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package com.twitter.finagle.exp.mysql.transport
import com.twitter.finagle.exp.mysql.Charset
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import java.nio.charset.{Charset => JCharset}
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers._
import scala.collection.mutable.{Buffer => SBuffer}
* The Buffer interfaces provide convenience methods for reading/writing
* a logical packet exchanged between a mysql client and server.
* Additionally, a buffer is guaranteed to be read from and written to
* in little endian byte order, which conforms to the mysql spec.
object Buffer {
val NullLength = -1 // denotes a SQL NULL value when reading a length coded binary.
val EmptyString = new String
val EmptyByteArray = new Array[Byte](0)
* Calculates the size required to store a length
* according to the MySQL protocol for length coded
* binary.
def sizeOfLen(l: Long) =
if (l < 251) 1 else if (l < 65536) 3 else if (l < 16777216) 4 else 9
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): Buffer = new Buffer {
// a wrappedBuffer should avoid copying the arrays.
val underlying = wrappedBuffer(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, bytes)
def apply(bufs: Buffer*): Buffer = {
val underlying = wrappedBuffer( _*)
def fromChannelBuffer(cb: ChannelBuffer): Buffer = {
require(cb != null)
require(cb.order == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, "Invalid ChannelBuffer ByteOrder")
new Buffer { val underlying = cb }
sealed trait Buffer {
val underlying: ChannelBuffer
def headOption: Option[Byte] = if (capacity >= 1) Some(underlying.getByte(0)) else None
def capacity: Int = underlying.capacity
* Provides convenient methods for reading
* data in a packet body. All data is decoded
* in little endian byte order in accordance with
* the mysql protocol. Operations are side-effecting,
* that is, all operations increase the offset
* into the underlying buffer.
trait BufferReader extends Buffer {
/** Current reader offset in the buffer. */
def offset: Int
* Denotes if the buffer is readable upto the given width
* based on the current offset.
def readable(width: Int): Boolean
def readByte(): Byte
def readUnsignedByte(): Short
def readShort(): Short
def readUnsignedShort(): Int
def readInt24(): Int
def readUnsignedInt24(): Int
def readInt(): Int
def readUnsignedInt(): Long
def readLong(): Long
def readFloat(): Float
def readDouble(): Double
* Increases offset by n.
def skip(n: Int): Unit
* Consumes the rest of the buffer and returns
* it in a new Array[Byte].
* @return Array[Byte] containing the rest of the buffer.
def takeRest(): Array[Byte] = take(capacity - offset)
* Consumes n bytes in the buffer and
* returns them in a new Array.
* @return An Array[Byte] containing bytes from offset to offset+n
def take(n: Int): Array[Byte]
* Reads a MySQL data field. A variable-length numeric value.
* Depending on the first byte, reads a different width from
* the buffer. For more info, refer to MySQL Client/Server protocol
* documentation.
* @return a numeric value representing the number of
* bytes expected to follow.
def readLengthCodedBinary(): Int = {
val firstByte = readUnsignedByte()
if (firstByte < 251)
firstByte match {
case 251 => Buffer.NullLength
case 252 => readUnsignedShort()
case 253 => readUnsignedInt24()
// 254 Indicates a set of bytes with length >= 2^24.
// The current implementation does not support
// this.
case 254 =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LONG_BLOB is not supported!")
// readLong()
case _ =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid length byte")
* Reads a null-terminated string where
* null is denoted by '\0'. Uses Charset.defaultCharset by default
* to decode strings.
* @return a null-terminated String starting at offset.
def readNullTerminatedString(charset: JCharset = Charset.defaultCharset): String = {
val start = offset
var length = 0
while (readByte() != 0x00)
length += 1
this.toString(start, length, charset)
* Reads a null-terminated array where
* null is denoted by '\0'.
* @return a null-terminated String starting at offset.
def readNullTerminatedBytes(): Array[Byte] = {
val cur: SBuffer[Byte] = SBuffer()
do cur += readByte() while (cur.last != 0x00)
* Reads a length encoded string according to the MySQL
* Client/Server protocol. Uses Charset.defaultCharset by default
* to decode strings. For more details refer to MySQL
* documentation.
* @return a MySQL length coded String starting at
* offset.
def readLengthCodedString(charset: JCharset = Charset.defaultCharset): String = {
val length = readLengthCodedBinary()
if (length == Buffer.NullLength)
else if (length == 0)
else {
val start = offset
this.toString(start, length, charset)
* Reads a length encoded set of bytes according to the MySQL
* Client/Server protocol. This is indentical to a length coded
* string except the bytes are returned raw.
* @return an Array[Byte] containing the length coded set of
* bytes starting at offset.
def readLengthCodedBytes(): Array[Byte] = {
val len = readLengthCodedBinary()
if (len == Buffer.NullLength)
else if (len == 0)
* Returns the bytes from start to start+length
* into a string using the given java.nio.charset.Charset.
def toString(start: Int, length: Int, charset: JCharset): String
object BufferReader {
def apply(buf: Buffer, offset: Int = 0): BufferReader = {
require(offset >= 0, "Invalid reader offset")
new Netty3BufferReader(buf.underlying)
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): BufferReader =
apply(Buffer(bytes), 0)
* BufferReader implementation backed by a Netty ChannelBuffer.
private[this] class Netty3BufferReader(val underlying: ChannelBuffer)
extends BufferReader with Buffer {
def offset = underlying.readerIndex
def readable(width: Int) = underlying.readableBytes >= width
def readByte(): Byte = underlying.readByte()
def readUnsignedByte(): Short = underlying.readUnsignedByte()
def readShort(): Short = underlying.readShort()
def readUnsignedShort(): Int = underlying.readUnsignedShort()
def readInt24(): Int = underlying.readMedium()
def readUnsignedInt24(): Int = underlying.readUnsignedMedium()
def readInt(): Int = underlying.readInt()
def readUnsignedInt(): Long = underlying.readUnsignedInt()
def readLong(): Long = underlying.readLong()
def readFloat() = underlying.readFloat()
def readDouble() = underlying.readDouble()
def skip(n: Int) = underlying.skipBytes(n)
def take(n: Int) = {
val res = new Array[Byte](n)
def toString(start: Int, length: Int, charset: JCharset) =
underlying.toString(start, length, charset)
* Provides convenient methods for writing the
* data in a mysql packet body. All data is encoded
* in little endian byte order in accordance with
* the mysql protocol. Operations are side-effecting,
* that is, all operations increase the offset
* into the underlying buffer.
trait BufferWriter extends Buffer {
* Current writer offset.
def offset: Int
* Denotes if the buffer is writable upto the given width
* based on the current offset.
def writable(width: Int): Boolean
def writeBoolean(b: Boolean): BufferWriter
def writeByte(n: Int): BufferWriter
def writeShort(n: Int): BufferWriter
def writeInt24(n: Int): BufferWriter
def writeInt(n: Int): BufferWriter
def writeLong(n: Long): BufferWriter
def writeFloat(f: Float): BufferWriter
def writeDouble(d: Double): BufferWriter
def skip(n: Int): BufferWriter
* Fills the rest of the buffer with the given byte.
* @param b Byte used to fill.
def fillRest(b: Byte) = fill(capacity - offset, b)
* Fills the buffer from current offset to offset+n with b.
* @param n width to fill
* @param b Byte used to fill.
def fill(n: Int, b: Byte) = {
(offset until offset + n) foreach { j => writeByte(b) }
* Writes bytes onto the buffer.
* @param bytes Array[Byte] to copy onto the buffer.
def writeBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): BufferWriter
* Writes a length coded binary according the the MySQL
* Client/Server protocol. Refer to MySQL documentation for
* more information.
def writeLengthCodedBinary(length: Long): BufferWriter = {
if (length < 251) {
} else if (length < 65536) {
} else if (length < 16777216) {
} else {
* Writes a null terminated string onto the buffer where
* '\0' denotes null. Uses Charset.defaultCharset by default
* to decode the given String.
* @param s String to write.
def writeNullTerminatedString(
s: String,
charset: JCharset = Charset.defaultCharset
): BufferWriter = {
* Writes a length coded string using the MySQL Client/Server
* protocol. Uses Charset.defaultCharset by default to decode
* the given String.
* @param s String to write to buffer.
def writeLengthCodedString(
s: String,
charset: JCharset = Charset.defaultCharset
): BufferWriter = writeLengthCodedBytes(s.getBytes(charset))
* Writes a length coded set of bytes according to the MySQL
* client/server protocol.
def writeLengthCodedBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): BufferWriter = {
object BufferWriter {
def apply(buf: Buffer, offset: Int = 0): BufferWriter = {
require(offset >= 0, "Inavlid writer offset.")
new Netty3BufferWriter(buf.underlying)
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): BufferWriter =
apply(Buffer(bytes), 0)
* BufferWriter implementation backed by a Netty ChannelBuffer.
private[this] class Netty3BufferWriter(val underlying: ChannelBuffer)
extends BufferWriter with Buffer {
def offset = underlying.writerIndex
def writable(width: Int = 1): Boolean = underlying.writableBytes >= width
def writeBoolean(b: Boolean): BufferWriter = if(b) writeByte(1) else writeByte(0)
def writeByte(n: Int): BufferWriter = {
def writeShort(n: Int): BufferWriter = {
def writeInt24(n: Int): BufferWriter = {
def writeInt(n: Int): BufferWriter = {
def writeLong(n: Long): BufferWriter = {
def writeFloat(f: Float): BufferWriter = {
def writeDouble(d: Double): BufferWriter = {
def skip(n: Int) = {
underlying.writerIndex(offset + n)
def writeBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]) = {