com.twitter.finagle.stats.MetricsStatsReceiver.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finagle.stats
import com.twitter.common.metrics.{HistogramInterface, AbstractGauge, Metrics}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.HttpMuxHandler
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing.Trace
import com.twitter.jsr166e.LongAdder
import com.twitter.logging.{Level, Logger}
import{Event, Sink}
import com.twitter.util.lint.{Issue, Category, Rule, GlobalRules}
import com.twitter.util.{Time, Throw, Try}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
private object Json {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.`type`.TypeReference
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, JsonNode}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import java.lang.reflect.{Type, ParameterizedType}
case class Envelope[A](
id: String,
when: Long,
// We require an annotation here, because for small numbers, this gets
// deserialized with a runtime type of int.
// See:
@JsonDeserialize(contentAs = classOf[java.lang.Long]) traceId: Option[Long],
@JsonDeserialize(contentAs = classOf[java.lang.Long]) spanId: Option[Long],
data: A)
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
def serialize(o: AnyRef): String = mapper.writeValueAsString(o)
def deserialize[T: Manifest](value: String): T =
mapper.readValue(value, typeReference[T])
def deserialize[T: Manifest](node: JsonNode): T =
mapper.readValue(node.traverse, typeReference[T])
private def typeReference[T: Manifest] = new TypeReference[T] {
override def getType = typeFromManifest(manifest[T])
private def typeFromManifest(m: Manifest[_]): Type =
if (m.typeArguments.isEmpty) m.runtimeClass else new ParameterizedType {
def getRawType = m.runtimeClass
def getActualTypeArguments =
def getOwnerType = null
// The ordering issue is that LoadService is run early in the startup
// lifecycle, typically before Flags are loaded. By using a system
// property you can avoid that brittleness.
object debugLoggedStatNames extends GlobalFlag[Set[String]](
"Comma separated stat names for logging observed values" +
" (set via a -D system property to avoid load ordering issues)"
// It's possible to override the scope separator (the default value for `MetricsStatsReceiver` is
// `"/"`), which is used to separate scopes defined by `StatsReceiver`. This flag might be useful
// while migrating from Commons Stats (i.e., `CommonsStatsReceiver`), which is configured to use
// `"_"` as scope separator.
object scopeSeparator extends GlobalFlag[String](
"Override the scope separator."
object MetricsStatsReceiver {
val defaultRegistry = Metrics.root()
private[this] val _defaultHostRegistry = Metrics.createDetached()
val defaultHostRegistry = _defaultHostRegistry
private def defaultFactory(name: String): HistogramInterface =
new MetricsBucketedHistogram(name)
* A semi-arbitrary value, but should a service call any counter/stat/addGauge
* this often, it's a good indication that they are not following best practices.
private val CreateRequestLimit = 100000L
private[this] case class CounterIncrData(name: String, value: Long)
private[this] case class StatAddData(name: String, delta: Long)
* The [[ Event.Type]] for counter increment events.
val CounterIncr: Event.Type = {
new Event.Type {
val id = "CounterIncr"
def serialize(event: Event) = event match {
case Event(etype, when, value, name: String, _, tid, sid) if etype eq this =>
val (t, s) = serializeTrace(tid, sid)
val env = Json.Envelope(id, when.inMilliseconds, t, s, CounterIncrData(name, value))
case _ =>
Throw(new IllegalArgumentException("unknown format: " + event))
def deserialize(buf: Buf) = for {
env <- Buf.Utf8.unapply(buf) match {
case None => Throw(new IllegalArgumentException("unknown format"))
case Some(str) => Try(Json.deserialize[Json.Envelope[CounterIncrData]](str))
if == id
} yield {
val when = Time.fromMilliseconds(env.when)
// This line fails without the JsonDeserialize annotation in Envelope.
val tid = env.traceId.getOrElse(Event.NoTraceId)
val sid = env.spanId.getOrElse(Event.NoSpanId)
Event(this, when, longVal =,
objectVal =, traceIdVal = tid, spanIdVal = sid)
* The [[ Event.Type]] for stat add events.
val StatAdd: Event.Type = {
new Event.Type {
val id = "StatAdd"
def serialize(event: Event) = event match {
case Event(etype, when, delta, name: String, _, tid, sid) if etype eq this =>
val (t, s) = serializeTrace(tid, sid)
val env = Json.Envelope(id, when.inMilliseconds, t, s, StatAddData(name, delta))
case _ =>
Throw(new IllegalArgumentException("unknown format: " + event))
def deserialize(buf: Buf) = for {
env <- Buf.Utf8.unapply(buf) match {
case None => Throw(new IllegalArgumentException("unknown format"))
case Some(str) => Try(Json.deserialize[Json.Envelope[StatAddData]](str))
if == id
} yield {
val when = Time.fromMilliseconds(env.when)
// This line fails without the JsonDeserialize annotation in Envelope.
val tid = env.traceId.getOrElse(Event.NoTraceId)
val sid = env.spanId.getOrElse(Event.NoSpanId)
Event(this, when, longVal =,
objectVal =, traceIdVal = tid, spanIdVal = sid)
* This implementation of StatsReceiver uses the [[com.twitter.common.metrics]] library under
* the hood.
* Note: Histogram uses [[com.twitter.common.stats.WindowedApproxHistogram]] under the hood.
* It is (by default) configured to store events in a 80 seconds moving window, reporting
* metrics on the first 60 seconds. It means that when you add a value, you need to wait at most
* 20 seconds before this value will be aggregated in the exported metrics.
class MetricsStatsReceiver(
val registry: Metrics,
sink: Sink,
histogramFactory: String => HistogramInterface
) extends WithHistogramDetails
with StatsReceiverWithCumulativeGauges {
import MetricsStatsReceiver._
def this(registry: Metrics, sink: Sink) = this(registry, sink, MetricsStatsReceiver.defaultFactory)
def this(registry: Metrics) = this(registry, Sink.default)
def this() = this(MetricsStatsReceiver.defaultRegistry)
val repr = this
// Use for backward compatibility with ostrich caching behavior
private[this] val counters = new ConcurrentHashMap[Seq[String], Counter]
private[this] val stats = new ConcurrentHashMap[Seq[String], Stat]
// Used to store underlying histogram counts
private[this] val histoDetails = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, HistogramDetail]
private[this] val log = Logger.get()
private[this] val loggedStats: Set[String] = debugLoggedStatNames()
private[this] val counterRequests = new LongAdder()
private[this] val statRequests = new LongAdder()
private[this] val gaugeRequests = new LongAdder()
private[this] def checkRequestsLimit(which: String, adder: LongAdder): Option[Issue] = {
// todo: ideally these would be computed as rates over time, but this is a
// relatively simple proxy for bad behavior.
val count = adder.sum()
if (count > CreateRequestLimit)
Some(Issue(s"StatReceiver.$which() has been called $count times"))
"Elevated metric creation requests",
"For best performance, metrics should be created and stored in member variables " +
"and not requested via `StatsReceiver.{counter,stat,addGauge}` at runtime. " +
"Large numbers are an indication that these metrics are being requested " +
"frequently at runtime."
) {
checkRequestsLimit("counter", counterRequests),
checkRequestsLimit("stat", statRequests),
checkRequestsLimit("addGauge", gaugeRequests)
// Scope separator, a string value used to separate scopes defined by `StatsReceiver`.
private[this] val separator: String = scopeSeparator()
require(separator.length == 1, s"Scope separator should be one symbol: '$separator'")
override def toString: String = "MetricsStatsReceiver"
* Create and register a counter inside the underlying Metrics library
def counter(names: String*): Counter = {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.TRACE))
log.trace(s"Calling StatsReceiver.counter on $names")
var counter = counters.get(names)
if (counter == null) counters.synchronized {
counter = counters.get(names)
if (counter == null) {
counter = new Counter {
val metricsCounter = registry.createCounter(format(names))
def incr(delta: Int): Unit = {
if (sink.recording) {
if (Trace.hasId) {
val traceId =
sink.event(CounterIncr, objectVal = metricsCounter.getName(), longVal = delta,
traceIdVal = traceId.traceId.self, spanIdVal = traceId.spanId.self)
} else {
sink.event(CounterIncr, objectVal = metricsCounter.getName(), longVal = delta)
counters.put(names, counter)
* Create and register a stat (histogram) inside the underlying Metrics library
def stat(names: String*): Stat = {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.TRACE))
log.trace(s"Calling StatsReceiver.stat for $names")
var stat = stats.get(names)
if (stat == null) stats.synchronized {
stat = stats.get(names)
if (stat == null) {
val doLog = loggedStats.contains(format(names))
stat = new Stat {
val histogram = histogramFactory(format(names))
def add(value: Float): Unit = {
if (doLog)"Stat ${histogram.getName()} observed $value")
val asLong = value.toLong
if (sink.recording) {
if (Trace.hasId) {
val traceId =
sink.event(StatAdd, objectVal = histogram.getName(), longVal = asLong,
traceIdVal = traceId.traceId.self, spanIdVal = traceId.spanId.self)
} else {
sink.event(StatAdd, objectVal = histogram.getName(), longVal = asLong)
// Provide read-only access to underlying histogram through histoDetails
val statName = format(names)
histogram match {
case histo: MetricsBucketedHistogram =>
histoDetails.put(statName, histo.histogramDetail)
case _ =>
log.debug(s"$statName's histogram implementation doesn't support details")
stats.put(names, stat)
override def addGauge(name: String*)(f: => Float): Gauge = {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.TRACE))
log.trace(s"Calling StatsReceiver.addGauge for $name")
super.addGauge(name: _*)(f)
protected[this] def registerGauge(names: Seq[String], f: => Float) {
val gauge = new AbstractGauge[java.lang.Double](format(names)) {
override def read = new java.lang.Double(f)
protected[this] def deregisterGauge(names: Seq[String]) {
private[this] def format(names: Seq[String]) = names.mkString(separator)
def histogramDetails: Map[String, HistogramDetail] = histoDetails.asScala.toMap
class MetricsExporter(val registry: Metrics)
extends JsonExporter(registry)
with HttpMuxHandler
with MetricsRegistry
def this() = this(MetricsStatsReceiver.defaultRegistry)
val pattern = "/admin/metrics.json"