com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Client.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.finagle.exp.mysql
import com.twitter.finagle.ServiceFactory
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{StatsReceiver, NullStatsReceiver}
import com.twitter.util.{Closable, Future, Time}
import java.util.logging.{Logger, Level}
import com.twitter.finagle.exp.Mysql
class ClientError(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
object Client {
private[this] val logger = Logger.getLogger("finagle-mysql")
* Constructs a Client given a ServiceFactory.
def apply(factory: ServiceFactory[Request, Result]): Client = {
new Client(factory)
* Constructs a Client using a single host.
* @param host a String of host:port combination.
* @param username the username used to authenticate to the mysql instance
* @param password the password used to authenticate to the mysql instance
* @param dbname database to initially use
* @param logLevel log level for logger used in the finagle ChannelSnooper
* and the finagle-mysql netty pipeline.
* @param statsReceiver collects finagle stats scoped to "mysql"
@deprecated("Use the com.twitter.finagle.exp.Mysql object to build a client", "6.6.2")
def apply(
host: String,
username: String,
password: String,
dbname: String = null,
logLevel: Level = Level.OFF,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver
): Client = {
val factory = Mysql
.withCredentials(username, password)
class Client(val factory: ServiceFactory[Request, Result]) extends Closable {
private[this] val service = factory.toService
* Sends a query without using prepared statements.
* @param sql the sql string to be sent to the server
* @return a Future containing the Result object from the query.
def query(sql: String): Future[Result] =
* Sends a query that presumably returns a ResultSet.
* Each row is mapped to f, a function from Row => T.
* @param sql A sql statement that returns a result set.
* @param f A function from Row to any type T.
* @return a Future of Seq[T] that contains the result
* of f applied to each row.
def select[T](sql: String)(f: Row => T): Future[Seq[T]] =
query(sql) map {
case rs: ResultSet =>
case _ => Seq.empty
* Sends a query to server to be prepared for execution.
* @param sql A query to be prepared on the server.
* @return a Future[PreparedStatement]
def prepare(sql: String): Future[PreparedStatement] =
service(PrepareRequest(sql)) flatMap {
case ok: PrepareOK =>
Future.value(new PreparedStatement(ok))
case result =>
new ClientError("Unexpected result: %s".format(result))
* Execute a prepared statement on the server. Set the parameters
* field or use the update(index, param) method on the
* prepared statement object to change parameters.
* @return a Future containing an OK Result or a ResultSet
* for queries that return rows.
def execute(ps: PreparedStatement): Future[Result] =
service(ExecuteRequest(ps)) flatMap {
case rs: ResultSet =>
case ok: OK =>
case result =>
* Combines the prepare and execute operations.
* @return a Future[(PreparedStatement, Result)] tuple.
def prepareAndExecute(sql: String, queryParams: Any*): Future[(PreparedStatement, Result)] =
prepare(sql) flatMap { ps =>
ps.parameters = queryParams.toArray
execute(ps) map {
res => (ps, res)
* Send a SELECT query that returns a ResultSet. For each row
* in the ResultSet, call f on the row and return the results.
* If a prepared statement that does not represent a SELECT
* query is passed in, an empty Seq is returned.
* @param ps A prepared statement.
* @param f A function from Row to any type T.
* @return a Future of Seq[T] that contains
def select[T](ps: PreparedStatement)(f: Row => T): Future[Seq[T]] =
execute(ps) map {
case rs: ResultSet =>
case _ => Seq()
* Combines the prepare and select operations.
* @return a Future[(PreparedStatement, Seq[T])] tuple.
def prepareAndSelect[T](sql: String, queryParams: Any*)(f: Row => T): Future[(PreparedStatement, Seq[T])] =
prepare(sql) flatMap { ps =>
ps.parameters = queryParams.toArray
select(ps)(f) map {
seq => (ps, seq)
* Close a prepared statement on the server.
* @return a Future with an OK value if successful.
def closeStatement(ps: PreparedStatement): Future[Result] =
* Changes the default schema.
* @param schema The new schema to use.
* @return a Future with an OK value if successful.
def selectDB(schema: String): Future[Result] =
* Checks if the server is alive.
* @return a Future with an OK value if the
* server is alive.
def ping: Future[Result] =
* Close the ServiceFactory and its underlying resources.
def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = factory.close(deadline)