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com.twitter.scalding.Job.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.twitter.scalding

import com.twitter.algebird.monad.Reader
import com.twitter.algebird.Semigroup
import cascading.flow.{ Flow, FlowDef, FlowListener, FlowStep, FlowStepListener, FlowSkipStrategy, FlowStepStrategy }
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.stats.CascadingStats

import{ Serialization => HSerialization }

import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.util.Try

import{ BufferedWriter, FileOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter }
import java.util.{ List => JList }

import java.util.concurrent.{ Executors, TimeUnit, ThreadFactory, Callable, TimeoutException }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

object Job {
   * Use reflection to create the job by name.  We use the thread's
   * context classloader so that classes in the submitted jar and any
   * jars included via -libjar can be found.
  def apply(jobName: String, args: Args): Job = {
    Class.forName(jobName, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader)

 * Job is a convenience class to make using Scalding easier.
 * Subclasses of Job automatically have a number of nice implicits to enable more concise
 * syntax, including:
 *   conversion from Pipe, Source or Iterable to RichPipe
 *   conversion from Source or Iterable to Pipe
 *   conversion to collections or Tuple[1-22] to cascading.tuple.Fields
 * Additionally, the job provides an implicit Mode and FlowDef so that functions that
 * register starts or ends of a flow graph, specifically anything that reads or writes data
 * on Hadoop, has the needed implicits available.
 * If you want to write code outside of a Job, you will want to either:
 * make all methods that may read or write data accept implicit FlowDef and Mode parameters.
 * OR:
 * write code that rather than returning values, it returns a (FlowDef, Mode) => T,
 * these functions can be combined Monadically using algebird.monad.Reader.
class Job(val args: Args) extends FieldConversions with {

  // Set specific Mode
  implicit def mode: Mode = Mode.getMode(args).getOrElse(sys.error("No Mode defined"))

   * Use this if a map or reduce phase takes a while before emitting tuples.
  def keepAlive(): Unit = {
    val flowProcess = RuntimeStats.getFlowProcessForUniqueId(uniqueId)

   * you should never call this directly, it is here to make
   * the DSL work.  Just know, you can treat a Pipe as a RichPipe
   * within a Job
  implicit def pipeToRichPipe(pipe: Pipe): RichPipe = new RichPipe(pipe)
   * This implicit is to enable RichPipe methods directly on Source
   * objects, such as map/flatMap, etc...
   * Note that Mappable is a subclass of Source, and Mappable already
   * has mapTo and flatMapTo BUT WITHOUT incoming fields used (see
   * the Mappable trait). This creates some confusion when using these methods
   * (this is an unfortunate mistake in our design that was not noticed until later).
   * To remove ambiguity, explicitly call .read on any Source that you begin
   * operating with a mapTo/flatMapTo.
  implicit def sourceToRichPipe(src: Source): RichPipe = new RichPipe(

  // This converts an Iterable into a Pipe or RichPipe with index (int-based) fields
  implicit def toPipe[T](iter: Iterable[T])(implicit set: TupleSetter[T], conv: TupleConverter[T]): Pipe =
    IterableSource[T](iter)(set, conv).read

  implicit def iterableToRichPipe[T](iter: Iterable[T])(implicit set: TupleSetter[T], conv: TupleConverter[T]): RichPipe =
    RichPipe(toPipe(iter)(set, conv))

  // Provide args as an implicit val for extensions such as the Checkpoint extension.
  implicit protected def _implicitJobArgs: Args = args

  // Override this if you want to change how the is written in Hadoop
  def name: String = Config.defaultFrom(mode).toMap.getOrElse("", getClass.getName)

  //This is the FlowDef used by all Sources this job creates
  implicit protected val flowDef = {
    val fd = new FlowDef

  // Do this before the job is submitted, because the flowDef is transient
  private[this] val uniqueId = UniqueID.getIDFor(flowDef)

   * Copy this job
   * By default, this uses reflection and the single argument Args constructor
  def clone(nextargs: Args): Job =
      .newInstance(Mode.putMode(mode, nextargs))

   * Implement this method if you want some other jobs to run after the current
   * job. These will not execute until the current job has run successfully.
  def next: Option[Job] = None

   * Keep 100k tuples in memory by default before spilling
   * Turn this up as high as you can without getting OOM.
   * This is ignored if there is a value set in the incoming jobConf on Hadoop
  def defaultSpillThreshold: Int = 100 * 1000

  /** Override this to control how dates are parsed */
  implicit def dateParser: DateParser = DateParser.default

  // Generated the MD5 hex of the bytes in the job classfile
  def classIdentifier: String = Config.md5Identifier(getClass)

   * This is the exact config that is passed to the Cascading FlowConnector.
   * By default:
   *   if there are no spill thresholds in mode.config, we replace with defaultSpillThreshold
   *   we overwrite io.serializations with ioSerializations
   *   we overwrite cascading.tuple.element.comparator.default to defaultComparator
   *   we add some scalding keys for debugging/logging
   * Tip: override this method, call super, and ++ your additional
   * map to add or overwrite more options
   * This returns Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] for compatibility with older code
  def config: Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = {
    val base = Config.empty

    // This is setting a property for cascading/driven
      String.format("scalding:%s", scaldingVersion))

    val modeConf = mode match {
      case h: HadoopMode => Config.fromHadoop(h.jobConf)
      case _ => Config.empty

    val init = base ++ modeConf
      .setSerialization(Right(classOf[serialization.KryoHadoop]), ioSerializations)
      .toMap.toMap[AnyRef, AnyRef] // linter:ignore the second one is to lift from String -> AnyRef

   * This is here so that Mappable.toIterator can find an implicit config
  implicit protected def scaldingConfig: Config = Config.tryFrom(config).get

  def skipStrategy: Option[FlowSkipStrategy] = None

   * Specify a callback to run before the start of each flow step.
   * Defaults to what Config.getReducerEstimator specifies.
   * @see ExecutionContext.buildFlow
  def stepStrategy: Option[FlowStepStrategy[_]] = None

  private def executionContext: Try[ExecutionContext] =
    Config.tryFrom(config).map { conf =>
      ExecutionContext.newContext(conf)(flowDef, mode)

   * combine the config, flowDef and the Mode to produce a flow
  def buildFlow: Flow[_] =
      .map { flow =>
        listeners.foreach { flow.addListener(_) }
        stepListeners.foreach { flow.addStepListener(_) }
        skipStrategy.foreach { flow.setFlowSkipStrategy(_) }
        stepStrategy.foreach { strategy =>
          val existing = flow.getFlowStepStrategy
          val composed =
            if (existing == null)

  // called before run
  // only override if you do not use flowDef
  def validate(): Unit = {
    FlowStateMap.validateSources(flowDef, mode)

  // called after successfull run
  // only override if you do not use flowDef
  def clear(): Unit = {

  protected def handleStats(statsData: CascadingStats): Unit = {
    scaldingCascadingStats = Some(statsData)
    // TODO: Why the two ways to do stats? Answer: jank-den.
    if (args.boolean("scalding.flowstats")) {
      val statsFilename = args.getOrElse("scalding.flowstats", name + "._flowstats.json")
      val br = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(statsFilename), "utf-8"))
    // Print custom counters unless --scalding.nocounters is used or there are no custom stats
    if (!args.boolean("scalding.nocounters")) {
      implicit val statProvider = statsData
      val jobStats = Stats.getAllCustomCounters
      if (!jobStats.isEmpty) {
        println("Dumping custom counters:")
        jobStats.foreach {
          case (counter, value) =>
            println("%s\t%s".format(counter, value))

  // TODO design a better way to test stats.
  // This awful name is designed to avoid collision
  // with subclasses
  private[scalding] var scaldingCascadingStats: Option[CascadingStats] = None

   * Save the Flow object after a run to allow clients to inspect the job.
   * @see HadoopPlatformJobTest
  private[scalding] var completedFlow: Option[Flow[_]] = None

  //Override this if you need to do some extra processing other than complete the flow
  def run(): Boolean = {
    val flow = buildFlow
    val statsData = flow.getFlowStats
    completedFlow = Some(flow)

  //override these to add any listeners you need
  def listeners: List[FlowListener] = Nil
  def stepListeners: List[FlowStepListener] = Nil

   * These are user-defined serializations IN-ADDITION to (but deduped)
   * with the required serializations
  def ioSerializations: List[Class[_ <: HSerialization[_]]] = Nil
   * Override this if you want to customize comparisons/hashing for your job
   * the config method overwrites using this before sending to cascading
   * The one we use by default is needed used to make Joins in the
   * Fields-API more robust to Long vs Int differences.
   * If you only use the Typed-API, consider changing this to return None
  def defaultComparator: Option[Class[_ <: java.util.Comparator[_]]] =

   * This is implicit so that a Source can be used as the argument
   * to a join or other method that accepts Pipe.
  implicit def read(src: Source): Pipe =
   * This is only here for Java jobs which cannot automatically
   * access the implicit Pipe => RichPipe which makes: pipe.write( )
   * convenient
  def write(pipe: Pipe, src: Source): Unit = { src.writeFrom(pipe) }

   * Need to be lazy to be used within pipes.
  private lazy val timeoutExecutor =
    Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new NamedPoolThreadFactory("job-timer", true))

   * Safely execute some operation within a deadline.
   * TODO: once we have a mechanism to access FlowProcess from user functions, we can use this
   *       function to allow long running jobs by notifying Cascading of progress.
  def timeout[T](timeout: AbsoluteDuration)(t: => T): Option[T] = {
    val f = timeoutExecutor.submit(new Callable[Option[T]] {
      def call(): Option[T] = Some(t)
    try {
      f.get(timeout.toMillisecs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    } catch {
      case _: TimeoutException =>

 * NamedPoolThreadFactory is copied from util.core to avoid dependency.
class NamedPoolThreadFactory(name: String, makeDaemons: Boolean) extends ThreadFactory {
  def this(name: String) = this(name, false)

  val group = new ThreadGroup(Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(), name)
  val threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1)

  def newThread(r: Runnable) = {
    val thread = new Thread(group, r, name + "-" + threadNumber.getAndIncrement())
    if (thread.getPriority != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) {

 * Sets up an implicit dateRange to use in your sources and an implicit
 * timezone.
 * Example args: --date 2011-10-02 2011-10-04 --tz UTC
 * If no timezone is given, Pacific is assumed.
trait DefaultDateRangeJob extends Job {
  //Get date implicits and PACIFIC and UTC vals.
  import DateOps._

  // Optionally take --tz argument, or use Pacific time.  Derived classes may
  // override defaultTimeZone to change the default.
  def defaultTimeZone = PACIFIC
  implicit lazy val tz = args.optional("tz") match {
    case Some(tzn) => java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzn)
    case None => defaultTimeZone

  // Optionally take a --period, which determines how many days each job runs over (rather
  // than over the whole date range)
  // --daily and --weekly are aliases for --period 1 and --period 7 respectively
  val period =
    if (args.boolean("daily"))
    else if (args.boolean("weekly"))
      args.getOrElse("period", "0").toInt

  lazy val (startDate, endDate) = {
    val DateRange(s, e) = DateRange.parse(args.list("date"))
    (s, e)

  implicit lazy val dateRange = DateRange(startDate, if (period > 0) startDate + Days(period) - Millisecs(1) else endDate)

  override def next: Option[Job] =
    if (period > 0) {
      val nextStartDate = startDate + Days(period)
      if (nextStartDate + Days(period - 1) > endDate)
        None // we're done
      else // return a new job with the new startDate
        Some(clone(args + ("date" -> List(nextStartDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")))))
    } else

// DefaultDateRangeJob with default time zone as UTC instead of Pacific.
trait UtcDateRangeJob extends DefaultDateRangeJob {
  override def defaultTimeZone = DateOps.UTC

 * This is a simple job that allows you to launch Execution[T]
 * instances using scalding.Tool and scald.rb. You cannot print
 * the graph.
abstract class ExecutionJob[+T](args: Args) extends Job(args) {
  import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext => scEC }
   * To avoid serialization issues, this should not be a val, but a def,
   * and prefer to keep as much as possible inside the method.
  def execution: Execution[T]

   * Override this to control the execution context used
   * to execute futures
  protected def concurrentExecutionContext: scEC =

  @transient private[this] val resultPromise: Promise[T] = Promise[T]()
  def result: Future[T] = resultPromise.future

  override def buildFlow: Flow[_] =
    sys.error("ExecutionJobs do not have a single accessible flow. " +
      "You cannot print the graph as it may be dynamically built or recurrent")

  final override def run = {
    val r = Config.tryFrom(config)
      .map { conf =>
        Await.result(, mode)(concurrentExecutionContext),
    if (!resultPromise.tryComplete(r)) {
      // The test framework can call this more than once.
      println("Warning: run called more than once, should not happen in production")
    // Force an exception if the run failed

 * Run a list of shell commands through bash in the given order. Return success
 * when all commands succeed. Excution stops after the first failure. The
 * failing command is printed to stdout.
class ScriptJob(cmds: Iterable[String]) extends Job(Args("")) {
  override def run = {
    try {
      cmds.dropWhile {
        cmd: String =>
            new java.lang.ProcessBuilder("bash", "-c", cmd).start().waitFor() match {
              case x if x != 0 =>
                println(cmd + " failed, exitStatus: " + x)
              case 0 => true
    } catch {
      case e: Exception => {

 * Allows custom counter verification logic when the job completes.
trait CounterVerification extends Job {
   * Verify counter values. The job will fail if this returns false or throws an exception.
  def verifyCounters(counters: Map[StatKey, Long]): Try[Unit]

   * Override this to false to skip counter verification in tests.
  def verifyCountersInTest: Boolean = true

  override def listeners: List[FlowListener] = {
    if (this.mode.isInstanceOf[TestMode] && !this.verifyCountersInTest) {
    } else {
      super.listeners :+ new StatsFlowListener(this.verifyCounters)

private[scalding] case class FlowStepStrategies[A]() extends Semigroup[FlowStepStrategy[A]] {
   * Returns a new FlowStepStrategy that runs both strategies in sequence.
  def plus(l: FlowStepStrategy[A], r: FlowStepStrategy[A]): FlowStepStrategy[A] =
    new FlowStepStrategy[A] {
      override def apply(
        flow: Flow[A],
        predecessorSteps: JList[FlowStep[A]],
        flowStep: FlowStep[A]): Unit = {
        l.apply(flow, predecessorSteps, flowStep)
        r.apply(flow, predecessorSteps, flowStep)

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