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com.twitter.scalding.JoinAlgorithms.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.

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package com.twitter.scalding

import cascading.tap._
import cascading.scheme._
import cascading.pipe._
import cascading.pipe.assembly._
import cascading.pipe.joiner._
import cascading.flow._
import cascading.operation._
import cascading.operation.aggregator._
import cascading.operation.filter._
import cascading.tuple._
import cascading.cascade._

import scala.util.Random

 * Keeps all the logic related to RichPipe joins.
trait JoinAlgorithms {
  import Dsl._
  import RichPipe.assignName

  def pipe : Pipe

   * This method is used internally to implement all joins.
   * You can use this directly if you want to implement something like a star join,
   * e.g., when joining a single pipe to multiple other pipes. Make sure that you call this method
   * on the larger pipe to make the grouping as efficient as possible.
   * If you are only joining two pipes, then you are better off
   * using joinWithSmaller/joinWithLarger/joinWithTiny/leftJoinWithTiny.
  def coGroupBy(f : Fields, j : JoinMode = InnerJoinMode)(builder : CoGroupBuilder => GroupBuilder) : Pipe = {
    builder(new CoGroupBuilder(f, j)).schedule(pipe.getName, pipe)

   * WARNING! doing a cross product with even a moderate sized pipe can
   * create ENORMOUS output.  The use-case here is attaching a constant (e.g.
   * a number or a dictionary or set) to each row in another pipe.
   * A common use-case comes from a groupAll and reduction to one row,
   * then you want to send the results back out to every element in a pipe
   * This uses joinWithTiny, so tiny pipe is replicated to all Mappers.  If it
   * is large, this will blow up.  Get it: be foolish here and LOSE IT ALL!
   * Use at your own risk.
  def crossWithTiny(tiny : Pipe) = {
    val tinyJoin = -> '__joinTiny__) { (u:Unit) => 1 } -> '__joinBig__) { (u:Unit) => 1 }
      .joinWithTiny('__joinBig__ -> '__joinTiny__, tinyJoin)
      .discard('__joinBig__, '__joinTiny__)
  def crossWithSmaller(p : Pipe, replication : Int = 20) = {
    val smallJoin = -> '__joinSmall__) { (u:Unit) => 1 } -> '__joinBig__) { (u:Unit) => 1 }
      .blockJoinWithSmaller('__joinBig__ -> '__joinSmall__, smallJoin, rightReplication = replication)
      .discard('__joinBig__, '__joinSmall__)

  // Rename the collisions and return the pipe and the new names, and the fields to discard
  private def renameCollidingFields(p : Pipe, fields : Fields,
    collisions: Set[Comparable[_]]) : (Pipe, Fields, Fields) = {
    // Here is how we rename colliding fields
    def rename(f : Comparable[_]) : String = "__temp_join_" + f.toString

    // convert to list, so we are explicit that ordering is fixed below:
    val renaming = collisions.toList
    val orig = new Fields(renaming : _*)
    val temp = new Fields( { rename } : _*)
    // Now construct the new join keys, where we check for a rename
    // otherwise use the original key:
    val newJoinKeys = new Fields( asList(fields)
      .map { fname =>
        // If we renamed, get the rename, else just use the field
        if (collisions(fname)) {
        else fname
      } : _*)
    val renamedPipe = p.rename(orig -> temp)
    (renamedPipe, newJoinKeys, temp)

  def joinerToJoinModes(j : Joiner) = {
    j match {
      case i : InnerJoin => (InnerJoinMode, InnerJoinMode)
      case l : LeftJoin => (InnerJoinMode, OuterJoinMode)
      case r : RightJoin => (OuterJoinMode, InnerJoinMode)
      case o : OuterJoin => (OuterJoinMode, OuterJoinMode)
      case _ => throw new InvalidJoinModeException("cannot convert joiner to joiner modes")

  * joins the first set of keys in the first pipe to the second set of keys in the second pipe.
  * All keys must be unique UNLESS it is an inner join, then duplicated join keys are allowed, but
  * the second copy is deleted (as cascading does not allow duplicated field names).
  * Avoid going crazy adding more explicit join modes.  Instead do for some other join
  * mode with a larger pipe:
  * .then { pipe => other.
  *           joinWithSmaller(('other1, 'other2)->('this1, 'this2), pipe, new FancyJoin)
  *       }
  def joinWithSmaller(fs :(Fields,Fields), that : Pipe, joiner : Joiner = new InnerJoin, reducers : Int = -1) = {
    // If we are not doing an inner join, the join fields must be disjoint:
    val joiners = joinerToJoinModes(joiner)
    val intersection = asSet(fs._1).intersect(asSet(fs._2))
    if (intersection.size == 0) {
      // Common case: no intersection in names: just CoGroup, which duplicates the grouping fields:
      pipe.coGroupBy(fs._1, joiners._1) {
        _.coGroup(fs._2, that, joiners._2)
    else if (joiners._1 == InnerJoinMode && joiners._2 == InnerJoinMode) {
       * Since it is an inner join, we only output if the key is present an equal in both sides.
       * For this (common) case, it doesn't matter if we drop one of the matching grouping fields.
       * So, we rename the right hand side to temporary names, then discard them after the operation
      val (renamedThat, newJoinFields, temp) = renameCollidingFields(that, fs._2, intersection)
      pipe.coGroupBy(fs._1, joiners._1) {
        _.coGroup(newJoinFields, renamedThat, joiners._2)
    else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("join keys must be disjoint unless you are doing an InnerJoin.  Found: " +
        fs.toString + ", which overlap with: " + intersection.toString)

  def joinWithLarger(fs : (Fields, Fields), that : Pipe, joiner : Joiner = new InnerJoin, reducers : Int = -1) = {
    that.joinWithSmaller((fs._2, fs._1), pipe, joiner, reducers)

  def leftJoinWithSmaller(fs :(Fields,Fields), that : Pipe, reducers : Int = -1) = {
    joinWithSmaller(fs, that, new LeftJoin, reducers)

  def leftJoinWithLarger(fs :(Fields,Fields), that : Pipe, reducers : Int = -1) = {
    //We swap the order, and turn left into right:
    that.joinWithSmaller((fs._2, fs._1), pipe, new RightJoin, reducers)

   * This does an assymmetric join, using cascading's "Join".  This only runs through
   * this pipe once, and keeps the right hand side pipe in memory (but is spillable).
   * joins the first set of keys in the first pipe to the second set of keys in the second pipe.
   * All keys must be unique UNLESS it is an inner join, then duplicated join keys are allowed, but
   * the second copy is deleted (as cascading does not allow duplicated field names).
   * WARNING: this does not work with outer joins, or right joins, only inner and
   * left join versions are given.
  def joinWithTiny(fs :(Fields,Fields), that : Pipe) = {
    val intersection = asSet(fs._1).intersect(asSet(fs._2))
    if (intersection.size == 0) {
      new HashJoin(assignName(pipe), fs._1, assignName(that), fs._2, new InnerJoin)
    else {
      val (renamedThat, newJoinFields, temp) = renameCollidingFields(that, fs._2, intersection)
      (new HashJoin(assignName(pipe), fs._1, assignName(renamedThat), newJoinFields, new InnerJoin))

  def leftJoinWithTiny(fs :(Fields,Fields), that : Pipe) = {
    //Rename these pipes to avoid cascading name conflicts
    new HashJoin(assignName(pipe), fs._1, assignName(that), fs._2, new LeftJoin)

   * Performs a block join, otherwise known as a replicate fragment join (RF join).
   * The input params leftReplication and rightReplication control the replication of the left and right
   * pipes respectively.
   * This is useful in cases where the data has extreme skew. A symptom of this is that we may see a job stuck for
   * a very long time on a small number of reducers.
   * A block join is way to get around this: we add a random integer field and a replica field
   * to every tuple in the left and right pipes. We then join on the original keys and
   * on these new dummy fields. These dummy fields make it less likely that the skewed keys will
   * be hashed to the same reducer.
   * The final data size is right * rightReplication + left * leftReplication
   * but because of the fragmentation, we are guaranteed the same number of hits as the original join.
   * If the right pipe is really small then you are probably better off with a joinWithTiny. If however
   * the right pipe is medium sized, then you are better off with a blockJoinWithSmaller, and a good rule
   * of thumb is to set rightReplication = left.size / right.size and leftReplication = 1
   * Finally, if both pipes are of similar size, e.g. in case of a self join with a high data skew,
   * then it makes sense to set leftReplication and rightReplication to be approximately equal.
   * NOTE: you can only use an InnerJoin or a LeftJoin with a leftReplication of 1
   * (or a RightJoin with a rightReplication of 1) when doing a blockJoin.
  def blockJoinWithSmaller(fs : (Fields, Fields),
      otherPipe : Pipe, rightReplication : Int = 1, leftReplication : Int = 1,
      joiner : Joiner = new InnerJoin, reducers : Int = -1) : Pipe = {

    assert(rightReplication > 0, "Must specify a positive number for the right replication in block join")
    assert(leftReplication > 0, "Must specify a positive number for the left replication in block join")
    assertValidJoinMode(joiner, leftReplication, rightReplication)

    // These are the new dummy fields used in the skew join
    val leftFields = new Fields("__LEFT_I__", "__LEFT_J__")
    val rightFields = new Fields("__RIGHT_I__", "__RIGHT_J__")

    // Add the new dummy fields
    val newLeft = addDummyFields(pipe, leftFields, rightReplication, leftReplication)
    val newRight = addDummyFields(otherPipe, rightFields, leftReplication, rightReplication, swap = true)

    val leftJoinFields = Fields.join(fs._1, leftFields)
    val rightJoinFields = Fields.join(fs._2, rightFields)

      .joinWithSmaller((leftJoinFields, rightJoinFields), newRight, joiner, reducers)

   * Adds one random field and one replica field.
  private def addDummyFields(p : Pipe, f : Fields, k1 : Int, k2 : Int, swap : Boolean = false) : Pipe = {
    p.flatMap(() -> f) { u : Unit =>
      val i = if(k1 == 1 ) 0 else (new Random()).nextInt(k1 - 1)
      (0 until k2).map{ j =>
        if(swap) (j, i) else (i, j)

  private def assertValidJoinMode(joiner : Joiner, left : Int, right : Int) {
    (joiner, left, right) match {
      case (i : InnerJoin, _, _) => true
      case (k : LeftJoin, 1, _) => true
      case (m : RightJoin, _, 1) => true
      case (j, l, r) =>
        throw new InvalidJoinModeException(
          "you cannot use joiner " + j + " with left replication " + l + " and right replication " + r

class InvalidJoinModeException(args : String) extends Exception(args)

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