com.twitter.finatra.kafka.stats.KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.finatra.kafka.stats
import com.twitter.conversions.StringOps._
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.Gauge
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.LoadedStatsReceiver
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.inject.Injector
import com.twitter.util.logging.Logging
import java.util
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.KafkaMetric
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.MetricsReporter
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
object KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter {
private[kafka] val IncludeNodeMetrics: String = "include.node.metrics"
private[kafka] val IncludePartitionMetrics: String = "include.partition.metrics"
private[kafka] val IncludePartition: String = "includePartition"
//Hack to allow tests to use an injected StatsReceiver suitable for assertions
private var globalStatsReceiver: StatsReceiver = LoadedStatsReceiver
def init(injector: Injector): Unit = {
globalStatsReceiver = injector.instance[StatsReceiver]
def sanitizeMetricName(metricName: String): String = {
private val notAllowedMetricPattern: Pattern =
Pattern.compile("-| -> |: |, |\\(|\\)| |[^\\w\\d]&&[^./]")
private val rateMetricsToIgnore: Set[String] = Set(
class KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter extends MetricsReporter with Logging {
private var statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = _
private val gauges: mutable.Map[String, Gauge] = mutable.Map()
private var statsScope: String = ""
private var includeNodeMetrics: Boolean = _
private var includePartition: Boolean = _
private var includePartitionMetrics: Boolean = _
/* Public */
override def init(metrics: util.List[KafkaMetric]): Unit = {
// Initial testing shows that no metrics appear to be passed into init...
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
trace("Configure: " + configs.asScala.mkString("\n"))
statsScope = Option(configs.get("stats_scope")).getOrElse("kafka").toString
includeNodeMetrics = Option(configs.get(KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter.IncludeNodeMetrics))
includePartition = Option(configs.get(KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter.IncludePartition))
includePartitionMetrics =
statsReceiver = KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter.globalStatsReceiver.scope(statsScope.toString)
override def metricRemoval(metric: KafkaMetric): Unit = {
if (shouldIncludeMetric(metric)) {
val combinedName = createAndSanitizeFinagleMetricName(metric)
trace("metricRemoval: " + metric.metricName() + "\t" + combinedName)
for (removedGauge <- gauges.remove(combinedName)) {
override def metricChange(metric: KafkaMetric): Unit = {
if (shouldIncludeMetric(metric)) {
val combinedName = createAndSanitizeFinagleMetricName(metric)
trace("metricChange: " + metric.metricName() + "\t" + combinedName)
// Ensure prior metrics are removed (although these should be removed in the metricRemoval method
for (removedGauge <- gauges.remove(combinedName)) {
s"Duplicate metric found. Removing prior gauges for: " + metric
.metricName() + "\t" + combinedName
val gauge = statsReceiver.addGauge(combinedName) { metricToFloat(metric) }
gauges.put(combinedName, gauge)
override def close(): Unit = {
trace("Closing FinagleMetricsReporter")
/* Protected */
protected def createFinagleMetricName(metric: KafkaMetric): String = {
val allTags = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
val metricName = metric.metricName().name()
val component =
parseComponent(clientId = allTags.remove("client-id"), group = metric.metricName().group)
val nodeId = Option(allTags.remove("node-id")).map("/" + _).getOrElse("")
val topic = Option(allTags.remove("topic")).map("/" + _).getOrElse("")
createFinagleMetricName(metric, metricName, allTags, component, nodeId, topic)
protected def createFinagleMetricName(
metric: KafkaMetric,
metricName: String,
allTags: java.util.Map[String, String],
component: String,
nodeId: String,
topic: String
): String = {
val partition = parsePartitionTag(allTags)
val otherTagsStr = createOtherTagsStr(metric, allTags)
component + topic + partition + otherTagsStr + nodeId + "/" + metricName
protected def createOtherTagsStr(
metric: KafkaMetric,
allTags: util.Map[String, String]
): String = {
val otherTagsStr = allTags.asScala.mkString("__")"/" + _).getOrElse("")
if (otherTagsStr.nonEmpty) {
warn(s"Unexpected metrics tags found: $metric ${metric.metricName()} $otherTagsStr")
protected def shouldIncludeMetric(metric: KafkaMetric): Boolean = {
val metricName = metric.metricName()
// remove any metrics that are already "rated" as these not consistent with other metrics: go/jira/DINS-2187
if (KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter.rateMetricsToIgnore( {
} else if (metricName
.name() == "assigned-partitions") { //See: where an occasional error reading the assigned-partitions stat then leads to the instance hanging and not restarting
} else if (
.contains("node")) { //By default we omit node level metrics which leads to lots of fine grained stats
} else if (metricName
.containsKey("partition")) { // per partition metrics can explode the metrics namespace
} else { != "kafka-metrics-count" &&
protected def parseComponent(clientId: String, group: String): String = {
protected def parsePartitionTag(allTags: util.Map[String, String]): String = {
val partitionOpt = Option(allTags.remove("partition"))
if (!includePartition) {
} else {"/" + _).getOrElse("")
/* Private */
private def createAndSanitizeFinagleMetricName(metric: KafkaMetric): String = {
val finagleMetricName = createFinagleMetricName(metric)
//Note: We map Double.NegInfinitiy to Float.MinValue since it would otherwise map to Float.NegInfiniti which doesn't render as a number in /admin/metrics.json
private def metricToFloat(metric: KafkaMetric) = {
metric.metricValue() match {
case number: Number if number.doubleValue().isNegInfinity => Float.MinValue
case number: Number if number.doubleValue().isInfinity => Float.MaxValue
case number: Number => number.floatValue()
case _ => Float.NaN