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com.twitter.scalding.commons.source.VersionedKeyValSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.

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package com.twitter.scalding.commons.source

import cascading.flow.FlowDef
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.scheme.Scheme
import cascading.tap.Tap
import cascading.tuple.Fields
import com.backtype.cascading.scheme.KeyValueByteScheme
import com.backtype.cascading.tap.VersionedTap
import com.backtype.cascading.tap.VersionedTap.TapMode
import com.twitter.algebird.Monoid
import com.twitter.bijection.Injection
import com.twitter.chill.Externalizer
import com.twitter.scalding.TDsl._
import com.twitter.scalding._
import com.twitter.scalding.source.{ CheckedInversion, MaxFailuresCheck }
import com.twitter.scalding.typed.KeyedListLike
import com.twitter.scalding.typed.TypedSink
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

 * Source used to write key-value pairs as byte arrays into a versioned store.
 * Supports incremental updates via the monoid on V.

object VersionedKeyValSource {
  val defaultVersionsToKeep = 3

  // TODO: have two apply methods here for binary compatibility purpose. Need to clean it up in next release.
  def apply[K, V](path: String, sourceVersion: Option[Long] = None, sinkVersion: Option[Long] = None, maxFailures: Int = 0)(implicit codec: Injection[(K, V), (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])]) = {
    new VersionedKeyValSource[K, V](path, sourceVersion, sinkVersion, maxFailures, defaultVersionsToKeep)

  def apply[K, V](path: String, sourceVersion: Option[Long], sinkVersion: Option[Long], maxFailures: Int, versionsToKeep: Int)(implicit codec: Injection[(K, V), (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])]) =
    new VersionedKeyValSource[K, V](path, sourceVersion, sinkVersion, maxFailures, versionsToKeep)

class VersionedKeyValSource[K, V](val path: String, val sourceVersion: Option[Long], val sinkVersion: Option[Long],
  val maxFailures: Int, val versionsToKeep: Int)(
    implicit @transient codec: Injection[(K, V), (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])]) extends Source
  with Mappable[(K, V)]
  with TypedSink[(K, V)] {

  import Dsl._

  val keyField = "key"
  val valField = "value"
  val fields = new Fields(keyField, valField)
  val codecBox = Externalizer(codec)

  override def converter[U >: (K, V)] = TupleConverter.asSuperConverter[(K, V), U](TupleConverter.of[(K, V)])

  override def setter[U <: (K, V)] = TupleSetter.asSubSetter[(K, V), U](TupleSetter.of[(K, V)])

  def hdfsScheme =
    HadoopSchemeInstance(new KeyValueByteScheme(fields).asInstanceOf[Scheme[_, _, _, _, _]])

  @deprecated("This method is deprecated", "0.1.6")
  def this(path: String, sourceVersion: Option[Long], sinkVersion: Option[Long], maxFailures: Int)(implicit @transient codec: Injection[(K, V), (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])]) =
    this(path, sourceVersion, sinkVersion, maxFailures, VersionedKeyValSource.defaultVersionsToKeep)(codec)

  def getTap(mode: TapMode) = {
    val tap = new VersionedTap(path, hdfsScheme, mode).setVersionsToKeep(versionsToKeep)
    if (mode == TapMode.SOURCE && sourceVersion.isDefined)
    else if (mode == TapMode.SINK && sinkVersion.isDefined)

  val source = getTap(TapMode.SOURCE)
  val sink = getTap(TapMode.SINK)

  override def validateTaps(mode: Mode): Unit = {
    // if a version is explicitly supplied, ensure that it exists
    sourceVersion.foreach { version =>
      mode match {
        case hadoopMode: HadoopMode => {
          val store = source.getStore(new JobConf(hadoopMode.jobConf))

          if (!store.hasVersion(version)) {
            throw new InvalidSourceException(
              "Version %s does not exist. Currently available versions are: %s"
                .format(version, store.getAllVersions))

        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "VersionedKeyValSource does not support mode %s. Only HadoopMode is supported"

  def resourceExists(mode: Mode) =
    mode match {
      case Test(buffers) => {
        buffers(this) map { !_.isEmpty } getOrElse false
      case HadoopTest(conf, buffers) => {
        buffers(this) map { !_.isEmpty } getOrElse false
      case _ => {
        val conf = new JobConf(mode.asInstanceOf[HadoopMode].jobConf)

  override def createTap(readOrWrite: AccessMode)(implicit mode: Mode): Tap[_, _, _] = {
    import com.twitter.scalding.CastHfsTap
    mode match {
      case Hdfs(_strict, _config) =>
        readOrWrite match {
          case Read => CastHfsTap(source)
          case Write => CastHfsTap(sink)
      case _ =>
        TestTapFactory(this, hdfsScheme).createTap(readOrWrite)

  // Override this for more control on failure on decode
  protected lazy val checkedInversion: CheckedInversion[(K, V), (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])] =
    new MaxFailuresCheck(maxFailures)(codecBox.get)

  override def sinkFields = fields

  override def transformForRead(pipe: Pipe) = {
    pipe.flatMap((keyField, valField) -> (keyField, valField)) { pair: (Array[Byte], Array[Byte]) =>

  override def transformForWrite(pipe: Pipe) = {
    pipe.mapTo((0, 1) -> (keyField, valField)) { pair: (K, V) =>

  override def toIterator(implicit config: Config, mode: Mode): Iterator[(K, V)] = {
    val tap = createTap(Read)(mode)
    mode.openForRead(config, tap)
      .flatMap { te =>
        val item = te.selectTuple(fields)
        val key = item.getObject(0).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
        val value = item.getObject(1).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
        checkedInversion((key, value))

  override def toString =
    "%s path:%s,sourceVersion:%s,sinkVersion:%s".format(getClass(), path, sourceVersion, sinkVersion)

  override def equals(other: Any) =
    if (other.isInstanceOf[VersionedKeyValSource[_, _]]) {
      val otherSrc = other.asInstanceOf[VersionedKeyValSource[K, V]]
      otherSrc.path == path && otherSrc.sourceVersion == sourceVersion && otherSrc.sinkVersion == sinkVersion
    } else {

  override def hashCode = toString.hashCode

object RichPipeEx extends {
  implicit def pipeToRichPipeEx(pipe: Pipe): RichPipeEx = new RichPipeEx(pipe)
  implicit def typedPipeToRichPipeEx[K: Ordering, V: Monoid](pipe: TypedPipe[(K, V)]) =
    new TypedRichPipeEx(pipe)
  implicit def keyedListLikeToRichPipeEx[K: Ordering, V: Monoid, T[K, +V] <: KeyedListLike[K, V, T]](
    kll: KeyedListLike[K, V, T]) = typedPipeToRichPipeEx(kll.toTypedPipe)

class TypedRichPipeEx[K: Ordering, V: Monoid](pipe: TypedPipe[(K, V)]) extends {
  import Dsl._
  import TDsl._

  // Tap reads existing data from the `sourceVersion` (or latest
  // version) of data specified in `src`, merges the K,V pairs from
  // the pipe in using an implicit `Monoid[V]` and sinks all results
  // into the `sinkVersion` of data (or a new version) specified by
  // `src`.
  def writeIncremental(src: VersionedKeyValSource[K, V], reducers: Int = 1)(implicit flowDef: FlowDef, mode: Mode): TypedPipe[(K, V)] = {
    val outPipe =
      if (!src.resourceExists(mode))
      else {
        val oldPairs = TypedPipe
          .from[(K, V)](, (0, 1))
          .map { case (k, v) => (k, v, 0) }

        val newPairs = { case (k, v) => (k, v, 1) }

        (oldPairs ++ newPairs)
          .groupBy { _._1 }
          .sortBy { _._3 }
          .mapValues { _._2 }


class RichPipeEx(pipe: Pipe) extends {
  import Dsl._

  // VersionedKeyValSource always merges with the most recent complete
  // version
  def writeIncremental[K, V](src: VersionedKeyValSource[K, V], fields: Fields, reducers: Int = 1)(implicit monoid: Monoid[V],
    flowDef: FlowDef,
    mode: Mode) = {
    def appendToken(pipe: Pipe, token: Int) =
      pipe.mapTo((0, 1) -> ('key, 'value, 'isNew)) { pair: (K, V) => pair :+ token }

    val outPipe =
      if (!src.resourceExists(mode))
      else {
        val oldPairs = appendToken(, 0)
        val newPairs = appendToken(pipe, 1)

        (oldPairs ++ newPairs)
          .groupBy('key) { _.reducers(reducers).sortBy('isNew).sum[V]('value) }
          .project(('key, 'value))
          .rename(('key, 'value) -> fields)


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