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package com.twitter.finatra.http.internal.routing
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Method
import com.twitter.finatra.http.exceptions.UnsupportedMethodException
import com.twitter.finatra.http.request.AnyMethod
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.{AnyRefMap => AMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashMap => LMap}
private[http] case class RouteAndParameter(route: Route, routeParams: Map[String, String])
private[http] case class MatchedNonConstantRoute(
routeAndParamOpt: Option[RouteAndParameter] = None,
methodNotAllowed: Boolean = false)
private[http] case class TrieNode(
segment: String,
constantSegment: Boolean = true,
// only populated in nodes that represent the last segment of a route
// use AnyRefMap for faster look ups
routes: AMap[String, Route] = AMap.empty,
// only populated in nodes that represent the last segment of a route
pattern: ArrayBuffer[PathPattern] = new ArrayBuffer[PathPattern](1)) {
// use a LinkedHashMap to reserve insertion order
private[http] val children: LMap[String, TrieNode] = new LMap[String, TrieNode]()
private[http] class Trie(routes: Seq[Route]) {
private[this] val root: TrieNode = TrieNode("")
routes.foreach { route =>
appendHelper(root, route, 1)
def find(path: String, method: Method): Option[RouteAndParameter] = {
val matchedNonConstantRoute = findNonConstantRoute(this.root, method, path, 1)
// Because we won't stop traversing the trie until we found a match, for non-constant route, a
// match means routeAndParamOpt is defined. So it might happen when we encountered a methodNotAllowed
// error first, then found a match later on. So just checking if methodNotAllowed is true here
// won't be enough.
if (matchedNonConstantRoute.routeAndParamOpt.isEmpty && matchedNonConstantRoute.methodNotAllowed) {
throw new UnsupportedMethodException(
"The method " + method + " is not allowed on path " + path)
/* ----------------------------------------- *
* Util Methods
* ----------------------------------------- */
private[this] def findNonConstantRoute(
node: TrieNode,
method: Method,
path: String,
startIndex: Int
): MatchedNonConstantRoute = {
val nextIndex = path.indexOf('/', startIndex)
if (startIndex == 0 || startIndex >= path.length) {
if (node.routes.isEmpty) {
} else {
node.routes.get( match {
case Some(route) =>
if (isMatchedRoute(node, route, path)) {
val incomingPath = toMatchPath(route.hasOptionalTrailingSlash, path)
val matchedParams: Map[String, String] =
node.pattern.head.extract(incomingPath).getOrElse(Map.empty[String, String])
if (matchedParams.isEmpty) {
} else {
val routeAndParameter = Some(RouteAndParameter(route, matchedParams))
} else {
case _ => MatchedNonConstantRoute(None, methodNotAllowed = true)
} else {
val currentSegment =
if (nextIndex == -1) path.substring(startIndex, path.length)
else path.substring(startIndex, nextIndex)
* We look for a match from non-constant routes based on insertion order
var result: MatchedNonConstantRoute = MatchedNonConstantRoute()
var methodNotAllowed: Boolean = false
val childIterator = node.children.valuesIterator
while (childIterator.hasNext) {
val child =
if (result.routeAndParamOpt.isEmpty) {
if (child.constantSegment) {
// we make sure to compare the segment match ignoring the `/`,
// this is because for paths with optional trailing slash (`/?`),
// we store the last segment with `/`, and this should match the
// case where the incoming path is without a `/`.
if (child.segment.endsWith("/") && child.segment.regionMatches(
currentSegment.length)) {
result = findNonConstantRoute(child, method, path, nextIndex + 1)
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed || result.methodNotAllowed
} else if (child.segment.equals(currentSegment)) {
result = findNonConstantRoute(child, method, path, nextIndex + 1)
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed || result.methodNotAllowed
} else if (child.segment.last == '*') {
result = findNonConstantRoute(child, method, path, 0)
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed || result.methodNotAllowed
} else {
result = findNonConstantRoute(child, method, path, nextIndex + 1)
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed || result.methodNotAllowed
MatchedNonConstantRoute(result.routeAndParamOpt, methodNotAllowed)
@tailrec private[this] def appendHelper(node: TrieNode, route: Route, startIndex: Int): Unit = {
val path = route.path
val nextIndex = path.indexOf('/', startIndex)
if (startIndex == 0 || startIndex >= path.length) {
node.routes.update(, route)
node.pattern += PathPattern(path)
} else {
val segment = {
// when we reached the last character, note we store `/` as part of the segment
// so we could treat a path with and without trailing slash as 2 different paths
if (nextIndex == -1 || nextIndex == path.length - 1) path.substring(startIndex, path.length)
else path.substring(startIndex, nextIndex)
if (segment == ":*") {
// update the current node
node.routes.update(, route)
node.pattern += PathPattern(path)
// update child node
node.children.get("*") match {
case Some(child) =>
child.routes.update(, route)
case _ =>
segment = "*",
constantSegment = false,
routes = AMap[String, Route]( -> route),
pattern = ArrayBuffer[PathPattern](PathPattern(path))
} else {
val isConstantSegment = segment == "" || !segment.contains(':')
val key = if (isConstantSegment) segment else segment.substring(1)
val child = node.children.getOrElseUpdate(
TrieNode(segment = key, constantSegment = isConstantSegment)
appendHelper(child, route, nextIndex + 1)
private[this] def isMatchedRoute(node: TrieNode, route: Route, path: String): Boolean = {
val storedPathLast = route.path.last
val pathHasTrailingSlash = route.hasOptionalTrailingSlash || path.last == '/'
val routeHasTrailingSlash = storedPathLast == '/'
val matchedTrailingSlash = !(pathHasTrailingSlash ^ routeHasTrailingSlash)
matchedTrailingSlash || storedPathLast == '*'
/** routes are stored with the optional trailing slash, thus we add it to match if not present */
private[this] def toMatchPath(hasOptionalTrailingSlash: Boolean, incomingPath: String): String = {
if (hasOptionalTrailingSlash && incomingPath.last != '/')
incomingPath + '/'