com.twitter.scalding.examples.PageRank.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.twitter.scalding.examples
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import com.twitter.scalding._
* Options:
* --input: the three column TSV with node, comma-sep-out-neighbors, initial pagerank (set to 1.0 first)
* --output: the name for the TSV you want to write to, same as above.
* optional arguments:
* --errorOut: name of where to write the L1 error between the input page-rank and the output
* if this is omitted, we don't compute the error
* --iterations: how many iterations to run inside this job. Default is 1, 10 is about as
* much as cascading can handle.
* --jumpprob: probability of a random jump, default is 0.15
* --convergence: if this is set, after every "--iterations" steps, we check the error and see
* if we should continue. Since the error check is expensive (involving a join), you should
* avoid doing this too frequently. 10 iterations is probably a good number to set.
* --temp: this is the name where we will store a temporary output so we can compare to the previous
* for convergence checking. If convergence is set, this MUST be.
class PageRank(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
//How many steps
val STEPS = args.getOrElse("iterations", "1").toInt
//Probability of taking a random jump in the network.
val ALPHA = args.getOrElse("jumpprob", "0.15").toDouble
//How many times have we checked for convergence:
val JOB_COUNT = args.getOrElse("jobCount", "0").toInt
//These are constants used by the algorithm:
val NODESET = 0
val EDGE = 1
//Read the input, this can be subclassed, but should produce a pipe with three
//columns: source node, comma separated (no spaces) destination nodes as a string, and
//initial rank (default to 1.0 if you are starting from nothing)
initialize('src, 'dst, 'rank)
* This algorithm works by having two types of rows that have the same column structure.
* the node -> list(neighbors), and node -> individual neighbor.
* We distinguish these two types with an id which nodes if this is a NODESET or an EDGE.
* The first step is to append that value. We also need to have a column for the degree.
* It doesn't matter what the initial degree is, we recompute below
.map(() -> ('rowtype, 'd_src)) { (u: Unit) => (NODESET, -1) }
.thenDo(computeError _)
.thenDo(output _)
* Here is where we check for convergence and then run the next job if we're not converged
override def next: Option[Job] = {
.flatMap { convErr =>
* It's easy for this to seem broken, so think about it twice:
* We are swapping between two writing files: temp and output, with the ultimate
* goal to land up at output. So, each next input is this output, but the temp
* and output should be swapping.
val nextArgs = args + ("input", Some(args("output"))) +
("temp", Some(args("output"))) +
("output", Some(args("temp"))) +
("jobCount", Some((JOB_COUNT + 1).toString))
//Actually read the error:
val error = TypedTsv[Double](args("errorOut"));
// The last job should be even numbered so output is not in temp.
// TODO: if we had a way to do HDFS operations easily (like rm, mv, tempname)
// this code would be cleaner and more efficient. As is, we may go a whole extra
// set of operations past the point of convergence.
if (error > convErr.toDouble || (JOB_COUNT % 2 == 1)) {
//try again to get under the error
} else {
* override this function to change how you generate a pipe of
* (Long, String, Double)
* where the first entry is the nodeid, the second is the list of neighbors,
* as a comma (no spaces) separated string representation of the numeric nodeids,
* the third is the initial page rank (if not starting from a previous run, this
* should be 1.0
* NOTE: if you want to run until convergence, the initialize method must read the same
* EXACT format as the output method writes. This is your job!
def initialize(nodeCol: Symbol, neighCol: Symbol, pageRank: Symbol) = {
//Just to name the columns:
.mapTo((0, 1, 2) -> (nodeCol, neighCol, pageRank)) {
input: (Long, String, Double) => input
* The basic idea is to groupBy the dst key with BOTH the nodeset and the edge rows.
* the nodeset rows have the old page-rank, the edge rows are reversed, so we can get
* the incoming page-rank from the nodes that point to each destination.
final def doPageRank(steps: Int)(pagerank: RichPipe): RichPipe = {
if (steps <= 0) { pagerank }
else {
val nodeRows = pagerank
//remove any EDGE rows from the previous loop
.filter('rowtype) { (rowtype: Int) => rowtype == NODESET }
//compute the incremental rank due to the random jump:
val randomJump ='rank -> 'rank) { (rank: Double) => ALPHA }
//expand the neighbor list inte an edge list and out-degree of the src
val edges = nodeRows.flatMap(('dst, 'd_src) -> ('dst, 'd_src)) { args: (String, Long) =>
if (args._1.length > 0) {
val dsts = args._1.split(",")
//Ignore the old degree:
val deg = dsts.size { str => (str.toLong, deg) }
} else {
//Here is a node that points to no other nodes (dangling)
//Here we make a false row that we use to tell dst how much incoming
//Page rank it needs to add to itself:
.map(('src, 'd_src, 'dst, 'rank, 'rowtype) -> ('src, 'd_src, 'dst, 'rank, 'rowtype)) {
intup: (Long, Long, Long, Double, Int) =>
val (src: Long, d_src: Long, dst: Long, rank: Double, row: Int) = intup
//The d_src, and dst are ignored in the merge below
//We swap destination into the source position
(dst, -1L, "", rank * (1.0 - ALPHA) / d_src, EDGE)
* Here we do the meat of the algorithm:
* if N = number of nodes, pr(N_i) prob of walking to node i, then:
* N pr(N_i) = (\sum_{j points to i} N pr(N_j) * (1-ALPHA)/d_j) + ALPHA
* N pr(N_i) is the page rank of node i.
val nextPr = (edges ++ randomJump).groupBy('src) {
* Note that NODESET < EDGE, so if we take the min(rowtype, ...)
* using dictionary ordering, we only keep NODESET rows UNLESS
* there are rows that had no outdegrees, so they had no NODESET row
* to begin with. To fix the later case, we have to additionally
* filter the result to keep only NODESET rows.
_.min('rowtype, 'dst, 'd_src)
.sum[Double]('rank) //Sum the page-rank from both the nodeset and edge rows
//Must call ourselves in the tail position:
doPageRank(steps - 1)(nextPr)
//This outputs in the same format as the input, so you can run the job
//iteratively, subclass to change the final behavior
def output(pipe: RichPipe) = {
pipe.project('src, 'dst, 'rank).write(Tsv(args("output")))
//Optionally compute the average error:
def computeError(pr: RichPipe): RichPipe = {
args.optional("errorOut").map { errOut =>
.mapTo((0, 1, 2) -> ('src0, 'dst0, 'rank0)) { tup: (Long, String, Double) => tup }
.joinWithSmaller('src0 -> 'src, pr)
.mapTo(('rank0, 'rank) -> 'err) { ranks: (Double, Double) =>
scala.math.abs(ranks._1 - ranks._2)
.groupAll { _.average('err) }
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