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* Copyright 2013 Twitter Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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package com.twitter.storehaus.algebra
import com.twitter.algebird.{Monoid, Semigroup}
import com.twitter.bijection.ImplicitBijection
import com.twitter.storehaus.{CollectionOps, FutureCollector, FutureOps, MissingValueException, Store}
import com.twitter.util.{Future, Promise, Return, Throw, Try}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicInteger, AtomicReferenceArray}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
/** Main trait to represent stores that are used for aggregation */
trait MergeableStore[-K, V] extends Store[K, V] with Mergeable[K, V]
/** Some factory methods and combinators on MergeableStore */
object MergeableStore {
implicit def enrich[K, V](store: MergeableStore[K, V]): EnrichedMergeableStore[K, V] =
new EnrichedMergeableStore(store)
private[this] def addOpt[V](init: Option[V], inc: V)(implicit sg: Semigroup[V]): Option[V] = init match {
case Some(i) => Some(, inc))
case None => Some(inc)
* Use the newer function with less params below. This function just
* calls that ignoring missingfn and collect.
def multiMergeFromMultiSet[K, V](store: Store[K, V], kvs: Map[K, V],
missingfn: (K) => Future[Option[V]] = FutureOps.missingValueFor _)
(implicit collect: FutureCollector, sg: Semigroup[V]): Map[K, Future[Option[V]]] =
multiMergeFromMultiSet(store, kvs)
* Implements multiMerge functionality in terms of an underlying
* store's multiGet and multiSet.
def multiMergeFromMultiSet[K, V](store: Store[K, V], kvs: Map[K, V])
(implicit sg: Semigroup[V]): Map[K, Future[Option[V]]] = {
val keySet = kvs.keySet
// Iterator to avoid creating an intermediate map
val mGetResult: Iterator[(K, Future[(Option[V], Option[V])])] =
store.multiGet(keySet) { case (k, futureOptV) =>
val newFOptV = { oldV: Option[V] =>
val incV = kvs(k)
val newV = addOpt(oldV, incV)
(oldV, newV)
k -> newFOptV
val collectedMGetResult = collectWithFailures(mGetResult, kvs.size)
val getSuccesses =
val getFailures =
val mPutResultsFut: Future[Map[K, Future[Unit]]] = { ss: Map[K, (Option[V], Option[V])] =>
def mapToOldValue(k: K, fUnit: Future[Unit]): Future[Option[V]] =
fUnit.flatMap { _ => { ss => ss(k)._1 }
def lookupGetFailure(k: K): Future[Option[V]] =
getFailures.flatMap { failures =>
Future.exception(failures.get(k).getOrElse(new MissingValueException[K](k)))
* A bit complex but it saves us an intermediate map creation. Here's the logic:
* If key is present in put results map successful ones to old value, failures remain.
* If not in put results then map to corresponding get failure.
* Ultimately we will have successful puts(mapped to old value), put failures and get failures.
def keyMapFn(k: K): Future[Option[V]] = mPutResultsFut.flatMap { mPutResults =>
mPutResults.get(k) match {
case Some(fUnit) => mapToOldValue(k, fUnit)
case None => lookupGetFailure(k)
* Collects keyed futures, partitioning out the failures.
private[algebra] def collectWithFailures[K, V](
fs: Iterator[(K, Future[V])], size: Int): Future[(Map[K, V], Map[K, Throwable])] = {
if (!fs.hasNext) {
Future.value((Map.empty[K, V], Map.empty[K, Throwable]))
} else {
val results = new AtomicReferenceArray[(K, Try[V])](size)
val countdown = new AtomicInteger(size)
val pResult = new Promise[(Map[K, V], Map[K, Throwable])]
def collectResults() = {
if (countdown.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
var successes = Map.empty[K, V]
var failures = Map.empty[K, Throwable]
var ri = 0
while (ri < size) {
results.get(ri) match {
case (k, Return(v)) => successes = successes + (k -> v)
case (k, Throw(t)) => failures = failures + (k -> t)
ri += 1
pResult.setValue((successes, failures))
var i = 0
while(fs.hasNext) {
val (k, fv) =
val j = i // Need to make sure we close over a copy of i and not i itself
fv respond {
case Return(v) =>
results.set(j, k -> Return(v))
case Throw(cause) =>
results.set(j, k -> Throw(cause))
i += 1
/** unpivot or uncurry this MergeableStore
* TODO: not clear is correct. It is injecting whatever Semigroup is present at call time
* not the actual Semigroup being used by the underlying store. I guess we need to unpivot
* the Semigroup as well (and might not even be well defined).
* If the Semigroup is the usual mapMonoid, everything is fine.
def unpivot[K, OuterK, InnerK, V: Semigroup](store: MergeableStore[OuterK, Map[InnerK, V]])
(split: K => (OuterK, InnerK)): MergeableStore[K, V] =
new UnpivotedMergeableStore(store)(split)
/** Create a mergeable by implementing merge with get followed by put.
* Only safe if each key is owned by a single thread.
def fromStore[K, V](store: Store[K, V])(implicit sg: Semigroup[V],
fc: FutureCollector): MergeableStore[K, V] =
new MergeableStoreViaGetPut[K, V](store, fc)
/** Create a mergeable by implementing merge with single get followed by put for each key.
* Also forces multiGet and multiPut to use the store's default implementation of a single
* get and put.
* The merge is only safe if each key is owned by a single thread. Useful in certain cases
* where multiGets and multiPuts may result in higher error rates or lower throughput.
def fromStoreNoMulti[K, V](store: Store[K, V])(implicit sg: Semigroup[V]): MergeableStore[K, V] =
new MergeableStoreViaSingleGetPut[K, V](store)
/** Create a mergeable by implementing merge with get followed by put.
* Only safe if each key is owned by a single thread.
* This deletes zeros on put, but returns zero on empty (never returns None).
* Useful for sparse storage of counts, etc...
def fromStoreEmptyIsZero[K, V](store: Store[K, V])(implicit mon: Monoid[V],
fc: FutureCollector): MergeableStore[K, V] =
new MergeableMonoidStore[K, V](store, fc)
/** Use a StatefulSummer to buffer results before calling merge.
* Useful when merging to a remote store, of if you have some very hot keys
def withSummer[K, V](
store: MergeableStore[K, V])(
summerCons: SummerConstructor[K]
): MergeableStore[K, V] = new BufferingStore(store, summerCons)
/** Convert the key and value type of this mergeable.
* Note this just bijects the Monoid, so the underlying monoid action is unchanged. For instance
* if you did a Bijection from Long to (Int,Int), the underlying monoid would still be long,
* not the default (Int,Int) monoid which works differently. Use of this probably requires
* careful design.
def convert[K1, K2, V1, V2](store: MergeableStore[K1, V1])(kfn: K2 => K1)
(implicit bij: ImplicitBijection[V2, V1]): MergeableStore[K2, V2] =
new ConvertedMergeableStore(store)(kfn)