com.twitter.finagle.redis.protocol.commands.Strings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle.redis.protocol
import com.twitter.finagle.netty3.BufChannelBuffer
import com.twitter.finagle.redis.ClientError
import com.twitter.finagle.redis.protocol.Commands.trimList
import com.twitter.finagle.redis.util._
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer
case class Append(keyBuf: Buf, valueBuf: Buf)
extends StrictKeyCommand
with StrictValueCommand
def value: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(valueBuf)
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
val command: String = Commands.APPEND
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(
CommandBytes.APPEND, keyBuf, valueBuf))
object Append {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = trimList(args, 2, "APPEND")
new Append(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(list(0)), Buf.ByteArray.Owned(list(1)))
case class BitCount(keyBuf: Buf, start: Option[Int] = None,
end: Option[Int] = None) extends StrictKeyCommand {
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
val command: String = Commands.BITCOUNT
RequireClientProtocol(start.isEmpty && end.isEmpty ||
start.isDefined && end.isDefined, "Both start and end must be specified")
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = {
RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.BITCOUNT, keyBuf) ++
(start match {
case Some(i) => Seq(StringToBuf(i.toString))
case None => Seq.empty
}) ++ (end match {
case Some(i) => Seq(StringToBuf(i.toString))
case None => Seq.empty
object BitCount {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
if (args != null && args.size == 1) {
new BitCount(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)))
} else {
val list = trimList(args, 3, "BITCOUNT")
val start = {
val end = {
new BitCount(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(list(0)),
Some(start), Some(end))
case class BitOp(op: Buf, dstKey: Buf,
srcKeys: Seq[Buf]) extends Command {
val command: String = Commands.BITOP
RequireClientProtocol((op equals BitOp.And) || (op equals BitOp.Or) ||
(op equals BitOp.Xor) || (op equals BitOp.Not),
"BITOP supports only AND/OR/XOR/NOT")
RequireClientProtocol(srcKeys.size > 0, "srcKeys must not be empty")
RequireClientProtocol(!op.equals(BitOp.Not) || srcKeys.size == 1,
"NOT operation takes only 1 input key")
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(
CommandBytes.BITOP, op, dstKey) ++ srcKeys)
object BitOp {
val And = StringToBuf("AND")
val Or = StringToBuf("OR")
val Xor = StringToBuf("XOR")
val Not = StringToBuf("NOT")
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
RequireClientProtocol(args != null && args.size >= 3,
"BITOP expected at least 3 elements, found %d".format(args.size))
val list =
if (list(0) equals Not) {
RequireClientProtocol(args.size == 3,
"BITOP expected 3 elements when op is NOT, found %d".format(args.size))
new BitOp(list(0), list(1), Seq(list(2)))
} else {
new BitOp(list(0), list(1), list.drop(2))
case class Decr(override val keyBuf: Buf) extends DecrBy(keyBuf, 1) {
override val command: String = Commands.DECR
override def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.DECR, keyBuf))
object Decr {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
new Decr(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(trimList(args, 1, "DECR")(0)))
class DecrBy(val keyBuf: Buf, val amount: Long) extends StrictKeyCommand {
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
val command: String = Commands.DECRBY
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(
override def toString = "DecrBy(%s, %d)".format(key, amount)
override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
case that: DecrBy => that.canEqual(this) && this.key == that.key && this.amount == that.amount
case _ => false
def canEqual(other: Any) = other.isInstanceOf[DecrBy]
object DecrBy {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val amount = {
new DecrBy(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)), amount)
def apply(keyBuf: Buf, amount: Long) = {
new DecrBy(keyBuf, amount)
case class Get(keyBuf: Buf) extends StrictKeyCommand {
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
val command: String = Commands.GET
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.GET, keyBuf))
object Get {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
new Get(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(trimList(args, 1, "GET")(0)))
case class GetBit(keyBuf: Buf, offset: Int) extends StrictKeyCommand {
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
val command: String = Commands.GETBIT
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.GETBIT,
keyBuf, StringToBuf(offset.toString)))
object GetBit {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = trimList(args,2,"GETBIT")
val offset = { NumberFormat.toInt(BytesToString(list(1))) }
new GetBit(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(list(0)), offset)
case class GetRange(keyBuf: Buf, start: Long, end: Long) extends StrictKeyCommand {
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
val command: String = Commands.GETRANGE
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer =
RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.GETRANGE, keyBuf,
object GetRange {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = trimList(args,3,"GETRANGE")
val start = { NumberFormat.toLong(BytesToString(list(1))) }
val end = { NumberFormat.toLong(BytesToString(list(2))) }
new GetRange(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(list(0)), start, end)
case class GetSet(keyBuf: Buf, valueBuf: Buf)
extends StrictKeyCommand
with StrictValueCommand
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def value: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(valueBuf)
val command: String = Commands.GETSET
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(
CommandBytes.GETSET, keyBuf, valueBuf))
object GetSet {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = trimList(args, 2, "GETSET")
new GetSet(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(list(0)), Buf.ByteArray.Owned(list(1)))
case class Incr(override val keyBuf: Buf) extends IncrBy(keyBuf, 1) {
override val command: String = Commands.INCR
override def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.INCR, keyBuf))
object Incr {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
new Incr(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(trimList(args, 1, "INCR")(0)))
class IncrBy(val keyBuf: Buf, val amount: Long) extends StrictKeyCommand {
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
val command: String = Commands.INCRBY
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer =
RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.INCRBY, keyBuf,
override def toString = "IncrBy(%s, %d)".format(key, amount)
override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
case that: IncrBy => that.canEqual(this) && this.key == that.key && this.amount == that.amount
case _ => false
def canEqual(other: Any) = other.isInstanceOf[IncrBy]
object IncrBy {
def apply(keyBuf: Buf, amount: Long) = new IncrBy(keyBuf, amount)
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = BytesToString.fromList(trimList(args, 2, "INCRBY"))
val amount = {
new IncrBy(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)), amount)
case class MGet(keysBuf: Seq[Buf]) extends StrictKeysCommand {
def keys: Seq[ChannelBuffer] =
val command: String = Commands.MGET
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(CommandBytes.MGET +: keysBuf)
object MGet {
def apply(args: => Seq[Array[Byte]]) =
new MGet(
case class MSet(kv: Map[Buf, Buf]) extends MultiSet {
val command: String = Commands.MSET
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = {
val kvList: Seq[Buf] = kv.flatMap { case(k,v) =>
k :: v :: Nil
RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(CommandBytes.MSET +: kvList)
object MSet extends MultiSetCompanion {
val command: String = Commands.MSET
def get(map: Map[Buf, Buf]) = new MSet(map)
case class MSetNx(kv: Map[Buf, Buf]) extends MultiSet {
val command: String = Commands.MSETNX
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = {
val kvList: Seq[Buf] = kv.flatMap { case(k,v) =>
k :: v :: Nil
RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(CommandBytes.MSETNX +: kvList)
object MSetNx extends MultiSetCompanion {
def get(map: Map[Buf, Buf]) = new MSetNx(map)
case class PSetEx(keyBuf: Buf, millis: Long, valueBuf: Buf)
extends StrictKeyCommand
with StrictValueCommand
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def value: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(valueBuf)
val command: String = Commands.PSETEX
RequireClientProtocol(millis > 0, "Milliseconds must be greater than 0")
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = {
object PSetEx {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = trimList(args, 3, "PSETEX")
val millis = {
new PSetEx(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)), millis,
sealed trait TimeToLive
case class InSeconds(seconds: Long) extends TimeToLive
case class InMilliseconds(millis: Long) extends TimeToLive
case class Set(
keyBuf: Buf,
valueBuf: Buf,
ttl: Option[TimeToLive] = None,
nx: Boolean = false,
xx: Boolean = false)
extends StrictKeyCommand
with StrictValueCommand {
val command: String = Commands.SET
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def value: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(valueBuf)
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(
Seq(CommandBytes.SET, keyBuf, valueBuf) ++
(ttl match {
case Some(InSeconds(seconds)) =>
Seq(Set.ExBytes, StringToBuf(seconds.toString))
case Some(InMilliseconds(millis)) =>
Seq(Set.PxBytes, StringToBuf(millis.toString))
case _ => Seq()
}) ++ (if (nx) Seq(Set.NxBytes) else Seq()) ++
(if (xx) Seq(Set.XxBytes) else Seq())
object Set {
private val Ex = "EX"
private val Px = "PX"
private val Nx = "NX"
private val Xx = "XX"
private val ExBytes = StringToBuf(Ex)
private val PxBytes = StringToBuf(Px)
private val NxBytes = StringToBuf(Nx)
private val XxBytes = StringToBuf(Xx)
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
RequireClientProtocol(args.size >= 2, "SET requires at least 2 arguments")
val key = Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0))
val value = Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(1))
val set = new Set(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)),
def run(args: Seq[Array[Byte]], set: Set): Set = {
args.headOption match {
case None => set
case Some(bytes) => {
val flag = new String(bytes, "UTF-8").toUpperCase
flag match {
case Ex => args.tail.headOption match {
case None => throw ClientError("Invalid syntax for SET")
case Some(bytes) => run(args.tail.tail,
set.copy(ttl = Some(InSeconds( {
case Px => args.tail.headOption match {
case None => throw ClientError("Invalid syntax for SET")
case Some(bytes) => run(args.tail.tail,
set.copy(ttl = Some(InMilliseconds( {
case Nx => run(args.tail, set.copy(nx = true))
case Xx => run(args.tail, set.copy(xx = true))
case _ => throw ClientError("Invalid syntax for SET")
run(args.drop(2), set)
case class SetBit(keyBuf: Buf, offset: Int, value: Int) extends StrictKeyCommand {
val command: String = Commands.SETBIT
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer =
RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.SETBIT, keyBuf,
object SetBit {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = BytesToString.fromList(trimList(args,3,"SETBIT"))
val offset = { NumberFormat.toInt(list(1)) }
val value = { NumberFormat.toInt(list(2)) }
new SetBit(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)), offset, value)
case class SetEx(keyBuf: Buf, seconds: Long, valueBuf: Buf)
extends StrictKeyCommand
with StrictValueCommand
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def value: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(valueBuf)
val command: String = Commands.SETEX
RequireClientProtocol(seconds > 0, "Seconds must be greater than 0")
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(
object SetEx {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = trimList(args, 3, "SETEX")
val seconds = { NumberFormat.toLong(BytesToString(list(1))) }
new SetEx(
case class SetNx(keyBuf: Buf, valueBuf: Buf)
extends StrictKeyCommand
with StrictValueCommand
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def value: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(valueBuf)
val command: String = Commands.SETNX
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.SETNX, keyBuf, valueBuf))
object SetNx {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
RequireClientProtocol(args.length > 1, "SETNX requires at least one member")
new SetNx(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)), Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(1)))
case class SetRange(keyBuf: Buf, offset: Int, valueBuf: Buf)
extends StrictKeyCommand
with StrictValueCommand
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def value: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(valueBuf)
val command: String = Commands.SETRANGE
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(
object SetRange {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val list = trimList(args,3,"SETRANGE")
val offset = { NumberFormat.toInt(BytesToString(list(1))) }
val value = list(2)
new SetRange(
case class Strlen(keyBuf: Buf) extends StrictKeyCommand {
val command: String = Commands.STRLEN
def key: ChannelBuffer = BufChannelBuffer(keyBuf)
def toChannelBuffer: ChannelBuffer = RedisCodec.bufToUnifiedChannelBuffer(Seq(CommandBytes.STRLEN, keyBuf))
object Strlen {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
RequireClientProtocol(!args.isEmpty, "STRLEN requires at least one member")
new Strlen(Buf.ByteArray.Owned(args(0)))
trait MultiSet extends KeysCommand {
val kv: Map[Buf, Buf]
override lazy val keys: Seq[ChannelBuffer] =
trait MultiSetCompanion {
def apply(args: Seq[Array[Byte]]) = {
val length = args.length
length % 2 == 0 && length > 0,
"Expected even number of k/v pairs")
val map = args.grouped(2).map {
case key :: value :: Nil => (Buf.ByteArray.Owned(key),
case _ => throw ClientError("Unexpected uneven pair of elements in MSET")
RequireClientProtocol(map.size == length/2, "Broken mapping, map size not equal to group size")
def get(map: Map[Buf, Buf]): MultiSet
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