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com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix2.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

Copyright 2013 Tomas Tauber

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.twitter.scalding.mathematics

import cascading.flow.FlowDef
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.tuple.Fields
import com.twitter.scalding.serialization.{ OrderedSerialization, OrderedSerialization2 }
import com.twitter.scalding._
import com.twitter.scalding.typed.{ ValuePipe, EmptyValue, LiteralValue, ComputedValue }
import com.twitter.algebird.{ Semigroup, Monoid, Ring, Group, Field }
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap


 * This is the future Matrix API. The old one will be removed in scalding 0.10.0 (or 1.0.0).
 * Create Matrix2 instances with methods in the Matrix2 object.
 * Note that this code optimizes the order in which it evaluates matrices, and replaces equivalent
 * terms to avoid recomputation. Also, this code puts the parenthesis in the optimal place in
 * terms of size according to the sizeHints. For instance:
 * (A*B)*C == A*(B*C) but if B is a 10 x 10^6 matrix, and C is 10^6 x 100,
 * it is better to do the B*C product first in order to avoid storing as much intermediate output.
 * NOTE THIS REQUIREMENT: for each formula, you can only have one Ring[V] in scope. If you
 * evaluate part of the formula with one Ring, and another part with another, you must go through
 * a TypedPipe (call toTypedPipe) or the result may not be correct.
sealed trait Matrix2[R, C, V] extends Serializable {
  implicit def rowOrd: Ordering[R]
  implicit def colOrd: Ordering[C]
  val sizeHint: SizeHint = NoClue
  def +(that: Matrix2[R, C, V])(implicit mon: Monoid[V]): Matrix2[R, C, V] = Sum(this, that, mon)
  def -(that: Matrix2[R, C, V])(implicit g: Group[V]): Matrix2[R, C, V] = Sum(this, that.negate, g)
  def unary_-(implicit g: Group[V]): Matrix2[R, C, V] = negate
  def negate(implicit g: Group[V]): Matrix2[R, C, V]
   * Represents the pointwise, or Hadamard, product of two matrices.
  def #*#(that: Matrix2[R, C, V])(implicit ring: Ring[V]): Matrix2[R, C, V] = HadamardProduct(this, that, ring)
  // Matrix product
  def *[C2](that: Matrix2[C, C2, V])(implicit ring: Ring[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, C2, V] =
    Product(this, that, ring)

  def *(that: Scalar2[V])(implicit ring: Ring[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, C, V] = that * this

  def /(that: Scalar2[V])(implicit field: Field[V]): Matrix2[R, C, V] =
    that divMatrix this
   * Convert the current Matrix to a TypedPipe
  def toTypedPipe: TypedPipe[(R, C, V)]
  def transpose: Matrix2[C, R, V]
   * Users should never need this. This is the current Matrix2, but in most optimized
   * form. Usually, you will just do matrix operations until you eventually call write
   * or toTypedPipe
  def optimizedSelf: Matrix2[R, C, V] =
    Matrix2.optimize(this.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[Any, Any, V]])._2.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[R, C, V]]

  /** equivalent to multiplying this matrix by itself, power times */
  def ^(power: Int)(implicit ev: =:=[R, C], ring: Ring[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, R, V] = {
    // it can possibly be pre-computed in an optimal way as g^k = ((g*g)*(g*g)...
    // but it is handled in "optimize" in general, so that (g^k)*something works
    assert(power > 0, "exponent must be >= 1")
    val literal = this.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[R, R, V]]
    if (power == 1) {
    } else {
      literal * (literal ^ (power - 1))

  // TODO: complete the rest of the API to match the old Matrix API (many methods are effectively on the TypedPipe)
  def sumColVectors(implicit ring: Ring[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, Unit, V] =
    Product(this, OneC()(colOrd), ring)

   * the result is the same as considering everything on the this to be like a 1 value
   * so we just sum, using only a monoid on VecV, where this Matrix has the value true.
   * This is useful for graph propagation of monoids, such as sketchs like HyperLogLog,
   * BloomFilters or CountMinSketch.
   * TODO This is a special kind of product that could be optimized like Product is
  def propagate[C2, VecV](vec: Matrix2[C, C2, VecV])(implicit ev: =:=[V, Boolean],
    mon: Monoid[VecV],
    mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, C2, VecV] = {

    //This cast will always succeed:
    lazy val joinedBool = mj.join(this.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[R, C, Boolean]], vec)
    implicit val ord2: Ordering[C2] = vec.colOrd
    lazy val resultPipe = joinedBool.flatMap {
      case (key, ((row, bool), (col2, v))) =>
        if (bool) Some((row, col2), v) else None // filter early
      .group // TODO we could be lazy with this group and combine with a sum
      .filter { kv => mon.isNonZero(kv._2) }
      .map { case ((r, c2), v) => (r, c2, v) }
    MatrixLiteral(resultPipe, this.sizeHint)

  def propagateRow[C2](mat: Matrix2[C, C2, Boolean])(implicit ev: =:=[R, Unit], mon: Monoid[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[Unit, C2, V] =
    mat.transpose.propagate(this.transpose.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[C, Unit, V]]).transpose

  // Binarize values, all x != 0 become 1
  def binarizeAs[NewValT](implicit mon: Monoid[V], ring: Ring[NewValT]): Matrix2[R, C, NewValT] = {
    lazy val newPipe = {
      case (r, c, x) =>
        (r, c, if (mon.isNonZero(x)) { } else { })
      .filter { kv => ring.isNonZero(kv._3) }
    MatrixLiteral(newPipe, this.sizeHint)

   * Row L2 normalization
   * After this operation, the sum(|x|^2) along each row will be 1.
  def rowL2Normalize(implicit num: Numeric[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, C, Double] = {
    val matD = MatrixLiteral({ case (r, c, x) => (r, c, num.toDouble(x)) }, this.sizeHint)
    lazy val result = MatrixLiteral( { case (r, c, x) => (r, c, num.toDouble(x) * num.toDouble(x)) }, this.sizeHint)
      .map { case (r, c, x) => (r, r, 1 / scala.math.sqrt(x)) } // diagonal + inverse
    MatrixLiteral(result, SizeHint.asDiagonal(this.sizeHint.setRowsToCols)) * matD

   * Row L1 normalization
   * After this operation, the sum(|x|) alone each row will be 1.
  def rowL1Normalize(implicit num: Numeric[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, C, Double] = {
    val matD = MatrixLiteral({ case (r, c, x) => (r, c, num.toDouble(x).abs) }, this.sizeHint)
    lazy val result = matD
      .map { case (r, c, x) => (r, r, 1 / x) } // diagonal + inverse
    MatrixLiteral(result, SizeHint.asDiagonal(this.sizeHint.setRowsToCols)) * matD

  def getRow(index: R): Matrix2[Unit, C, V] =
        .filter { case (r, c, v) => Ordering[R].equiv(r, index) }
        .map { case (r, c, v) => ((), c, v) }, this.sizeHint.setRows(1L))

  def getColumn(index: C): Matrix2[R, Unit, V] =
        .filter { case (r, c, v) => Ordering[C].equiv(c, index) }
        .map { case (r, c, v) => (r, (), v) }, this.sizeHint.setCols(1L))

   * Consider this Matrix as the r2 row of a matrix. The current matrix must be a row,
   * which is to say, its row type must be Unit.
  def asRow[R2](r2: R2)(implicit ev: R =:= Unit, rowOrd: Ordering[R2]): Matrix2[R2, C, V] =
    MatrixLiteral( { case (r, c, v) => (r2, c, v) }, this.sizeHint)

  def asCol[C2](c2: C2)(implicit ev: C =:= Unit, colOrd: Ordering[C2]): Matrix2[R, C2, V] =
    MatrixLiteral( { case (r, c, v) => (r, c2, v) }, this.sizeHint)

  // Compute the sum of the main diagonal.  Only makes sense cases where the row and col type are
  // equal
  def trace(implicit mon: Monoid[V], ev: =:=[R, C]): Scalar2[V] =
    Scalar2(toTypedPipe.asInstanceOf[TypedPipe[(R, R, V)]]
      .filter{ case (r1, r2, _) => Ordering[R].equiv(r1, r2) }
      .map{ case (_, _, x) => x }

  def write(sink: TypedSink[(R, C, V)])(implicit fd: FlowDef, m: Mode): Matrix2[R, C, V] =
    MatrixLiteral(toTypedPipe.write(sink), sizeHint)

 * This trait allows users to plug in join algorithms
 * where they are needed to improve products and propagations.
 * The default works well in most cases, but highly skewed matrices may need some
 * special handling
trait MatrixJoiner2 extends {
  def join[R, C, V, C2, V2](left: Matrix2[R, C, V], right: Matrix2[C, C2, V2]): TypedPipe[(C, ((R, V), (C2, V2)))]

object MatrixJoiner2 {
  // The default if the user does not override,
  // comment this out to verify we are not hiding the user's suppled values
  implicit def default: MatrixJoiner2 = new DefaultMatrixJoiner(10000L)

  def join[R, C, V, C2, V2](left: Matrix2[R, C, V],
    right: Matrix2[C, C2, V2])(implicit mj: MatrixJoiner2): TypedPipe[(C, ((R, V), (C2, V2)))] =
    mj.join(left, right)

 * This uses standard join if the matrices are comparable size and large,
 * otherwise, if one is much smaller than the other, we use a hash join
class DefaultMatrixJoiner(sizeRatioThreshold: Long) extends MatrixJoiner2 {
  def join[R, C, V, C2, V2](left: Matrix2[R, C, V],
    right: Matrix2[C, C2, V2]): TypedPipe[(C, ((R, V), (C2, V2)))] = {
    implicit val cOrd: Ordering[C] = left.colOrd
    val one = { case (r, c, v) => (c, (r, v)) }.group
    val two = { case (c, c2, v2) => (c, (c2, v2)) }.group
    val sizeOne =
    val sizeTwo =

    def swapInner[M, N](t: TypedPipe[(C, (M, N))]): TypedPipe[(C, (N, M))] = t.mapValues { t: (M, N) => t.swap }
    // TODO:
    // use block join on tall skinny times skinny tall (or skewed): the result really big,
    // but the direct approach can't get much parallelism.
    if (sizeOne / sizeTwo > sizeRatioThreshold) {
    } else if (sizeTwo / sizeOne > sizeRatioThreshold) {
    } else if (sizeOne > sizeTwo) {
    } else {

 * Infinite column vector - only for intermediate computations
case class OneC[R, V](implicit override val rowOrd: Ordering[R]) extends Matrix2[R, Unit, V] {
  override val sizeHint: SizeHint = FiniteHint(Long.MaxValue, 1)
  override def colOrd = Ordering[Unit]
  def transpose = OneR()
  override def negate(implicit g: Group[V]) = sys.error("Only used in intermediate computations, try (-1 * OneC)")
  def toTypedPipe = sys.error("Only used in intermediate computations")

 * Infinite row vector - only for intermediate computations
case class OneR[C, V](implicit override val colOrd: Ordering[C]) extends Matrix2[Unit, C, V] {
  override val sizeHint: SizeHint = FiniteHint(1, Long.MaxValue)
  override def rowOrd = Ordering[Unit]
  def transpose = OneC()
  override def negate(implicit g: Group[V]) = sys.error("Only used in intermediate computations, try (-1 * OneR)")
  def toTypedPipe = sys.error("Only used in intermediate computations")

 * Class representing a matrix product
 * @param left multiplicand
 * @param right multiplier
 * @param ring
 * @param expressions a HashMap of common subtrees; None if possibly not optimal (did not go through optimize), Some(...) with a HashMap that was created in optimize
case class Product[R, C, C2, V](left: Matrix2[R, C, V],
  right: Matrix2[C, C2, V],
  ring: Ring[V],
  expressions: Option[Map[Matrix2[R, C2, V], TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)]]] = None)(implicit val joiner: MatrixJoiner2) extends Matrix2[R, C2, V] {

   * Structural, NOT mathematical equality (e.g. (A*B) * C != A * (B*C))
   * Used for the Matrix2OptimizationTest (so that it doesn't care about expressions)
  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
    case Product(tl, tr, _, _) => left.equals(tl) && right.equals(tr)
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int = left.hashCode ^ right.hashCode

  private lazy val optimal: Boolean = expressions.isDefined

  private lazy val isSpecialCase: Boolean = right.isInstanceOf[OneC[_, _]] || left.isInstanceOf[OneR[_, _]]

  private lazy val specialCase: TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)] = {
    val leftMatrix = right.isInstanceOf[OneC[_, _]]
    val localRing = ring

    val joined = (if (leftMatrix) {
      val ord: Ordering[R] = left.rowOrd
      left.toTypedPipe.groupBy(x => x._1)(ord)
    } else {
      val ord: Ordering[C] = right.rowOrd
      right.toTypedPipe.groupBy(x => x._1)(ord)
    }).mapValues { _._3 }
      .filter { kv => localRing.isNonZero(kv._2) }

    if (leftMatrix) { { case (r, v) => (r, (), v) }.asInstanceOf[TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)]] // we know C2 is Unit
    } else { { case (c, v) => ((), c, v) }.asInstanceOf[TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)]] // we know R is Unit

  // represents `\sum_{i j} M_{i j}` where `M_{i j}` is the Matrix with exactly one element at `row=i, col = j`.
  lazy val toOuterSum: TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)] = {
    if (optimal) {
      if (isSpecialCase) {
      } else {
        implicit val ord: Ordering[C] = right.rowOrd
        val localRing = ring
        joiner.join(left, right)
          .map { case (key, ((l1, lv), (r2, rv))) => (l1, r2, localRing.times(lv, rv)) }
    } else {
      // this branch might be tricky, since not clear to me that optimizedSelf will be a Product with a known C type
      // Maybe it is Product[R, _, C2, V]
      optimizedSelf.asInstanceOf[Product[R, _, C2, V]].toOuterSum

  private def computePipe(joined: TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)] = toOuterSum): TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)] = {
    if (isSpecialCase) {
    } else {
      val localRing = ring
      joined.groupBy(w => (w._1, w._2)).mapValues { _._3 }
        .filter { kv => localRing.isNonZero(kv._2) }
        .map { case ((r, c), v) => (r, c, v) }

  override lazy val toTypedPipe: TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)] = {
    expressions match {
      case Some(m) => m.get(this) match {
        case Some(pipe) => pipe
        case None => {
          val result = computePipe()
          m.put(this, result)
      case None => optimizedSelf.toTypedPipe

  override val sizeHint = left.sizeHint * right.sizeHint

  implicit override val rowOrd: Ordering[R] = left.rowOrd
  implicit override val colOrd: Ordering[C2] = right.colOrd
  implicit def withOrderedSerialization: Ordering[(R, C2)] = OrderedSerialization2.maybeOrderedSerialization2(rowOrd, colOrd)

  override lazy val transpose: Product[C2, C, R, V] = Product(right.transpose, left.transpose, ring)
  override def negate(implicit g: Group[V]): Product[R, C, C2, V] = {
    if ( > {
      Product(left, right.negate, ring, expressions)
    } else {
      Product(left.negate, right, ring, expressions)

   * Trace(A B) = Trace(B A) so we optimize to choose the lowest cost item
  override def trace(implicit mon: Monoid[V], ev1: =:=[R, C2]): Scalar2[V] = {
    val (cost1, plan1) = Matrix2.optimize(this.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[Any, Any, V]]) // linter:ignore
    val (cost2, plan2) = Matrix2.optimize( // linter:ignore
      Product(right.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[C, R, V]], left.asInstanceOf[Matrix2[R, C, V]], ring, None)
        .asInstanceOf[Matrix2[Any, Any, V]])

    if (cost1 > cost2) {
      val product2 = plan2.asInstanceOf[Product[C, R, C, V]]
      val ord = left.colOrd
      val filtered = product2.toOuterSum.filter{ case (c1, c2, _) => ord.equiv(c1, c2) }
      Scalar2(product2.computePipe(filtered).map{ case (_, _, x) => x }.sum(mon))
    } else {
      val product1 = plan1.asInstanceOf[Product[R, C, R, V]]
      val ord = left.rowOrd
      val filtered = product1.toOuterSum.filter{ case (r1, r2, _) => ord.equiv(r1, r2) }
      Scalar2(product1.computePipe(filtered).map{ case (_, _, x) => x }.sum(mon))


case class Sum[R, C, V](left: Matrix2[R, C, V], right: Matrix2[R, C, V], mon: Monoid[V]) extends Matrix2[R, C, V] {
  def collectAddends(sum: Sum[R, C, V]): List[TypedPipe[(R, C, V)]] = {
    def getLiteral(mat: Matrix2[R, C, V]): TypedPipe[(R, C, V)] = {
      mat match {
        case x @ Product(_, _, _, _) => x.toOuterSum
        case x @ MatrixLiteral(_, _) => x.toTypedPipe
        case x @ HadamardProduct(_, _, _) => x.optimizedSelf.toTypedPipe
        case _ => sys.error("Invalid addend")

    sum match {
      case Sum(l @ Sum(_, _, _), r @ Sum(_, _, _), _) => {
        collectAddends(l) ++ collectAddends(r)
      case Sum(l @ Sum(_, _, _), r, _) => {
        collectAddends(l) ++ List(getLiteral(r))
      case Sum(l, r @ Sum(_, _, _), _) => {
        getLiteral(l) :: collectAddends(r)
      case Sum(l, r, _) => {
        List(getLiteral(l), getLiteral(r))

  override lazy val toTypedPipe: TypedPipe[(R, C, V)] = {
    if (left.equals(right)) { => (v._1, v._2,, v._3)))
    } else {
        .reduce((x, y) => x ++ y)
        .groupBy(x => (x._1, x._2)).mapValues { _._3 }
        .filter { kv => mon.isNonZero(kv._2) }
        .map { case ((r, c), v) => (r, c, v) }

  override val sizeHint = left.sizeHint + right.sizeHint

  implicit override val rowOrd: Ordering[R] = left.rowOrd
  implicit override val colOrd: Ordering[C] = left.colOrd
  implicit def withOrderedSerialization: Ordering[(R, C)] = OrderedSerialization2.maybeOrderedSerialization2(rowOrd, colOrd)

  override lazy val transpose: Sum[C, R, V] = Sum(left.transpose, right.transpose, mon)
  override def negate(implicit g: Group[V]): Sum[R, C, V] = Sum(left.negate, right.negate, mon)
  override def sumColVectors(implicit ring: Ring[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, Unit, V] =
    Sum(left.sumColVectors, right.sumColVectors, mon)

  override def trace(implicit mon: Monoid[V], ev: =:=[R, C]): Scalar2[V] =
    Scalar2(collectAddends(this).map { pipe =>
      pipe.asInstanceOf[TypedPipe[(R, R, V)]]
        .filter { case (r, c, v) => Ordering[R].equiv(r, c) }
        .map { _._3 }
    }.reduce(_ ++ _).sum)

case class HadamardProduct[R, C, V](left: Matrix2[R, C, V],
  right: Matrix2[R, C, V],
  ring: Ring[V]) extends Matrix2[R, C, V] {

  // TODO: optimize / combine with Sums:
  override lazy val toTypedPipe: TypedPipe[(R, C, V)] = {
    if (left.equals(right)) { => (v._1, v._2, ring.times(v._3, v._3)))
    } else {
      // tracking values which were reduced (multiplied by non-zero) or non-reduced (multiplied by zero) with a boolean
      ( { case (r, c, v) => (r, c, (v, false)) } ++ { case (r, c, v) => (r, c, (v, false)) })
        .groupBy(x => (x._1, x._2))
        .mapValues { _._3 }
        .reduce((x, y) => (ring.times(x._1, y._1), true))
        .filter { kv => kv._2._2 && ring.isNonZero(kv._2._1) }
        .map { case ((r, c), v) => (r, c, v._1) }

  override lazy val transpose: MatrixLiteral[C, R, V] = MatrixLiteral( => (x._2, x._1, x._3)), sizeHint.transpose)(colOrd, rowOrd)
  override val sizeHint = left.sizeHint #*# right.sizeHint
  override def negate(implicit g: Group[V]): HadamardProduct[R, C, V] =
    if ( >
      HadamardProduct(left, right.negate, ring)
      HadamardProduct(left.negate, right, ring)

  implicit override val rowOrd: Ordering[R] = left.rowOrd
  implicit override val colOrd: Ordering[C] = left.colOrd
  implicit def withOrderedSerialization: Ordering[(R, C)] = OrderedSerialization2.maybeOrderedSerialization2(rowOrd, colOrd)

case class MatrixLiteral[R, C, V](override val toTypedPipe: TypedPipe[(R, C, V)],
  override val sizeHint: SizeHint)(implicit override val rowOrd: Ordering[R], override val colOrd: Ordering[C])
  extends Matrix2[R, C, V] {

  override lazy val transpose: MatrixLiteral[C, R, V] =
    MatrixLiteral( => (x._2, x._1, x._3)), sizeHint.transpose)(colOrd, rowOrd)

  override def negate(implicit g: Group[V]): MatrixLiteral[R, C, V] =
    MatrixLiteral( => (x._1, x._2, g.negate(x._3))), sizeHint)

 * A representation of a scalar value that can be used with Matrices
trait Scalar2[V] extends Serializable {
  def value: ValuePipe[V]

  def +(that: Scalar2[V])(implicit sg: Semigroup[V]): Scalar2[V] = {
    (value, that.value) match {
      case (EmptyValue, _) => that
      case (LiteralValue(v1), _) =>, _))
      case (_, EmptyValue) => this
      case (_, LiteralValue(v2)) => map(, v2))
      // TODO: optimize sums of scalars like sums of matrices:
      // only one M/R pass for the whole Sum.
      case (_, ComputedValue(v2)) => Scalar2((value ++ v2).sum(sg))
  def -(that: Scalar2[V])(implicit g: Group[V]): Scalar2[V] = this + => g.negate(x))
  def *(that: Scalar2[V])(implicit ring: Ring[V]): Scalar2[V] =
    Scalar2(ValuePipe.fold(value, that.value)(ring.times _))
  def /(that: Scalar2[V])(implicit f: Field[V]): Scalar2[V] =
    Scalar2(ValuePipe.fold(value, that.value)(f.div _))
  def unary_-(implicit g: Group[V]): Scalar2[V] = map(x => g.negate(x))

  def *[R, C](that: Matrix2[R, C, V])(implicit ring: Ring[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2): Matrix2[R, C, V] =
    that match {
      case p @ Product(left, right, _, expressions) =>
        if ( >
          Product(left, (this * right), ring, expressions)(p.joiner)
          Product(this * left, right, ring, expressions)(p.joiner)
      case HadamardProduct(left, right, _) =>
        if ( >
          HadamardProduct(left, (this * right), ring)
          HadamardProduct(this * left, right, ring)
      case s @ Sum(left, right, mon) => Sum(this * left, this * right, mon)
      case m @ MatrixLiteral(_, _) => timesLiteral(m) // handle literals here
      case x @ OneC() =>
        Product(OneC[Unit, V](), toMatrix, ring)
          .asInstanceOf[Matrix2[R, C, V]]
      case x @ OneR() =>
        Product(toMatrix, OneR[Unit, V](), ring)
          .asInstanceOf[Matrix2[R, C, V]]

  def divMatrix[R, C](that: Matrix2[R, C, V])(implicit f: Field[V]): MatrixLiteral[R, C, V] =
        .mapWithValue(value) {
          case ((r, c, v), optV) =>
            (r, c, f.div(v, optV.getOrElse(
      that.sizeHint)(that.rowOrd, that.colOrd)

  def timesLiteral[R, C](that: Matrix2[R, C, V])(implicit ring: Ring[V]): MatrixLiteral[R, C, V] =
        .mapWithValue(value) {
          case ((r, c, v), optV) =>
            (r, c, ring.times(optV.getOrElse(, v))
      that.sizeHint)(that.rowOrd, that.colOrd)

  def map[U](fn: V => U): Scalar2[U] = Scalar2(
  def toMatrix: Matrix2[Unit, Unit, V] =
    MatrixLiteral( => ((), (), v)), FiniteHint(1, 1))
  // TODO: FunctionMatrix[R,C,V](fn: (R,C) => V) and a Literal scalar is just: FuctionMatrix[Unit, Unit, V]({ (_, _) => v })

case class ValuePipeScalar[V](override val value: ValuePipe[V]) extends Scalar2[V]

object Scalar2 {
  // implicits cannot share names
  implicit def from[V](v: ValuePipe[V]): Scalar2[V] = ValuePipeScalar(v)
  def apply[V](v: ValuePipe[V]): Scalar2[V] = ValuePipeScalar(v)

  // implicits can't share names, but we want the implicit
  implicit def const[V](v: V): Scalar2[V] =

  def apply[V](v: V): Scalar2[V] =

object Matrix2 {
  def apply[R: Ordering, C: Ordering, V](t: TypedPipe[(R, C, V)], hint: SizeHint): Matrix2[R, C, V] =
    MatrixLiteral(t, hint)

  def read[R, C, V](t: TypedSource[(R, C, V)],
    hint: SizeHint)(implicit ordr: Ordering[R], ordc: Ordering[C]): Matrix2[R, C, V] =
    MatrixLiteral(TypedPipe.from(t), hint)

  def J[R, C, V](implicit ordR: Ordering[R], ordC: Ordering[C], ring: Ring[V], mj: MatrixJoiner2) =
    Product(OneC[R, V]()(ordR), OneR[C, V]()(ordC), ring)

   * The original prototype that employs the standard O(n^3) dynamic programming
   * procedure to optimize a matrix chain factorization.
   * Now, it also "prefers" more spread out / bushy / less deep factorization
   * which reflects more the Map/Reduce nature.
  def optimizeProductChain[V](p: IndexedSeq[Matrix2[Any, Any, V]], product: Option[(Ring[V], MatrixJoiner2)]): (BigInt, Matrix2[Any, Any, V]) = {

    val subchainCosts = HashMap.empty[(Int, Int), BigInt]

    val splitMarkers = HashMap.empty[(Int, Int), Int]

    def computeCosts(p: IndexedSeq[Matrix2[Any, Any, V]], i: Int, j: Int): BigInt = {
      if (subchainCosts.contains((i, j))) subchainCosts((i, j))
      if (i == j) subchainCosts.put((i, j), 0)
      else {
        subchainCosts.put((i, j), Long.MaxValue)
        for (k <- i to (j - 1)) {
          // the original did not multiply by (k - i) and (j - k - 1) respectively (this achieves spread out trees)
          val cost = (k - i) * computeCosts(p, i, k) + (j - k - 1) * computeCosts(p, k + 1, j) +
            (p(i).sizeHint * (p(k).sizeHint * p(j).sizeHint)).total.getOrElse(BigInt(0L))
          if (cost < subchainCosts((i, j))) {
            subchainCosts.put((i, j), cost)
            splitMarkers.put((i, j), k)

      subchainCosts((i, j))

    val sharedMap = HashMap.empty[Matrix2[Any, Any, V], TypedPipe[(Any, Any, V)]]

    /* The only case where `product` will be `None` is if the result is an
     * intermediate matrix (like `OneC`).  This is not yet forbidden in the types.
    def generatePlan(i: Int, j: Int): Matrix2[Any, Any, V] = {
      if (i == j) p(i)
      else {
        val k = splitMarkers((i, j))
        val left = generatePlan(i, k) // linter:ignore
        val right = generatePlan(k + 1, j) // linter:ignore
        val (ring, joiner) = product.get
        Product(left, right, ring, Some(sharedMap))(joiner)


    val best = computeCosts(p, 0, p.length - 1)

    (best, generatePlan(0, p.length - 1))

   * This function walks the input tree, finds basic blocks to optimize,
   * i.e. matrix product chains that are not interrupted by summations.
   * One example:
   * A*B*C*(D+E)*(F*G) => "basic blocks" are ABC, D, E, and FG
   * + it now does "global" optimization - i.e. over optimize over basic blocks.
   * In the above example, we'd treat (D+E) as a temporary matrix T and optimize the whole chain ABCTFG
   * Not sure if making use of distributivity to generate more variants would be good.
   * In the above example, we could also generate ABCDFG + ABCEFG and have basic blocks: ABCDFG, and ABCEFG.
   * But this would be almost twice as much work with the current cost estimation.
  def optimize[V](mf: Matrix2[Any, Any, V]): (BigInt, Matrix2[Any, Any, V]) = {

    def pair[X, Y](x: Option[X], y: Option[Y]): Option[(X, Y)] =
      for { xi <- x; yi <- y } yield (xi, yi)

     * Recursive function - returns a flatten product chain and optimizes product chains under sums
    def optimizeBasicBlocks(mf: Matrix2[Any, Any, V]): (List[Matrix2[Any, Any, V]], BigInt, Option[Ring[V]], Option[MatrixJoiner2]) = {

      mf match {
        // basic block of one matrix
        case element @ MatrixLiteral(_, _) => (List(element), 0, None, None)
        // two potential basic blocks connected by a sum
        case Sum(left, right, mon) => {
          val (lastLChain, lastCost1, ringL, joinerL) = optimizeBasicBlocks(left)
          val (lastRChain, lastCost2, ringR, joinerR) = optimizeBasicBlocks(right)
          val (cost1, newLeft) = optimizeProductChain(lastLChain.toIndexedSeq, pair(ringL, joinerL)) // linter:ignore
          val (cost2, newRight) = optimizeProductChain(lastRChain.toIndexedSeq, pair(ringR, joinerR)) // linter:ignore
          (List(Sum(newLeft, newRight, mon)),
            lastCost1 + lastCost2 + cost1 + cost2,
        case HadamardProduct(left, right, ring) => {
          val (lastLChain, lastCost1, ringL, joinerL) = optimizeBasicBlocks(left)
          val (lastRChain, lastCost2, ringR, joinerR) = optimizeBasicBlocks(right)
          val (cost1, newLeft) = optimizeProductChain(lastLChain.toIndexedSeq, pair(ringL, joinerL)) // linter:ignore
          val (cost2, newRight) = optimizeProductChain(lastRChain.toIndexedSeq, pair(ringR, joinerR)) // linter:ignore
          (List(HadamardProduct(newLeft, newRight, ring)),
            lastCost1 + lastCost2 + cost1 + cost2,
        // chain (...something...)*(...something...)
        case p @ Product(left, right, ring, _) => {
          val (lastLChain, lastCost1, ringL, joinerL) = optimizeBasicBlocks(left)
          val (lastRChain, lastCost2, ringR, joinerR) = optimizeBasicBlocks(right)
          (lastLChain ++ lastRChain, lastCost1 + lastCost2, Some(ring), Some(p.joiner))
        // OneC, OneR and potentially other intermediate matrices
        case el => (List(el), 0, None, None)
    val (lastChain, lastCost, ring, joiner) = optimizeBasicBlocks(mf)
    val (potentialCost, finalResult) = optimizeProductChain(lastChain.toIndexedSeq, pair(ring, joiner)) // linter:ignore
    (lastCost + potentialCost, finalResult)

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