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package com.twitter.finagle.mysql
import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncStream
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.function.JavaFunction
import com.twitter.logging.Logger
import com.twitter.util.{Closable, Future, Time}
import scala.annotation.varargs
* A closable async stream of projected rows from a CursoredStatement.
trait CursorResult[T] extends Closable {
* Initiate the streaming result set.
* @note once `stream` has been called it is critical to either
* consume the stream to the end or explicitly call [[close()]] to
* avoid resource leaking.
def stream: AsyncStream[T]
* A `CursoredStatement` represents a parameterized SQL statement
* applied concurrently with varying parameters and yields
* a lazy stream of rows.
* These are SQL statements with `?`'s used for the parameters which are
* "filled in" per usage by `apply`.
* @see [[Client.cursor(String]]
* @see [[PreparedStatement]] for eager processing of [[Row]]s.
trait CursoredStatement {
* Executes the cursored statement with the given `params` and lazily maps `f`
* over the rows as they are streamed from the database.
* For Scala users, you can use the implicit conversions to [[Parameter]]
* by importing `Parameter._`. For example:
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.{Client, CursorResult, CursoredStatement}
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter._
* import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncStream
* import com.twitter.util.Future
* val client: Client = ???
* val cursoredStatement: CursoredStatement =
* client.cursor("SELECT int_column FROM a_table WHERE string_column = ?")
* val rowsToFetch = 100
* val futureCursorResult: Future[CursorResult[Int]] =
* // note the implicit conversions of the String to Parameter
* cursoredStatement(rowsToFetch, "cool example") { row =>
* row.intOrZero
* }
* futureCursorResult.foreach { cursorResult =>
* val stream: AsyncStream[Int] =
* stream.take(5).foreach { i =>
* println(s"Read int_column = '$i'");
* }.ensure {
* cursorResult.close()
* }
* }
* }}}
* Java users, see [[asJava]] and use [[CursoredStatement.AsJava.execute]].
* @param rowsPerFetch should be picked to balance the minimum number of round
* trips to the database, and the maximum amount of memory used by an individual fetch.
def apply[T](rowsPerFetch: Int, params: Parameter*)(f: Row => T): Future[CursorResult[T]]
* Provides a Java-friendly API for this [[CursoredStatement]].
final def asJava: CursoredStatement.AsJava =
new CursoredStatement.AsJava(this)
object CursoredStatement {
* A Java-friendly API for [[CursoredStatement]]s.
* These should be constructed via [[CursoredStatement.asJava]] but is package
* exposed for testing.
final class AsJava private[mysql] (underlying: CursoredStatement) {
* Executes the cursored statement with the given `params` and lazily maps `f`
* over the rows as they are streamed from the database.
* Use [[Parameters.of]] for converting the inputs into [[Parameter]]s.
* {{{
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Client;
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.CursorResult;
* import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.CursoredStatement.AsJava;
* import com.twitter.util.Future;
* import static com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameters.of;
* Client client = ...
* CursoredStatement.AsJava cursoredStatement = client
* .cursor("SELECT int_column FROM a_table WHERE string_column = ?")
* .asJava();
* int rowsToFetch = 10;
* Future> result = cursoredStatement.execute(
* rowsToFetch,
* (Row row) -> row.intOrNull("int_column"),
* of("cool example")
* );
* }}}
* @see [[CursoredStatement.apply]]
def execute[T](
rowsPerFetch: Int,
f: JavaFunction[Row, T],
params: Parameter*
): Future[CursorResult[T]] = {
underlying(rowsPerFetch, params: _*)(f(_))
private object StdCursorResult {
val logger = Logger(getClass.getName)
val CursorClosedException = new Exception("request attempted against already closed cursor")
private class StdCursorResult[T](
stats: CursorStats,
svc: Service[Request, Result],
sql: String,
rowsPerFetch: Int,
params: Seq[Parameter],
f: (Row) => T,
supportUnsigned: Boolean)
extends CursorResult[T] { self =>
import StdCursorResult._
// We store the stream state outside of an AsyncStream instance to avoid storing the
// head of the stream as a member field. That is, each operation on the `stream`
// inside `StdCursorResult` will construct a new AsyncStream (e.g. no vals). This is
// important to avoid OOMing during large or infinite streams.
sealed trait StreamState
case object Init extends StreamState
case object Closed extends StreamState
case class Preparing(s: AsyncStream[T]) extends StreamState
case class Prepared(ok: PrepareOK) extends StreamState
case class Fetching(fs: () => AsyncStream[T]) extends StreamState
// Thread safety is provided by synchronization on `this`. The assumption is that it's
// okay to use a coarse grained lock for to manage state since operations on the
// stream should have no (or low) concurrency in the common case.
private[this] var state: StreamState = Init
private[this] val closeFn: Throwable => Unit = _ => close()
private[this] def invoke(req: Request): Future[Result] = self.synchronized {
state match {
case Closed => Future.exception(CursorClosedException)
case _ => svc(req).onFailure(closeFn)
private[this] def prepare(): AsyncStream[Result] =
private[this] def execute(ok: PrepareOK): AsyncStream[Result] = {
val execReq = new ExecuteRequest(
stmtId =,
params = params.toIndexedSeq,
hasNewParams = true,
flags = ExecuteRequest.FLAG_CURSOR_READ_ONLY
private[this] def fetch(ok: PrepareOK): () => AsyncStream[T] = {
val columns = ok.columns.toIndexedSeq
val indexMap =
val fetchRequest = new FetchRequest(ok, rowsPerFetch)
def go(): AsyncStream[T] = {
AsyncStream.fromFuture(invoke(fetchRequest)).flatMap { result =>
result match {
case fetchResult: FetchResult =>
// This is somewhat awkward reaching across the abstraction
// of Results to touching Packets, but there are future
// refactorings that can help clean this up.
val rows = { p =>
new BinaryEncodedRow(p.body, columns, indexMap, !supportUnsigned)
val asyncSeq = AsyncStream.fromSeq(
if (!fetchResult.containsLastRow) asyncSeq ++ go()
else {
AsyncStream.fromFuture(close()).flatMap(_ => asyncSeq)
case r => closeAndLog(s"unexpected reply $r when fetching an element.")
go _
override def stream: AsyncStream[T] = self.synchronized {
state match {
case Preparing(s) => s
case Fetching(fs) => fs()
case Closed => AsyncStream.empty
case Init =>
val s = prepare().flatMap {
case ok: PrepareOK => self.synchronized { state = Prepared(ok) }; stream
case r => closeAndLog(s"unexpected reply $r when preparing stream.")
// Although unlikely, we want to make sure we don't race
// with the closure on `prepare`.
if (state == Init) state = Preparing(s)
case prepared: Prepared =>
val s = execute(prepared.ok).flatMap {
case _: ResultSet =>
val fs = fetch(prepared.ok)
self.synchronized { state = Fetching(fs) }
case r => closeAndLog(s"unexpected reply $r when executing stream.")
// Although unlikely, we want to make sure we don't race
// with the closure on `execute`.
if (state == prepared) state = Preparing(s)
private[this] def closeAndLog(msg: String): AsyncStream[T] = {
AsyncStream.fromFuture(close()).flatMap(_ => AsyncStream.empty)
override def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = self.synchronized {
state match {
case Closed => Future.Unit
case _ =>
state = Closed
private class CursorStats(statsReceiver: StatsReceiver) {
private[this] val sr = statsReceiver.scope("cursor")
private[this] val timePerStreamMsStat = sr.stat("time_per_stream_ms")
private[this] val timePerFetchMsStat = sr.stat("time_per_fetch_ms")
private[this] val timeBetweenFetchMsStat = sr.stat("time_between_fetch_ms")
private[this] val cursorsOpenedCounter = sr.counter("opened")
private[this] val cursorsClosedCounter = sr.counter("closed")
// used to export stats about the stream life-cycle
@volatile private[this] var streamStartTime = Time.Bottom
@volatile private[this] var fetchStartTime = Time.Bottom
@volatile private[this] var lastFetchEndTime = Time.Bottom
def streamStarted(): Unit = {
streamStartTime =
def streamFinished(): Unit = {
timePerStreamMsStat.add(( - streamStartTime).inMillis)
def fetchStarted(): Unit = {
fetchStartTime =
def fetchFinished(): Time = {
val fetchEndTime =
timePerFetchMsStat.add((fetchEndTime - fetchStartTime).inMillis)
if (lastFetchEndTime != Time.Bottom) {
timeBetweenFetchMsStat.add((fetchStartTime - lastFetchEndTime).inMillis)
lastFetchEndTime = fetchEndTime