningDispatcher(
def newTwemcacheClient(dest: Name, label: String): TwemcacheClient = {
val _dest = if (LocalMemcached.enabled) {
Resolver.eval(mkDestination("localhost", LocalMemcached.port))
} else dest
// Memcache only support Name.Bound names (TRFC-162).
// See KetamaPartitionedClient for more details.
val va = _dest match {
case Name.Bound(va) => va
case n =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Memcached client only supports Bound Names, was: $n")
val finagle.param.Stats(sr) = params[finagle.param.Stats]
val param.KeyHasher(hasher) = params[param.KeyHasher]
val param.NumReps(numReps) = params[param.NumReps]
registerClient(label, hasher.toString, isPipelining = true)
val healthBroker = new Broker[NodeHealth]
def newService(node: CacheNode): Service[Command, Response] = {
val key = KetamaClientKey.fromCacheNode(node)
val stk = stack.replace(FailureAccrualFactory.role,
KetamaFailureAccrualFactory.module[Command, Response](key, healthBroker))
withStack(stk).newService(mkDestination(, node.port), label)
val group = CacheNodeGroup.fromVarAddr(va)
val scopedSr = sr.scope(label)
new KetamaPartitionedClient(group, newService, healthBroker, scopedSr, hasher, numReps)
with TwemcachePartitionedClient
* Whether to eject cache host from the Ketama ring based on failure accrual.
* By default, this is off. When turning on, keep the following caveat in
* mind: ejection is based on local failure accrual, so your cluster may
* get different views of the same cache host. With cache updates, this can
* introduce inconsistency in cache data. In many cases, it's better to eject
* cache host from a separate mechanism that's based on a global view.
def withEjectFailedHost(eject: Boolean): Client =
* Defines the hash function to use for partitioned clients when
* mapping keys to partitions.
def withKeyHasher(hasher: hashing.KeyHasher): Client =
* Duplicate each node across the hash ring according to `reps`.
* @see [[com.twitter.hashing.KetamaDistributor]] for more
* details.
def withNumReps(reps: Int): Client =
// Java-friendly forwarders
// See
override val withLoadBalancer: ConcurrentLoadBalancingParams[Client] =
new ConcurrentLoadBalancingParams(this)
override val withTransport: ClientTransportParams[Client] =
new ClientTransportParams(this)
override val withSession: SessionParams[Client] =
new SessionParams(this)
override val withAdmissionControl: ClientAdmissionControlParams[Client] =
new ClientAdmissionControlParams(this)
override val withSessionQualifier: SessionQualificationParams[Client] =
new SessionQualificationParams(this)
override def withLabel(label: String): Client = super.withLabel(label)
override def withStatsReceiver(statsReceiver: StatsReceiver): Client =
override def withMonitor(monitor: Monitor): Client = super.withMonitor(monitor)
override def withTracer(tracer: Tracer): Client = super.withTracer(tracer)
override def withExceptionStatsHandler(exceptionStatsHandler: ExceptionStatsHandler): Client =
override def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Duration): Client = super.withRequestTimeout(timeout)
override def withResponseClassifier(responseClassifier: ResponseClassifier): Client =
override def withRetryBudget(budget: RetryBudget): Client = super.withRetryBudget(budget)
override def withRetryBackoff(backoff: Stream[Duration]): Client = super.withRetryBackoff(backoff)
override def configured[P](psp: (P, Stack.Param[P])): Client = super.configured(psp)
override def filtered(filter: Filter[Command, Response, Command, Response]): Client =
val client: Memcached.Client = Client()
def newClient(dest: Name, label: String): ServiceFactory[Command, Response] =
client.newClient(dest, label)
def newService(dest: Name, label: String): Service[Command, Response] =
client.newService(dest, label)
object Server {
* Default stack parameters used for memcached server.
val defaultParams: Stack.Params = StackServer.defaultParams +
case class Server(
stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Command, Response]] = StackServer.newStack,
params: Stack.Params = Server.defaultParams)
extends StdStackServer[Command, Response, Server] {
protected def copy1(
stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Command, Response]] = this.stack,
params: Stack.Params = this.params
): Server = copy(stack, params)
protected type In = Response
protected type Out = Command
protected def newListener(): Listener[In, Out] = {
Netty3Listener("memcached", MemcachedServerPipelineFactory)
protected def newDispatcher(
transport: Transport[In, Out],
service: Service[Command, Response]
): Closable = new SerialServerDispatcher(transport, service)
// Java-friendly forwarders
override val withAdmissionControl: ServerAdmissionControlParams[Server] =
new ServerAdmissionControlParams(this)
override val withTransport: ServerTransportParams[Server] =
new ServerTransportParams(this)
override def withLabel(label: String): Server = super.withLabel(label)
override def withStatsReceiver(statsReceiver: StatsReceiver): Server =
override def withMonitor(monitor: Monitor): Server = super.withMonitor(monitor)
override def withTracer(tracer: Tracer): Server = super.withTracer(tracer)
override def withExceptionStatsHandler(exceptionStatsHandler: ExceptionStatsHandler): Server =
override def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Duration): Server = super.withRequestTimeout(timeout)
override def configured[P](psp: (P, Stack.Param[P])): Server = super.configured(psp)
val server: Memcached.Server = Server()
def serve(addr: SocketAddress, service: ServiceFactory[Command, Response]): ListeningServer =
server.serve(addr, service)
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