com.twitter.scrooge.mustache.Dictionary.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.twitter.scrooge.mustache
import scala.collection.mutable
object Dictionary {
sealed trait Value {
def toBoolean: Boolean
def toData: String
def children: Seq[Dictionary]
case class CodeFragment(data: String) extends Value {
def toBoolean: Boolean = data != ""
def toData: String = data
def children: Seq[Dictionary] = Nil
override def toString: String = toData
def append(suffix: String): CodeFragment = CodeFragment(data + suffix)
case class BooleanValue(data: Boolean) extends Value {
def toBoolean: Boolean = data
def toData: String = if (data) "true" else "false"
def children: Seq[Dictionary] = Nil
case class ListValue(data: Seq[Dictionary]) extends Value {
def toBoolean: Boolean = true
def toData: String = "?"
def children: Seq[Dictionary] = data
case class PartialValue(partial: Handlebar) extends Value {
def toBoolean: Boolean = true
def toData: String = "?"
def children: Seq[Dictionary] = Nil
override def toString: String = ""
case object NoValue extends Value {
def toBoolean: Boolean = false
def toData: String = ""
def children: Seq[Dictionary] = Nil
* Wrap generated code fragments in the form of Strings in a dictionary value.
def v(code: String): CodeFragment = CodeFragment(code)
* Wrap a boolean flag in a dictionary value.
def v(data: Boolean): Value = BooleanValue(data)
* Add a child Dictionary. This is used to process Sections in mustache templates
def v(data: Dictionary): Value = ListValue(Seq(data))
* Add children dictionaries. This is used to process Sections in mustache templates
def v(data: Seq[Dictionary]): Value = ListValue(data)
* Unwraps the given value, if any, or returns NoValue.
def v(data: Option[Value]): Value = data.getOrElse(NoValue)
* Wrap a handle bar in dictionary value. This is used to process Partial in mustache templates
def v(data: Handlebar): Value = PartialValue(data)
def apply(values: (String, Value)*): Dictionary = new Dictionary ++= (values: _*)
case class Dictionary private(
private val parent: Option[Dictionary],
private val map: mutable.Map[String, Dictionary.Value]
) {
import Dictionary._
override def toString: String = "Dictionary(parent=%s, map=%s)".format(parent.isDefined, map)
def this() = this(None, new mutable.HashMap())
def apply(key: String): Value = {
map.get(key).map {
case ListValue(data) => ListValue(data map { _.copy(parent = Some(this)) })
case v => v
}.orElse {
parent.map { _.apply(key) }
def update(key: String, data: String): Unit = {
map(key) = CodeFragment(data)
def update(key: String, data: Boolean): Unit = {
map(key) = BooleanValue(data)
def update(key: String, data: Seq[Dictionary]): Unit = {
map(key) = ListValue(data)
def update(key: String, data: Handlebar): Unit = {
map(key) = PartialValue(data)
def ++=(values: (String, Value)*): Dictionary = {
map ++= values.toMap
def +(dict: Dictionary): Dictionary = {
new Dictionary() ++= (this.map.toSeq: _*) ++= (dict.map.toSeq: _*)
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