com.twitter.finagle.mysql.BinaryEncodedRow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.finagle.mysql
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.transport.{MysqlBuf, MysqlBufReader}
* Defines a Row where the data is presumed to be encoded with the
* mysql binary protocol.
* [[]]
private class BinaryEncodedRow(
rawRow: Buf,
val fields: IndexedSeq[Field],
indexMap: Map[String, Int],
ignoreUnsigned: Boolean)
extends Row {
private val reader: MysqlBufReader = MysqlBuf.reader(rawRow)
* In a binary encoded row, null values are not sent from the
* server. Instead, the server sends a bit vector where
* each bit corresponds to the index of the column. If the bit
* is set, the value is null.
val nullBitmap: BigInt = {
val len = (fields.size + 7 + 2) / 8
val bytesAsBigEndian = reader.take(len).reverse
* Check if the bit is set. Note, the
* first 2 bits are reserved.
def isNull(index: Int): Boolean = nullBitmap.testBit(index + 2)
* Convert the binary representation of each value
* into an appropriate Value object.
* @see [[]] for details
* about the binary row format.
lazy val values: IndexedSeq[Value] = {
val vs = new Array[Value](fields.length)
var idx = 0
while (idx < fields.length) {
vs(idx) =
if (isNull(idx)) NullValue
else {
val field = fields(idx)
field.fieldType match {
case Type.Tiny if isSigned(field) => ByteValue(reader.readByte())
case Type.Tiny => ShortValue(reader.readUnsignedByte())
case Type.Short if isSigned(field) => ShortValue(reader.readShortLE())
case Type.Short => IntValue(reader.readUnsignedShortLE())
case Type.Int24 if isSigned(field) =>
IntValue(reader.readIntLE()) // transferred as an Int32
case Type.Int24 =>
// The unsigned Int24 should always fit into the first 3 bytes of signed Int32
case Type.Long if isSigned(field) => IntValue(reader.readIntLE())
case Type.Long => LongValue(reader.readUnsignedIntLE())
case Type.LongLong if isSigned(field) => LongValue(reader.readLongLE())
case Type.LongLong => BigIntValue(reader.readUnsignedLongLE())
case Type.Float => FloatValue(reader.readFloatLE())
case Type.Double => DoubleValue(reader.readDoubleLE())
case Type.Year => ShortValue(reader.readShortLE())
// Nonbinary strings as stored in the CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT data types
case Type.VarChar | Type.String | Type.VarString | Type.TinyBlob | Type.Blob |
if !MysqlCharset.isBinary(field.charset) && MysqlCharset.isCompatible(
) =>
case Type.LongBlob =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LongBlob is not supported!")
case typ => RawValue(typ, field.charset, isBinary = true, reader.readLengthCodedBytes())
idx += 1
def indexOf(name: String): Option[Int] = indexMap.get(name)
override protected def indexOfOrSentinel(columnName: String): Int =
indexMap.getOrElse(columnName, -1)
private[this] def isSigned(field: Field): Boolean =
ignoreUnsigned || field.isSigned