com.twitter.finagle.netty4.ssl.client.Netty4ClientSslChannelInitializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle.netty4.ssl.client
import com.twitter.finagle.client.Transporter
import com.twitter.finagle.netty4.ssl.{Alpn, Netty4SslHandler}
import com.twitter.finagle.param.Stats
import com.twitter.finagle.ssl.{ApplicationProtocols, Engine}
import com.twitter.finagle.ssl.client.{
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.finagle.{Address, Stack}
import com.twitter.util.Try
import{Channel, ChannelInitializer, ChannelPipeline}
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler
import io.netty.util.concurrent.{GenericFutureListener, Future => NettyFuture}
private[finagle] object Netty4ClientSslChannelInitializer {
* A class eligible for configuring a callback that is triggered when the ssl
* handshake is complete. Note, this is intended for internal use only.
case class OnSslHandshakeComplete(onComplete: Try[Unit] => Unit)
object OnSslHandshakeComplete {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(OnSslHandshakeComplete((_: Try[Unit]) => ()))
* A channel initializer that takes [[Stack.Params]] and upgrades the pipeline with missing
* SSL/TLS pieces required for client-side transport encryption.
private[finagle] class Netty4ClientSslChannelInitializer(params: Stack.Params)
extends ChannelInitializer[Channel] {
// The reason we can't close the channel immediately is because we're in process of decoding an
// inbound message that is represented by a bunch of TLS records. We need to finish decoding
// and send that message up to the pipeline before closing the channel. This is why we queue the
// close event.
// See CSL-1610 (internal ticket) for more details.
private[this] val closeChannelOnCloseNotify =
new GenericFutureListener[NettyFuture[Channel]] {
def operationComplete(f: NettyFuture[Channel]): Unit = {
val channel = f.getNow
if (channel != null && f.isSuccess) {
.execute(new Runnable {
def run(): Unit = channel.close()
* Read the configured `SslClientEngineFactory` out of the stack param.
* The default for clients is `JdkClientEngineFactory`. If it's configured
* to use the default, for Netty 4, we replace it with the [[Netty4ClientEngineFactory]]
* instead.
private[this] def selectEngineFactory(ch: Channel): SslClientEngineFactory = {
val SslClientEngineFactory.Param(defaultEngineFactory) =
val SslClientEngineFactory.Param(engineFactory) =
if (engineFactory == defaultEngineFactory) Netty4ClientEngineFactory(ch.alloc())
else engineFactory
* This method combines `ApplicationProtocols` that may have been set by the user
* with ones that are set based on using a protocol like HTTP/2.
private[this] def combineApplicationProtocols(
config: SslClientConfiguration
): SslClientConfiguration = {
val Alpn(protocols) = params[Alpn]
applicationProtocols = ApplicationProtocols.combine(protocols, config.applicationProtocols)
private[this] def createSslHandler(engine: Engine): SslHandler = {
// Rip the `SSLEngine` out of the wrapper `Engine` and use it to
// create an `SslHandler`.
val statsReceiver = params[Stats].statsReceiver.scope("tls")
val ssl = new Netty4SslHandler(engine, statsReceiver)
// Close channel on close_notify received from a remote peer.
// Disable Netty's default handshake timeout (10 seconds). We rely on
// Finagle's own timeouts (i.e., session creation timeout) to interrupt
// the handshake.
private[this] def createSslConnectHandler(
sslHandler: SslHandler,
address: Address,
config: SslClientConfiguration
): SslClientVerificationHandler = {
val SslClientSessionVerifier.Param(sessionVerifier) = params[SslClientSessionVerifier.Param]
val sslVerifier = new SslClientVerificationHandler(sslHandler, address, config, sessionVerifier)
val onSslHandshakeComplete =
private[this] def addHandlersToPipeline(
pipeline: ChannelPipeline,
sslHandler: SslHandler,
sslConnectHandler: SslClientVerificationHandler
): Unit = {
pipeline.addFirst("sslConnect", sslConnectHandler)
pipeline.addFirst("ssl", sslHandler)
* In this method, an `Engine` is created by an `SslClientEngineFactory` via
* an `SslClientConfiguration` and an `Address`. The `Engine` and the
* `SslClientConfiguration` are then used to create the appropriate Netty
* handlers, and they are subsequently added to the channel pipeline.
def initChannel(ch: Channel): Unit = {
val Transporter.EndpointAddr(address) = params[Transporter.EndpointAddr]
val Transport.ClientSsl(configuration) = params[Transport.ClientSsl]
for (config <- configuration) {
val factory: SslClientEngineFactory = selectEngineFactory(ch)
val combined: SslClientConfiguration = combineApplicationProtocols(config)
val engine: Engine = factory(address, combined)
val sslHandler: SslHandler = createSslHandler(engine)
val sslConnectHandler: SslClientVerificationHandler =
createSslConnectHandler(sslHandler, address, combined)
addHandlersToPipeline(ch.pipeline, sslHandler, sslConnectHandler)