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package com.twitter.finagle.mux.transport
import com.twitter.logging.Logger
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
private[finagle] object CompressionNegotiation {
private[this] val log = Logger.get()
* The compression formats negotiated for compressing requests and responses.
* The data structure used by the server to communicate to the client over the
* wire how the request and response will be compressed.
* @param request the compression format that will be used for requests, or
* None if no compression format was negotiated.
* @param response the compression format that will be used for responses, or
* None if no compression format was negotiated.
private[mux] case class CompressionFormats(request: Option[String], response: Option[String]) {
def isDisabled: Boolean = request == None && response == None
* Defines encrypter keys and values exchanged as part of a
* mux session header during initialization.
private[finagle] object ClientHeader {
* The key used for communicating to the server what the client is able to
* compress and decompress.
val KeyBuf: Buf = Buf.Utf8("accept-compress")
// format: "$compressionLevel:$compressors;$decompressionLevel:$compressors"
* Encodes the value in the header that the client sends to the server,
* communicating how the client would prefer to compress or not compress.
* The encoding is delimited by ';', ',', and ':', so the compression format
* names can't have a ';', ',', or ':' in them.
def encode(preferences: Compression.LocalPreferences): Buf = {
val compression = preferences.compression
val decompression = preferences.decompression
private[this] def encodeSetting(setting: Compression.LocalSetting): String = {
val transformers = setting.transformers
* Decodes the header that the client sends to the server about its
* compression preferences.
def decode(buf: Buf): Compression.PeerPreferences = {
val string = Buf.decodeString(buf, UTF_8)
string.split(';') match {
case Array(compression, decompression) =>
Compression.PeerPreferences(decodeSetting(compression), decodeSetting(decompression))
case _ =>
log.debug(s"Expected the Compression.PeerPreferences format but received: $string")
Compression.PeerCompressionOff // a safe default is to not compress
private[this] def decodeSetting(string: String): Compression.PeerSetting = {
string.split(':') match {
case Array(level, transformerNames) =>
Compression.PeerSetting(decodeLevel(level), transformerNames.split(',').toSeq)
case Array(level) => Compression.PeerSetting(decodeLevel(level), Nil)
case _ =>
log.debug(s"Expected the Compression.PeerSetting format but received: $string")
Compression.PeerSetting(CompressionLevel.Off, Nil) // a safe default is to not compress
private[this] def decodeLevel(string: String): CompressionLevel =
if (string == CompressionLevel.Off.value) CompressionLevel.Off
else if (string == CompressionLevel.Accepted.value) CompressionLevel.Accepted
else if (string == CompressionLevel.Desired.value) CompressionLevel.Desired
else {
log.debug(s"Expected one of 'off', 'accepted', or 'desired' but received $string")
CompressionLevel.Off // don't want to fail in case we decide to change levels in the future.
private[finagle] object ServerHeader {
* The key used for communicating to the client what compression formats
* have been negotiated.
val KeyBuf: Buf = Buf.Utf8("compress")
* Encodes the value in the header that the server returns to the client,
* communicating what compression formats have been negotiated.
* The format is semicolon delimited, so the compression formats can't have
* a ';' in them.
def encode(compressionFormats: CompressionFormats): Buf = {
val requestCompressionFormat = compressionFormats.request
val responseCompressionFormat = compressionFormats.response
private[this] def filterOutEmptyString(format: String): Option[String] =
if (format.isEmpty) None else Some(format)
* Decodes the header that the server returns to the client about which
* compression formats to use.
def decode(encoded: Buf): CompressionFormats = {
val string = Buf.decodeString(encoded, UTF_8)
val idx = string.indexOf(';')
if (idx == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"protocol was encoded in the incorrect format: $string")
val requestFormat = filterOutEmptyString(string.substring(0, idx))
val responseFormat = filterOutEmptyString(string.substring(idx + 1, string.length))
CompressionFormats(requestFormat, responseFormat)
* This is only called from the server's perspective, because the server just
* tells the client which compression format to use.
private[finagle] def negotiate(
serverPreferences: Compression.LocalPreferences,
clientPreferences: Compression.PeerPreferences
): CompressionFormats = CompressionFormats(
request = negotiateFormat(serverPreferences.decompression, clientPreferences.compression),
response = negotiateFormat(serverPreferences.compression, clientPreferences.decompression)
* Used by the server to decide whether and how to compress a stream.
* The server only starts compression if neither party sets the level to `Off`
* and at least one of them uses `Desired`. If only one party specifies
* `Desired`, it goes through their list of desired compression formats in
* order, and selects the first one that the other party can also speak.
* If both parties specify `Desired`, it uses the same process, as if the
* server was the one party that specified `Desired`.
* @param serverSetting the server's preferences for the stream
* @param clientSetting the client's preferences for the stream
* @return the negotiated format, or None if it will not compress the stream
private[this] def negotiateFormat(
serverSetting: Compression.LocalSetting,
clientSetting: Compression.PeerSetting
): Option[String] = {
val clientFormats = clientSetting.transformerNames
val serverFormats = serverSetting.transformers
(serverSetting.level, clientSetting.level) match {
case (CompressionLevel.Off, _) => None
case (_, CompressionLevel.Off) => None
case (CompressionLevel.Desired, _) =>
serverFormats.collectFirst {
case transformer if clientFormats.contains( =>
case (_, CompressionLevel.Desired) =>
clientFormats.collectFirst {
case name if serverFormats.exists( == name) => name
case _ => None
* Is unable to use compression for either the request or the response.
val CompressionOff: CompressionFormats = CompressionFormats(None, None)