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com.twitter.scalding.DateRange.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.

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package com.twitter.scalding

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.matching.Regex

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Calendar
import java.util.Date
import java.util.TimeZone
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
import java.util.regex.Pattern

import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils

* Holds some coversion functions for dealing with strings as RichDate objects
object DateOps {
  val PACIFIC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles")
  val UTC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")

  val DATE_WITH_DASH = "yyyy-MM-dd"
  val DATEHOUR_WITH_DASH = "yyyy-MM-dd HH"
  val DATETIME_WITH_DASH = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
  val DATETIME_HMS_WITH_DASH = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
  val DATETIME_HMSM_WITH_DASH = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"

  private val DATE_RE = """\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"""
  private val SEP_RE = """(T?|\s*)"""
  private val DATE_FORMAT_VALIDATORS = List(DATE_WITH_DASH -> new Regex("""^\s*""" + DATE_RE + """\s*$"""),
                                            DATEHOUR_WITH_DASH -> new Regex("""^\s*""" + DATE_RE +
                                                                            SEP_RE + """\d\d\s*$"""),
                                            DATETIME_WITH_DASH -> new Regex("""^\s*""" + DATE_RE +
                                                                            SEP_RE + """\d\d:\d\d\s*$"""),
                                            DATETIME_HMS_WITH_DASH -> new Regex("""^\s*""" + DATE_RE +
                                                                            SEP_RE + """\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s*$"""),
                                            DATETIME_HMSM_WITH_DASH -> new Regex("""^\s*""" + DATE_RE +
                                                                            SEP_RE + """\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{1,3}\s*$"""))
  * Return the guessed format for this datestring
  def getFormat(s : String) = DATE_FORMAT_VALIDATORS.find{_._2.findFirstIn(s).isDefined}.get._1

  * Parse the string with one of the value DATE_FORMAT_VALIDATORS in the order listed above.
  * We allow either date, date with time in minutes, date with time down to seconds.
  * The separator between date and time can be a space or "T".
  implicit def stringToRichDate(str : String)(implicit tz : TimeZone) = {
    try {
      //We allow T to separate dates and times, just remove it and then validate:
      val newStr = str.replace("T"," ")
      val fmtStr = getFormat(newStr)
      val cal = Calendar.getInstance(tz)
      val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(fmtStr)
      new RichDate(formatter.parse(newStr))
    } catch {
      case e: NoSuchElementException => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not convert string: '" + str + "' into a date.")
  implicit def longToRichDate(ts : Long) = new RichDate(new Date(ts))
  implicit def dateToRichDate(d : Date) = new RichDate(d)
  implicit def richDateToDate(rd : RichDate) = rd.value
  implicit def richDateToCalendar(rd : RichDate)(implicit tz : TimeZone) = {
    val cal = Calendar.getInstance(tz)
  implicit def calendarToRichDate(cal : Calendar) = RichDate(cal.getTime())

* Represents millisecond based duration (non-calendar based): seconds, minutes, hours
* calField should be a java.util.Calendar field
object Duration {
  val SEC_IN_MS = 1000
  val MIN_IN_MS = 60 * SEC_IN_MS
  val HOUR_IN_MS = 60 * MIN_IN_MS
  val UTC_UNITS = List((Hours,HOUR_IN_MS),(Minutes,MIN_IN_MS),(Seconds,SEC_IN_MS),(Millisecs,1))

  // Creates the largest unit corresponding to this number of milliseconds (or possibly a duration list)
  def fromMillisecs(diffInMs : Long) : AbsoluteDuration = {
    // Try to see if we have an even number of any "calendar-free" units
    // Note, no unit is truly calendar free due to leap years, seconds, etc... so
    // so this is approximate
    // We can't fail the last one, x % 1 == 0
    UTC_UNITS.find { u_ms : (Function1[Int,AbsoluteDuration],Int) =>
        //This always returns something, maybe the last item:
        (diffInMs % u_ms._2) == 0
    }.map { u_ms : (Function1[Int,AbsoluteDuration],Int) =>
      val count = diffInMs / u_ms._2
      if (count <= Int.MaxValue)
      else {
        if (diffInMs / HOUR_IN_MS > Int.MaxValue) throw new RuntimeException("difference not expressable in 2^{31} hours")

        AbsoluteDurationList(UTC_UNITS.foldLeft((diffInMs, Nil : List[AbsoluteDuration])) { (state, u_ms) =>
          val (rest, durList) = state
          val (constructor, timeInterval) = u_ms
          val thisCnt = (rest / timeInterval).toInt
          val next = rest - (thisCnt) * timeInterval
          (next, constructor(thisCnt) :: durList)
    //This get should never throw because the list always finds something

abstract class Duration(val calField : Int, val count : Int, val tz : TimeZone) {
  protected def calAdd(that : RichDate, steps : Int) = {
    val cal = that.toCalendar(tz)
    cal.add(calField, steps)
    new RichDate(cal.getTime)

  def addTo(that : RichDate) = calAdd(that, count)

  def subtractFrom(that : RichDate) = calAdd(that, -count)

  // Return the latest RichDate at boundary of this time unit, ignoring
  // the count of the units.  Like a truncation.
  // Only makes sense for non-mixed durations.
  def floorOf(that : RichDate) : RichDate = {
    val cal = that.toCalendar(tz)
    RichDate(DateUtils.truncate(cal, calField).getTime)

 * These are reasonably indepedendent of calendars (or we will pretend)
object AbsoluteDuration {
  def max(a : AbsoluteDuration, b : AbsoluteDuration) = if(a > b) a else b
trait AbsoluteDuration extends Duration with Ordered[AbsoluteDuration] {
  def toSeconds : Double = {
    calField match {
      case Calendar.MILLISECOND => count / 1000.0
      case Calendar.SECOND => count.toDouble
      case Calendar.MINUTE => count * 60.0
      case Calendar.HOUR => count * 60.0 * 60.0
  def toMillisecs : Long = {
    calField match {
      case Calendar.MILLISECOND => count.toLong
      case Calendar.SECOND => count.toLong * 1000L
      case Calendar.MINUTE => count.toLong * 1000L * 60L
      case Calendar.HOUR => count.toLong * 1000L * 60L * 60L
  def compare(that : AbsoluteDuration) : Int = {
  def +(that : AbsoluteDuration) = {
    Duration.fromMillisecs(this.toMillisecs + that.toMillisecs)

case class Millisecs(cnt : Int) extends Duration(Calendar.MILLISECOND, cnt, DateOps.UTC)
  with AbsoluteDuration

case class Seconds(cnt : Int) extends Duration(Calendar.SECOND, cnt, DateOps.UTC)
  with AbsoluteDuration

case class Minutes(cnt : Int) extends Duration(Calendar.MINUTE, cnt, DateOps.UTC)
  with AbsoluteDuration

case class Hours(cnt : Int) extends Duration(Calendar.HOUR, cnt, DateOps.UTC)
  with AbsoluteDuration

case class Days(cnt : Int)(implicit tz : TimeZone)
  extends Duration(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cnt, tz)

case class Weeks(cnt : Int)(implicit tz : TimeZone)
  extends Duration(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, cnt, tz) {

  // The library we are using can't handle week truncation...
  override def floorOf(that : RichDate) = {
    val step = Days(1)
    @tailrec def recentMonday(rd : RichDate) : RichDate = {
      rd.toCalendar(tz).get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) match {
        case Calendar.MONDAY => rd
        case _ => recentMonday(step.subtractFrom(rd))
    //Set it to the earliest point in the day:

case class Months(cnt : Int)(implicit tz : TimeZone)
  extends Duration(Calendar.MONTH, cnt, tz)

case class Years(cnt : Int)(implicit tz : TimeZone)
  extends Duration(Calendar.YEAR, cnt, tz)

abstract class AbstractDurationList[T <: Duration](parts : List[T]) extends Duration(-1,-1, null) {
  override def addTo(that : RichDate) = {
    parts.foldLeft(that) { (curdate, next) => next.addTo(curdate) }
  override def subtractFrom(that : RichDate) = {
    parts.foldLeft(that) { (curdate, next) => next.subtractFrom(curdate) }
  //This does not make sense for a DurationList interval, pass through
  override def floorOf(that : RichDate) = that

case class DurationList(parts : List[Duration]) extends AbstractDurationList[Duration](parts)

case class AbsoluteDurationList(parts : List[AbsoluteDuration])
  extends AbstractDurationList[AbsoluteDuration](parts) with AbsoluteDuration {
  override def toSeconds ={ _.toSeconds }.sum
  override def toMillisecs : Long ={ _.toMillisecs }.sum

* RichDate adds some nice convenience functions to the Java date/calendar classes
* We commonly do Date/Time work in analysis jobs, so having these operations convenient
* is very helpful.
object RichDate {
  def apply(s : String)(implicit tz : TimeZone) = {
  def apply(l : Long) = {
  def upperBound(s : String)(implicit tz : TimeZone) = {
    val end = apply(s)(tz)
    (DateOps.getFormat(s) match {
      case DateOps.DATE_WITH_DASH => end + Days(1)
      case DateOps.DATEHOUR_WITH_DASH => end + Hours(1)
      case DateOps.DATETIME_WITH_DASH => end + Minutes(1)
      case DateOps.DATETIME_HMS_WITH_DASH => end + Seconds(1)
      case DateOps.DATETIME_HMSM_WITH_DASH => end + Millisecs(2)
    }) - Millisecs(1)

case class RichDate(val value : Date) extends Ordered[RichDate] {
  def +(interval : Duration) = interval.addTo(this)
  def -(interval : Duration) = interval.subtractFrom(this)

  //Inverse of the above, d2 + (d1 - d2) == d1
  def -(that : RichDate) = Duration.fromMillisecs(value.getTime - that.value.getTime)

  override def compare(that : RichDate) : Int = {
    if (value.before(that.value)) {
    else if (value.after(that.value)) {
    } else {

  //True of the other is a RichDate with equal value, or a Date equal to value
  override def equals(that : Any) = {
    //Due to type erasure (scala 2.9 complains), we need to use a manifest:
    def opInst[T : Manifest](v : Any) = {
      val klass = manifest[T].erasure
      if(null != v && klass.isInstance(v)) Some(v.asInstanceOf[T]) else None
      .map( _.value)
      .map( _.equals(value) )
  override def hashCode = { value.hashCode }

  //milliseconds since the epoch
  def timestamp : Long = value.getTime

  def toCalendar(implicit tz: TimeZone) = {
    val cal = Calendar.getInstance(tz)
  override def toString = {

  def toString(fmt : String)(implicit tz : TimeZone) : String = {
    val cal = toCalendar(tz)
    val sdfmt = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt)

* represents a closed interval of time.
case class DateRange(val start : RichDate, val end : RichDate) {
  import DateOps._
  * shift this by the given unit
  def +(timespan : Duration) = DateRange(start + timespan, end + timespan)
  def -(timespan : Duration) = DateRange(start - timespan, end - timespan)

  def isBefore(d : RichDate) = end < d
  def isAfter(d : RichDate) = d < start
  * make the range wider by delta on each side.  Good to catch events which
  * might spill over.
  def embiggen(delta : Duration) = DateRange(start - delta, end + delta)
  * Extend the length by moving the end. We can keep the party going, but we
  * can't start it earlier.
  def extend(delta : Duration) = DateRange(start, end + delta)

  def contains(point : RichDate) = (start <= point) && (point <= end)
  * Is the given Date range a (non-strict) subset of the given range
  def contains(dr : DateRange) = start <= dr.start && dr.end <= end

   * produce a contiguous non-overlapping set of DateRanges
   * whose union is equivalent to this.
   * If it is passed an integral unit of time (not a DurationList), it stops at boundaries
   * which are set by the start timezone, else break at start + k * span.
  def each(span : Duration) : Iterable[DateRange] = {
    //tail recursive method which produces output (as a stack, so it is
    //reversed). acc is the accumulated list so far:
    @tailrec def eachRec(acc : List[DateRange], nextDr : DateRange) : List[DateRange] = {
      val next_start = span.floorOf(nextDr.start) + span
      //the smallest grain of time we count is 1 millisecond
      val this_end = next_start - Millisecs(1)
      if( nextDr.end <= this_end ) {
        //This is the last block, output and end:
        nextDr :: acc
      else {
        //Put today's portion, and then start on tomorrow:
        val today = DateRange(nextDr.start, this_end)
        eachRec(today :: acc, DateRange(next_start, nextDr.end))
    //have to reverse because eachDayRec produces backwards
    eachRec(Nil, this).reverse

 * All the Globification logic is encoded in this one
 * class.  It has a list of child ranges that share boundaries
 * with the current range and are completely contained within
 * current range.  This children must be ordered from largest
 * to smallest in size.
class BaseGlobifier(dur : Duration, val sym: String, pattern : String, tz : TimeZone, child : Option[BaseGlobifier]) {
  import DateOps._
  // result <= rd
  private def greatestLowerBound(rd : RichDate) = dur.floorOf(rd)
  // rd <= result
  private def leastUpperBound(rd : RichDate) : RichDate = {
    val lb = greatestLowerBound(rd)
    if (lb == rd)
      lb + dur

  def format(rd : RichDate) : String = String.format(pattern, rd.toCalendar(tz))

  // Generate a lazy list of all children
  final def children : Stream[BaseGlobifier] = child match {
    case Some(c) => Stream.cons(c, c.children)
    case None => Stream.empty

  final def asteriskChildren(rd : RichDate) : String = {
    val childStarPattern = children.foldLeft(pattern) { (this_pat, child) =>
      this_pat.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(child.sym), "*")
    String.format(childStarPattern, rd.toCalendar(tz))

  // Handles the case of zero interior boundaries
  // with potential boundaries only at the end points.
  private def simpleCase(dr : DateRange) : List[String] = {
    val sstr = format(dr.start)
    val estr = format(dr.end)
    if (dr.end < dr.start) {
    else if (child.isEmpty) {
      //There is only one block:
      assert(sstr == estr, "Malformed heirarchy" + sstr + " != " + estr)
    else {
       * Two cases: we should asterisk our children, or we need
       * to recurse.  If we fill this entire range, just asterisk,
      val bottom = children.last
      val fillsright = format(leastUpperBound(dr.end)) ==
      val fillsleft = format(greatestLowerBound(dr.start)) ==
      if (fillsright && fillsleft) {
      else {

  def globify(dr : DateRange) : List[String] = {
    /* We know:
     * start <= end : by assumption
     * mid1 - start < delta : mid1 is least upper bound
     * end - mid2 < delta : mid2 is greatest lower bound
     * mid1 = mid2 + n*delta : both on the boundary.
     * if mid1 <= mid2, then we contain a boundary point,
     * else we do not.
    val mid1 = leastUpperBound(dr.start)
    val mid2 = greatestLowerBound(dr.end)
    //Imprecise patterns may not need to drill down, let's see if we can stop early:
    val sstr = format(dr.start)
    val estr = format(dr.end)
    if (sstr == estr) {
    else if (dr.end < dr.start) {
      //This is nonsense:
    else if (mid2 < mid1) {
      //We do not contain a boundary point:
    // otherwise we contain one or more than one boundary points
    else if (mid1 == mid2) {
      //we contain exactly one boundary point:
      simpleCase(DateRange(dr.start, mid1 - Millisecs(1))) ++
        simpleCase(DateRange(mid1, dr.end))
    else {
      //We contain 2 or more boundary points:
      // [start <= mid1 < mid2 <= end]
      // First check to see if we even need to check our children:
      simpleCase(DateRange(dr.start, mid1 - Millisecs(1))) ++
        (asteriskChildren(mid1) ::
        globify(DateRange(mid1 + dur, dr.end)))

case class HourGlob(pat : String)(implicit tz : TimeZone)
  extends BaseGlobifier(Hours(1),"%1$tH", pat, tz, None)

case class DayGlob(pat : String)(implicit tz: TimeZone)
  extends BaseGlobifier(Days(1)(tz), "%1$td", pat, tz, Some(HourGlob(pat)))

case class MonthGlob(pat : String)(implicit tz: TimeZone)
  extends BaseGlobifier(Months(1)(tz), "%1$tm", pat, tz, Some(DayGlob(pat)))

 * This is the outermost globifier and should generally be used to globify
case class Globifier(pat : String)(implicit tz: TimeZone)
  extends BaseGlobifier(Years(1)(tz), "%1$tY", pat, tz, Some(MonthGlob(pat)))

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