com.twitter.finagle.memcached.replication.ReplicationClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.replication
import{Boolean => JBoolean, Long => JLong}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.util.Random
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.finagle.builder.{Cluster, ClientBuilder, ClientConfig}
import com.twitter.finagle.cacheresolver.CacheNode
import com.twitter.finagle.Group
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached._
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.Value
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.util.ChannelBufferUtils._
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{StatsReceiver, NullStatsReceiver}
import com.twitter.util._
sealed trait ReplicationStatus[T]
* Indicating a consistent state across all replicas, which comes with the agreed consistent result;
case class ConsistentReplication[T](result: T) extends ReplicationStatus[T]
* Indicating an inconsistent state across all replicas, which comes with a sequence of result
* from all replicas; each replica's result can be either Return[T] or Throw[T]
case class InconsistentReplication[T](resultSeq: Seq[Try[T]]) extends ReplicationStatus[T]
* indicating a failed state from all replicas, which comes with a sequence of failures from
* all replicas;
case class FailedReplication[T](failureSeq: Seq[Throw[T]]) extends ReplicationStatus[T]
* Wrapping underlying replicas cas unique values for replication purpose.
trait ReplicaCasUnique
case class RCasUnique(uniques: Seq[Buf]) extends ReplicaCasUnique
case class SCasUnique(casUnique: Buf) extends ReplicaCasUnique
* Replication client helper
object ReplicationClient {
def newBaseReplicationClient(
pools: Seq[Cluster[CacheNode]],
clientBuilder: Option[ClientBuilder[_, _, _, _, ClientConfig.Yes]] = None,
hashName: Option[String] = None,
failureAccrualParams: (Int, () => Duration) = (5, () => 30.seconds)
) = {
val underlyingClients = pools map { pool =>
KetamaClientBuilder(Group.fromCluster(pool), hashName, clientBuilder, failureAccrualParams).build()
val repStatsReceiver =
clientBuilder map { _.statsReceiver.scope("cache_replication") } getOrElse(NullStatsReceiver)
new BaseReplicationClient(underlyingClients, repStatsReceiver)
def newSimpleReplicationClient(
pools: Seq[Cluster[CacheNode]],
clientBuilder: Option[ClientBuilder[_, _, _, _, ClientConfig.Yes]] = None,
hashName: Option[String] = None,
failureAccrualParams: (Int, () => Duration) = (5, () => 30.seconds)
) = {
new SimpleReplicationClient(newBaseReplicationClient(pools, clientBuilder, hashName, failureAccrualParams))
* Base replication client. This client manages a list of base memcached clients representing
* cache replicas. All replication API returns ReplicationStatus object indicating the underlying
* replicas consistency state.
* @param clients list of memcached clients with each one representing to a single cache pool
* @param statsReceiver
class BaseReplicationClient(clients: Seq[Client], statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver) {
private[this] val inconsistentContentCounter = statsReceiver.counter("inconsistent_content_count")
private[this] val failedCounter = statsReceiver.counter("failed_replication_count")
* Return GetResult object that aggregates all hits, misses and failures.
* This method will send the requested keys to each underlying replicas in a fixed order or
* random order, and will stop passing along a key if a replica has returned 'hit'.
* TODO: introducing BackupRequestFilter to shorten the waiting period for secondary requests
private[memcached] def getResult(keys: Iterable[String], useRandomOrder: Boolean): Future[GetResult] = {
val clientsInOrder = if (useRandomOrder) Random.shuffle(clients) else clients
def loopGet(clients: Seq[Client], currentRes: GetResult): Future[GetResult] = clients match {
case _ if currentRes.misses.isEmpty &&
currentRes.failures.isEmpty => Future.value(currentRes)
case Seq() => Future.value(currentRes)
case Seq(c, tail@_*) =>
val missing = currentRes.misses ++ currentRes.failures.keySet
c.getResult(missing) flatMap { case res =>
val newRes = GetResult.merged(Seq(GetResult(currentRes.hits), res))
loopGet(tail, newRes)
loopGet(clientsInOrder, GetResult(Map.empty, keys.toSet))
* Get one value for the input keys from the underlying replicas.
* For each input key, this operation searches all replicas in an order until it finds the
* first hit result, or return the last replica's result.
def getOne(key: String, useRandomOrder: Boolean = false): Future[Option[Buf]] =
getOne(Seq(key), useRandomOrder) map { _.values.headOption }
def getOne(keys: Iterable[String], useRandomOrder: Boolean): Future[Map[String, Buf]] =
getResult(keys, useRandomOrder) flatMap { result =>
if (result.failures.nonEmpty)
* Get replication status for the input keys from the underlying replicas.
* For each input key, this operation returns the aggregated replication status after requesting
* all replicas.
def getAll(key: String): Future[ReplicationStatus[Option[Buf]]] =
getAll(Seq(key)) map { _.values.head }
def getAll(keys: Iterable[String]): Future[Map[String, ReplicationStatus[Option[Buf]]]] = {
val keySet = keys.toSet
Future.collect(clients map { _.getResult(keySet) }) map {
results: Seq[GetResult] => { k =>
val replicasResult = results map {
case r if (r.hits.contains(k)) => Return(Some(r.hits.get(k).get.value))
case r if (r.misses.contains(k)) => Return(None)
case r if (r.failures.contains(k)) => Throw(r.failures.get(k).get)
k -> toReplicationStatus(replicasResult)
* Get replication status for the input keys and their checksum. The aggregated results returned
* can be either of these three cases:
* - ConsistentReplication, indicating consistent value across all replicas, which comes with
* an aggregated cas unique to be used for CAS;
* - InconsistentReplication, indicating inconsistent values across all replicas, which comes
* with each replica's own cas unique id;
* - FailedReplication, indicating failures from all replicas;
def getsAll(key: String): Future[ReplicationStatus[Option[(Buf, ReplicaCasUnique)]]] =
getsAll(Seq(key)) map { _.values.head }
def getsAll(keys: Iterable[String]): Future[Map[String, ReplicationStatus[Option[(Buf, ReplicaCasUnique)]]]] = {
val keySet = keys.toSet
Future.collect(clients map { _.getsResult(keySet) }) map {
results: Seq[GetsResult] => { k =>
val replicasResult = results map {
case r if (r.hits.contains(k)) => Return(Some(r.hits.get(k).get.value))
case r if (r.misses.contains(k)) => Return(None)
case r if (r.failures.contains(k)) => Throw(r.failures.get(k).get)
k -> attachCas(toReplicationStatus(replicasResult), results, k)
// attach replication cas unique to the result for clients to do following CAS;
// if all replicas are consistent, a RCasUnique is attached,
// otherwise individual SCasUnique is attached
private[this] def attachCas(
valueStatus: ReplicationStatus[Option[Buf]],
underlyingResults: Seq[GetsResult],
key: String
): ReplicationStatus[Option[(Buf, ReplicaCasUnique)]] =
valueStatus match {
case ConsistentReplication(Some(v)) =>
val allReplicasCas = underlyingResults map {_.hits.get(key).get.casUnique.get}
ConsistentReplication(Some((v, RCasUnique(allReplicasCas))))
case ConsistentReplication(None) => ConsistentReplication(None)
case InconsistentReplication(rs) =>
val transformed = map {
case (Return(Some(v)), r: GetsResult) =>
val singleReplicaCas = r.hits.get(key).get.casUnique.get
Return(Some((v, SCasUnique(singleReplicaCas))))
case (Return(None), _) => Return(None)
case (Throw(e), _) => Throw(e)
case FailedReplication(fs) =>
FailedReplication(fs map { t => Throw(t.e)})
* Stores a key in all replicas and returns the aggregated replication status.
def set(key: String, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[Unit]] =
set(key, 0, Time.epoch, value)
def set(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[Unit]] =
collectAndResolve[Unit](_.set(key, flags, expiry, value))
* Attempts to perform a CAS operation on all replicas, and returns the aggregated replication status.
def checkAndSet(key: String, value: Buf, casUniques: Seq[Buf]): Future[ReplicationStatus[CasResult]] =
checkAndSet(key, 0, Time.epoch, value, casUniques)
def checkAndSet(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf, casUniques: Seq[Buf]): Future[ReplicationStatus[CasResult]] = {
assert(clients.size == casUniques.size)
// cannot use collectAndResolve helper here as this is the only case where there's no common op
Future.collect((clients zip casUniques) map {
case (c, u) =>
c.checkAndSet(key, flags, expiry, value, u).transform(Future.value)
}) map { toReplicationStatus }
* Remove a key and returns the aggregated replication status.
def delete(key: String): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
* Store a key in all replicas but only if it doesn't already exist on the server, and returns
* the aggregated replication status.
def add(key: String, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
add(key, 0, Time.epoch, value)
def add(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
collectAndResolve[JBoolean](_.add(key, flags, expiry, value))
* Replace existing key in all replicas, and returns the aggregated replication status.
def replace(key: String, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
replace(key, 0, Time.epoch, value)
def replace(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
collectAndResolve[JBoolean](_.replace(key, flags, expiry, value))
* Increment a key and returns the aggregated replication status.
def incr(key: String): Future[ReplicationStatus[Option[JLong]]] = incr(key, 1L)
def incr(key: String, delta: Long): Future[ReplicationStatus[Option[JLong]]] =
collectAndResolve[Option[JLong]](_.incr(key, delta))
* Decrement a key and returns the aggregated replication status.
def decr(key: String): Future[ReplicationStatus[Option[JLong]]] = decr(key, 1L)
def decr(key: String, delta: Long): Future[ReplicationStatus[Option[JLong]]] =
collectAndResolve[Option[JLong]](_.decr(key, delta))
* Unsupported operation yet
def append(key: String, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
append(key, 0, Time.epoch, value)
def append(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("append is not supported for cache replication client.")
* Unsupported operation yet
def prepend(key: String, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
prepend(key, 0, Time.epoch, value)
def prepend(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf): Future[ReplicationStatus[JBoolean]] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("prepend is not supported for cache replication client.")
* Unsupported operation yet
def stats(args: Option[String]): Future[Seq[String]] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("stats is not supported for cache replication client.")
def release() {
clients foreach { _.release() }
* Translating the results sequence from all replicas into aggregated results, which can be
* either of these three sub-types of ReplicationStatus:
* - ConsistentReplication, indicating a consistent state across all replicas, which comes with
* the agreed consistent result;
* - InconsistentReplication, indicating an inconsistent state across all replicas, which comes
* with a sequence of result from all replicas;
* - FailedReplication, indicating a failed state from all replicas, which comes with a sequence
* of failures from all replicas;
private[this] def toReplicationStatus[T](results: Seq[Try[T]]): ReplicationStatus[T] = {
results match {
case _ if (results.forall(_.isReturn)) && (results.distinct.size == 1) =>
case _ if (results.exists(_.isReturn)) =>
case _ =>
FailedReplication(results collect {case t@Throw(_) => t})
* Private helper to collect all underlying clients result for a given operation
* and resolve them to the ReplicationStatus to tell the consistency
private[this] def collectAndResolve[T](op: Client => Future[T]) =
Future.collect(clients map {
}) map { toReplicationStatus }
* Simple replication client wrapper that's compatible with base memcached client.
* This simple replication client handles inconsistent state across underlying replicas in a
* naive way:
* - operation would succeed only if it succeeds on all replicas
* - inconsistent data across replicas will be treated as key missing
* - any replica's failure will make the operation throw
case class SimpleReplicationFailure(msg: String) extends Throwable(msg)
class SimpleReplicationClient(underlying: BaseReplicationClient) extends Client {
def this(clients: Seq[Client], statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver) =
this(new BaseReplicationClient(clients, statsReceiver))
private[this] val underlyingClient = underlying
* Returns the first result found within all replicas, or miss/failure depends on the last replica
def getResult(keys: Iterable[String]): Future[GetResult] =
underlyingClient.getResult(keys, useRandomOrder = false)
* Only returns the consistent result from all replicas; if the data is inconsistent, this client simply
* returns nothing just like key missing; if any failure occurs, this method returns failure
* as there's a great chance the check-and-set won't succeed.
def getsResult(keys: Iterable[String]): Future[GetsResult] =
underlyingClient.getsAll(keys) map {
resultsMap =>
val getsResultSeq = resultsMap map {
case (key, ConsistentReplication(Some((value, RCasUnique(uniques))))) =>
val newCas = uniques map { case Buf.Utf8(s) => s } mkString("|")
val newValue = Value(Buf.Utf8(key), value, Some(Buf.Utf8(newCas)))
GetsResult(GetResult(hits = Map(key -> newValue)))
case (key, ConsistentReplication(None)) =>
GetsResult(GetResult(misses = Set(key)))
case (key, InconsistentReplication(resultsSeq)) if resultsSeq.forall(_.isReturn) =>
GetsResult(GetResult(misses = Set(key)))
case (key, _) =>
GetsResult(GetResult(failures = Map(key -> SimpleReplicationFailure("One or more underlying replica failed gets"))))
* Store a key in all replicas, succeed only if all replicas succeed.
def set(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) =
resolve[Unit]("set", _.set(key, flags, expiry, value), ())
* Check and set a key, succeed only if all replicas succeed.
def checkAndSet(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf, casUnique: Buf): Future[CasResult] =
val Buf.Utf8(casUniqueStr) = casUnique
val casUniqueBufs = casUniqueStr.split('|') map { Buf.Utf8(_) }
resolve[CasResult]("checkAndSet", _.checkAndSet(key, flags, expiry, value, casUniqueBufs), CasResult.Stored)
* Delete a key from all replicas, succeed only if all replicas succeed.
def delete(key: String) =
resolve[JBoolean]("delete", _.delete(key), false)
* Add a new key to all replicas, succeed only if all replicas succeed.
def add(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) =
resolve[JBoolean]("add", _.add(key, flags, expiry, value), false)
* Replace an existing key in all replicas, succeed only if all replicas succeed.
def replace(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf) =
resolve[JBoolean]("replace", _.replace(key, flags, expiry, value), false)
* Increase an existing key in all replicas, succeed only if all replicas succeed.
def incr(key: String, delta: Long): Future[Option[JLong]] =
resolve[Option[JLong]]("incr", _.incr(key, delta), None)
* Decrease an existing key in all replicas, succeed only if all replicas succeed.
def decr(key: String, delta: Long): Future[Option[JLong]] =
resolve[Option[JLong]]("decr", _.decr(key, delta), None)
* Private helper to resolve a replication operation result from BaseReplicationClient to
* a single value type, with using given default value in case of data inconsistency.
private[this] def resolve[T](name: String, op: BaseReplicationClient => Future[ReplicationStatus[T]], default: T): Future[T] =
op(underlyingClient) flatMap {
case ConsistentReplication(r) => Future.value(r)
case InconsistentReplication(resultsSeq) if resultsSeq.forall(_.isReturn) => Future.value(default)
case _ => Future.exception(SimpleReplicationFailure("One or more underlying replica failed op: " + name))
def append(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf): Future[JBoolean] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("append is not supported for replication cache client yet.")
def prepend(key: String, flags: Int, expiry: Time, value: Buf): Future[JBoolean] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("prepend is not supported for replication cache client yet.")
def stats(args: Option[String]): Future[Seq[String]] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No logical way to perform stats without a key")
def release() {
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