com.twitter.summingbird.TestGraphs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package com.twitter.summingbird
import com.twitter.algebird.{ MapAlgebra, Monoid, Semigroup }
import com.twitter.summingbird.option.JobId
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
* Helpful functions and test graphs designed to flex Summingbird
* planners.
object TestGraphs {
// implicit ordering on the either pair
implicit def eitherOrd[T, U]: Ordering[Either[T, U]] =
new Ordering[Either[T, U]] {
def compare(l: Either[T, U], r: Either[T, U]) =
(l, r) match {
case (Left(_), Right(_)) => -1
case (Right(_), Left(_)) => 1
case (Left(_), Left(_)) => 0
case (Right(_), Right(_)) => 0
// Helpers
private def sum[V: Semigroup](opt: Option[V], v: V): V = if (opt.isDefined), v) else v
private def scanSum[V: Semigroup](it: Iterator[V]): Iterator[(Option[V], V)] = {
var prev: Option[V] = None { v =>
val res = (prev, v)
prev = Some(sum(prev, v))
* This function simulates the loop join in ScaldingPlatform loopJoin. Used when joining against a store and the store depends on the result of the join.
* The function takes an Iterable of Either and a valuesFn function. The Eithers in the Iterable are updates to the store, corresponding to the two TypedPipes
* in ScaldingPlatform loopJoin (summingbird-scalding/src/main/scala/com/twitter/summingbird/scalding/ScaldingPlatform.scala).
* The result is a join stream and the output stream of the store.
private def loopJoinInScala[K: Ordering, U, V: Monoid](leftAndRight: Iterable[(K, (Long, Either[U, V]))], valuesFn: ((Long, (U, Option[V]))) => TraversableOnce[(Long, V)]): List[(K, List[(Option[(Long, (U, Option[V]))], Option[(Long, (Option[V], V))])])] = {
.mapValues {
.scanLeft((Option.empty[(Long, (U, Option[V]))], Option.empty[(Long, (Option[V], V))])) {
case ((_, None), (time, Left(u))) =>
* This is a lookup, but there is no value for this key
val joinResult = Some((time, (u, None)))
val sumResult = Semigroup.sumOption(valuesFn(time, (u, None))).map(v => (time, (None, v._2)))
(joinResult, sumResult)
case ((_, Some((_, (optv, v)))), (time, Left(u))) =>
* This is a lookup, and there is an existing value
val currentV = Some(sum(optv, v)) // isn't u already a sum and optu prev value?
val joinResult = Some((time, (u, currentV)))
val sumResult = Semigroup.sumOption(valuesFn(time, (u, currentV))).map(v => (time, (currentV, v._2)))
(joinResult, sumResult)
case ((_, None), (time, Right(v))) =>
* This is merging in new data into the store not coming in from the service
* (either from the store history or from a merge after the leftJoin, but
* There was previously no data.
val joinResult = None
val sumResult = Some((time, (None, v)))
(joinResult, sumResult)
case ((_, Some((_, (optv, oldv)))), (time, Right(v))) =>
* This is the case where we are updating a non-empty key. This should
* only be triggered by a merged data-stream after the join since
* store initialization
val joinResult = None
val currentV = Some(sum(optv, oldv))
val sumResult = Some((time, (currentV, v)))
(joinResult, sumResult)
// Test graphs
def diamondJobInScala[T, K, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(fnA: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)])(fnB: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): Map[K, V] = {
val stream = source.toStream
val left = stream.flatMap(fnA)
val right = stream.flatMap(fnB)
MapAlgebra.sumByKey(left ++ right)
def diamondJob[P <: Platform[P], T, K, V: Monoid](source: Producer[P, T], sink: P#Sink[T], store: P#Store[K, V])(fnA: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)])(fnB: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] = {
val written = source.write(sink)
val left = written.flatMap(fnA)
val right = written.flatMap(fnB)
def singleStepInScala[T, K, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(fn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): Map[K, V] =
def singleStepJob[P <: Platform[P], T, K, V: Monoid](source: Producer[P, T], store: P#Store[K, V])(fn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] =
def twinStepOptionMapFlatMapScala[T1, T2, K, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T1])(fnA: T1 => Option[T2], fnB: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): Map[K, V] =
def twinStepOptionMapFlatMapJob[P <: Platform[P], T1, T2, K, V: Monoid](source: Producer[P, T1], store: P#Store[K, V])(fnA: T1 => Option[T2], fnB: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] =
def singleStepMapKeysInScala[T, K1, K2, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(fnA: T => TraversableOnce[(K1, V)], fnB: K1 => TraversableOnce[K2]): Map[K2, V] =
source.flatMap(fnA).flatMap { x => fnB(x._1).map((_, x._2)) }
def singleStepMapKeysJob[P <: Platform[P], T, K1, K2, V: Monoid](source: Producer[P, T], store: P#Store[K2, V])(fnA: T => TraversableOnce[(K1, V)], fnB: K1 => TraversableOnce[K2]): TailProducer[P, (K2, (Option[V], V))] =
def repeatedTupleLeftJoinInScala[T, U, JoinedU, K, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(service: K => Option[JoinedU])(preJoinFn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(postJoinFn: ((K, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): Map[K, V] =
.flatMap { case (k, v) => List((k, v), (k, v)) }
.map { case (k, v) => (k, (v, service(k))) }
def repeatedTupleLeftJoinJob[P <: Platform[P], T, U, JoinedU, K, V: Monoid](
source: Producer[P, T],
service: P#Service[K, JoinedU],
store: P#Store[K, V])(preJoinFn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(postJoinFn: ((K, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] =
.name("My named source")
.flatMap { case (k, v) => List((k, v), (k, v)) }
.name("My named flatmap")
def leftJoinInScala[T, U, JoinedU, K, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(service: K => Option[JoinedU])(preJoinFn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(postJoinFn: ((K, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): Map[K, V] =
.map { case (k, v) => (k, (v, service(k))) }
def leftJoinJob[P <: Platform[P], T, U, JoinedU, K, V: Monoid](
source: Producer[P, T],
service: P#Service[K, JoinedU],
store: P#Store[K, V])(preJoinFn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(postJoinFn: ((K, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] =
.name("My named source")
.name("My named flatmap")
def leftJoinWithFlatMapValuesInScala[T, U, JoinedU, K, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(service: K => Option[JoinedU])(preJoinFn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(postJoinFn: ((U, Option[JoinedU])) => TraversableOnce[V]): Map[K, V] =
.map { case (k, v) => (k, (v, service(k))) }
.flatMap { case (k, v) => postJoinFn(v).map { v => (k, v) } }
def leftJoinJobWithFlatMapValues[P <: Platform[P], T, U, JoinedU, K, V: Monoid](
source: Producer[P, T],
service: P#Service[K, JoinedU],
store: P#Store[K, V])(preJoinFn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(postJoinFn: ((U, Option[JoinedU])) => TraversableOnce[V]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] =
.name("My named source")
.name("My named flatmap")
def leftJoinWithStoreInScala[T1, T2, U, JoinedU: Monoid, K: Ordering, V: Monoid](source1: TraversableOnce[T1], source2: TraversableOnce[T2])(simpleFM1: T1 => TraversableOnce[(Long, (K, JoinedU))])(simpleFM2: T2 => TraversableOnce[(Long, (K, U))])(postJoinFn: ((Long, (K, (U, Option[JoinedU])))) => TraversableOnce[(Long, (K, V))]): (Map[K, JoinedU], Map[K, V]) = {
val firstStore = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(
.map { case (_, kju) => kju } // drop the time from the key for the store
// create the delta stream
val sumStream: Iterable[(Long, (K, (Option[JoinedU], JoinedU)))] =
.mapValues { { case (time, (k, joinedu)) => (k, joinedu) }
.mapValues { l => scanSum( }
.flatMap { case (k, lv) => { case (optju, ju) => (k, (optju, ju)) } }
.flatMap { case (time, lv) => { case (k, (optju, ju)) => (time, (k, (optju, ju))) } }
// zip the left and right streams
val leftAndRight: Iterable[(K, (Long, Either[U, JoinedU]))] =
.map { case (time, (k, u)) => (k, (time, Left(u))) }
.++( { case (time, (k, (optju, ju))) => (k, (time, Right(ju))) })
// scan left to join the left values and the right summing result stream
val resultStream: List[(Long, (K, (U, Option[JoinedU])))] =
.mapValues {
.scanLeft(Option.empty[(Long, JoinedU)], Option.empty[(Long, U, Option[JoinedU])]) {
case ((None, result), (time, Left(u))) => {
// The was no value previously
(None, Some((time, u, None)))
case ((prev @ Some((oldt, ju)), result), (time, Left(u))) => {
// gate the time for window join?
(prev, Some((time, u, Some(ju))))
case ((None, result), (time, Right(joined))) => {
(Some((time, joined)), None)
case ((Some((oldt, oldJ)), result), (time, Right(joined))) => {
val nextJoined =, joined)
(Some((time, nextJoined)), None)
}.toList.flatMap { case (k, lv) => { case ((_, optuju)) => (k, optuju) } }
.flatMap {
case (k, opt) => { case (time, u, optju) => (time, (k, (u, optju))) }
// compute the final store result after join
val finalStore = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(
.map { case (time, (k, v)) => (k, v) } // drop the time
(firstStore, finalStore)
def leftJoinWithStoreJob[P <: Platform[P], T1, T2, U, K, JoinedU: Monoid, V: Monoid](
source1: Producer[P, T1],
source2: Producer[P, T2],
storeAndService: P#Store[K, JoinedU] with P#Service[K, JoinedU],
store: P#Store[K, V])(simpleFM1: T1 => TraversableOnce[(K, JoinedU)])(simpleFM2: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(postJoinFn: ((K, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] = {
// sum to first store
val dag1: Summer[P, K, JoinedU] = source1
// join second source with stream from first store
val dag2: Summer[P, K, V] = source2
def leftJoinWithDependentStoreInScala[T, U, K: Ordering, V: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(simpleFM: T => TraversableOnce[(Long, (K, U))])(flatMapValuesFn: ((Long, (U, Option[V]))) => TraversableOnce[(Long, V)]): Map[K, V] = {
// zip the left and right streams
val leftAndRight: Iterable[(K, (Long, Either[U, V]))] =
.map { case (time, (k, u)) => (k, (time, Left(u))) }
// scan left to join the left values and the right summing result stream
val resultStream = loopJoinInScala(leftAndRight, flatMapValuesFn)
// compute the final store result after join
val rightStream = resultStream
.flatMap { case (k, lopts) => { case ((_, optoptv)) => (k, optoptv) } }
// compute the final store result after join
.flatMap { case (k, opt) => { case (time, (optv, v)) => (k, v) } } // drop time and opt[v]
def leftJoinWithDependentStoreJob[P <: Platform[P], T, V1, U, K, V: Monoid](
source1: Producer[P, T],
storeAndService: P#Store[K, V] with P#Service[K, V])(simpleFM1: T => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(valuesFlatMap1: ((U, Option[V])) => TraversableOnce[V1])(valuesFlatMap2: (V1) => TraversableOnce[V]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] = {
def leftJoinWithDependentStoreJoinFanoutInScala[T, U, K: Ordering, V: Monoid, V1: Monoid](source: TraversableOnce[T])(simpleFM: T => TraversableOnce[(Long, (K, U))])(flatMapValuesFn: ((Long, (U, Option[V]))) => TraversableOnce[(Long, V)])(flatMapFn: ((Long, (K, (U, Option[V])))) => TraversableOnce[(Long, (K, V1))]): (Map[K, V], Map[K, V1]) = {
// zip the left and right streams
val leftAndRight: Iterable[(K, (Long, Either[U, V]))] =
.map { case (time, (k, u)) => (k, (time, Left(u))) }
// scan left to join the left values and the right summing result stream
val resultStream = loopJoinInScala(leftAndRight, flatMapValuesFn)
val leftStream = resultStream
.flatMap { case (k, lopts) => { case ((optuoptv, _)) => (k, optuoptv) } }
val rightStream = resultStream
.flatMap { case (k, lopts) => { case ((_, optoptv)) => (k, optoptv) } }
// compute the first store using the join stream as input
val storeAfterFlatMap = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(
.flatMap { case (k, opt) => { case (time, (u, optv)) => (time, (k, (u, optv))) } }
.map { case (time, (k, v)) => (k, v) } // drop the time
// compute the final store result after join
val storeAfterJoin = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(
.flatMap { case (k, opt) => { case (time, (optv, v)) => (k, v) } } // drop time and opt[v]
(storeAfterJoin, storeAfterFlatMap)
def leftJoinWithDependentStoreJoinFanoutJob[P <: Platform[P], T1, V1: Monoid, U, K, V: Monoid](
source1: Producer[P, T1],
storeAndService: P#Store[K, V] with P#Service[K, V],
store: P#Store[K, V1])(simpleFM1: T1 => TraversableOnce[(K, U)])(valuesFlatMap1: ((U, Option[V])) => TraversableOnce[V])(flatMapFn: ((K, (U, Option[V]))) => TraversableOnce[(K, V1)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] = {
val join: KeyedProducer[P, K, (U, Option[V])] = source1
val dependentSum: Summer[P, K, V] = join
val indepSum: Summer[P, K, V1] = join
def realJoinTestJob[P <: Platform[P], T1, T2, T3, T4, K1, K2, U, JoinedU, V: Monoid](
source1: Producer[P, T1],
source2: Producer[P, T2],
source3: Producer[P, T3],
source4: Producer[P, T4],
service: P#Service[K1, JoinedU],
store: P#Store[K2, V],
simpleFM1: T1 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)],
simpleFM2: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)],
simpleFM3: T3 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)],
preJoin: T4 => (K1, U),
postJoin: ((K1, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K2, (Option[V], V))] = {
val data1 = source1.flatMap(simpleFM1)
val data2 = source2.flatMap(simpleFM2)
val data3 = source3.flatMap(simpleFM3)
val data4 =
data1.merge(data2).merge(data3).merge(data4).sumByKey(store).name("Customer Supplied Job")
def writtenPostSum[P <: Platform[P], T, K, V: Monoid](source: Producer[P, T], sink: P#Sink[(K, (Option[V], V))], store: P#Store[K, V])(fnA: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] = {
val left = source.flatMap(fnA)
def realJoinTestJobInScala[P <: Platform[P], T1, T2, T3, T4, K1, K2, U, JoinedU, V: Monoid](
source1: List[T1],
source2: List[T2],
source3: List[T3],
source4: List[T4],
service: K1 => Option[JoinedU],
simpleFM1: T1 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)],
simpleFM2: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)],
simpleFM3: T3 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)],
preJoin: T4 => (K1, U),
postJoin: ((K1, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => TraversableOnce[(K2, V)]): Map[K2, V] = {
val data1 = source1.flatMap(simpleFM1)
val data2 = source2.flatMap(simpleFM2)
val data3 = source3.flatMap(simpleFM3)
val data4 = { case (k, v) => (k, (v, service(k))) }
MapAlgebra.sumByKey(data1 ::: data2 ::: data3 ::: data4)
def multipleSummerJobInScala[T1, T2, K1, V1: Monoid, K2, V2: Monoid](source: List[T1])(fnR: T1 => TraversableOnce[T2], fnA: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K1, V1)], fnB: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V2)]): (Map[K1, V1], Map[K2, V2]) = {
val mapA = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(source.flatMap(fnR).flatMap(fnA))
val mapB = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(source.flatMap(fnR).flatMap(fnB))
(mapA, mapB)
def multipleSummerJob[P <: Platform[P], T1, T2, K1, V1: Monoid, K2, V2: Monoid](source: Producer[P, T1], store1: P#Store[K1, V1], store2: P#Store[K2, V2])(fnR: T1 => TraversableOnce[T2], fnA: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K1, V1)],
fnB: T2 => TraversableOnce[(K2, V2)]): TailProducer[P, (K2, (Option[V2], V2))] = {
val combined = source.flatMap(fnR)
val calculated = combined.flatMap(fnB).sumByKey(store2)
def mapOnlyJob[P <: Platform[P], T, U](
source: Producer[P, T],
sink: P#Sink[U])(mapOp: T => TraversableOnce[U]): TailProducer[P, U] =
def lookupJob[P <: Platform[P], T, U](
source: Producer[P, T], srv: P#Service[T, U], sink: P#Sink[(T, U)]): TailProducer[P, (T, U)] =
source.lookup(srv).collectValues { case Some(v) => v }.write(sink)
def lookupJobInScala[T, U](in: List[T], srv: (T) => Option[U]): List[(T, U)] = { t => (t, srv(t)) }.collect { case (t, Some(u)) => (t, u) }
def twoSumByKey[P <: Platform[P], K, V: Monoid, K2](
source: Producer[P, (K, V)],
store: P#Store[K, V],
fn: K => List[K2],
store2: P#Store[K2, V]): TailProducer[P, (K2, (Option[V], V))] =
def twoSumByKeyInScala[K1, V: Semigroup, K2](in: List[(K1, V)], fn: K1 => List[K2]): (Map[K1, V], Map[K2, V]) = {
val sum1 = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(in)
val sumStream = in.groupBy(_._1)
.mapValues { l => scanSum( }
.flatMap { case (k, lv) =>, _)) }
val v2 = { case (k, (_, v)) => fn(k).map { (_, v) } }.flatten
val sum2 = MapAlgebra.sumByKey(v2)
(sum1, sum2)
def jobWithStats[P <: Platform[P], T, K, V: Monoid](id: JobId, source: Producer[P, T], store: P#Store[K, V])(fn: T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)]): TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] = {
implicit val jobID: JobId = id
val origCounter = Counter(Group("counter.test"), Name("orig_counter"))
val fmCounter = Counter(Group("counter.test"), Name("fm_counter"))
val fltrCounter = Counter(Group("counter.test"), Name("fltr_counter"))
.flatMap { x => origCounter.incr; fn(x) }.name("FM")
.filter { x => fmCounter.incrBy(2); true }
.map { x => fltrCounter.incr; x }
class TestGraphs[P <: Platform[P], T: Manifest: Arbitrary, K: Arbitrary, V: Arbitrary: Equiv: Monoid](platform: P)(
store: () => P#Store[K, V])(sink: () => P#Sink[T])(
sourceMaker: TraversableOnce[T] => Producer[P, T])(
toLookupFn: P#Store[K, V] => (K => Option[V]))(
toSinkChecker: (P#Sink[T], List[T]) => Boolean)(
run: (P, P#Plan[_]) => Unit) {
def diamondChecker(items: List[T], fnA: T => List[(K, V)], fnB: T => List[(K, V)]): Boolean = {
val currentStore = store()
val currentSink = sink()
// Use the supplied platform to execute the source into the
// supplied store.
val plan = platform.plan {
TestGraphs.diamondJob(sourceMaker(items), currentSink, currentStore)(fnA)(fnB)
run(platform, plan)
val lookupFn = toLookupFn(currentStore)
TestGraphs.diamondJobInScala(items)(fnA)(fnB).forall {
case (k, v) =>
val lv = lookupFn(k).getOrElse(
val eqv = Equiv[V].equiv(v, lv)
if (!eqv) {
println(s"in diamondChecker: $k, $v is scala result, but platform gave $lv")
} && toSinkChecker(currentSink, items)
* Accepts a platform, and supplier of an EMPTY store from K -> V
* and returns a ScalaCheck property. The property generates a
* random function from T => TraversableOnce[(K, V)], wires up
* singleStepJob summingbird job using this function and runs the
* job using the supplied platform.
* Results are retrieved using the supplied toMap function. The
* initial data source is generated using the supplied sourceMaker
* function.
def singleStepChecker(items: List[T], fn: T => List[(K, V)]): Boolean = {
val currentStore = store()
// Use the supplied platform to execute the source into the
// supplied store.
val plan = platform.plan {
TestGraphs.singleStepJob(sourceMaker(items), currentStore)(fn)
run(platform, plan)
val lookupFn = toLookupFn(currentStore)
TestGraphs.singleStepInScala(items)(fn).forall {
case (k, v) =>
val lv = lookupFn(k).getOrElse(
Equiv[V].equiv(v, lv)
* Accepts a platform, a service of K -> JoinedU and a supplier of
* an EMPTY store from K -> V and returns a ScalaCheck
* property. The property generates random functions between the
* types required by leftJoinJob, wires up a summingbird job using
* those functions and runs the job using the supplied platform.
* Results are retrieved using the supplied toMap function. The
* service is tested in scala's in-memory mode using serviceToFn,
* and the initial data source is generated using the supplied
* sourceMaker function.
def leftJoinChecker[U: Arbitrary, JoinedU: Arbitrary](service: P#Service[K, JoinedU], serviceToFn: P#Service[K, JoinedU] => (K => Option[JoinedU]),
items: List[T], preJoinFn: T => List[(K, U)],
postJoinFn: ((K, (U, Option[JoinedU]))) => List[(K, V)]): Boolean = {
val currentStore = store()
val plan = platform.plan {
TestGraphs.leftJoinJob(sourceMaker(items), service, currentStore)(preJoinFn)(postJoinFn)
run(platform, plan)
val serviceFn = serviceToFn(service)
val lookupFn = toLookupFn(currentStore)
.map { case (k, u) => (k, (u, serviceFn(k))) }
).forall {
case (k, v) =>
val lv = lookupFn(k).getOrElse(
Equiv[V].equiv(v, lv)
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