com.twitter.scalding.FileSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
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package com.twitter.scalding
import{ File, InputStream, OutputStream }
import java.util.{ UUID, Properties }
import cascading.scheme.Scheme
import cascading.scheme.local.{ TextLine => CLTextLine, TextDelimited => CLTextDelimited }
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.{
TextLine => CHTextLine,
TextDelimited => CHTextDelimited,
SequenceFile => CHSequenceFile
import cascading.tap.hadoop.Hfs
import cascading.tap.MultiSourceTap
import cascading.tap.SinkMode
import cascading.tap.Tap
import cascading.tap.local.FileTap
import cascading.tuple.Fields
import com.etsy.cascading.tap.local.LocalTap
import com.twitter.algebird.{ MapAlgebra, OrVal }
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{ FileStatus, PathFilter, Path }
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader
import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure }
* A base class for sources that take a scheme trait.
abstract class SchemedSource extends Source {
/** The scheme to use if the source is local. */
def localScheme: Scheme[Properties, InputStream, OutputStream, _, _] =
throw ModeException("Cascading local mode not supported for: " + toString)
/** The scheme to use if the source is on hdfs. */
def hdfsScheme: Scheme[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _], _, _] =
throw ModeException("Cascading Hadoop mode not supported for: " + toString)
// The mode to use for output taps determining how conflicts with existing output are handled.
val sinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE
trait HfsTapProvider {
def createHfsTap(scheme: Scheme[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _], _, _],
path: String,
sinkMode: SinkMode): Hfs =
new Hfs(scheme, path, sinkMode)
private[scalding] object CastFileTap {
// The scala compiler has problems with the generics in Cascading
def apply(tap: FileTap): Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _]] =
tap.asInstanceOf[Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _]]]
* A trait which provides a method to create a local tap.
trait LocalSourceOverride extends SchemedSource {
/** A path to use for the local tap. */
def localPaths: Iterable[String]
// By default, we write to the last path for local paths
def localWritePath: String = localPaths.last
* Creates a local tap.
* @param sinkMode The mode for handling output conflicts.
* @returns A tap.
def createLocalTap(sinkMode: SinkMode): Tap[JobConf, _, _] = {
val taps = {
p: String =>
CastFileTap(new FileTap(localScheme, p, sinkMode))
taps match {
case Nil => throw new InvalidSourceException("LocalPaths is empty")
case oneTap :: Nil => oneTap
case many => new ScaldingMultiSourceTap(many)
object HiddenFileFilter extends PathFilter {
def accept(p: Path) = {
val name = p.getName
!name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith(".")
object SuccessFileFilter extends PathFilter {
def accept(p: Path) = { p.getName == "_SUCCESS" }
object AcceptAllPathFilter extends PathFilter {
def accept(p: Path) = true
object FileSource {
def glob(glob: String, conf: Configuration, filter: PathFilter = AcceptAllPathFilter): Iterable[FileStatus] = {
val path = new Path(glob)
Option(path.getFileSystem(conf).globStatus(path, filter)).map {
_.toIterable // convert java Array to scala Iterable
}.getOrElse {
* @return whether globPath contains non hidden files
def globHasNonHiddenPaths(globPath: String, conf: Configuration): Boolean = {
!glob(globPath, conf, HiddenFileFilter).isEmpty
* @return whether globPath contains a _SUCCESS file
def globHasSuccessFile(globPath: String, conf: Configuration): Boolean = allGlobFilesWithSuccess(globPath, conf, hiddenFilter = false)
* Determines whether each file in the glob has a _SUCCESS sibling file in the same directory
* @param globPath path to check
* @param conf Hadoop Configuration to create FileSystem
* @param hiddenFilter true, if only non-hidden files are checked
* @return true if the directory has files after filters are applied
def allGlobFilesWithSuccess(globPath: String, conf: Configuration, hiddenFilter: Boolean): Boolean = {
// Produce tuples (dirName, hasSuccess, hasNonHidden) keyed by dir
val usedDirs = glob(globPath, conf, AcceptAllPathFilter)
.map { fileStatus: FileStatus =>
// stringify Path for Semigroup
val dir =
if (fileStatus.isDirectory)
// HiddenFileFilter should better be called non-hidden but it borrows its name from the
// private field name in hadoop FileInputFormat
dir -> (dir,
OrVal(SuccessFileFilter.accept(fileStatus.getPath) && fileStatus.isFile),
// OR by key
val uniqueUsedDirs = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(usedDirs)
.filter { case (_, (_, _, hasNonHidden)) => (!hiddenFilter || hasNonHidden.get) }
// there is at least one valid path, and all paths have success
uniqueUsedDirs.nonEmpty && uniqueUsedDirs.forall {
case (_, (_, hasSuccess, _)) => hasSuccess.get
* This is a base class for File-based sources
abstract class FileSource extends SchemedSource with LocalSourceOverride with HfsTapProvider {
* Determines if a path is 'valid' for this source. In strict mode all paths must be valid.
* In non-strict mode, all invalid paths will be filtered out.
* Subclasses can override this to validate paths.
* The default implementation is a quick sanity check to look for missing or empty directories.
* It is necessary but not sufficient -- there are cases where this will return true but there is
* in fact missing data.
* TODO: consider writing a more in-depth version of this method in [[TimePathedSource]] that looks for
* TODO: missing days / hours etc.
protected def pathIsGood(p: String, conf: Configuration) = FileSource.globHasNonHiddenPaths(p, conf)
def hdfsPaths: Iterable[String]
// By default, we write to the LAST path returned by hdfsPaths
def hdfsWritePath: String = hdfsPaths.last
override def createTap(readOrWrite: AccessMode)(implicit mode: Mode): Tap[_, _, _] = {
mode match {
// TODO support strict in Local
case Local(_) => {
readOrWrite match {
case Read => createLocalTap(sinkMode)
case Write => new FileTap(localScheme, localWritePath, sinkMode)
case hdfsMode @ Hdfs(_, _) => readOrWrite match {
case Read => createHdfsReadTap(hdfsMode)
case Write => CastHfsTap(createHfsTap(hdfsScheme, hdfsWritePath, sinkMode))
case _ => {
val tryTtp = Try(TestTapFactory(this, hdfsScheme, sinkMode)).map {
// these java types are invariant, so we cast here
.asInstanceOf[Tap[Any, Any, Any]]
}.orElse {
Try(TestTapFactory(this, localScheme.getSourceFields, sinkMode)).map {
.asInstanceOf[Tap[Any, Any, Any]]
tryTtp match {
case Success(s) => s
case Failure(e) => throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(s"Failed to create tap for: $toString, with error: ${e.getMessage}", e)
// This is only called when Mode.sourceStrictness is true
protected def hdfsReadPathsAreGood(conf: Configuration) = {
hdfsPaths.forall { pathIsGood(_, conf) }
* This throws InvalidSourceException if:
* 1) we are in sourceStrictness mode and all sources are not present.
* 2) we are not in the above, but some source has no input whatsoever
* TODO this only does something for HDFS now. Maybe we should do the same for LocalMode
override def validateTaps(mode: Mode): Unit = {
mode match {
case Hdfs(strict, conf) => {
if (strict && (!hdfsReadPathsAreGood(conf))) {
throw new InvalidSourceException(
"[" + this.toString + "] Data is missing from one or more paths in: " +
} else if (!hdfsPaths.exists { pathIsGood(_, conf) }) {
//Check that there is at least one good path:
throw new InvalidSourceException(
"[" + this.toString + "] No good paths in: " + hdfsPaths.toString)
case Local(strict) => {
val files ={ p => new }
if (strict && !files.forall(_.exists)) {
throw new InvalidSourceException(
"[" + this.toString + s"] Data is missing from: ${localPaths.filterNot { p => new }}")
} else if (!files.exists(_.exists)) {
throw new InvalidSourceException(
"[" + this.toString + "] No good paths in: " + hdfsPaths.toString)
case _ => ()
* Get all the set of valid paths based on source strictness.
protected def goodHdfsPaths(hdfsMode: Hdfs) = {
hdfsMode match {
//we check later that all the paths are good
case Hdfs(true, _) => hdfsPaths
// If there are no matching paths, this is still an error, we need at least something:
case Hdfs(false, conf) => hdfsPaths.filter{ pathIsGood(_, conf) }
protected def createHdfsReadTap(hdfsMode: Hdfs): Tap[JobConf, _, _] = {
val taps: List[Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _]]] =
goodHdfsPaths(hdfsMode) { path => CastHfsTap(createHfsTap(hdfsScheme, path, sinkMode)) }
taps.size match {
case 0 => {
// This case is going to result in an error, but we don't want to throw until
// validateTaps. Return an InvalidSource here so the Job constructor does not fail.
// In the worst case if the flow plan is misconfigured,
//openForRead on mappers should fail when using this tap.
new InvalidSourceTap(hdfsPaths)
case 1 => taps.head
case _ => new ScaldingMultiSourceTap(taps)
class ScaldingMultiSourceTap(taps: Seq[Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _]]])
extends MultiSourceTap[Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _]], JobConf, RecordReader[_, _]](taps: _*) {
private final val randomId = UUID.randomUUID.toString
override def getIdentifier() = randomId
override def hashCode: Int = randomId.hashCode
* The fields here are ('offset, 'line)
trait TextSourceScheme extends SchemedSource {
// The text-encoding to use when writing out the lines (default is UTF-8).
val textEncoding: String = CHTextLine.DEFAULT_CHARSET
override def localScheme = new CLTextLine(new Fields("offset", "line"), Fields.ALL, textEncoding)
override def hdfsScheme = HadoopSchemeInstance(new CHTextLine(CHTextLine.DEFAULT_SOURCE_FIELDS, textEncoding))
trait TextLineScheme extends TextSourceScheme with SingleMappable[String] {
//In textline, 0 is the byte position, the actual text string is in column 1
override def sourceFields = Dsl.intFields(Seq(1))
* Mix this in for delimited schemes such as TSV or one-separated values
* By default, TSV is given
trait DelimitedScheme extends SchemedSource {
//override these as needed:
val fields = Fields.ALL
//This is passed directly to cascading where null is interpretted as string
val types: Array[Class[_]] = null
val separator = "\t"
val skipHeader = false
val writeHeader = false
val quote: String = null
// Whether to throw an exception or not if the number of fields does not match an expected number.
// If set to false, missing fields will be set to null.
val strict = true
// Whether to throw an exception if a field cannot be coerced to the right type.
// If set to false, then fields that cannot be coerced will be set to null.
val safe = true
//These should not be changed:
override def localScheme = new CLTextDelimited(fields, skipHeader, writeHeader, separator, strict, quote, types, safe)
override def hdfsScheme = {
types == null || fields.size == types.size,
"Fields [" + fields + "] of different size than types array [" + types.mkString(",") + "]")
HadoopSchemeInstance(new CHTextDelimited(fields, null, skipHeader, writeHeader, separator, strict, quote, types, safe))
trait SequenceFileScheme extends SchemedSource {
//override these as needed:
val fields = Fields.ALL
// TODO Cascading doesn't support local mode yet
override def hdfsScheme = HadoopSchemeInstance(new CHSequenceFile(fields))
* Ensures that a _SUCCESS file is present in every directory included by a glob,
* as well as the requirements of [[FileSource.pathIsGood]]. The set of directories to check for
* is determined by examining the list of all paths returned by globPaths and adding parent
* directories of the non-hidden files encountered.
* pathIsGood should still be considered just a best-effort test. As an illustration the following
* layout with an in-flight job is accepted for the glob dir*/*:
* dir1/_temporary
* dir2/file1
* dir2/_SUCCESS
* Similarly if dir1 is physically empty pathIsGood is still true for dir*/* above
* On the other hand it will reject an empty output directory of a finished job:
* dir1/_SUCCESS
trait SuccessFileSource extends FileSource {
override protected def pathIsGood(p: String, conf: Configuration) =
FileSource.allGlobFilesWithSuccess(p, conf, true)
* Use this class to add support for Cascading local mode via the Hadoop tap.
* Put another way, this runs a Hadoop tap outside of Hadoop in the Cascading local mode
trait LocalTapSource extends LocalSourceOverride {
override def createLocalTap(sinkMode: SinkMode): Tap[JobConf, _, _] = {
val taps = { p =>
new LocalTap(p, hdfsScheme, sinkMode).asInstanceOf[Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _]]]
taps match {
case Nil => throw new InvalidSourceException("LocalPaths is empty")
case oneTap :: Nil => oneTap
case many => new ScaldingMultiSourceTap(many)
abstract class FixedPathSource(path: String*) extends FileSource {
override def localPaths: Iterable[String] = path.toList
override def hdfsPaths: Iterable[String] = path.toList
// `toString` is used by equals in JobTest, which causes
// problems due to unstable collection type of `path`
override def toString = getClass.getName + path.mkString("(", ",", ")")
override def hdfsWritePath: String = stripTrailing(super.hdfsWritePath)
override def hashCode = toString.hashCode
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = (that != null) && (that.toString == toString)
* Similar in behavior to {@link TimePathedSource.writePathFor}.
* Strip out the trailing slash star.
protected def stripTrailing(path: String): String = {
assert(path != "*", "Path must not be *")
assert(path != "/*", "Path must not be /*")
if (path.takeRight(2) == "/*") {
} else {
* Tab separated value source
case class Tsv(p: String, override val fields: Fields = Fields.ALL,
override val skipHeader: Boolean = false, override val writeHeader: Boolean = false,
override val sinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE) extends FixedPathSource(p) with DelimitedScheme
* Allows the use of multiple Tsv input paths. The Tsv files will
* be process through your flow as if they are a single pipe. Tsv
* files must have the same schema.
* For more details on how multiple files are handled check the
* cascading docs.
case class MultipleTsvFiles(p: Seq[String], override val fields: Fields = Fields.ALL,
override val skipHeader: Boolean = false, override val writeHeader: Boolean = false) extends FixedPathSource(p: _*)
with DelimitedScheme
* Csv value source
* separated by commas and quotes wrapping all fields
case class Csv(p: String,
override val separator: String = ",",
override val fields: Fields = Fields.ALL,
override val skipHeader: Boolean = false,
override val writeHeader: Boolean = false,
override val quote: String = "\"",
override val sinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE) extends FixedPathSource(p) with DelimitedScheme
* One separated value (commonly used by Pig)
case class Osv(p: String, f: Fields = Fields.ALL,
override val sinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE) extends FixedPathSource(p)
with DelimitedScheme {
override val fields = f
override val separator = "\u0001"
object TextLine {
// Default encoding is UTF-8
val defaultTextEncoding: String = CHTextLine.DEFAULT_CHARSET
val defaultSinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE
def apply(p: String, sm: SinkMode = defaultSinkMode, textEncoding: String = defaultTextEncoding): TextLine =
new TextLine(p, sm, textEncoding)
class TextLine(p: String, override val sinkMode: SinkMode, override val textEncoding: String) extends FixedPathSource(p) with TextLineScheme {
// For some Java interop
def this(p: String) = this(p, TextLine.defaultSinkMode, TextLine.defaultTextEncoding)
* Alternate typed TextLine source that keeps both 'offset and 'line fields.
class OffsetTextLine(filepath: String,
override val sinkMode: SinkMode,
override val textEncoding: String)
extends FixedPathSource(filepath) with Mappable[(Long, String)] with TextSourceScheme {
override def converter[U >: (Long, String)] =
TupleConverter.asSuperConverter[(Long, String), U](TupleConverter.of[(Long, String)])
* Alternate typed TextLine source that keeps both 'offset and 'line fields.
object OffsetTextLine {
// Default encoding is UTF-8
val defaultTextEncoding: String = CHTextLine.DEFAULT_CHARSET
val defaultSinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE
def apply(p: String, sm: SinkMode = defaultSinkMode, textEncoding: String = defaultTextEncoding): OffsetTextLine =
new OffsetTextLine(p, sm, textEncoding)
case class SequenceFile(p: String, f: Fields = Fields.ALL, override val sinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE)
extends FixedPathSource(p) with SequenceFileScheme with LocalTapSource {
override val fields = f
case class MultipleSequenceFiles(p: String*) extends FixedPathSource(p: _*) with SequenceFileScheme with LocalTapSource
case class MultipleTextLineFiles(p: String*) extends FixedPathSource(p: _*) with TextLineScheme
* Delimited files source
* allowing to override separator and quotation characters and header configuration
case class MultipleDelimitedFiles(f: Fields,
override val separator: String,
override val quote: String,
override val skipHeader: Boolean,
override val writeHeader: Boolean,
p: String*) extends FixedPathSource(p: _*) with DelimitedScheme {
override val fields = f
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