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package com.twitter.finagle.mysql
import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncMutex
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.finagle.{
import com.twitter.logging.Logger
import com.twitter.util._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Client {
* Creates a new Client based on a ServiceFactory.
def apply(
factory: ServiceFactory[Request, Result],
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver,
supportUnsigned: Boolean
): Client with Transactions = new StdClient(factory, supportUnsigned, statsReceiver)
// Extractor for nested [[ChannelClosedException]]s. Returns true if exception contains a
// [[ChannelClosedException]], and false otherwise.
// Exposed for testing.
private[mysql] object WrappedChannelClosedException {
def unapply(t: Throwable): Boolean = t match {
case _: ChannelClosedException => true
case _: Throwable => unapply(t.getCause)
case _ => false
private val ResultToResultSet: Result => Future[ResultSet] = {
case rs: ResultSet => Future.value(rs)
case r => Future.exception(new IllegalStateException(s"Unsupported response to a read='$r'"))
private val ResultToOK: Result => Future[OK] = {
case ok: OK => Future.value(ok)
case r => Future.exception(new IllegalStateException(s"Unsupported response to a modify='$r'"))
* A MySQL client that is not `Service`-based like [[com.twitter.finagle.Mysql.Client]] is,
* making it easier to use for most cases.
* @example Creation:
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.Mysql
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Client
* val client: Client = Mysql.client
* .withCredentials("username", "password")
* .withDatabase("database")
* .newRichClient("host:port")
* }}}
trait Client extends Closable {
* Returns the result of executing the `sql` query on the server.
* '''Note:''' this is a lower-level API. For SELECT queries, prefer using
* [[select]] or [[read]], and use [[modify]] for DML (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE)
* and DDL.
* @return a [[Result]] `Future`. A successful SELECT query will satisfy the
* `Future` with a [[ResultSet]] while DML and DDL will be an [[OK]].
* If there is a server error the `Future` will be failed with a [[ServerError]]
* exception, '''not''' an [[Error]] from the [[Result]] ADT.
def query(sql: String): Future[Result]
* Executes the given SELECT query given by `sql`.
* @example
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.{Client, ResultSet}
* import com.twitter.util.Future
* val client: Client = ???
* val resultSet: Future[ResultSet] =
*"SELECT name FROM employee")
* }}}
* @see [[select]]
* @see [[]]
def read(sql: String): Future[ResultSet] =
* Executes the given DML (e.g. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) or DDL
* given by `sql`.
* @example
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.{Client, OK}
* import com.twitter.util.Future
* val client: Client = ???
* val result: Future[OK] =
* client.modify("INSERT INTO employee (name) VALUES ('Alice')")
* }}}
* @see [[PreparedStatement.modify]]
def modify(sql: String): Future[OK] =
* Sends the given `sql` to the server and maps each resulting row to
* `f`, a function from Row => T. If no ResultSet is returned, the function
* returns an empty Seq.
* @example
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Client
* import com.twitter.util.Future
* val client: Client = ???
* val names: Future[Seq[String]] =
*"SELECT name FROM employee") { row =>
* row.stringOrNull("name")
* }
* }}}
* @see [[read]]
* @see [[]]
def select[T](sql: String)(f: Row => T): Future[Seq[T]]
* Returns a new PreparedStatement instance based on the given sql query.
* The returned prepared statement can be reused and applied with varying
* parameters.
* @note Mysql prepared statements are stateful, that is, they allocate
* resources on the mysql server. The allocations are managed by a
* finagle-mysql connection. Closing the client implicitly closes all
* outstanding PreparedStatements.
def prepare(sql: String): PreparedStatement
* Create a CursoredStatement with the given parameterized sql query.
* The returned cursored statement can be reused and applied with varying
* parameters.
* @note The cursored statements are built on a prepare -> execute -> fetch flow
* that requires state tracking. It is important to either fully consume the resulting
* stream, or explicitly call [[CursorResult.close()]].
def cursor(sql: String): CursoredStatement
* Returns the result of pinging the server.
def ping(): Future[Unit]
* Reserve a session for exclusive use. This can be useful when operations that require
* connection state are to be performed, for example: transactions, locks, or cursors.
* A session's life cycle is managed through the completion of the provided Future. If a
* session is no longer usable it can be explicitly discarded.
* @example
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.{Client, Transactions}
* import com.twitter.util.{Future, Throw}
* case class ReallyBadException() extends Exception
* val client: Client with Transactions = ???
* client.session { session =>
* val result = for {
* _ <- session.query("LOCK")
* r <- session.transaction { tx =>
* tx.query("...")
* }
* _ <- session.query("UNLOCK")
* } yield r
* result.rescue {
* case e: ReallyBadException =>
* session.discard().flatMap(_ =>
* Future.exception(e)
* )
* }
* }
* }}}
* @see Session
def session[T](f: Client with Transactions with Session => Future[T]): Future[T]
trait Transactions {
* Execute `f` in a transaction.
* If `f` throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back. Otherwise, the transaction is
* committed.
* @example {{{
* client.transaction[Foo] { c =>
* for {
* r0 <- c.query(q0)
* r1 <- c.query(q1)
* response: Foo <- buildResponse(r1, r2)
* } yield response
* }
* }}}
* @note we use a ServiceFactory that returns the same Service repeatedly to the client. This is
* to assure that a new MySQL connection (i.e. Service) from the connection pool (i.e.,
* ServiceFactory) will be used for each new transaction. Only upon completion of the transaction
* is the connection returned to the pool for re-use.
def transaction[T](f: Client => Future[T]): Future[T]
* Execute `f` in a transaction using the given Isolation Level for this transaction only.
* This Isolation Level overrides the session and global database settings for the transaction.
* If `f` throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back. Otherwise, the transaction is
* committed.
* @example {{{
* client.transaction[Foo](IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead) { c =>
* for {
* r0 <- c.query(q0)
* r1 <- c.query(q1)
* response: Foo <- buildResponse(r1, r2)
* } yield response
* }
* }}}
* @note we use a ServiceFactory that returns the same Service repeatedly to the client. This is
* to assure that a new MySQL connection (i.e. Service) from the connection pool (i.e.,
* ServiceFactory) will be used for each new transaction. Only upon completion of the transaction
* is the connection returned to the pool for re-use.
def transactionWithIsolation[T](isolationLevel: IsolationLevel)(f: Client => Future[T]): Future[T]
private object StdClient {
val log: Logger = Logger.get()
* Creates a standard implementation of the mysql client interfaces.
* Note that command interrupts are handled by `GenSerialClientDispatcher`'s
* interrupt handler. It initiates closing the transport but does not cancel
* the interrupted command. That is, the client's connection will be closed,
* the server will finish executing the command, and no dependent work
* (e.g., via `flatMap`) will run.
* @param factory the underlying factory used to checkout services from.
* This is usually a finagle client.
* @param supportUnsigned Configures whether to support unsigned integer fields when
* returning elements of a [[Row]]. If disabled, unsigned fields will be decoded
* as if they were signed, potentially resulting in corruption in the case of
* overflowing the signed representation. Because Java doesn't support unsigned
* integer types widening may be necessary to support the unsigned variants.
* For example, an unsigned Int is represented as a Long.
* @param statsReceiver The [[StatsReceiver]] used to export stats for this client.
* @param rollbackQuery the query used to rollback a transaction, "ROLLBACK".
* This is customizable to allow for failure testing.
private class StdClient(
factory: ServiceFactory[Request, Result],
supportUnsigned: Boolean,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver,
rollbackQuery: String)
extends Client
with Transactions {
import Client._
import StdClient._
def this(
factory: ServiceFactory[Request, Result],
supportUnsigned: Boolean,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver
) = this(factory, supportUnsigned, statsReceiver, "ROLLBACK")
private[this] val service = factory.toService
def query(sql: String): Future[Result] = service(QueryRequest(sql))
def ping(): Future[Unit] =
def select[T](sql: String)(f: Row => T): Future[Seq[T]] =
query(sql).map {
case rs: ResultSet =>
case _ => Nil
def prepare(sql: String): PreparedStatement = new PreparedStatement {
def apply(ps: Parameter*): Future[Result] = factory().flatMap { svc =>
.flatMap {
case ok: PrepareOK => svc(ExecuteRequest(, ps.toIndexedSeq))
case r =>
Future.exception(new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected result $r when preparing $sql"))
}.ensure {
def cursor(sql: String): CursoredStatement = {
new CursoredStatement {
private[this] val cursorStats = new CursorStats(statsReceiver)
def apply[T](
rowsPerFetch: Int,
params: Parameter*
f: (Row) => T
): Future[CursorResult[T]] = {
assert(rowsPerFetch > 0, s"rowsPerFetch must be positive: $rowsPerFetch")
factory().map { svc =>
new StdCursorResult[T](cursorStats, svc, sql, rowsPerFetch, params, f, supportUnsigned)
protected def session(): Future[Client with Transactions with Session] = factory().map { svc =>
def singleton: ServiceFactory[Request, Result] = new ServiceFactory[Request, Result] {
// This mutex is used to ensure that the `svc` is used in only a single context at a time.
// This is important during the execution of a `PrepareStatement` - to guarantee that
// the `PrepareOk` result is still open on the server when using the `svc` to execute the
// `ExecuteRequest` operation.
val asyncMutex = new AsyncMutex()
private def proxy(): Future[Service[Request, Result]] = {
asyncMutex.acquire().map { permit =>
new ServiceProxy(svc) {
// Because the `proxy` is used in the context of a `FactoryToService` we override
// `Service#close` to ensure that we can control the checkout lifetime of the `Service`.
override def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = {
def apply(conn: ClientConnection): Future[Service[Request, Result]] = proxy()
def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = svc.close(deadline)
val client =
new StdClient(singleton, supportUnsigned, statsReceiver, rollbackQuery) with Session {
// This provides continuing support for nested transactions. The nested transaction
// requires a new mutex to gain access to the underlying `svc`. The parent transaction
// cannot use the underlying `svc` until the nested transaction is complete.
// Note, this only provides support for 1 level of nested transactions.
override protected def session(): Future[Client with Transactions with Session] =
new StdClient(singleton, supportUnsigned, statsReceiver, rollbackQuery) with Session {
def discard(): Future[Unit] = {
singleton().flatMap { svc => svc(PoisonConnectionRequest) }.unit
override def session(): Future[Client with Transactions with Session] =
new IllegalStateException("Multiple nested transactions are not supported"))
override def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = Future.Done
def discard(): Future[Unit] = {
singleton().flatMap { svc => svc(PoisonConnectionRequest) }.unit
def session[T](f: Client with Transactions with Session => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
session().flatMap { client =>
f(client).transform { r =>
def transactionWithIsolation[T](
isolationLevel: IsolationLevel
f: Client => Future[T]
): Future[T] = {
transact(Some(isolationLevel), f)
def transaction[T](f: Client => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
transact(None, f)
private[this] def transact[T](
isolationLevel: Option[IsolationLevel],
f: Client => Future[T]
): Future[T] = {
session { client =>
val result = for {
_ <- isolationLevel match {
case Some(iso) => client.query(s"SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ${}")
case None => Future.Done
_ <- client.query("START TRANSACTION")
result <- f(client)
_ <- client.query("COMMIT")
} yield {
// handle the result of the transaction, do not sequence closing/discarding the session
// instead perform them in parallel and allow control to return to the user as soon as
// possible. The trade off is that the close/discard takes longer than expected and the user
// is caught waiting for a new session.
result.transform {
case Return(r) =>
case Throw(e @ WrappedChannelClosedException()) =>
// We don't attempt a rollback in the event of a [[ChannelClosedException]]; the rollback
// would simply fail with the same exception.
case Throw(e) =>
// the rollback is `masked` in order to protect it from prior interrupts/raises.
// this statement should run regardless.
client.query(rollbackQuery).masked.transform {
case Return(_) =>
case Throw(e @ WrappedChannelClosedException()) =>
case Throw(rollbackEx) =>
s"Rolled back due to $e. Failed during rollback, closing " +
// the rollback failed and we don't want any uncommitted state to leak
// to the next usage of the connection. issue a "poisoned" request to close
// the underlying connection. this is necessary due to the connection
// pooling underneath. then, close the service.
client.discard().transform { _ => Future.exception(e) }
def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = factory.close(deadline)