com.twitter.finagle.memcached.migration.MigrationClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.migration
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.twitter.common.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient
import com.twitter.finagle.Memcached
import com.twitter.finagle.cacheresolver.ZookeeperStateMonitor
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached._
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{ClientStatsReceiver, NullStatsReceiver, StatsReceiver}
import com.twitter.finagle.zookeeper.DefaultZkClientFactory
import com.twitter.util.{Future, Time}
* migration config data
private[memcached] object MigrationConstants {
case class MigrationConfig(
state: String,
readRepairBack: Boolean,
readRepairFront: Boolean)
val jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule)
object MigrationState extends Enumeration {
type t = Value
val Pending, Warming, Verifying, Done = Value
object PoolNames extends Enumeration {
type t = Value
val OldPool, NewPool = Value
* Migration client. This client manages a two cache clients representing source and
* destination cache pool. Depending on the migration state, this client may send dark traffic
* to destination pool to warm up the cache, or send light traffic to destination pool and fall
* back to original pool for cache misses. The state transitioning is controlled by operator
* by setting corresponding metadata in zookeeper.
class MigrationClient(
oldClient: Client,
newClient: Client,
protected val zkPath: String,
protected val zkClient: ZooKeeperClient,
protected val statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver
) extends ProxyClient with ZookeeperStateMonitor {
import MigrationConstants._
// private type def of FrontendClient to be actually a proxy client
class FrontendClient(client: Client) extends ProxyClient {
override def proxyClient = client
@volatile var proxyClient = new FrontendClient(oldClient)
override def applyZKData(data: Array[Byte]): Unit = synchronized {
val config = jsonMapper.readValue(data, classOf[MigrationConfig])
val migrationState = MigrationState.withName(config.state)
migrationState match {
case MigrationState.Pending =>
proxyClient = new FrontendClient(oldClient)
case MigrationState.Warming if (config.readRepairBack) =>
proxyClient = new FrontendClient(oldClient) with DarkRead with ReadWarmup with DarkWrite {
val backendClient = newClient
case MigrationState.Warming =>
proxyClient = new FrontendClient(oldClient) with DarkRead with DarkWrite {
val backendClient = newClient
case MigrationState.Verifying if (config.readRepairFront) =>
proxyClient = new FrontendClient(newClient) with FallbackRead with ReadRepair {
val backendClient = oldClient
case MigrationState.Verifying =>
proxyClient = new FrontendClient(newClient) with FallbackRead {
val backendClient = oldClient
case MigrationState.Done =>
proxyClient = new FrontendClient(newClient)
* DarkRead client.
* requires backendClient;
* override Get and Gets to send dark read to backend pool;
* backend read results are not blocking or exposed.
trait DarkRead extends Client {
protected val backendClient: Client
abstract override def getResult(keys: Iterable[String]) = {
val frontResult = super.getResult(keys)
val backResult = backendClient.getResult(keys)
chooseGetResult(frontResult, backResult)
// DarkRead always choose the front result and ignore the backend one
protected def chooseGetResult(frontResult: Future[GetResult], backResult: Future[GetResult]): Future[GetResult] = {
abstract override def getsResult(keys: Iterable[String]) = {
val frontResult = super.getsResult(keys)
val backResult = backendClient.getsResult(keys)
chooseGetsResult(frontResult, backResult)
// DarkRead always choose the front result and ignore the backend one
protected def chooseGetsResult(frontResult: Future[GetsResult], backResult: Future[GetsResult]): Future[GetsResult] = {
abstract override def release() {
* ReadWarmup client.
* can only be mixed into DarkRead client;
* before returning frontend result, use frontend result to warm up backend missed key;
* backend warming up is not not blocking or exposed.
trait ReadWarmup { self: DarkRead =>
override protected def chooseGetResult(frontResult: Future[GetResult], backResult: Future[GetResult]): Future[GetResult] = {
// when readRepairDark, hit on front should repair miss on back in the background
Future.join(frontResult, backResult) onSuccess {
case (frontR, backR) => backR.misses foreach {
case key if frontR.hits.contains(key) => backendClient.set(key, frontR.hits.get(key).get.value)
case _ =>
override protected def chooseGetsResult(frontResult: Future[GetsResult], backResult: Future[GetsResult]): Future[GetsResult] = {
Future.join(frontResult, backResult) onSuccess {
case (frontR, backR) => backR.misses foreach {
case key if frontR.hits.contains(key) => backendClient.set(key, frontR.hits.get(key).get.value)
case _ =>
* DarkWrite client.
* requires backendClient;
* override all write operation (except cas) to send dark write to backend pool;
* backend write results are not blocking or exposed.
trait DarkWrite extends Client {
protected val backendClient: Client
abstract override def set(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) = {
val result = super.set(key, flags, expiry, value)
backendClient.set(key, flags, expiry, value)
abstract override def add(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) = {
val result = super.add(key, flags, expiry, value)
backendClient.add(key, flags, expiry, value)
abstract override def append(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) = {
val result = super.append(key, flags, expiry, value)
backendClient.append(key, flags, expiry, value)
abstract override def prepend(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) = {
val result = super.prepend(key, flags, expiry, value)
backendClient.prepend(key, flags, expiry, value)
abstract override def replace(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) = {
val result = super.replace(key, flags, expiry, value)
backendClient.replace(key, flags, expiry, value)
abstract override def incr(key: String, delta: Long) = {
val result = super.incr(key, delta)
backendClient.incr(key, delta)
abstract override def decr(key: String, delta: Long) = {
val result = super.decr(key, delta)
backendClient.decr(key, delta)
// cas operation does not migrate
abstract override def checkAndSet(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf, casUnique: Buf) =
super.checkAndSet(key, flags, expiry, value, casUnique)
abstract override def delete(key: String) = {
val result = super.delete(key)
abstract override def release() {
* FallbackRead client.
* requires backendClient;
* override Get to read the backend pool if for frontend pool misses;
* Gets remains the same, as fallback reading backend pool for cas_unique is useless.
trait FallbackRead extends Client {
protected val backendClient: Client
abstract override def getResult(keys: Iterable[String]) = {
val frontResult = super.getResult(keys)
frontResult flatMap {
case frontR if (frontR.misses.nonEmpty || frontR.failures.nonEmpty) =>
backendClient.getResult(frontR.misses ++ frontR.failures.keySet) map { backR =>
combineGetResult(frontR, backR)
case frontR => Future.value(frontR)
protected def combineGetResult(frontR: GetResult, backR: GetResult): GetResult = {
// when fallback, merge the front hits with back result
GetResult.merged(Seq(GetResult(frontR.hits), backR))
// Gets remains the same
abstract override def getsResult(keys: Iterable[String]) = {
abstract override def release() {
* ReadRepair client.
* can only be mixed into FallbackRead client;
* before combining frontend and backend result, use backend result to repair frontend missed key;
* frontend repairing is not not blocking or exposed.
trait ReadRepair { self: FallbackRead =>
override def combineGetResult(frontR: GetResult, backR: GetResult): GetResult = {
// when readrepair, use back hit to repair front miss
backR.hits foreach {
case (k, v) => set(k, v.value)
GetResult.merged(Seq(GetResult(frontR.hits), backR))
object MigrationClient {
def newMigrationClient(zkHosts: String, zkPath: String) = {
val zkClient = DefaultZkClientFactory.get(DefaultZkClientFactory.hostSet(zkHosts))._1
val oldPoolPath = zkPath+"/" + MigrationConstants.PoolNames.OldPool.toString
val newPoolPath = zkPath+"/" + MigrationConstants.PoolNames.NewPool.toString
// verify the format of the path (zkPath, zkClient)
assert(zkClient.get().exists(zkPath, false) != null)
assert(zkClient.get().exists(oldPoolPath, false) != null)
assert(zkClient.get().exists(newPoolPath, false) != null)
// create client for old and new pool
val oldClient = Memcached.client
val newClient = Memcached.client
val migrationStatsReceiver = ClientStatsReceiver.scope("migrationclient")
// create MigrationClient, by oldClient newClient, (zkPath, zkClient)
new MigrationClient(oldClient, newClient, zkPath, zkClient, migrationStatsReceiver)
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