com.twitter.scalding.Source.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package com.twitter.scalding
import com.twitter.maple.tap.MemorySourceTap
import java.util.TimeZone
import java.util.Calendar
import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import cascading.flow.hadoop.HadoopFlowProcess
import cascading.flow.{FlowProcess, FlowDef}
import cascading.flow.local.LocalFlowProcess
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.scheme.Scheme
import cascading.scheme.local.{TextLine => CLTextLine, TextDelimited => CLTextDelimited}
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.{TextLine => CHTextLine, TextDelimited => CHTextDelimited, SequenceFile => CHSequenceFile}
import cascading.tap.hadoop.Hfs
import cascading.tap.MultiSourceTap
import cascading.tap.SinkMode
import cascading.tap.Tap
import cascading.tap.local.FileTap
import cascading.tuple.{Tuple, Fields}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader;
import collection.mutable.{Buffer, MutableList}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import{InputStream, OutputStream}
import java.util.Properties
* thrown when validateTaps fails
class InvalidSourceException(message : String) extends RuntimeException(message)
* Denotes the access mode for a Source
sealed abstract class AccessMode
case object Read extends AccessMode
case object Write extends AccessMode
* Every source must have a correct toString method. If you use
* case classes for instances of sources, you will get this for free.
* This is one of the several reasons we recommend using cases classes
* is needed if the Source is going to have any
* methods attached that run on mappers or reducers, which will happen
* if you implement transformForRead or transformForWrite.
abstract class Source extends {
type LocalScheme = Scheme[Properties, InputStream, OutputStream, _, _]
def localScheme : LocalScheme = {
error("Cascading local mode not supported for: " + toString)
def hdfsScheme : Scheme[JobConf,RecordReader[_,_],OutputCollector[_,_],_,_] = {
error("Cascading Hadoop mode not supported for: " + toString)
def read(implicit flowDef : FlowDef, mode : Mode) = {
//insane workaround for scala compiler bug
val sources = flowDef.getSources().asInstanceOf[JMap[String,Any]]
val srcName = this.toString
if (!sources.containsKey(srcName)) {
sources.put(srcName, createTap(Read)(mode))
mode.getReadPipe(this, transformForRead(new Pipe(srcName)))
* write the pipe and return the input so it can be chained into
* the next operation
def write(pipe : Pipe)(implicit flowDef : FlowDef, mode : Mode) = {
//insane workaround for scala compiler bug
val sinks = flowDef.getSinks().asInstanceOf[JMap[String,Any]]
val sinkName = this.toString
if (!sinks.containsKey(sinkName)) {
sinks.put(sinkName, createTap(Write)(mode))
flowDef.addTail(new Pipe(sinkName, transformForWrite(pipe)))
protected def transformForWrite(pipe : Pipe) = pipe
protected def transformForRead(pipe : Pipe) = pipe
// The scala compiler has problems with the generics in Cascading
protected def castHfsTap(tap : Hfs) : Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_,_], OutputCollector[_,_]] = {
tap.asInstanceOf[Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_,_], OutputCollector[_,_]]]
* Subclasses of Source MUST override this method. The base only handles test
* modes, so you should invoke this method for test modes unless your Source
* has some special handling of testing.
def createTap(readOrWrite : AccessMode)(implicit mode : Mode) : Tap[_,_,_] = {
mode match {
case Test(buffers) => {
* There MUST have already been a registered sink or source in the Test mode.
* to access this. You must explicitly name each of your test sources in your
* JobTest.
val buf = buffers(this)
if (readOrWrite == Write) {
//Make sure we wipe it out:
// TODO MemoryTap could probably be rewritten not to require localScheme, and just fields
new MemoryTap[InputStream, OutputStream](localScheme, buf)
case hdfsTest @ HadoopTest(conf, buffers) => readOrWrite match {
case Read => {
val buffer = buffers(this)
val fields = hdfsScheme.getSourceFields
(new MemorySourceTap(buffer.toList.asJava, fields)).asInstanceOf[Tap[JobConf,_,_]]
case Write => {
val path = hdfsTest.getWritePathFor(this)
castHfsTap(new Hfs(hdfsScheme, path, SinkMode.REPLACE))
case _ => {
throw new RuntimeException("Source: (" + toString + ") doesn't support mode: " + mode.toString)
* This throws InvalidSourceException if this source is invalid.
def validateTaps(mode : Mode) : Unit = { }
* Allows you to read a Tap on the submit node NOT FOR USE IN THE MAPPERS OR REDUCERS.
* Typical use might be to read in to determine if another job is needed
def readAtSubmitter[T](implicit mode : Mode, conv : TupleConverter[T]) : Stream[T] = {
val tap = createTap(Read)(mode)
* Usually as soon as we open a source, we read and do some mapping
* operation on a single column or set of columns.
* T is the type of the single column. If doing multiple columns
* T will be a TupleN representing the types, e.g. (Int,Long,String)
trait Mappable[T] extends Source {
// These are the default column number YOU MAY NEED TO OVERRIDE!
val columnNums = Seq(0)
def sourceFields : Fields = Dsl.intFields(columnNums)
def mapTo[U](out : Fields)(mf : (T) => U)
(implicit flowDef : FlowDef, mode : Mode,
conv : TupleConverter[T], setter : TupleSetter[U]) = {
RichPipe(read(flowDef, mode)).mapTo[T,U](sourceFields -> out)(mf)(conv, setter)
* If you want to filter, you should use this and output a 0 or 1 length Iterable.
* Filter does not change column names, and we generally expect to change columns here
def flatMapTo[U](out : Fields)(mf : (T) => Iterable[U])
(implicit flowDef : FlowDef, mode : Mode,
conv : TupleConverter[T], setter : TupleSetter[U]) = {
RichPipe(read(flowDef, mode)).flatMapTo[T,U](sourceFields -> out)(mf)(conv, setter)
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