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com.twitter.scalding.ReduceOperations.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.

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package com.twitter.scalding

import cascading.tuple.Fields
import cascading.tuple.{ Tuple => CTuple }

import com.twitter.algebird.{

import com.twitter.algebird.mutable.PriorityQueueMonoid

import java.util.PriorityQueue

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import Dsl._ //Get the conversion implicits

 * Implements reductions on top of a simple abstraction for the Fields-API
 * This is for associative and commutive operations (particularly Monoids and Semigroups play a big role here)
 * We use the f-bounded polymorphism trick to return the type called Self
 * in each operation.
trait ReduceOperations[+Self <: ReduceOperations[Self]] extends {
   * Type T is the type of the input field (input to map, T => X)
   * Type X is the intermediate type, which your reduce function operates on
   * (reduce is (X,X) => X)
   * Type U is the final result type, (final map is: X => U)
   * The previous output goes into the reduce function on the left, like foldLeft,
   * so if your operation is faster for the accumulator to be on one side, be aware.
   * Assumed to be a commutative operation.  If you don't want that, use .forceToReducers
  def mapReduceMap[T, X, U](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(mapfn: T => X)(redfn: (X, X) => X)(mapfn2: X => U)(implicit startConv: TupleConverter[T],
    middleSetter: TupleSetter[X],
    middleConv: TupleConverter[X],
    endSetter: TupleSetter[U]): Self

  // All the below functions are implemented in terms of the above

  /** Pretty much a synonym for mapReduceMap with the methods collected into a trait. */
  def aggregate[A, B, C](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(ag: Aggregator[A, B, C])(implicit startConv: TupleConverter[A],
    middleSetter: TupleSetter[B],
    middleConv: TupleConverter[B],
    endSetter: TupleSetter[C]): Self =
    mapReduceMap[A, B, C](fieldDef)(ag.prepare _)(ag.reduce _)(ag.present _)

   * uses a more stable online algorithm which should
   * be suitable for large numbers of records
   * == Similar To ==
  def average(f: (Fields, Fields)) = mapPlusMap(f) { (x: Double) => AveragedValue(1L, x) } { _.value }
  def average(f: Symbol): Self = average(f -> f)

   * Approximate number of unique values
   * We use about m = (104/errPercent)^2 bytes of memory per key
   * Uses `.toString.getBytes` to serialize the data so you MUST
   * ensure that .toString is an equivalance on your counted fields
   * (i.e. `x.toString == y.toString` if and only if `x == y`)
   * For each key:
   * {{{
   * 10% error ~ 256 bytes
   * 5% error ~ 1kB
   * 2% error ~ 4kB
   * 1% error ~ 16kB
   * 0.5% error ~ 64kB
   * 0.25% error ~ 256kB
   * }}}
  def approximateUniqueCount[T <% Array[Byte]: TupleConverter](f: (Fields, Fields), errPercent: Double = 1.0) = {
    hyperLogLogMap[T, Double](f, errPercent) { _.estimatedSize }

  def hyperLogLog[T <% Array[Byte]: TupleConverter](f: (Fields, Fields), errPercent: Double = 1.0) = {
    hyperLogLogMap[T, HLL](f, errPercent) { hll => hll }

  private[this] def hyperLogLogMap[T <% Array[Byte]: TupleConverter, U: TupleSetter](f: (Fields, Fields), errPercent: Double = 1.0)(fn: HLL => U) = {
    //bits = log(m) == 2 *log(104/errPercent) = 2log(104) - 2*log(errPercent)
    def log2(x: Double) = scala.math.log(x) / scala.math.log(2.0)
    val bits = 2 * scala.math.ceil(log2(104) - log2(errPercent)).toInt
    implicit val hmm = new HyperLogLogMonoid(bits)
    mapPlusMap(f) { (t: T) => hmm(t) } (fn)

   * This is count with a predicate: only counts the tuples for which
   * `fn(tuple)` is true
  def count[T: TupleConverter](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(fn: T => Boolean): Self = {
    mapPlusMap(fieldDef){ (arg: T) => if (fn(arg)) 1L else 0L } { s => s }

   * Opposite of RichPipe.unpivot.  See SQL/Excel for more on this function
   * converts a row-wise representation into a column-wise one.
   * == Example ==
   * {{{
   * pivot(('feature, 'value) -> ('clicks, 'impressions, 'requests))
   * }}}
   * it will find the feature named "clicks", and put the value in the column with the field named
   * clicks.
   * Absent fields result in null unless a default value is provided. Unnamed output fields are ignored.
   * == Note ==
   * Duplicated fields will result in an error.
   * == Hint ==
   * if you want more precision, first do a
   * {{{
   * map('value -> value) { x : AnyRef => Option(x) }
   * }}}
   * and you will have non-nulls for all present values, and Nones for values that were present
   * but previously null.  All nulls in the final output will be those truly missing.
   * Similarly, if you want to check if there are any items present that shouldn't be:
   * {{{
   * map('feature -> 'feature) { fname : String =>
   *   if (!goodFeatures(fname)) { throw new Exception("ohnoes") }
   *   else fname
   * }
   * }}}
  def pivot(fieldDef: (Fields, Fields), defaultVal: Any = null): Self = {
    // Make sure the fields are strings:
    mapList[(String, AnyRef), CTuple](fieldDef) { outputList =>
      val asMap = outputList.toMap
      assert(asMap.size == outputList.size, "Repeated pivot key fields: " + outputList.toString)
      val values = fieldDef._2
        // Look up this key:
        .map { fname => asMap.getOrElse(fname.asInstanceOf[String], defaultVal.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) }
      // Create the cascading tuple
      new CTuple(values.toSeq: _*)

   * Compute the count, ave and standard deviation in one pass
   * example: g.sizeAveStdev('x -> ('cntx, 'avex, 'stdevx))
  def sizeAveStdev(fieldDef: (Fields, Fields)) = {
    mapPlusMap(fieldDef) { (x: Double) => Moments(x) } { (mom: Moments) => (mom.count, mom.mean, mom.stddev) }

   * check if a predicate is satisfied for all in the values for this key
  def forall[T: TupleConverter](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(fn: (T) => Boolean): Self = {
    mapReduceMap(fieldDef)(fn)({ (x: Boolean, y: Boolean) => x && y })({ x => x })

   * Return the first, useful probably only for sorted case.
  def head(fd: (Fields, Fields)): Self = {
    //CTuple's have unknown arity so we have to put them into a Tuple1 in the middle phase:
    mapReduceMap(fd) { ctuple: CTuple => Tuple1(ctuple) } { (oldVal, newVal) => oldVal } { result => result._1 }
  def head(f: Symbol*): Self = head(f -> f)

  def last(fd: (Fields, Fields)) = {
    //CTuple's have unknown arity so we have to put them into a Tuple1 in the middle phase:
    mapReduceMap(fd) { ctuple: CTuple => Tuple1(ctuple) } { (oldVal, newVal) => newVal } { result => result._1 }
  def last(f: Symbol*): Self = last(f -> f)

   * Collect all the values into a List[T] and then operate on that
   * list. This fundamentally uses as much memory as it takes to store the list.
   * This gives you the list in the reverse order it was encounted (it is built
   * as a stack for efficiency reasons). If you care about order, call .reverse in your fn
   * STRONGLY PREFER TO AVOID THIS. Try reduce or plus and an O(1) memory algorithm.
  def mapList[T, R](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(fn: (List[T]) => R)(implicit conv: TupleConverter[T], setter: TupleSetter[R]): Self = {
    val midset = implicitly[TupleSetter[List[T]]]
    val midconv = implicitly[TupleConverter[List[T]]]

    mapReduceMap[T, List[T], R](fieldDef) { //Map
      x => List(x)
    } { //Reduce, note the bigger list is likely on the left, so concat into it:
      (prev, current) => current ++ prev
    } { fn(_) }(conv, midset, midconv, setter)

  def mapPlusMap[T, X, U](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(mapfn: T => X)(mapfn2: X => U)(implicit startConv: TupleConverter[T],
    middleSetter: TupleSetter[X],
    middleConv: TupleConverter[X],
    endSetter: TupleSetter[U],
    sgX: Semigroup[X]): Self = {
    mapReduceMap[T, X, U](fieldDef) (mapfn)((x, y) =>, y))(mapfn2) (startConv, middleSetter, middleConv, endSetter)

  private def extremum(max: Boolean, fieldDef: (Fields, Fields)): Self = {
    //CTuple's have unknown arity so we have to put them into a Tuple1 in the middle phase:
    val select = if (max) {
      { (a: CTuple, b: CTuple) => (a.compareTo(b) >= 0) }
    } else {
      { (a: CTuple, b: CTuple) => (a.compareTo(b) <= 0) }

    mapReduceMap(fieldDef) { ctuple: CTuple => Tuple1(ctuple) } { (oldVal, newVal) => if (select(oldVal._1, newVal._1)) oldVal else newVal } { result => result._1 }
  def max(fieldDef: (Fields, Fields)) = extremum(true, fieldDef)
  def max(f: Symbol*) = extremum(true, (f -> f))
  def min(fieldDef: (Fields, Fields)) = extremum(false, fieldDef)
  def min(f: Symbol*) = extremum(false, (f -> f))

   * Similar to the scala.collection.Iterable.mkString
   * takes the source and destination fieldname, which should be a single
   * field. The result will be start, each item.toString separated by sep,
   * followed by end for convenience there several common variants below
  def mkString(fieldDef: (Fields, Fields), start: String, sep: String, end: String): Self = {
    mapList[String, String](fieldDef) { _.mkString(start, sep, end) }
  def mkString(fieldDef: (Fields, Fields), sep: String): Self = mkString(fieldDef, "", sep, "")
  def mkString(fieldDef: (Fields, Fields)): Self = mkString(fieldDef, "", "", "")
   * these will only be called if a tuple is not passed, meaning just one
   * column
  def mkString(fieldDef: Symbol, start: String, sep: String, end: String): Self = {
    val f: Fields = fieldDef
    mkString((f, f), start, sep, end)
  def mkString(fieldDef: Symbol, sep: String): Self = mkString(fieldDef, "", sep, "")
  def mkString(fieldDef: Symbol): Self = mkString(fieldDef, "", "", "")

   * Apply an associative/commutative operation on the left field.
   * == Example ==
   * {{{
   * reduce(('mass,'allids)->('totalMass, 'idset)) { (left:(Double,Set[Long]),right:(Double,Set[Long])) =>
   *   (left._1 + right._1, left._2 ++ right._2)
   * }
   * }}}
   * Equivalent to a mapReduceMap with trivial (identity) map functions.
   * Assumed to be a commutative operation.  If you don't want that, use .forceToReducers
   * The previous output goes into the reduce function on the left, like foldLeft,
   * so if your operation is faster for the accumulator to be on one side, be aware.
  def reduce[T](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(fn: (T, T) => T)(implicit setter: TupleSetter[T], conv: TupleConverter[T]): Self = {
    mapReduceMap[T, T, T](fieldDef)({ t => t })(fn)({ t => t })(conv, setter, conv, setter)
  //Same as reduce(f->f)
  def reduce[T](fieldDef: Symbol*)(fn: (T, T) => T)(implicit setter: TupleSetter[T],
    conv: TupleConverter[T]): Self = {
    reduce(fieldDef -> fieldDef)(fn)(setter, conv)

  // Abstract algebra reductions (sum, times, dot):

   * Use `` to compute a sum.  Not called sum to avoid conflicting with standard sum
   * Your `Semigroup[T]` should be associated and commutative, else this doesn't make sense
   * Assumed to be a commutative operation.  If you don't want that, use .forceToReducers
  def sum[T](fd: (Fields, Fields))(implicit sg: Semigroup[T], tconv: TupleConverter[T], tset: TupleSetter[T]): Self = {
    // We reverse the order because the left is the old value in reduce, and for list concat
    // we are much better off concatenating into the bigger list
    reduce[T](fd)({ (left, right) =>, left) })(tset, tconv)
   * The same as `sum(fs -> fs)`
   * Assumed to be a commutative operation.  If you don't want that, use .forceToReducers
  def sum[T](fs: Symbol*)(implicit sg: Semigroup[T], tconv: TupleConverter[T], tset: TupleSetter[T]): Self =
    sum[T](fs -> fs)(sg, tconv, tset)

   * Returns the product of all the items in this grouping
  def times[T](fd: (Fields, Fields))(implicit ring: Ring[T], tconv: TupleConverter[T], tset: TupleSetter[T]): Self = {
    // We reverse the order because the left is the old value in reduce, and for list concat
    // we are much better off concatenating into the bigger list
    reduce[T](fd)({ (left, right) => ring.times(right, left) })(tset, tconv)

   * The same as `times(fs -> fs)`
  def times[T](fs: Symbol*)(implicit ring: Ring[T], tconv: TupleConverter[T], tset: TupleSetter[T]): Self = {
    times[T](fs -> fs)(ring, tconv, tset)

   * Convert a subset of fields into a list of Tuples. Need to provide the types of the tuple fields.
  def toList[T](fieldDef: (Fields, Fields))(implicit conv: TupleConverter[T]): Self = {
    // TODO(POB) this is jank in my opinion. Nulls should be filter by the user if they want
    mapList[T, List[T]](fieldDef) { _.filter { t => t != null } }

   * First do "times" on each pair, then "plus" them all together.
   * == Example ==
   * {{{
   * groupBy('x) {'y,'z, 'ydotz) }
   * }}}
  def dot[T](left: Fields, right: Fields, result: Fields)(implicit ttconv: TupleConverter[Tuple2[T, T]], ring: Ring[T],
    tconv: TupleConverter[T], tset: TupleSetter[T]): Self = {
    mapReduceMap[(T, T), T, T](Fields.merge(left, right) -> result) { init: (T, T) =>
      ring.times(init._1, init._2)
    } { (left: T, right: T) =>, right)
    } { result => result }

   * How many values are there for this key
  def size: Self = size('size)
  def size(thisF: Fields): Self = {
    mapPlusMap(() -> thisF) { (u: Unit) => 1L } { s => s }

   * Equivalent to sorting by a comparison function
   * then take-ing k items.  This is MUCH more efficient than doing a total sort followed by a take,
   * since these bounded sorts are done on the mapper, so only a sort of size k is needed.
   * == Example ==
   * {{{
   * sortWithTake( ('clicks, 'tweet) -> 'topClicks, 5) {
   *   fn : (t0 :(Long,Long), t1:(Long,Long) => t0._1 < t1._1 }
   * }}}
   * topClicks will be a List[(Long,Long)]
  def sortWithTake[T: TupleConverter](f: (Fields, Fields), k: Int)(lt: (T, T) => Boolean): Self = {
    val ord = Ordering.fromLessThan(lt);
    sortedTake(f, k)(implicitly[TupleConverter[T]], ord)

   * Reverse of above when the implicit ordering makes sense.
  def sortedReverseTake[T](f: (Fields, Fields), k: Int)(implicit conv: TupleConverter[T], ord: Ordering[T]): Self = {
    sortedTake[T](f, k)(conv, ord.reverse)

   * Same as above but useful when the implicit ordering makes sense.
  def sortedTake[T](f: (Fields, Fields), k: Int)(implicit conv: TupleConverter[T], ord: Ordering[T]): Self = {

    assert(f._2.size == 1, "output field size must be 1")
    implicit val mon = new PriorityQueueMonoid[T](k)
    mapPlusMap(f) { (tup: T) => } {
      (lout: PriorityQueue[T]) => lout.iterator.asScala.toList.sorted

  def histogram(f: (Fields, Fields), binWidth: Double = 1.0) = {
    mapPlusMap(f) { x: Double => Map((math.floor(x / binWidth) * binWidth) -> 1L) } { map => new mathematics.Histogram(map, binWidth) }

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