com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text.FramingDecoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
private[finagle] final class FramingDecoder[Result](frameDecoder: FrameDecoder[Result]) {
def apply(reader: ByteReader, outputMessages: mutable.Buffer[Result]): Unit =
decodeMessages(reader, outputMessages)
// Recursively decode messages from `reader` and put into `outputMessages` until no more can be
// decoded
private[this] def decodeMessages(
reader: ByteReader,
outputMessages: mutable.Buffer[Result]
): Unit = {
val bytesNeeded = frameDecoder.nextFrameBytes()
val continue =
if (bytesNeeded == -1) decodeTextLine(reader, outputMessages)
else decodeRawBytes(reader, bytesNeeded, outputMessages)
if (continue) decodeMessages(reader, outputMessages)
private[this] def decodeTextLine(
reader: ByteReader,
outputMessages: mutable.Buffer[Result]
): Boolean = {
if (reader.remaining == 0) false
else {
val frameLength = Framer.bytesBeforeLineEnd(reader)
if (frameLength == -1) false // Not enough data for a tokens frame
else {
// We have received a text frame. Extract the frame and decode it.
val frameBuf = reader.readBytes(frameLength)
// Skip the newline (2 chars).
frameDecoder.decodeData(frameBuf, outputMessages)
private[this] def decodeRawBytes(
reader: ByteReader,
nextByteFrameSize: Int,
outputMessages: mutable.Buffer[Result]
): Boolean = {
// We add the 2 bytes for the trailing '\r\n'
if (reader.remaining < nextByteFrameSize + 2) false // Not enough data
else {
val dataFrame = reader.readBytes(nextByteFrameSize)
// skip the newline (2 chars)
frameDecoder.decodeData(dataFrame, outputMessages)